Douluo started by adopting Gu Yuena

Chapter 112 Advance to Soul Sect (Subscribe)

Chapter 112 Advance to Soul Sect (Subscribe)

His right hand flashed with light and turned into a black claw. The joints quickly became thicker, and then scales emerged one after another, and finally turned into a colorful dragon claw.

This Dragon God Claw is the magical skill given to Ditian by the Dragon God or the Silver Dragon King back then. Ditian who uses the Dragon God Claw can use more power of the Dragon God to make his own strength directly surpass the level of Limit Douluo, infinite. close to a real god.

Back then, Di Tian relied on the Dragon God Claw to unify the Star Dou Great Forest, deter all the beasts, survive the terrifying catastrophes time and time again, and become the god among beasts.

So this Dragon God Claw is still very powerful.

As soon as it appeared, it caused an indescribable majesty between heaven and earth.

Di Tian waved the Dragon God's claw and easily crushed Lan Ruoxi's Thunder God Spear.

He looked at Lan Ruoxi with incomparably dignified eyes. After a few short moves, Ditian had already determined that although Lan Ruoxi's strength was not as good as his own, the difference would not be too great, and the outcome of the fight was hard to predict.

However, Di Tian didn't want to back down, because Lan Ruoxi was also a dragon. If he backed down, he would definitely be despised by the other party, which Di Tian couldn't accept.

Thinking of this, the power of darkness in his body surged wildly like a rough sea, and finally formed a phantom of a black giant dragon, and the surface of the phantom also shone with rays of light of seven colors, which were bestowed upon him by the Silver Dragon King. The power of the dragon god.

The most powerful power that Ditian possesses.

Seeing the colorful phantom behind her, Lan Ruoxi felt a huge pressure coming.

When her eyes were fixed, the holy dragon beads in her body shone, bursts of golden dragon aura bloomed, making the phantom of the blue dragon behind her glow with golden brilliance.

Immediately afterwards, the loud and high-pitched dragon chant sounded.


Under the sound of the dragon's roar, all the pressure on Lan Ruoxi's body disappeared instantly, which in turn put a lot of pressure on Di Tian.

In fact, Lan Ruoxi can only mobilize a very small part of Sheng Longyi's power. After all, she is not the owner of Sheng Longzhu, and her blood is not strong enough.He could only continue the contract with Liu Qingxuan and reluctantly use the Holy Dragon Ball.

It might be a little better if Liu Qingxuan was replaced, but he wouldn't be much stronger, because his strength is too weak, and he has not been able to refine even one of the Chaos Divine Forbidden Souls inside the Holy Dragon Ball. Naturally, he can't talk about mastering the Holy Dragon Ball. The true power of this treasure.

However, even if Lan Ruoxi's control over the Holy Dragon Ball is minimal, it is enough. At least using the Holy Dragon Ball to deal with Di Tian, ​​who is at the pseudo-god level, will not be a problem at all.

Feeling the coercion from Lan Ruoxi, Di Tian's eyes became more dignified.


He roared, and the aura on his body suddenly became stronger for several minutes. The power of darkness spread in all directions like smoke and mist, covering half of the sky in an instant, making the sky above the sea instantly turn into a dark world, a dark domain, and other elements. Whether it is the upper or lower ranks, they seem to escape and fly in all directions.

Di Tian's eyes flashed, as if a black lightning quickly rushed towards Lan Ruoxi.

He waved the Dragon Divine Claw, slashed in the air, and slashed towards Lan Ruoxi's shoulder. The momentum was terrifying and the power was shocking. Wherever the claw passed, dark cracks appeared in the void.

On the other side, Lan Ruoxi was not to be outdone. When Di Tian attacked, she used all her energy, blood and soul power to mobilize the power of the Holy Dragon Pearl, and she also emitted an amazing aura.

Infinite lightning and lightning snakes erupted from her body, raging in all directions, and soon covered half of the sky, forming a sea of ​​lightning, a world of lightning, and a field of lightning.

The power of darkness on Ditian's body collided and wiped out, sending out terrifying explosions and shock waves.

A pair of blue dragon wings appeared behind Lan Ruoxi, quickly spread out, and slowly flapped, stirring the sea of ​​thunder, as if they were a pair of clouds hanging from the sky.

The lightning flashed on her hands, and pieces of sky-blue scales appeared, with electric snakes intertwined on them, golden light flowing, and an extremely powerful aura blooming.

Heavenly Dragon Claw!
Lan Ruoxi directly used her clan's magical skills and rushed towards Di Tian.Boom boom boom!
The golden-blue Heavenly Dragon Claw and the colorful Dragon God Claw constantly collided and confronted each other in the void, and clusters of strong lights exploded continuously, setting off terrifying energy storms and devastating shock waves. The blue sea of ​​thunder and smoke The dark forces collide and confront each other constantly, ravaging the sky over this sea area, causing a large area of ​​sea water to evaporate. The sea surface is choppy, energy is raging, and violent winds rise, creating a doomsday scene.

A quarter of an hour later, Lan Ruoxi, who had transformed into a giant blue dragon, grabbed a flaw that Di Tian had exposed, and sent him flying with her tail, and then the explosive power condensed a Thor's Spear and threw it out.

The attack was so fast that Ditian had no way to hide and could only block the colorful Dragon God's claws in front of his chest.

A terrifying force struck, accompanied by devastating thunder and lightning, Ditian felt as if he had been hit by an ancient sacred mountain, his chest felt tight, and he spurted out a big mouthful of pale black blood, his whole body was numb and numb, and his soul power Collapsed, qi and blood ran wildly, tiny cracks appeared on the indestructible dragon god claws, and the blue lightning rushed in like a shark smelling blood, wanton destruction in Ditian's body, making him extremely uncomfortable .

His figure retreated rapidly, like a falling meteorite falling from the sky, crashing into the sea, instantly setting off a thousand-meter huge wave.

Seeing this, Lan Ruoxi's eyes flashed, the blue-gold thunder light on her body shone slightly, and instantly transformed back into a slim and moving figure.

She was dressed in a blue dress, with a beautiful face and an elegant temperament. The breath on her body fluctuated, and her small face was slightly pale. Obviously, the battle just now was not a small burden for her.

Lan Ruoxi glanced coldly at Di Tian who fell into the sea with his eyes like autumn water, and said: "Stay away from my master in the future, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you."

After saying that, there was a flash of light on her body, a flower, and a bright thunder light, piercing the void and flying towards Donghai City at an extremely fast speed.

The next moment, the sea water suddenly turned black like smoke and wood, and a giant dragon with a body length of hundreds of hundreds flew out.


It looked up at the sky for a day, then looked at Lan Ruoxi's back, and laughed loudly, with a sad, depressed voice, and a trace of incomparably rich unwillingness.


Not long after, Lan Ruoxi returned to Liu Qingxuan's dormitory, happily jumped on the bed, hugged Liu Qingxuan, and kissed her.

"Master, I'm back."


Liu Qingxuan was startled awake, and was taken aback. Subconsciously, he was about to kick Lan Ruoxi out of his body, but he stopped again when he felt the familiar body fragrance of the other party.

He has already guessed who is the beauty hugging him?

Except for Lan Ruoxi, no one would be so reckless!
"How's it going? Did you get the dragon's blood grass?"

Liu Qingxuan cast a reproachful glance at Lan Ruoxi, touched her small head, hugged Lan Ruoxi's limp body with her backhand, and asked slightly excitedly.


Lan Ruoxi huddled in Liu Qingxuan's arms, feeling extremely at ease.

She rubbed it hard like a clingy kitten and then said: "I have obtained the dragon's blood grass, and also killed two ferocious beasts, and used their soul rings and soul bones with a special soul guidance device. Save it and bring it back.”

"Master, haven't you already reached the fortieth level! You can just absorb their spirit rings and advance to the four-ring Soul Sect."



(End of this chapter)

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