Chapter 288 Kesha is jealous...

Earth, Sky Blade Seven.

In the room, Kesha didn't find Luo Fan when she arrived.

Even Luo Fan's communication could not be reached, so he came to the earth.

Keisha even had a feeling that Luo Fan didn't recognize anyone when he put on his pants and ran away?
However, Kesha believed that Luo Fan was not such a person.

So, I shouted in the room.

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Fan's body suddenly appeared in the room.

"Naisha, what are you calling me for?"

Kesha saw Luo Fan suddenly appear, her nose moved, and asked:

"Where were you just now? Why can't I find you when I come together?"

Luo Fan came to the bedside, looked at the crystal clear and stunningly beautiful Kesha, and said with a smile:

"I just took a trip to a distant place."

"Really?" Kesha stared at Luo Fan with a pair of deep eyes, buried her head on Luo Fan and smelled carefully, and said:

"You are lying. You obviously have a fragrance on your body, and it is a fragrance that I have never smelled in 3 years."

"Be honest, where have you been fooling around?"

Luo Fan felt nervous and secretly thought that Kesha's nose was really good.

Moreover, he came back in a hurry, and he would have taken a shower before coming back.

However, Luo Fan felt that taking a bath was useless.

Because part of Elf Queen Grisha's bodily fluids had remained in his body, even after washing, he would still have an extremely light fragrance.

Most people can't smell this extremely light fragrance, but Keisha can definitely smell it.

After being caught red-handed, Luo Fan said honestly:
"I created a universe, and in my universe, a kind of spirit was born."

"I went to that elves' race before, and I happened to encounter them facing the disaster of genocide. Think about it, I created these elves, so I must protect them, so I killed those giant dragons."

"Afterwards, their elf queen, in order to thank me, said that she would give her body to me."

"Of course I refused, but the other party put a knife on my neck and said that I looked down on her because I didn't want her. In the end, I had to compromise."

After Luo Fan finished speaking, he spread his hands and said:
"So, there's nothing I can do about it."

However, after Kesha finished listening, she still stared at Luo Fan closely and said:

"Luo Fan, you don't feel ashamed at all when you lie. I don't believe that as the queen of an elf clan, she would force you to obey her like this."

Luo Fan wiped his hair and said sheepishly:

"Maybe...maybe I'm too handsome."


Kesha suddenly laughed when she saw Luo Fan's appearance.

He just smiled, then stared at Luo Fan seriously and said:

"Also, you said that the universe is yours, the planet is yours, the elves were created by you, and the dragon was also created by you."

"But why do you want to kill the dragon when you help the elves?"

"I think you judge people by their appearance. You help the elves kill the dragon because they are pretty."

"Bah, color embryo!"

"Alas!" Luo Fan sighed and said:
"As expected, she is indeed Queen Kesa. She is really smart. I can't hide it from you even if I want to."

Then, Luo Fan said:
"Okay, I'm just cheating. You can kill or chop her up as you please."

After Luo Fan finished speaking, he lay directly on the bed and let Kesha handle it.

Kesha looked at Luo Fan's dishonest look, and there was nothing she could do against him.

Say kill, she can't bear it, say hit, her heart hurts if you hit hard, but it's useless if you hit lightly.

Finally, Kesha directly grabbed Luo Fan's ear and said:

"You pervert, I'm going to rip off your ears today."

Kesha said, exerting slight force.

Luo Fan knew that he wanted to show off to Kesha, otherwise he would lose face, so he also went down the steps and cried out in pain:
"Ah... my ears, Kesha is going to murder her husband... ah..."

Kesha: "..." "Why did I murder my husband?"

Kesha glared at Luo Fan and asked.

"Ha ha……"

Luo Fan smiled coquettishly and said:
"Exaggeration, I am exaggerating."

"Hmph!" Kesha snorted coldly, stopped tugging on Luo Fan's ears, and turned away from looking at Luo Fan.

"Oh, are you still sulking?"

Luo Fan looked at Kesha's jealous and angry look and said:

"As expected of Queen Kesha, she is so beautiful. She is so beautiful even when she is angry."

"Come, give me a kiss for your husband."

Luo Fan said and kissed Kesha's fair face.

"Go away."

Kesha stretched out her white hand and directly covered Luo Fan's mouth.

However, Luo Fan clicked Kesha's hand and said:
"What a beauty. Even her fingers are so beautiful. She would look so handsome if she could shoot with a gun."

Kesha knew what Luo Fan was talking about and what it meant. She gave him a helpless look and said:
"Okay, I wasn't angry at all, I was just playing with you."

"Then kiss one."

As Luo Fan said, he kissed Kesha on the cheek.

However, Luo Fan took it further.

Kesha glanced at Luo Fan and said:
"Men's words are indeed deceiving. For example, some people say they won't move, but they still move."


The next day!

Hexi, Qilin, Ah Zhui, Reina and others were sitting in the garden, chatting with each other about the baby.

"Hey, Kesha is here."

At this time, Hexi looked into the distance, and Luo Fan and Kaisha walked over.


Liang Bing watched Kesha walking slowly and couldn't help laughing.

Although Kesha didn't walk with a limp, she even walked very smoothly.

But Liang Bing could see that Kesha was walking with the tearing feeling in her body.

Because she saw the cold sweat on Kaisha's forehead, it was Kaisha who was enduring the great pain in her body.

Seeing this scene, although Liang Bing was afraid of being beaten by Kesha, she still couldn't help but say something.

So, in order not to be beaten by Kesha and to overcome the addiction to Kesha in her heart, Liang Bing looked at Kesha who was walking closer and said seriously:

"Bi...Sister, are you feeling unwell? Why is there so much cold sweat on your forehead?"

Keisha glanced at the girls around her and felt a little embarrassed, so she said:
"No, maybe I was in the sun before and it was a little hot."

"Huh?" Liang Bing came over and touched Kesha's forehead and said:
"Sister, your sacred body will be hot in the sun, but how can it be hot on earth now?"

"Could it be that Luo Fan caused your discomfort?"

Liang Bing said, his eyes slowly moving down.

The other angels, Qiangwei and others watched this scene and couldn't hold back their laughter, but Hexi smiled directly.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Although He Xi smiled very softly, everyone present was not ordinary people, so naturally they all heard it.

Then, all the girls laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Seeing everyone staring at her, Kesha couldn't help laughing, wishing she could go back to the sun and hide.

However, Kesha looked at Liang Bing, who was smiling the most happily, and said coldly:

"Liang Bing, it seems your skin is itchy again!"

(End of this chapter)

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