Chapter 304 Negotiations
After burning the position of god, Yun Ming was able to explode with god-level power, but the three of them had no advantage at all. Huo Xi and Bing Ling were both god-level masters. Although Liu Qingxuan was not a god, he possessed god-level battle armor and divine consciousness. , God-like body, he can also burst out with god-level power. One-on-three, Yun Ming, a half-hearted god, has no chance of winning, but the damage he caused in the end was still beyond Liu Qingxuan's expectations.

Looking at the sunset forest below that seemed to have been plowed, Liu Qingxuan felt a little emotional.

This is still the power of an ordinary god. If the real god king took action, he would be able to smash this continent to pieces with one slap!
Bing Ling smiled and hugged Liu Qingxuan's arm, her beautiful eyes flashed slightly, and she asked softly: "Qingxuan, everyone from Shrek Academy and Tang Sect is dead, and this forest has been destroyed. What do you have next?" Intend?"

On the side, Huo Xi naturally hugged Liu Qingxuan's other hand, and rubbed her delicate and flawless face on his shoulder, like a clingy kitten.

Liu Qingxuan hugged the two stunning beauties Huo Xi and Bing Ling, touched the beauties' slender waists with both hands, and said with a smile: "Since it has been exposed, there is no need to hide it."

"I think you can be born as the Dragon King, show your strength, declare your ownership of the Ice and Fire Eyes, and at the same time admit that you killed Yun Ming and others."

"Anyway, with your strength, no one in the entire continent can threaten you."

"In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I will not come forward this time. You can directly go to the Federation as the Dragon King to talk to the major powers and ask them to recognize the status of the Ice and Fire Eyes."

"We can also force the Spirit Transferring Tower to demolish the Star Dou Fortress, lift the siege of the Star Dou Forest, and provide a peaceful habitat for the resurrected beasts."

"There are also soul beasts and souls in the Spirit Transferring Tower. Gu Yue has always wanted to rescue them. You can bring these souls over by the way. I believe Qiangu Dongfeng and the elders of the Spirit Transferring Tower will make the right choice."

Hearing Liu Qingxuan's words, Huo Xi's eyes flashed with excitement.

She kissed Liu Qingxuan, hugged his waist and said, "What if they don't agree?"

Liu Qingxuan smiled and said calmly: "Then there is no need to live!"

"Get rid of those who disagree, and the rest will agree."


Hearing this, Bing Ling kissed Liu Qingxuan's lips, clenched his fists with his bare hands, and said domineeringly: "Then let's do this. It's time for humans to understand the power of the dragon clan."

A happy smile appeared on Huo Xi's face. She felt that Liu Qingxuan was very satisfied with her, and she felt a little happy.

In fact, she and Bing Ling don't care about the life and death of the soul beasts. These creatures are not the descendants of the beast gods who follow the dragon clan. They have nothing to do with them. Even if they all die, they will not be heartbroken, but they will not be sad either. They would bow down to humans other than Liu Qingxuan. That kind of weak person is not worthy of negotiating terms with them.

Liu Qingxuan also understood this truth, so he did not restrict Huo Xi and Bing Ling. Of course, he could not restrict them now.

"Bing Ling, Huo Xi, I'm going back first. When those Extreme Douluo come over later, you can just ask them directly!"

"it is good!"

The two women nodded obediently, then silently hugged Liu Qingxuan, kissed him, and stood in the void waiting quietly.

At this time, those Extreme Douluo had already approached Sunset Forest. Even though they were quite a distance apart, they could still feel the aura of those people.

Liu Qingxuan told Huo Xi and Bing Ling a few words, and then returned to the Ice and Fire Eyes. He hugged Naer and the other girls, comforted them a few times, and then began to strengthen the formation here to enhance the concealment of the Ice and Fire Eyes. sex and defense.

This is a big project, and it will take Liu Qingxuan some time to complete.

On the other side, Zhenhua, Makino, Chen Xinjie, Qiangu Tiandian, Qiangu Dongfeng and others came to Sunset Forest together.

Looking at the sky filled with all kinds of energy and the land with ravines in front of them, they were very shocked. They really couldn't imagine what kind of battle could make this huge sunset forest disappear from the horizon.

Then, Chen Xinjie felt Long Yeyue's breath, and his body shook violently.

Thinking of the divine battle just now, some terrible conjectures popped up in his mind.

"She won't die, right? No, Yeyue is a quasi-god, how can she die so easily!"

He thought to himself and quickly denied his guess.

Although his family abandoned Long Yeyue when he was young, Chen Xinjie undoubtedly still had feelings for her, otherwise he would not have helped Tang Wulin steal the Federation's Eternal Kingdom after the destruction of Shrek Academy.

Seeing the change in Chen Xinjie's face, Qiangu Shili asked in surprise: "Brother Chen, have you discovered anything?"


Hearing this, Chen Xinjie shook his head, his face still pale, and he was very worried about Long Yeyue's comfort.

For some reason, he had a strong premonition that Long Yeyue was dead, and died in this disappeared forest.

Chen Xinjie naturally couldn't accept this.

Suddenly, the void shook like water waves, and two stunning women, one blue and one red, appeared in front of everyone.

Chen Xinjie noticed them immediately, and after just taking a look, he began to feel shocked.

The auras of these two stunning women were so powerful that he, a quasi-god with the spiritual cultivation of the Divine Origin Realm, could not sense the specific cultivation of the other party, but could only feel the slightest hint of fatal danger from the other party.

Qiangu Shili also smelled the breath of death from Huo Xi and Bing Ling. He was so energetic for a moment that he had to be extremely vigilant against them.

Chen Xinjie's eyes flashed and he asked curiously: "Who are you?"

Hearing this, Bing Ling said calmly: "Bing Ling, you can call me Ice Dragon King."

Huo Xi glanced at everyone and said calmly: "I am Fire Dragon King Huo Xi, Bing Ling and I are both god-level dragons."

As he spoke, Huo Xi and Bing Ling released a powerful aura at the same time.

The moment they felt these two momentums, the expressions of Chen Xinjie, Qiangu Shili and others immediately changed.

They suddenly felt breathless, as if they were being targeted by some wild beast.

Fortunately, Huo Xi and Bing Ling quickly looked away, and this feeling disappeared.

Everyone took a deep breath and looked at the two women with a bit of surprise in their eyes.

Chen Xinjie and Qiangu Ni are both quasi-god strong men. They clearly feel that the strong men of Bing Ling and Huo Xi are definitely on another level.

The two of them changed their minds and immediately gave up their plan to resist. No matter whether Huo Xi and Bing Ling were dragons or not, they were not someone they could afford to offend.

Chen Xinjie suddenly felt something in his heart and asked Huo Xi and Bing Ling: "Two seniors, have you ever seen a woman with the Dark Holy Dragon and Light Holy Dragon martial arts?"

Huo Xi didn't know what Chen Xinjie was thinking, so she said directly: "The person we met you has already been killed by us!"

"What?" After hearing this, Chen Xinjie's eyes widened instantly, his body shook violently, and for a moment he couldn't believe the news he heard.

"Yue'er is really dead?"

"how can that be?"

"How can she die?"

As he spoke, Chen Xinjie's eyes instantly turned red. He looked at Huo Xi and Bing Ling angrily and said, "Why did you kill her?"

Hearing this, Bing Ling smiled coldly and said, "Do we need to explain to you?"

Hearing this, Chen Xinjie was shocked in his heart. He almost couldn't help but pick up a knife and challenge Huo Xi and Bing Ling. However, considering his family, he finally stopped the thought of seeking death.

Long Yeyue was very important in his heart, but not that important. Especially when he didn't know that the other party was pregnant, Chen Xinjie was too willing to sacrifice himself for Long Yeyue.

At this time, Huo Xi smiled lightly and said to Chen Xinjie: "Mortals, we not only killed Long Yeyue, but also the master of the Poseidon Pavilion and the deputy master of the Tang Sect were killed by us."

"If you don't accept it, you can challenge us to a duel!"


Hearing this, Chen Xinjie, Qiangu Dili and others immediately showed shocked expressions. They really didn't expect Huo Xi and Bing Ling to be so fierce and kill Yun Ming, who they were extremely afraid of, and Zang Xin, the deputy sect leader of the Tang Sect!

Qiangu looked at Huo Xi with some disbelief: "Senior, are Yun Ming and Zang Xin really dead?"

Hearing this, Huo Xi did not reply, but looked at Chen Xinjie, Qiangu Dili and others with a calm expression, and said calmly: "We have some things to discuss with you humans."

"Which of you can represent the Federation?"

Hearing this, Mu Hongchen's heart moved and he said to Huo Xi, "My name is Mu Hongchen, and I am the current military chief of the Federation."

"I can represent the Federation. If you two seniors have any requests, you can mention them to me and I can help you convey them to the Bundestag."

Before, when Zang Xin self-destructed, Mu Hongchen sensed the opponent's aura and flew over immediately. Later, he saw a mushroom cloud rising over the Sunset Forest. He was extremely shocked because the energy fluctuations generated by the battle seemed to him fast. It’s time to catch up with the God-killing soul-guided artillery shells.

Looking at the gray-haired old man in front of him, Huo Xi directly made his request.

"My sister Bing Ling and I both came from the Ice and Fire Eyes. One of the Tang Sect and Shrek Academy was greedy and the other one didn't know whether to live or die. We have already killed him. Now I am announcing something to the Federation. The Ice and Fire Eyes have returned. They are owned by our sisters and no humans are allowed to come near, otherwise we will kill them."


Hearing this, Mu Hongchen and others felt their hearts tremble again.

Don’t know what to say for a moment?
They didn't expect that Bing Ling and Huo Xi would actually come out of the Binghuo Liangyi Eye.

It seems that the Tang Sect has hidden a lot of information from them!
Now they deserve to be hit hard by their own treasure land.

Thinking of this, Qiangu Dili and Qiangu Dongfeng were a little gloating, while Mu Hongchen and Chen Xinjie were thinking more about the changes in the mainland situation in the future. With so many core figures from Tang Sect and Shrek Academy dead, the future may be very difficult for them. We should also treat Tang Clan and Shrek Academy with a different attitude. Of course, it is not to annex or eliminate these two forces. After all, Shrek Academy and Tang Clan still have many three-word battle armor masters at the Super Douluo and Titled Douluo levels. , and more importantly, Cao Dezhi is not dead yet, and is guarding the plane passage on the other side of the abyss. At the same time, Shrek Academy also has Yali, the deputy master, whose background is still there, which really makes them anxious. They are facing the Federation. Not only does it not do any good, it is also very dangerous.

Seeing Mu Hongchen's hesitation, Huo Xi's eyes flashed with displeasure: "Human, do you have any objection to what I said?"

As she spoke, she released a trace of the pressure that belonged to a god-level powerhouse.

Mu Hongchen instantly felt an indescribable pressure, his breathing became heavy, and he had to release his soul power and battle armor to resist this force.

He looked at Huo Xi who was a little angry, shook his head hastily, and said, "I have no objection! The Federation can agree to your request."

"But I'm actually not sure whether the forces are willing to do this. Although the Douluo Federation is powerful, it cannot control all the big families and big forces."

Hearing this, Huo Xi said calmly: "You don't need to worry about these. If they dare to come, I will send them on their way."

"As long as you don't build a military base here."

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Mu Hongchen breathed a sigh of relief.

Qiangu Shendang and Qiangu Dongfeng looked at this scene with some regrets in their hearts. They didn't expect the federation to be so cowardly and didn't fight for the 10-year-old fairy grass in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi. It was really disappointing!

But thinking about the strength of Huo Xi and Bing Ling, they also understood that they would have to bow their heads in front of such strong men in the Spirit Transferring Tower!
Bing Ling asked everyone again: "Which one of you can represent the Spirit Transferring Pagoda?"

Hearing this, everyone immediately looked at Qiangu Lower Limit and Qiangu Dongfeng and his son.

Bing Ling followed their gazes and said to Qiangu Xiandong and Qiangu Dongfeng, "Which one of you is the leader of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda?"

Hearing this, Qiangu stood up helplessly and said, "I am the previous tower master of Chuanling Pagoda."

Qiangu Dongfeng followed closely and said: "I am the current tower master. Is there anything that senior needs us to do from the Spirit Transferring Pagoda? If it can be done, our Spirit Transferring Pagoda will definitely help senior complete it."

Hearing this, Bing Ling's face suddenly turned cold, and a coercion burst out from his body, causing Qiangu Shili and Qiangu Dongfeng's expressions to change suddenly.

The two had to release their Doukai to resist Bing Ling's momentum.

"Senior, what do you mean?"

Hearing this, Bing Ling sneered and said angrily: "I heard that your Spirit Transferring Tower captured a lot of soul beasts to make souls!"

Hearing this, Qiangu Shili and Qiangu Dongfeng felt their hearts skip a beat, and immediately felt something was wrong.

The two of them dared to deny it, but just defended: "Senior, we do have a lot of spirit beasts and souls in our Spirit Transferring Tower, but those are not all captured by us. Some of them are souls that we bought and made after being captured by other forces."

Huo Xi glanced at them coldly and said: "No matter how those souls came, I will give you one day to hand over all the soul beast souls to me, otherwise we will destroy your spirit tower!"

"This is impossible!"



(End of this chapter)

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