Douluo started by adopting Gu Yuena

Chapter 132 The No. 1 School Belle of the Intermediate Department (4300, please subscribe)

Chapter 132 The number one school beauty in the intermediate department (4300, please subscribe)

This means that the connection between Liu Qingxuan and metal has been established.Next, you only need to continuously inject soul power into Chen Yin through hammering and beating, while maintaining the connection with the metal, and you can complete the spirit training.

When Mu Chen saw this scene, he knew that this forging would most likely not fail, because Liu Qingxuan's soul power was extremely strong. From what he saw, Liu Qingxuan's soul power was enough for him to complete many spirit forgings, and more importantly, his The level of forging is high enough, which reduces the probability of failure.

Liu Qingxuan circulated the Heavenly Snake Transforming Dragon Art, and the soul power poured into Chen Yin crazily like a river, as if it were endless.

Chen Yin's volume continued to shrink, while his spirituality continued to increase, and his vitality was also rapidly improved.


As Liu Qingxuan's final hammer fell, the piece of heavy silver made a slight humming sound, and then the piece of heavy silver itself vibrated slightly, and the moiré pattern on it flowed and changed as if it had come to life, faintly resembling a dragon. .The originally slight dragon roar became obvious in an instant.

Cheers burst forth!

The next moment, a green flame flew out from Chen Yin's surface, soared into the sky, and rose to a height of one foot. The relaxed flame condensed during the construction, forming a five-clawed and sharp-horned dragon that kept spinning and flying around Liu Qingxuan. , a clear and loud dragon roar came from its mouth, and Liu Qingxuan could feel the admiration coming from the other party.

The green dragon flew around in the void and finally fell into Chen Yin. It can be seen that Chen Yin has undergone tremendous changes at this moment. The lines on the surface have become regular and orderly, and the volume has shrunk by more than half. It exudes an incomparable radiance. With a strong breath of life, the aura flickered, as if it was breathing.

Obviously, the spiritual training has been completed, and the quality is not low.

Mu Chen looked at the spiritual Chen Yin, and couldn't help but praise: "That's right, Qingxuan, your control over spirit training is almost catching up to mine, are you interested in learning fusion training from me?"

A love for talents suddenly arose in his heart, so he proposed to Liu Qingxuan.

Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan scratched his head and said hesitantly, "But I have already become a teacher."

Liu Qingxuan naturally had no objection to learning blacksmithing from Mu Chen.

But the forging world is usually in the same line. A blacksmith usually has only one teacher. If he changes his family, he will deceive his master and destroy his ancestors, and will be spurned by everyone.

Although Mu Chen didn't say anything, Liu Qingxuan was still a little worried.

Hearing this, Mu Chen felt even more satisfied: This kid's temperament is not bad.

He smiled at Liu Qingxuan: "I am your uncle, it is naturally possible to teach you forging, you don't need to worship me as a teacher."


Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan looked at Mu Chen suspiciously, he didn't want to accept me as a disciple, why teach me?
Mu Chen could see what Liu Qingxuan was thinking at a glance. He walked to the window and looked at the rising sun outside. He stretched out his hand to touch the warm sunshine and said with a faint smile, "I'm surprised why I teach you?"

"Because your talent is very good and is unprecedented in the entire forging world. You will definitely become a legend in the future. Isn't it also very interesting to play a role in the rise of this legend?"

Hearing this, Mu Xi's eyes flickered, and her heart was extremely shocked. She didn't expect her father to have such a high opinion of Liu Qingxuan, but thinking of the other party's talent, her mood calmed down again. Liu Qingxuan, a perverted guy, is indeed worthy of being called a legend!
He has already become a four-ring soul sect at the age of nine this year. In terms of forging, he has even begun to touch the level of soul forging. No matter what achievements he makes, he is enough to be proud of the entire Douluo Continent.

"Thank you, uncle!"

Seeing Mu Chen say this, Liu Qingxuan said nothing more.

Afterwards, Muchen began to teach Liu Qingxuan the skills of Rong forging, and told him various precious formulas.

Liu Qing's metaphysics is very fast, and it didn't take long to master various melting and forging methods, such as rotating and oscillating forging...

"Your talent is really too strong."

Seeing this situation, Mu Chen couldn't help but sigh. Liu Qingxuan's learning ability was so monstrous. He could master it almost immediately after being taught it. In just a few hours, he forged a piece with a fusion degree of 90 % of the alloy, and the standard for successful melt forging is only 60.00%. After that, every 5.00% increase will increase the quality by a level. In the future, a new metal can be integrated into it to increase its own quality and strength.

Spiritual alloys are different from ordinary rare metals. Generally, rare metals have been forged after one forging. Once the alloy is forged successfully, it is equivalent to having the foundation of life. It can be forged twice or even forged three times at any time. .

The higher the quality of the alloy, the more times it can be forged, and the number of forgings is determined by the degree of fusion. Legend has it that once the fusion reaches more than 95%, it is possible to forge a divine alloy that combines nine metals. , to make the strongest alloy, which is the material that all Doukai masters dream of. Unfortunately, fusion forging has a high failure rate, and the more metals are fused, the harder it is to continue. Even the master craftsman cannot create the fusion of nine kinds of metals. God's Alloy, some divine craftsmen have tried but failed.

"It's all guided by the president!"

Liu Qingxuan smiled shyly, appearing quite humble.

Mu Chen shook his head: "I have taught many people, but none of them have your understanding."

"With your current rate of progress, I'm afraid it won't be long before you can hit Soul Training."

As he said that, Mu Chen felt extremely emotional in his heart. Zhenhua's luck is really great. He even met a genius like Liu Qingxuan. He couldn't help but want to accept him as his apprentice. After all, I didn't say it out!
Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan smiled and said, "I still have a lot to learn."

"All right!"

Muchen waved his hand and said, "You go back first! I need to think carefully about how to teach you."

"Mu Xi, send your junior brother off!"


Hearing this, Mu Xi nodded from the shock, and took Liu Qingxuan to leave the Blacksmith Association, but did not go back.

Liu Qingxuan was surprised: "Senior sister, you want to go back to the academy?"

Mu Xi nodded: "Yes!"

Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan smiled slightly: "Let's go together!"

Mu Xi said: "Okay!"

Upon hearing Liu Qingxuan's invitation, Mu Xi immediately agreed. She still had many questions she wanted to ask him.

The two walked some distance away. Mu Xi turned her head and looked at Liu Qingxuan, with a look of surprise in her black eyes that could not be concealed: "How did you do that?"

Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan scratched his head, not knowing why: "What?"

Mu Xi's eyes flashed, and he said, "Can you tell me how you completed the spiritual training?"

Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan smiled and said: "It's very simple. To complete the spiritual training, you only need to communicate with the metal, and then continuously inject soul power, sort out the lines inside the metal, cultivate spirituality, and awaken life..."


Hearing Liu Qingxuan's words, Mu Xi rolled her eyes at him and felt the urge to punch him.

very simple?
Is this what people say?
Mu Xi felt the critical blow, and thought: I shouldn't ask the other party this question!
Seeing Liu Qingxuan talking eloquently, Mu Xi became more and more angry, so he walked forward quickly.

Looking at this scene, Liu Qingxuan scratched his head, a little confused.

Senior sister seems angry?
Liu Qingxuan thought that he had done nothing wrong, so he suppressed his thoughts and followed the other party to think about going to Donghai College.

Taking a deep breath, Mu Xi calmed down and asked Liu Qingxuan: "Tell me your understanding of Qian Duan?"

Liu Qingxuan said: "Thousand forging is to hit the metal with a forging hammer, communicate with the metal, sort out its texture, and awaken the spirituality of the other party."

"This is very simple. The metal will tell you how to forge it thousands of times..."

Hearing Liu Qingxuan's words, Mu Xi's eyes flashed, and her heart was inexplicably shocked, because Liu Qingxuan's answer was similar to his father's. She asked her father once, and the other party told her the same way, but her father is an eight-star master craftsman. !

Liu Qingxuan said the same realization, which shows that he is really talented!

Thinking of this, Mu Xi admired Liu Qingxuan even more.At the same time, there were thousands of thoughts in her mind, and she also had some new insights about Qiandian.

Qian Duan, perhaps is to understand the metal, resonate with the metal, so as to awaken the spirituality of the other party.

Seeing this scene, Liu Qingxuan said nothing more, and the two entered Donghai College in silence.

When passing by the playground, a beautiful blue-haired woman came over.

It was a slender girl, very beautiful, with exquisite facial features, and big watery eyes. She looked about fourteen or five years old, and her figure had begun to take shape. A pink sportswear set off her attractive figure , skin as white and tender as cream, long blue hair tied into a neat ponytail, and a white towel hanging around his slender, snow-white neck.

Liu Qingxuan took a look and recognized that the other party was the number one school belle of the intermediate department - Ouyang Zixin, who was a student of Class [-], Grade [-] just like Mu Xi.

These were all Xie Xie told him.

There is a well-informed classmate, even if Liu Qingxuan does not want to know, it is difficult.

Mu Xi walked in front, lowering her head and thinking about things, so she didn't notice Ouyang Zixin's arrival.

"Mu Xi!"

Seeing this, Ouyang Zixin immediately came to Mu Xi quietly and patted the other party's shoulder hard.

"What are you thinking? So engrossed?"

Being attacked, Mu Xi was taken aback, and almost couldn't help but attack.

The next moment, she found out that the person who made the scare was her good friend Ouyang Zixin, and she calmed down.

She took a deep breath, patted Oupai who had just taken shape, and glared at Ouyang Zixin angrily: "Why are you walking without sound? You almost scared me to death!"


Ouyang Zixin smiled, her big watery eyes quickly fell on Liu Qingxuan beside her, her eyes lit up: this little guy is so handsome!

She thought in her heart that even though she met many excellent soul masters, Ouyang Zixin had to admit that Liu Qingxuan was the most handsome guy she had ever seen, even better than Xu Xiaoyu, the second-year senior of the senior department. He looks a little young!

Thinking of Liu Qingxuan and Mu Xi coming back together, Ouyang Zixin's eyes flashed, and she curiously asked her friend Mu Xi: "Is this your boyfriend?"

Her voice was crisp, with a hint of suspicion and gossip in her tone.

Hearing Ouyang Zixin's words, Mu Xi blushed, and immediately patted Ouyang Zixin, a little anxiously said: "Don't talk nonsense, he is my uncle's disciple——Liu Qingxuan."


Hearing this, Ouyang Zixin smiled slightly, stretched out her small white hand, and greeted Liu Qingxuan: "Hello, junior fellow student. My name is Ouyang Zixin. I am Mu Xi's classmate, Intermediate Department, Grade [-] Class [-]."

Liu Qingxuan showed a gentle yet polite smile, and shook hands with the beautiful senior sister: "My name is Liu Qingxuan, a first-year student in Class [-], and I am also in our intermediate department."

"You are actually from Class Zero!"

Hearing this, Ouyang Zixin's beautiful eyes lingered on Liu Qingxuan, and a look of surprise appeared on her delicate face: "I didn't expect that my junior is still a little genius!"

When Mu Xi heard this, she couldn't help but look at Ouyang Zixin, complaining in her heart: He is not just a genius!
The nine-year-old Fourth Ring Soul Sect would not have such a monster even in the Shrek Academy where the geniuses gather!

Liu Qingxuan was curious: "Senior sister has also heard of our zero class?"

Didn't the academy block the news?

How did it spread so quickly?

It must be too unreliable!

Hearing Liu Qingxuan's words, Ouyang Zixin couldn't help but give him a blank look, and said with a smile: "You have produced so many great soul masters in the first grade, and there is also a soul master with a thousand-year soul ring who stole the limelight in the promotion competition. It’s hard for me not to know!”

"Your name is Liu Qingxuan, you can't be the monitor of Class Zero, right?"


Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan raised his head to look up at the sky, and sighed softly: "I didn't expect to be discovered after hiding so well. It seems that Teacher Wu's troubles are about to fall on me."

Ouyang Zixin couldn't help but spit secretly, saying: "Zi Lian!"

Liu Qingxuan curled his lips and said proudly: "This is called self-confidence!"

Seeing Ouyang Zixin and Liu Qingxuan chatting happily, Mu Xi felt inexplicably unhappy.She frowned and said, "Okay! Let's go back!"

With that said, Mu Xi pulled Ouyang Zixin away immediately.


Ouyang Zixin smiled at Liu Qingxuan and waved before entering the girls' dormitory.


Liu Qingxuan smiled and thought: This Zixin is quite interesting, and she is also very beautiful. Xiaojiabiyu is gentle and lovely. No wonder she is rated as the number one school beauty in the intermediate division. Unfortunately, she is much worse than Lan Ruoxi. …

He turned around to go back to sleep, and was quite surprised when he saw a figure flash past under a white soul guide light.

Tang Wulin?
What does he come to do?
Liu Qingxuan searched mentally, and found that Tang Wulin was running to his dormitory quickly, feeling a little depressed, and he was inexplicable for a while.

[Ding dong, the host changed the plot slightly and gained 2000 fate points. 】

Hearing the sound of the system, Liu Qingxuan knew that he must have done something to make Tang Wulin unhappy. He felt slightly happy, then shook his head, and then slowly walked towards his dormitory.

"Damn it, why did Liu Qingxuan know Senior Zixin?"

Tang Wulin returned to his private dormitory and lay on the bed, with a look of frustration and loss on his face.

He met Ouyang Zixin during a workout. Tang Wulin felt his own shortcomings and got up every morning to do some exercises. Then he met Ouyang Zixin who also liked to exercise. After several conversations, he fell in love with this beautiful and gentle girl. His senior is full of affection, and every time he sees each other, he can't help but feel throbbing in his heart. According to Xie Xie's words, every teenager has a beautiful senior in his heart.

Tang Wulin didn't know what was going on, but he felt very bad when he saw Liu Qingxuan and Ouyang Zixin together, even though there seemed to be no relationship between them.

Every time I meet Liu Qingxuan, nothing good happens!

This guy is really abominable.

Thinking of Ouyang Zixin's sweet smile, Tang Wulin was extremely jealous.

Liu Qingxuan naturally didn't know what Tang Wulin was thinking, and of course he wouldn't care if he knew. There were not many people in this world who he could fear.



(End of this chapter)

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