Chapter 284: Get Kesha, the universe is complete

In space, two figures held hands and flew quickly towards the sun.

The extremely low temperature in space has no impact at all in front of the two powerful gods Luo Fan and Kesha.

If she were an ordinary person, let alone the lack of air in space, the temperature would freeze her into a lump of ice within a few seconds.

However, as the two people got closer and closer to the sun, the temperature rose rapidly, and finally reached several hundred degrees around the body.

Finally, when the two of them flew through the endless space and stepped on the surface of the sun, the scorching heat roasted them.

Wherever you can see it, there are endless flames, all red.

The surface temperature of the sun has reached more than 5000 degrees.

At this temperature, any material on the earth in the previous life can be quickly reduced to ashes.

Even the most heat-resistant tungsten has a maximum heat resistance of more than 3000 degrees.

Therefore, one can imagine what a terrifying environment the high temperature of more than 5000 degrees is.

Luo Fan held Kesha's white little hand and asked:

"Kesha, is this okay?"

Kesha looked at the earth in the distance, and she could feel the eyes of Liang Bing and He Xide staring at her at the moment.

It seemed that these two guys were observing her with their discerning eyes.

So, Kesha pointed in the direction of the earth and said:
"Liang Bing and He Xi are watching here. It's better to go inside the sun."

A white light flashed in Luo Fan's eyes, and he glanced at the direction of the earth. Sure enough, Liang Bing and He Xi were staring here with white light in their eyes.

Even Ah Zhui, Zhi Xin, and Leng Ye's eyes were glowing with white light, and they were using their eyes of insight.

"Damn it, these angel women are so gossipy."

Luo Fan actually didn't care, but Kesha wasn't used to it.

So, Luo Fan took Kesha and flew towards the sun.

After flying some distance, the temperature here reached an astonishing 80 degrees Celsius.

At this time, Kesha was already dripping with sweat from the high temperature of the sun. She quickly took Luo Fan's hand and said:

"Luo Fan, we can't do it anymore. The temperature here is too high. We can't go deeper into the sun."

When Luo Fan heard this, he stopped and looked at Kesha next to him. The royal robe had already been burned into nothingness by the high temperature.

Kesha felt Luo Fan's hot eyes at close range, and her heart pounded.

This was the first time that someone dared to stare at her with burning eyes at such a close distance.

Luo Fan glanced at Kesha up and down, and was tickled by her charming body, and asked:

"Is it okay here?"

After hearing this, Kesha felt it carefully and found that He Xi, Liang Bing and others couldn't see them, so she nodded.

However, Kesha still warned carefully:
"Don't get too excited, or what if the sun explodes?"

Keisha knows that Luo Fan has now reached the level of the fifth-generation divine body in all aspects, and is even much more powerful than the average fifth-generation divine body.

And the light of the sun of the three generations of gods can detonate a star.

What's more, Luo Fan's light is stronger than the light of the sun of the fifth generation god body.

Therefore, Kesha was worried that Luo Fan would explode the sun in his excitement.

Otherwise, they would have sinned too much.

"Well, don't worry, I'm very measured."

Luo Fan patted his chest and said confidently.

Indeed, if he wanted to detonate the sun now, it would only take him less than ten seconds to do it.

By then, I am afraid that the entire solar system will fall into darkness and life will cease to exist.

However, no matter how excited he is, he can control it perfectly.

"Then, the battle begins..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Fan knocked Kesha into the sun.


[Ding, your galactic power enhancement value is +1. 】

[Ding, your galactic power enhancement value is +1. 】

[Ding, your Nuoxing God of War enhancement value is +1. 】

[Ding, your Nuoxing God of War enhancement value is +1. 】

[Ding, your solar light enhancement value is +1. 】【Ding, your time and space power enhancement value is +1. 】

[Ding, your German Star Gun’s enhancement value is +1. 】


In Luo Fan's mind, the system prompts sounded.

At this moment, Luo Fan only felt that the system's prompt tone was extremely beautiful, and Kesha's beautiful voice at this moment felt wonderful.


seven days later.

In the sun, in the endless flames.

Two figures were lying in the sun, sleeping deeply with their eyes closed.

Suddenly, Luo Fan's eyes opened, and two hot red lights shot out from his eyes, shooting directly out of the sun.

Looking from space, we can see two red rays of light shooting out fiercely from the sun, and then shooting into the universe.


Luo Fan let out a long roar, then closed his eyes, and the two red lights that penetrated the universe disappeared instantly.


Suddenly, Kesha's voice came from the side.

Luo Fan turned around and saw Kesha slowly opening her eyes. Luo Fan then smiled at Kesha.


Unexpectedly, Kesha screamed in fear, and her body instantly retreated a hundred meters.

Luo Fan looked at this scene and asked:

"Kessa, what's wrong?"

Hearing this, Kesha felt aggrieved on her face and said:
"You still ask what's wrong, you pervert, you punched me one punch after another for six days, and even exploded my sacred body more than a dozen times."


Luo Fan touched his head and felt a little embarrassed.

However, when he glanced at the peerless beauty Kesha, this embarrassment disappeared instantly.

Then, Luo Fan looked at Kesha and said:
"Next, I'm going to beat you hard."

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Fan rushed towards Kesha, and the hot flames around him separated instantly.

"Luo Fan, you beast, you still want to beat me!"

Kesha’s terrified voice was drowned out by the sun.

More than ten days later, a system notification sounded in Luo Fan's mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, Kesha won, and will be rewarded with space and upgraded to the Great Completion of the Universe! 】


Luo Fan glanced at Kesha next to him, immersed in his mind.

"System, open the properties panel."

Duoziduofu system version 2.0]

[Name: Luo Fan]

【Age: 22】

[Shenhe Gene: Extreme Fury (All Attributes Enhanced Ten Times)
Level [-] extreme rage (based on level [-] extreme rage, enhanced again by a hundred times)]

[The enhancement value of the Galaxy Power of the fifth generation god body is 1200, the enhancement value of the fifth generation god body Nuoxing God of War is 1185, the enhancement value of the fifth generation god body Dexing Spear is 1184, the fifth generation god body time and space gene enhancement value is 1720, and the fifth generation god body sun light enhancement value is 410. 】

[Descendants: Qilin, Qiangwei Liangbing Angel, Achai Angel, Zhixin Lengleina (middle center), Hexi Wuzhao Kesha]

[Skills: clairvoyance, angel brain, micro wormhole transport technology, void engine (God's punishment), super mental power, healing power, God's eye of punishment.Three heads and six arms.Black hole engine.Incarnate outside the body.Law heaven and earth. 】

[Special Item: Star Core (1)]

[Resources: 4 fourth-generation divine body resources, 15 fifth-generation divine body resources]

[Clone: ​​Four generations of divine body clones (possess 98% of the main body's ability, and the clone dies immediately when the main body thinks)]

[Weapons: eighteen kinds of martial arts, god-killing stick, dark silver blade, god stick (void weapon)]

[God point: 1 point]

[Space: The Complete Universe]

(End of this chapter)

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