Douluo started by adopting Gu Yuena

Chapter 145 Spirit Armor (4000, please subscribe)

Chapter 145 Spirit Armor (4000, please subscribe)

In the following time, Liu Qingxuan continued to forge. At this level, Zhenhua could no longer give him much guidance. The road ahead could only be explored by Liu Qingxuan himself, but he already had a direction, which is to control more creation energy , Trying to forge Tianduan, an alloy that incorporates more rare metals.

Not long after, Liu Qingxuan completed the alloy sky forging of five metals.

Considering that the enemy might attack his parents as his abilities became stronger, Liu Qingxuan also made two sets of spiritual weapon armors using heaven-forged materials and gave them to his parents.

Of course, Liu Qingxuan’s parents couldn’t use normal heaven-forged metal, because they were only soul kings. Using a thousand-word one-word battle armor was the limit, and they couldn’t even use a two-word battle armor for spiritual training, let alone one who could make a four-word battle armor. The sky forged metal, but Liu Qingxuan used [-] points to buy a "Refining Handbook" from the system. With this thing, Liu Qingxuan's mecha production level soared, and it didn't take long for Mu Ye to make a ninth-level mecha. The teacher was emptied out.

Liu Qingxuan Huanqing is better than his master, and he created the spiritual weapon in the weapon refining manual. Compared with the battle armor that needs to reach a certain level before it can be used, the spiritual weapon is more flexible and convenient. It can be injected with soul power to increase its power in combat, and it can also be revived on its own. , to help the master fight against the enemy, you only need to shed blood to recognize the master.

He put a lot of thought into the spirit weapon battle armor he gave to his parents. It has a defensive array similar to the invincible golden body, a teleportation array for escape, and a soul guide cannon array for attacking. Gathering Array...

Almost all the good magic circles that Liu Qingxuan has learned have been put up. When in danger, these two sets of spiritual weapons and armors will send a distress signal to Liu Qingxuan. Then, Liu Qingxuan will guide it through the space magic circle above and teleport over as soon as possible. If he is not there, , the battle armor will send a distress signal to his masters Leng Yaozhu, Zhenhua, and Makino. When necessary, the battle armor can even self-destruct and die with the enemy. Because Liu Qingxuan simulated the operation of the yin and yang complementary soul core on the battle armor, the battle armor can The power of Armor's self-destruction will reach level nine, even close to the level of tenth-level soul-guided cannonballs. With this level of power, even if Extreme Douluo encounters it, he must temporarily avoid the edge.

Three days passed in a flash, and as soon as the zero-class holiday was over, Liu Qingxuan immediately returned to Donghai College and knocked on Gu Yue's door.

"Brother, is there something wrong?"

Seeing Liu Qingxuan, Gu Yue's eyes lit up. She thought that the other party was going to take her out to play, and she felt a little hopeful.

Liu Qingxuan didn't know what Gu Yue was thinking, so he nodded lightly and handed a set of metal inner armor to Gu Yue.

"This is the inner armor I made with black gold. Can you try it and see if it fits?"

Black gold is an alloy of black iron and Geng gold. Black iron is hard in texture and has excellent defensive power, while Geng gold has good ductility. The fusion of the two produces Black gold, which has excellent defensive power and is soft in texture. , more suitable for making inner armor.

This inner armor Liu Qingxuan also uses some spiritual weapon techniques to give it stronger defense capabilities and spiritual wisdom.

Gu Yue took over the black inner armor and found that there were bumps on it, like dragon scales, which were connected with each other in a clever way. The golden lines on the outside were criss-crossing, forming various real dragons with different expressions. The pattern, the strange spiritual light flickers, as if it is breathing.

"Is this spiritual training?"

She looked at the inner armor and said with some uncertainty.

"No, this is Thousand Refinement, but it is a spiritual alloy forged by fusion forging."

Liu Qingxuan shook his head, and said: "I'm going to the Ascension to Lingtai soon, and you can have more reaction time wearing this."

Although death in Ascension to Lingtai will not be real death, the pain will still be truly fed back to the body.

"Thank you!"

Feeling Liu Qingxuan's concern, Gu Yue's heart warmed slightly, she said gratefully, and then put away her inner armor.


"Brother, come in and sit down?"


Liu Qingxuan shook his head, then knocked on Xie Xie's dormitory door and threw an inner armor made of spiritual alloy to him.

"what is this?"

Looking at the black inner armor in his hand, Xie Xie was a little confused.

Liu Qingxuan said: "This is a spiritual alloy inner armor. If you wear this thing to enter the spiritual platform, you will have an extra guarantee in terms of safety."

"Spiritual alloy inner armor?"

Hearing Liu Qingxuan's words, Xie Xie was taken aback.

"Is this forged by Boss Qi?"

Liu Qingxuan nodded: "Yes!"


Hearing this, Xie Xie immediately gave a thumbs up.

He now completely believes that Liu Qingxuan is a sixth-level blacksmith.

Alloys are the content of a sixth-level blacksmith. Spiritual alloys require at least a fifth-level blacksmith to complete. The inner armor forged by Liu Qingxuan is extremely delicate and full of spirituality. It feels like a living thing to Xie Xie, obviously not What ordinary spiritual alloy.

"Is this inner armor a little too big?"

Xie Xie took the inner armor and compared it with himself, and found that this thing was even bigger than his own body.

Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan smiled and said: "This inner armor can adjust its size by itself. You need to drip a drop of blood first to complete the recognition of the master."

Xie Xie's eyes flashed, and he immediately released the Light Dragon Dagger, swiping it on his fingertips, and a drop of blood fell on the inner armor. Then he felt that he had an extra connection with the inner armor.

With a thought in his mind, the black gold inner armor immediately shrank in size, turned into a stream of light and flew towards him, quickly covering his chest and abdomen.

"so amazing!"

Wearing the inner armor on his body, Xie Xie found that his soul power had been greatly increased, even reaching the level of nearly thirty.And this thing seems to be able to be absorbed into the body.

Seeing this situation, he immediately understood that the inner armor should be regarded as a treasure.

"Boss, this thing seems to be similar to a battle armor, but it can also increase soul power. How did you make it?"

"A handy work is not worth mentioning."


Hearing this, Xie Xie rolled his eyes: "Will the Spirit Pagoda allow us to wear this Ascension to the Spirit Platform?"

"Don't worry, the inspection of the primary spiritual ascension platform is very loose. If you wear the inner armor inside, they won't notice it. When the time comes, the access instrument will scan the inner armor together."

"Okay then, thank you boss!"


Liu Qingxuan waved his hand, left Xie Xie's dormitory, and came to Tang Wulin's dormitory again. After hesitating for a while, he gave up.

Tang Wulin is a blacksmith himself, so he probably doesn't need his inner armor!

Soon, Tang Wulin returned to the academy with several sets of Thousand Forging Cloud Titanium Vests, intending to give Xie Xie and Gu Yue one set each to enhance their defense in the Ascension Platform. Unexpectedly, the two of them already had inner armor, so they Just do it.

He had been learning blacksmithing from Mu Chen these past few days. During this period, he made several thousand-forged vests, but he didn't expect that they would be useless at all.

This made Tang Wulin a little heartbroken, having wasted such a rare metal.

Liu Qingxuan didn't know what Tang Wulin was thinking, but he was a little excited when he found that his destiny points had suddenly increased by several thousand.The next day, after breakfast, Liu Qingxuan came to Class Zero classroom, and found Na'er pursing her mouth, looking sullen.

He walked over and asked curiously: "Na'er, what's wrong with you? Who made you angry?"

Na'er cast a glance at Liu Qingxuan, and said angrily, "It's not you!"

Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan was a little confused: "Me? What's wrong with me?"

Na'er said: "Brother, did you give Gu Yue a set of inner armor?"


Liu Qingxuan nodded, glanced at Gu Yue who was quite proud, and immediately understood what was going on, so he said: "Na'er also likes this thing? I'll get you a set someday!"

Hearing this, Na'er turned from sadness to joy: "Thank you brother."

She said happily, and immediately came over and kissed Liu Qingxuan.

Looking at this scene, Gu Yue silently clenched her fists.

Xie Xie and Tang Wulin were sitting in the back, looking at their noses and hearts, looking like they didn't know anything!

Feeling the moisture on his face, Liu Qingxuan was in a very happy mood.

At this time, he felt a chill coming from beside him. When he turned around, he found that Gu Yue had a gloomy face and looked coldly in front of her, as if she was very angry.

What happened to Gu Yue?
Liu Qingxuan was puzzled, and when he was about to ask the other party, Wu Zhangkong walked into the classroom without any nonsense, and said directly, "Follow me to the Spirit Pagoda."

Arriving at the Spirit Pagoda, Wu Changkong looked at the five members of Class Zero again: "When entering the Ascension to Lingtai, be careful of other soul masters, and try to survive for more than a day. If you can't, the holiday will be cancelled."

Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan and the other five frowned instantly.

After all, there is a one-month vacation, and Teacher Wu wants to cancel it, it's really inhumane!
Thinking of this, everyone felt a sense of urgency. No one wanted to cancel the next month's vacation.

Because of their different strengths, the staff divided the five members of Class Zero into two groups and took them to different access rooms. Among them, Liu Qingxuan and Na'er had both reached the level of the Soul Sect, so they entered the Intermediate Ascension to Lingtai, while Gu Yue and Tang Wulin , Xie Xie, because they are still great soul masters, they entered the primary level of spiritual ascension platform.

But during the riot period, both the primary and intermediate spiritual ascension platforms were quite dangerous.

"Qingxuan, long time no see, you look handsome again!"

In the entrance room of the Intermediate Ascension to Lingtai, Ling Qiuyue looked at Liu Qingxuan and said with a smile.

She was wearing a long white dress, her long black hair was coiled into a ball, her snow-white skin was spotless, and her exquisite face was still so beautiful, which was unforgettable at first sight.

"Sister Qiuyue is getting more and more beautiful."

Hearing Ling Qiuyue's words, Liu Qingxuan smiled and immediately replied.

The two chatted for a while, and several female staff members in the room quickly adjusted the instruments to working status.

Liu Qingxuan and Naer took off their coats and entered their respective three-dimensional glass warehouses.

A strange fluctuation came, and Liu Qingxuan clearly felt that the world began to change and the space was reversed. Not long after, he entered a dense jungle.

Surrounded by towering ancient trees and dense shrubs and grasses, thick tree roots crisscross the earth like horned dragons. The moist and fresh air blows into your nostrils, mixed with the fragrance of flowers, grass and earth, making you unconsciously relaxed. down.

"elder brother!"

Na'er came to Liu Qingxuan's side happily and took his arm.

The entry card for the intermediate Spirit Ascension Platform is different from that of the primary Spirit Ascension Platform. It can control the location of entry, so both of them appear here.

When Liu Qingxuan heard Na'er's voice, he came back to his senses and smiled softly: "Na'er, when you look at the world, do you find anything different?"

Just now, as soon as he entered the Spirit Ascension Platform, he found that the state of this world was very wrong. The vitality of the world here seemed to be boiling. It was several times stronger than usual, and it carried a strange aura that made people feel unconscious. Go to the dark side.

Of course, this impact is very small, and normal soul masters can get rid of it without being affected too much.But spirit beasts are different. Their spirits are weaker than humans. In this environment, they are undoubtedly more likely to enter a state of rage and become more aggressive.

Hearing this, Na'er glanced around, and a strange colorful light flashed in her eyes.

Na'er pondered for a while, glanced at the sky, and said to Liu Qingxuan: "I feel that there is a lot more energy in the air, and there is also a strange substance."

She felt that someone was watching her and her brother, so she used the sound transmission of divine sense.

Seeing this, Liu Qingxuan nodded and said in the same voice: "Yes, this substance has some violent properties. It must be the resentment and evil thoughts generated by the soul beasts who died in the Ascension Platform."

Although the people watching from the outside are all people from the Spirit Transferring Tower, there is still a question of credibility. Liu Qingxuan doesn’t believe those staff members. The Spirit Transferring Tower is too big and various forces are intertwined. No one knows who they are. Are the female staff members from other factions?

In the entire Spirit Transferring Pagoda, except for Leng Yaozhu's faction, Liu Qingxuan didn't really believe it. Even Leng Yaozhu's subordinates, Liu Qingxuan didn't completely trust them.

"We have to be careful, survive for a day first, and then look for it to see if we can find the fragments of the God Realm in Ascension to Lingtai!"

"Well, I listen to my brother."

Hearing Liu Qingxuan's words, Na'er nodded obediently, her spirit flashed, and she replied.

Several times before entering the Spirit Ascension Platform, Liu Qingxuan and Na'er had exchanges and told each other what they had discovered. Therefore, Na'er was not surprised when Liu Qingxuan mentioned the fragments of the divine world, because she had long known that her brother was related to her. Everyone is looking for this thing.

It's just that the fragments of the God Realm were hidden too deeply, and they have never found them. Now that the Spirit Ascension Platform has entered a period of riot, there have been some changes in the vitality and laws of the world.

Na'er thought this might be their chance.

"What are they doing?"

Seeing that the expressions of Liu Qingxuan and Na'er changed from time to time, but no words were transmitted from the surveillance screen, Ling Qiuyue felt curious and confused, so she asked the long-haired beauty next to her.

Hearing the words of the deputy tower master of the sub-tower, the long-haired beauty shook her head: "I don't know!"

"I guess they are using spiritual transmission!"

"Can it be parsed?"

"No! Our technology is not yet able to do this."

"Well then, continue to monitor. If there is a problem, send them here immediately. These two are geniuses in our Spirit Pagoda, and there must be no problem with us."




(End of this chapter)

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