Douluo started by adopting Gu Yuena

Chapter 141 Seven Colored Thunder Calamity (7, please subscribe)

Chapter 141 Colorful Thunder Tribulation (4000, please subscribe)

But Liu Qingxuan aroused seven elements at the same time, which made him a little worried that the other party would be injured.

The seven elements of heavenly tempering can basically be said to be the ultimate in heavenly tempering!

Zhenhua usually conducts four-element sky forging, which is the lowest level of sky forging. Every time an element is added, the quality of the intermetallic obtained will be better, and the forging difficulty will be correspondingly greater.

In the history of Zhenhua's forging, the number of seven-element sky forging that was actually completed was very small, and every time it was completed, it would be severely injured, let alone Liu Qingxuan was just a small four-ring soul sect.

The last step of heavenly training will involve elemental thunder tribulation. The power of thunder tribulation is related to the number of elements that are fused. The thunder tribulation of seven elements is the most difficult one. Many master craftsmen have endured too many thunder tribulations because their bodies have endured it. , and finally died.

Zhenhua is very worried that Liu Qingxuan will be traumatized by Lei Jie in the end, which will affect his future forging.

On the other side, Muchen opened his mouth, with an expression of disbelief flashing on his face.

With a move of his mental strength, he directly sent a sound transmission to Zhenhua: "Senior Brother, is he performing Heavenly Training?"

Seeing Liu Qingxuan mobilizing the elements of heaven and earth, Mu Chen immediately had a guess in his heart.

Can you continue to forge after soul forging?Yes, but the level after soul forging is the level that all saints dream of - Tianduan.


Hearing Mu Chen's words, Zhenhua nodded and said calmly.

"Spiritual forging gives life to the metal, soul forging gives wisdom, and heavenly forging gives ability. Once the heavenly forging is completed, the metal will truly have a life of its own, and its value will rise to an immeasurable level."

"In a sense, Heavenly Training is like a soul master's awakening of his martial soul. Whether he can awaken his soul power is the criterion for whether he can become a soul master. Heavenly Training, on the other hand, gives the metal its true ability, making it truly Own your own spirituality.”

"The three-word battle armor is equivalent to the soul master's partner. After the communication is completed, it can complete the soul master's simple orders.

The four-character battle armor already possesses a certain spirituality, like the soul master's second body, a demigod's armor. "

The four-word battle armor itself is equivalent to a new independent life form. Its most powerful thing is that every piece of metal that makes up the four-word battle armor has powerful abilities. When integrated together, coupled with the guidance of the soul guidance array, .The four-word battle armor itself surpasses the existence of god-level mechas. Once it fully explodes, its power can almost double the cultivation level of a strong person at the level of Ultimate Douluo.

Such a terrifying increase gives the soul master an absolute advantage when facing the soul beast.He is also a false god. Even if Ditian has excellent black dragon bloodline and dragon god claws, he still won't have much advantage against the false god who has a four-word battle armor master. A false god-level four-word battle armor master, Emperor Tian could barely suppress them, but if he encountered two, he would definitely lose. With three false gods surrounding them, Di Tian had no choice but to run away, otherwise his life would be in danger.

Other bloodlines are not as good as Ditian's soul beasts, and it is even more difficult to face human battle armor masters of the same level. Except for those soul beasts who are at the top, they have almost no resistance.

All in all, if it hadn't been for the emergence of the battle armor, the soul beast would never have declined so quickly. The preciousness of the four-character battle armor can be imagined. It is a strategic weapon that can determine the outcome of the highest level.And Tiandeng is the foundation of the four-character battle armor.

Someone once said that the four-character combat armor itself should not belong to the human world, it should be a powerful ability in the God Realm.

Mu Chen naturally understood the significance of Tianduan to the four-character combat armor. He was shocked when he heard Zhenhua's words, and immediately remembered everything the other said in his heart.

Looking at Liu Qingxuan who was forging with the power of elements, Mu Chen's eyes unconsciously flashed a trace of yearning.

In the blacksmithing world, the ultimate goal of all blacksmiths is to become a ninth-level divine craftsman. There is no holy craftsman who does not want to complete the heavenly forging and become a divine craftsman.

As an eighth-level holy craftsman who is only one step away from a master craftsman, Mu Chen's pursuit is naturally the highest level of forging - a master craftsman, and the standard for becoming a master craftsman is to complete a sky forging, but his cultivation and spiritual level are not enough , more importantly, his understanding of forging and the understanding of the principles of heaven and earth are not enough. Various factors have caused Mu Chen to delay attacking the master craftsman. At his peak, the hope of becoming a master craftsman in the future was extremely slim.

But Mu Chen still had such thoughts in his heart, so when he watched Liu Qingxuan start to perform the heavenly training, his heart suddenly lifted, and his eyes were fixed on his every move.

Although the other party may not be successful, even the experience of failure will be of great help to him in understanding Tianduan.

Mu Xi watched Liu Qingxuan complete the chaos and perform the heavenly forging non-stop. She couldn't help but open her rosy mouth and cursed Liu Qingxuan in her heart as a monster!

How can a person who aspires to become a divine craftsman survive when he begins to reach the level of a divine craftsman at such a young age?If she succeeds, her father will probably be ashamed!


Makino looked at Liu Qingxuan's operation and was equally shocked.

He also didn't expect that Liu Qingxuan would directly do the heavenly forging after completing the soul forging.

Since when has forging been so easy?

Does he not need to accumulate?
Makino's lips twitched. As a ninth-level mecha manufacturer, he knows best how difficult it is to become a ninth-level master craftsman. It is ten times more difficult than other professions. This is why Zhenhua is the only master craftsman now.

The ninth-level craftsman level is the most difficult of all sub-professions, which requires too much talent, chance, and extraordinary understanding.

This year Liu Qingxuan is only ten years old at most, but he has already begun to hit the level of a master craftsman, which is really embarrassing.

If he succeeds, he will be the youngest craftsman in the history of the entire Douluo Continent, and of course the one with the greatest potential!
Perhaps, he will surpass the master craftsman and bring forging to a new field!
Zhenhua and Mu Chen looked at each other, and this idea flashed through their minds at the same time.

At this time, the yin and yang complementary soul core in Liu Qingxuan's body, as well as the qi and blood golden elixir, were fully activated, attracting more and more elemental power, and the spiritual core in the sea of ​​consciousness also summoned extremely powerful spiritual power, The vitality of the surrounding world came over.As the forging progressed, Liu Qingxuan continuously poured it into the soul forged blue pregnant copper to enhance the spirituality and quality of the metal.

The spiritual core was successfully condensed by Liu Qingxuan yesterday, which is also an important reason why Liu Qingxuan dared to try Tiandian.

Since condensing the yin and yang complementary soul cores, Liu Qingxuan's soul power and spiritual power have soared all the way, especially the spiritual power has reached more than 5000 points, and he has directly entered the level of the spiritual abyss. The blacksmiths all began to attack Tianduan after their cultivation had reached the Title Douluo and their spiritual power had reached the Spiritual Abyss Realm.

As the seven elements of water, fire, wind, earth, light, dark and sky are continuously injected into the blue pregnant copper body, very small element imprints inside the metal gradually emerge. Every space.

At this time, a strange seven-colored halo appeared on the body of the blue pregnant copper, and the light flickered, full of life.

The elemental imprint in Blue Pregnant Copper's body has been saturated and no new elements can be injected into it.Liu Qingxuan immediately stopped injecting elements. He knew that he had reached the limit of blue-pregnant copper itself. The total amount of elements that different metals can withstand is different. Blue-pregnant copper is a better rare metal and can withstand a higher total amount than ordinary ones. The number of rare metals is much larger.


A strange buzzing sound came from inside the metal.And as the sound sounded, all the elemental imprints were awakened, resulting in a special energy fluctuation.

This is a very strange energy. Liu Qingxuan can feel that this energy is full of life, as if it can create life. As this energy is sucked into Lan Zongtong's body, Liu Qingxuan feels that the already powerful energy in Lan Zongtong's body is The breath of life began a new round of growth, as if it was giving birth to its own life.

The vitality of heaven and earth above his head immediately became violent, as if something unforgivable had happened, a group of four-color clouds quickly condensed and formed above his head.

Elemental Thunder Tribulation!

Seeing this powerful cloud, Liu Qingxuan and Zhenhua thought of something at the same time, and their expressions condensed instantly.

The elemental thunder tribulation is the last step for metal to become a heaven-forged metal. This world does not like the birth of god-level metal, so there is an elemental thunder tribulation to destroy the final shape of the sky-forged metal.

Zhen Hua was extremely shocked. He didn't expect Liu Qingxuan to really be able to do this, but he hadn't taught him yet!
Although it is said that Tianduan is something that can only be understood and cannot be expressed in words, Liu Qingxuan directly carried out Tianduan, and the last step to Tianduan still shocked him.

At the same time, Zhenhua was also a little worried. The elemental thunder tribulation was not something that could be easily overcome.

"Be careful, this is the elemental thunder tribulation, the universe's last test for the sky-refined metal. After passing the thunder calamity, the metal can evolve into a real sky-refined metal, an independent life."

"Zhuntian forging metal is very fragile. You have to bear part of the thunder calamity instead of it, so that the metal can complete its evolution and become a real sky forging metal. If it fails, all previous efforts will be wasted."

In the end, Zhenhua couldn't help but remind him.

"Elemental Lightning Tribulation is very dangerous, your cultivation base is not enough, if you really can't do it, just give up."

To be honest, Zhenhua is still very qualified as a teacher, and he has taught Liu Qingxuan a lot, otherwise even if he has a skill book, he would not be able to reach the level of Heavenly Training so quickly.

Hearing the other party's words, Liu Qingxuan was a little moved.

He nodded to Zhenhua, not intending to give up.

Possessing yin and yang complementary soul cores, Liu Qingxuan's strength has already far surpassed his own soul master level.


At this moment, there was a crisp sound and colorful thunder fell from the sky.

Liu Qingxuan stretched out his hand, and the blue pregnant copper below seemed to melt into a liquid, and instantly changed into the same shape as him, but his body was much smaller than his. , A powerful soul power and qi and blood bloomed, pouring into the body of the blue pregnant copper like a river, making the opponent's spirituality more intense.

The next moment, the colorful thunder struck, like an electric python, piercing the sky in an instant, and bombarded the little blue pregnant copper figure. The destructive thunder poured into Liu Qingxuan's body along the metal, making his whole body numb. Fortunately, Liu Qingxuan's own Qinglong martial soul has the attribute of thunder, and the first soul is also a thunder dragon born from thunder, and its resistance to thunder is far superior to that of ordinary soul masters.

He operated the technique, and the yin and yang complementary soul core and qi and blood golden elixir in his body vibrated rapidly, spurting out powerful soul power and hot qi and blood, quickly counteracting the numbness, and at the same time absorbing and refining all the similarities that poured into the body.

After absorbing it, Liu Qingxuan instantly felt that the qi and blood in his body had actually increased a little bit, and his physique had also become a little stronger, and he was overjoyed. He didn't expect that Thunderbolt had such a good tempering body.

Seeing this scene, Zhenhua was shocked and happy.

What was surprising was that Liu Qingxuan's strength was able to block the seven-color thunder tribulation. This thunder and lightning was much stronger than the four-color thunder tribulation he usually encountered in Tiandian. When the lightning flashed, it even gave off a heaven-destroying aura.

Of course, the joy is that Liu Qingxuan's forging strength has reached this level, and he is almost catching up with him.

Mu Chen's eyes were full of complexity. He really didn't expect Liu Qingxuan's forging ability to improve so quickly, surpassing him in just a few months!

This made Mu Chen feel ashamed!

Mu Xi opened her mouth wide, looked at Liu Qingxuan, not knowing what to say, her goal was actually accomplished by a little guy who was four years younger than her.

He is simply a monster!
Thinking in Mu Xi's mind, she instantly lost the desire to compare with Liu Qingxuan, the gap is too big, there is no comparison at all!
Soon, the second round of colorful thunder tribulation came down, its power was several times stronger than the previous one, but it still did not reach the limit of Liu Qingxuan. He performed three exercises, absorbed the power of thunder calamity, and even had the mood to observe the blue pregnant copper The changes in the villain are also the changes in the laws of the surrounding world.

Liu Qingxuan concentrated all his energy on his eyes, and practiced the samsara refining formula, his eyes burst out with bright light.

The tyrannical spirit caused the air around him to feel illusory and distorted!

Zhen Hua and Mu Chen looked at this scene and couldn't help but secretly admired: What a strong spirit!
At the same time, they were also somewhat envious of Liu Qingxuan. In addition to sufficient soul power, forging also required spiritual power. This is the most important power besides soul power, whether it is the improvement of cultivation or the promotion of sub-professionals. Very important.

When the running technique condensed all the spirit into his eyes, Liu Qingxuan suddenly felt like seeing through illusions, and he immediately gave this mental power application method a name in his heart - the pupil of breaking illusions, which can see through illusions and reach the essence. Of course, this pupil technique is not perfect yet and relies solely on the magic of divine training, but this is at least a good start.

Using the Eye of Destruction, he could clearly see that the laws on Lan Zongtong's body were integrated with the surrounding heaven and earth.

With the bombardment of the seven-color thunder calamity, the spirituality of Lan Zhengtong became stronger and stronger, and the aura of laws became stronger and stronger. It even continued to absorb the power of laws between heaven and earth.

These laws are not only laws from the Douluo plane, but some of them are laws from the universe.



(End of this chapter)

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