Douluo started by adopting Gu Yuena

Chapter 134 Entering the Intermediate Spirit Ascension Platform (5000, please subscribe)

Chapter 134 Entering the Intermediate Spirit Ascension Platform (5000, please subscribe)

Donghai City is a big city, so the Spirit Transferring Pagoda here is much larger than the Spirit Transferring Pagoda in Aolai City. It is also one of the 18 large branch towers organized by the Spirit Transferring Pagoda. These are eighteen large branch towers, and Called the 18th Heavenly Pillar by Chuanling Pagoda, each sub-tower has both a primary spiritual ascension platform and an intermediate spiritual ascension platform. As for the advanced spiritual ascension platform, only the Tianling Pagoda at the Chuanling Pagoda headquarters has it.

After leaving Donghai Academy, Liu Qingxuan raised his head slightly and saw the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Pagoda, which was more than 400 meters high. After getting closer, he could see that it had hundreds of floors. Looking down at the Spirit Transferring Pagoda from a high altitude, one could see that the entire tower was The tower is octagonal and covers a very large area.And as the height increases, the floors of the Spirit Transferring Tower continue to shrink inward, all the way to the top of the tower.The whole tower is magnificent, magnificent and shocking.

Wu Zhangkong, Liu Qingxuan and others were all soul masters and were not slow, so they arrived at the Spirit Transferring Pagoda not long after walking.

As soon as he arrived here, Liu Qingxuan found that the dean of teaching, Long Hengxu, had been waiting there for a long time. Obviously, the college had already made arrangements.

Next to the dean, there is a very beautiful and mature woman.
The woman looks about 27 or eight years old. She is wearing a black uniform, which is simple yet elegant. Her hair is pulled up into a bun and fixed with a phoenix step. Her face is dignified and graceful, and her skin is as fair as Gao's. The ice and snow on the mountain are spotless, and her delicate appearance is like that of an elf princess. Her convex and concave figure looks particularly attractive.

A beautiful face lightly painted with pink and white, her eyebrows are as beautiful as Mount Emei in the distant mountains, her mouth is full of vermilion, and her appearance is as gorgeous as a banished immortal who has conquered the country. But now she has strayed into the mortal world and been stained by the worldly world, and her aura is like a quiet orchid. Countless men suddenly lost their souls.

She has the youthful beauty, nobility and elegance of a girl, and the mature charm of a woman, graceful and graceful. The contradictory temperament appears in her body, but it does not show any abruptness, but adds a bit of charm to her.

The stunning woman stood next to Long Hengxu, with an orchid air and a cold face, like an iceberg goddess. It wasn't until she saw Liu Qingxuan that her eyes lit up.

Seeing this stunning woman, Xie Xie and Tang Wulin fell into a daze for the first time, thinking: So beautiful!

A hint of surprise flashed in Liu Qingxuan's eyes, because she recognized that the other party was Ling Qiuyue, the sub-pagoda sub-pagoda of the Eastern Sea Spirit Pagoda.

How did she come?

Is Spirit Transferring Pagoda so busy?
Na'er frowned instantly, noticing the spirited eyes, she snorted in dissatisfaction, and turned her head away angrily.

Gu Yue looked at Ling Qiuyue, her heart sank, but she had to admit that she was indeed beautiful, so why would Na'er attack her?

Exquisite appearance, big heart, mature temperament, charming...

Such a beauty is too much of a threat!

"Qing Xuan!"

At this time, Ling Qiuyue came over and said hello with a smile.

"Sister Qiuyue!"

Looking at the overly beautiful big beauty in front of him, Liu Qingxuan came back to his senses, a gentle and polite smile appeared on his fair face.

Seeing this scene, Wuchangkong and Long Hengxu flashed surprise in their eyes at the same time. They looked at each other and thought that Liu Qingxuan's identity might not be simple, otherwise Ling Qiuyue would not have come to greet him in person.

Among them, Long Hengxu felt the most deeply. Because of the restrictions of Ascension to Lingtai, he had to buy a place for the middle-level Spiritual Ascension Platform for Liu Qingxuan, a soul master with four rings, but the Spirit Transferring Pagoda said that all the places were sold out, obviously he did not want to sell it to him. .

But when he reported Liu Qingxuan's name, the attitude of the Spirit Pagoda changed 180 degrees, saying that if it was Liu Qingxuan, he could enter the intermediate-level Ascension to the Spirit Platform for free, and Donghai Academy would not need to spend a penny.

Seeing this situation, Long Hengxu's mood was extremely complicated. The face of Donghai College was not as good as that of a student!

"Teacher Wu."

Long Hengxu walked up to Wuchangkong and the others and said hello.

Then, he pointed at Ling Qiuyue and introduced to everyone enthusiastically: "This is the deputy tower master of the East China Sea Branch of Chuanling Pagoda - Ling Qiuyue."

"The academy was able to get so many places on the Soul Ascension Platform this time, thanks to the help of this senior. You must thank her properly."

"Thank you, Senior Ling!"

Hearing this, Tang Wulin and Xie Xie came to their senses and said something grateful.

Ling Qiuyue nodded and said, "Come with me!"

After saying that, she pulled up Liu Qingxuan, twisted her slender waist, and entered the Spirit Transferring Pagoda first.

Gu Yue and Na'er watched, their expressions darkened, and they immediately followed.

Seeing this, Wu Zhangkong and others immediately followed.

Entering the Spirit Pagoda, the first thing that catches your eye is the splendid decoration. Dark golden marbles pave the clean and neat floor with gorgeous natural patterns. Huge stone pillars support a dome that is tens of meters high. What is even more amazing is the colorful murals carved on these stone pillars and domes.

There are strange scenes and people with extraordinary temperaments among them.A huge city stood tall at the end of the plain. In front of it was an endless tide of beasts that looked like a vast ocean. They quickly rushed out of the forest and swarmed towards the tall city one after another. The huge soul beasts at the front were , the breath is extremely terrifying.And in the sky above the city, there is a figure with particularly bright eyes. There are several figures standing in the air around him, including a stunning woman in white, a stunning woman in green, and an ice flower on the young man's shoulder. There was a giant bear and a huge insect beside him. These soul beasts were like stars over the moon, guarding the young man. Each of their strangely brilliant soul rings shone on each other, looking extremely dazzling.

There is a dazzling figure next to the young man. A pair of huge butterfly wings spread out behind her back, exuding a strong and bright light. With a beautiful face and a noble temperament, she seems to be a goddess from the nine heavens.

These murals are resplendent and radiant, and connected together, they seem to be telling a fascinating and peculiar story.

Noticing the curiosity in the students' eyes, Wu Zhangkong briefly introduced it.

These murals tell the story of the tower master of the first-generation Spirit Pagoda, a generation of legendary soul masters, the inventor of souls, how Lingbing Douluo led human soul masters to fight against the tide of soul beasts...

Tang Wulin was dazzled by this. He grew up listening to the stories of Thousand Hand Douluo Tang San and Lingbing Douluo Huo Yuhao, and he immediately recognized the young man with bright eyes. The woman was without a doubt Ling Bingdouluo's wife Tang Wutong.

"Dragon Butterfly Douluo Tang Wutong is so beautiful! I heard that she and Lingbing Douluo also have four martial soul fusion skills, which are the most powerful skills of that era..."

Xie Xie looked at Tang Wutong's dazzling murals and couldn't help but marvel.

After hearing Xie Xie's words, Tang Wulin turned his eyes to Tang Wutong's mural, and suddenly felt some strange feelings in his heart.

At this time, Xie Xie suddenly looked at Tang Wulin and said: "Wulin, this Dragon Butterfly Douluo and Tang Wutong are both twin martial souls. They both have the Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit. Even their names are similar. Between you, It won’t matter, right?”

Hearing this, Tang Wulin's heart moved, and he shook his head with self-mockery: "This is impossible, my parents are both ordinary people. It must be a coincidence that my name is similar to hers."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and come with me! Be careful when you go in later. If you encounter a threat, remember to evacuate in time. We will pay attention to your situation outside."

Long Hengxu waved his hand and then took the lead in walking forward.


Everyone looked at each other and immediately followed.

Ling Qiuyue took the teachers and students of Donghai College into the red elevator and went deep underground.

That's right, the Spirit Ascension Platform is not the superstructure of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda, but is built underground. Such a project requires financial and material resources that are unimaginable to ordinary people.

After 3 minutes, the elevator stopped.

"Follow me!" Ling Qiuyue said to everyone, and then led everyone into a circular room surrounded by metal structures. There were many huge soul guidance screens hanging on the walls, most of which displayed lush past events. In the scene, many soul beasts can be seen playing and running around in it.

After coming to this room, Ling Qiuyue seriously told everyone the precautions for entering the Ascension to Lingtai!
"You have a total of five places, four for the elementary level and one for the intermediate level. There is no time limit. If you are in danger, you can press the distress signal on the back of your right hand to leave the platform and return here."

"The Ascension Platform was built with a lot of investment and used a lot of space technology. It is equivalent to another world. It is half virtual and half real. The primary level Ascension Platform is purely virtual. Through brainwave access, the body is absolutely safe in reality. You will suffer any harm, but don’t be too careless. If your brain waves are too stimulated, you may be in danger, so if the situation goes bad, you must leave the Ascension Platform in time, do you understand?”


Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan and the other five nodded immediately.

Ling Qiuyue pointed to the coffin-like metal cabinet protruding from the wall beside her, and said calmly to everyone: "You can go in now."

"Qingxuan, come with me!"

With that said, Ling Qiuyue took Liu Qingxuan and prepared to go to another room.

Seeing this, Na'er frowned and couldn't help but ask: "Where are you taking my brother?"

Long Hengxu and Wuchangkong also looked over, with puzzled expressions in their eyes.

Ling Qiuyue explained: "The entrance to the intermediate-level Ascension to Lingtai is in another room. Qingxuan's strength has reached the fourth ring, which exceeds the upper limit of the elementary-level Ascension to Lingtai. You can only go to the intermediate-level Ascension to Lingtai."

Hearing this, although Na'er was unhappy, she didn't say much.

Hearing this, Wuchangkong nodded and said to Liu Qingxuan, "Be careful."

Liu Qingxuan said: "Yes!"

Afterwards, the staff asked Tang Wulin, Na'er and others to lie down in the metal cabinet, preparing to activate the induction device and guide their consciousness into the primary spiritual ascension platform.

On the other side, Ling Qiuyue brought Liu Qingxuan to a nearby room.

The space here is also cylindrical, but it is much smaller than the previous room. There are many screens hanging on the walls, which show the scene of the intermediate Ascension to Lingtai.

The white floor was empty, only a few instruments of unknown purpose placed in the corner.

After entering the room, Ling Qiuyue's face softened, she looked at Liu Qingxuan with a pair of autumn eyes, and asked dissatisfiedly: "Qingxuan, have you been busy recently?"

"It's quite busy!"

Feeling Ling Qiuyue's compelling gaze, Liu Qingxuan turned away and said lightly.

He knew that Ling Qiuyue was blaming him for not agreeing to go shopping with him.

"All right!"

Hearing this, Ling Qiuyue's face froze slightly, and then she said to Liu Qingxuan, "The environment of the Ascension to Lingtai is modeled after the Star Dou Great Forest, the primary Ascension to Lingtai is equivalent to the peripheral area, and the intermediate Ascension to Lingtai is equivalent to the soul union area. The danger inside is higher, and the pain and reality have reached [-]%. If you suffer a sudden severe injury, especially a severe spiritual injury, it may affect your real body state. Therefore, Qingxuan, you must Be careful... If you encounter an irresistible danger, remember to press the distress signal immediately and return here."

"I understand, thank you Sister Qiuyue for reminding me."

Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan nodded, his eyes softened a bit, and he could feel that Ling Qiuyue was really concerned about his safety.

Hearing this, Ling Qiuyue didn't say anything more. She just pressed the button next to her and said, "Okay, take off all your clothes, I'll check it for you, and then enter the Spirit Ascension Platform!"


Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan was slightly taken aback, and looked at Ling Qiuyue with a perplexed expression: "Do I have to take it off?"

Undressing in front of a beautiful woman, Liu Qingxuan still felt awkward.

When Ling Qiuyue heard Liu Qingxuan's words, she covered her mouth with a smile and nodded: "Yes, you cannot bring battle armor, mechas or other soul-guided weapons into the intermediate spirit-ascension platform. These things will greatly enhance the strength of the soul master and destroy the spirit-ascension platform." The balance of the spiritual platform leads to the reduction of the effect of experience."

"OK then!"

Hearing that it was the rules of the Spirit Pagoda, Liu Qingxuan no longer hesitated, and immediately took off his clothes. His well-proportioned and slender body was exposed to the air, and it looked strangely beautiful. His skin was very fair without any blemish. Ling Qiuyue looked at it While her pretty face blushed slightly, she couldn't help being envious.

Liu Qingxuan immediately walked into the glass cabinet next to him. Ling Qiuyue's hot gaze made him very embarrassed, and he regretted coming here with him.

The access device of the intermediate Soul Ascension Platform is different from that of the primary Soul Ascension Platform. The devices inside are all three-dimensional glass warehouses, which apply higher-level space technology and neural induction technology.

Liu Qingxuan entered the glass warehouse, Ling Qiuyue immediately activated the equipment to check Liu Qingxuan's body, confirmed that he was not carrying a battle armor, and then activated the receiving device.

"Get ready! It's about to start. Remember to press the rescue button on the back of your hand in time to teleport out when encountering danger that you cannot resist."

Ling Qiuyue reminded with a smile, and then pressed a button, metal rings stretched out one by one, clasping Liu Qingxuan's body, the outer glass cover fell, covering his body inside, and some metal probes were tightly attached his skin.

The next moment, Liu Qingxuan felt waves of soul power and mental fluctuations coming from the surroundings, numb all over, and a sense of dizziness in his brain, but it didn't affect Liu Qingxuan too much. He watched the scene in front of him change, and the surrounding Everything becomes blank.

After a while, he appeared in a dense forest. The fresh air blew into his nostrils. He was surrounded by lush green towering ancient trees and various shrubs and grasses. Birds and insects were chirping all the time. The huge tree crown blocked the sun. The vines on the ground are crisscrossed like horned dragons, and you can see the sun shining through the leaves, casting mottled light and shadow.

Liu Qingxuan stood in the forest and glanced around cautiously, but found no soul beast. Seeing this situation, he couldn't help but think of Ling Qiuyue's instructions in his mind.

"The Spirit Ascension Platform was built in imitation of the former Star Dou Forest. The Star Dou Forest was the largest primitive forest on the Douluo Continent, and it was also the soul beast forest. It once housed the most powerful soul beasts on the entire continent, and one of the top ten ferocious beasts. All seven of them live in the Star Forest."

"The entire Star Dou Forest is divided into four areas for human soul masters, which are the peripheral area, the mixed area, the core area, and the most central place of great evil. Unfortunately, with the successful development of the battle armor, the strength of human soul masters has been greatly improved. It has been greatly enhanced, and the soul beasts have been completely suppressed thousands of years ago. Except for the fierce place in the center, the entire Star Dou Forest has been developed by humans, and the soul beasts are also on the verge of extinction..."

"In a sense, the elementary Ascension to the Spirit Terrace is equivalent to the outer area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest. The intermediate-level Ascension to the Spirit Terrace is equivalent to the mixed area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest. Ordinary soul beasts live in the outer area, and their cultivation level generally does not exceed Ten thousand years, the strongest is the thousand-year-level soul beast. But in the mixed zone, the soul beasts encountered basically have a thousand-year cultivation base, and even ten-thousand-year soul beasts are likely to be encountered. Soul beasts of this level generally have Each territory, therefore, the number of soul beasts in the mixed area is not as large as that in the outer area, and the distribution is relatively sparse. You may not meet a soul beast for a while, but if you encounter a soul beast, it means that danger is coming ,must be careful."

Thinking of this, Liu Qingxuan immediately lowered his body, released his mental power, and explored the situation further away.

Although he is very strong, he doesn't want to capsize in the gutter.

The entry threshold for the elementary ascension to the spirit platform is below the fourth ring, while the entry threshold for the intermediate level is below the seven rings. Liu Qingxuan has just reached the standard for entering the intermediate ascension to the spirit platform. From the perspective of soul power alone, he is considered a relatively weak group, but he The strength of the soul cannot be calculated by the soul power and the soul ring.
Soon, Liu Qingxuan sensed a few breaths of soul beasts that were not weak. Those guys should all be thousand-year soul beasts. They were some distance away from his current position, but they were all within ten miles, not exceeding his detection limit.

Liu Qingxuan, who possesses the complementary soul core of yin and yang, has soul power that is not inferior to that of Title Douluo, not to mention that he also has powerful energy and blood. With Qi and blood golden pill, the unity of heaven and man, the manipulation of the power of heaven and earth, all kinds of power are superimposed, Liu Qingxuan can easily sweep the level of the sixth ring, and even more powerful beings are not his opponents, but there is no fight, Liu Qingxuan is not sure No matter what level he has reached, but there is definitely no one who can threaten him in a place like the Intermediate Ascension to Lingtai where there are no 16-year-old soul beasts.



(End of this chapter)

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