What's even more surprising is that the ones who killed him were actually the Ice Dragon King and the Fire Dragon King. Also dead with Yun Ming were Zang Xin, who had reached the demigod level of Ultimate Douluo, and Long Yeyue, the quasi-god level Ultimate Douluo. , as well as a large number of masters from Tang Sect and Shrek Academy.

This will undoubtedly cause unimaginable damage to Shrek Academy and the Tang Sect. Many masters in the soul master world were very surprised when they heard the news, and then began to investigate the identities of the Ice Dragon King and the Fire Dragon King. Unfortunately, they were left alone They tried their best, but could not find out any information about the existence of these two women. The only thing they knew was that the cultivation level of the two women had reached the god level.I learned this news from Chen Xinjie's people.

The appearance of a god-level master was also something that shocked the continent, even more surprising than the death of Yun Ming and others.

The big families on Douluo Continent all know that there has been no god-level master on the mainland for a long time, and it will be difficult for new god-level masters to appear in the future, because the legendary god world where people can take the test to help people become gods has long since disappeared.

It has become impossible to become a god, because the level of the entire plane is too weak compared to the god world, and it is not enough to breed new god-level masters. Any impact on the god level will be affected by the plane. Due to the restrictions, even the most promising Yun Ming failed.

The only exception is Xuan Qing, whose identity is unknown. Many people suspect that the opponent is not a creature native to Douluo Continent, but a god from other planets in the universe. When he came to Douluo Continent, he had already reached the god level and was not fighting at all. Luo Dalu broke through.

Therefore, the shock caused by the Ice Dragon King and Fire Dragon King reaching god level can be imagined. The entire continent was surprised by this news.

Many soul masters who had reached the limit of cultivation were extremely excited, and the hope of reaching the god level was rekindled in their hearts.

Of course, they are destined to face failure, because the restrictions of Douluo Continent still exist, just like a true dragon cannot be raised in shallow water. Under normal circumstances, any soul master in Douluo Continent cannot break through to the god level.

Unless, like the Demon Emperor, he used the Blood River God-killing Formation to shield the heavenly secrets, absorb energy from outside the Douluo Continent, and use external forces to break through.

But obviously, this method is also impossible for them because there are no conditions for its realization.

Of course, they have another way, which is to ask the Ice Dragon King and the Fire Dragon King how to break through to the god level.

However, both the Ice Dragon King and the Fire Dragon King were dragons, and they made harsh demands on humans. This poured cold water on their hearts, and they had to give up their plan to contact the two dragon kings.

Bing Ling and Huo Xi made such a request because they were obviously on the side of the soul beasts and did not have much affection for humans. In the past, they might have been trampled to death by their opponents.

Many soul masters were filled with indignation at the demands of the two dragon kings. They wanted to rush to the Sunset Forest to kill these two dragon kings to prove their human strength, but they had to give up when they thought of the other party's strength.

All in all, the major forces were very shocked by the news, and at the same time, some were caught off guard because it all happened so fast that they didn't have time to react.When the news came, there was an explosion both online and offline. All the forces were considering how to deal with the new continent situation and how to better preserve their own strength. As for joining forces with Bingling and Huo Fighting against Xi, this is something no one has ever thought about. Humanity has never been monolithic. Until the moment of extinction, the major forces will never unite. This is also the case this time.

Because Bing Ling and Huo Xi did not go around wreaking havoc, it was also the interests of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda that were harmed. The major forces did not think of joining forces to fight against the two women. In fact, they might not be able to fight against each other if they joined forces. Instead, the family or the forces would suffer heavy losses. , so even if the Spirit Transferring Tower handed over the souls and soul beasts, which would affect the training of the future generation of soul masters, they did not jump out to fight against Ice Spirit and Huo Xi.


While the outside world was in chaos, Shrek Academy and the Tang Sect were in indescribable grief.

The deaths of Yun Ming, Zang Xin and others were like shocking news to them, which hit everyone's hearts. Everyone was very angry and wanted to take revenge on the Ice Dragon King and Fire Dragon King. Even the always gentle, virtuous and unconventional people were very angry. Yali, who was arguing, became extremely angry.

She felt that Bing Ling and Huo Xi had gone too far. Even if the Ice and Fire Eyes were theirs, they couldn't kill anyone!

Of course, now is not the time to think about that.

After the death of Yun Ming and other Shrek Academy senior officials, the Shrek Academy students were shocked and soon fell into confusion. They all felt as if the sky had fallen, and they were all crying, especially the inner academy students. Everyone regards Yun Ming as their idol and spiritual support. Now that Yun Ming and Long Yeyue are dead, all the inner courtyard disciples are a little worried about the future of the academy.

You must know that Shrek Academy has offended many forces in the past ten thousand years. If they were not strong enough, they would have been defeated long ago.

The Poseidon Pavilion has also become a bit chaotic. Although the remaining pavilion elders are all titled Douluo and all have three-word battle armor, they still feel panicked because their highest-end combat power above the Super Douluo of Shrek Academy has been destroyed. Bing Ling was sent away in a wave by Huo Xi. Although the remaining people were not weak, they were completely incomparable to the original ones. They couldn't support such a big thing as Shrek Academy. What if some big forces took the opportunity to do something evil? , they are finished if they are Shrek Academy.

In this regard, there are two completely opposite attitudes among the elders. Some conservative elders are scared and feel that since Yun Ming and Long Yeyue are dead, there is no need for them to continue to stick to Shrek Academy where they may encounter other people. In a dangerous place where forces are attacking, they can take some outstanding inner court disciples to hide in the outside world and come back when they are stronger.

Other radical pavilion elders clamored to take people to Sunset Forest to seek revenge on Bing Ling and Huo Xi, and kill these two dragon kings to pay homage to the spirits of Yun Ming, Long Yeyue and others.This idea was naturally opposed by most of the pavilion elders. Anyone who thought about it knew that this plan would lead to death. Yun Ming was no match for the two Dragon Kings. How could they, three-word battle armor masters at the Title Douluo level, defeat them? over each other.

The remaining Pavilion Elders and Preparatory Pavilion Elders looked confused, as if their bones had been broken, and they had no idea what to do!

Faced with the noisy and different opinions of the Poseidon Pavilion elders, Yali had a headache.

At this time, she was already the person with the highest status in Shrek Academy. Because of Long Yeyue's precautions, she did not follow Yun Ming and others to the Ice and Fire Eyes, so she survived.

As the deputy pavilion master, she naturally became the controller of the Poseidon Pavilion after the deaths of Yun Ming and Long Yeyue, because her status and qualifications are indeed very high, and she also has a 98-level quasi-extreme cultivation level and a complete set of four characters Doukai's strength surpassed that of the current Poseidon Pavilion. Therefore, all the pavilion elders had to hold their noses and admit Yali's status. However, their quarrels continued every day, regardless of whether Yali was present.

"Okay, stop arguing."

Looking at the quarreling pavilion elders, Yali patted the table and frowned slightly. She was as beautiful as Yuan Dai. Her delicate face was still so flawless, but exuded a bit of majesty and nobility.

"Yun Ming and Elder Long are dead. As the elders of Shrek Academy, we must unite."

"Yes, Deputy Pavilion Master, what should I do now?"

"Let's discuss it with the Tang Sect. We'll discuss the rest after the Tang Sect's leader comes back!"

"What? Mr. Cao is coming back?"


After hearing the news of Zang Xin's death, Cao Dezhi was very sad. He immediately handed over the defense to Mirror Douluo Zhang Huanyun and rushed directly to Shrek City. He wanted to come back to see the current situation of the Tang Sect and help Zang Xin. revenge.


Shrek Academy, outer courtyard!Tang Wulin, Xie Xie, Ye Xinglan, Xu Lizhi, and Luo Guixing naturally gathered together as members of a group.

Facing the situation at Shrek Academy, everyone was frightened and anxious. They were in a very bad mood and didn't even have the heart to eat.

Xie Xie glanced at everyone, sighed and said: "The situation in the academy and Tang Sect is very bad now. Too many senior officials have died this time. Even Yun Ming, who is known as the number one master in the mainland, is dead. Our academy I’m afraid there will be big trouble in the future…”

After hearing this, Tang Wulin lowered his head, feeling gloomy in his heart.

He really didn't expect that Shrek Academy, which was at its peak, would encounter such a disaster.

Even his master, Zhuo Shi, is dead!
Tang Wulin felt very sad when he thought of his master, not only because he gave him a lot of delicious food, but also because Zhuo Shi took great care of him.

He looked at Xie Xie with a sad face and said, "Master, is he really dead?"

Hearing this, Xie Xie nodded without hesitation: "Yes!"

Tang Wulin immediately clenched his fists and smacked the table angrily: "It's so abominable, these dragons really deserve to die!"

At this moment, Tang Wulin was undoubtedly very angry. He wanted to rush into the Ice and Fire Eyes to kill the Ice Dragon King and the Fire Dragon King and avenge the troubled times. Unfortunately, he was too weak now and had no confidence to stand up to these two gods. A super strong person, so he never dared to take action.

Xie Xie said, "What are your plans in the future?"

Hearing this, Ye Xinglan said calmly: "Learn and become stronger!"

Others had a similar attitude, and everyone felt suffocated.

Thinking of the college's loss this time, Xie Xie said curiously: "I wonder what will happen to the college in the future?"

Luo Guixing's eyes flashed, and a look of wisdom appeared on his face: "Although the college has suffered heavy losses, its foundation still exists. Many seniors with advanced cultivation hold important positions in the Federation War Temple and major legions. These people It is an extremely powerful force. Even if there are forces that want to take action against our college, their opinions need to be considered, so we don’t need to worry about the college’s problems, we just have to be ourselves!”

"Guixing is right!"

Hearing this, Tang Wulin nodded in agreement and said: "Our current strength is too weak and can't change anything at all. We must continue to improve our strength before we can help the academy."

As he said that, everyone's expressions suddenly became better, and a fighting spirit suddenly ignited in their hearts.

But Tang Wulin felt gloomy in his heart. He was worried about the future of Shrek Academy and was not as optimistic as he showed.

Shrek Academy does have a huge foundation and influence, but these forces are scattered. Without people gathered, it will be a mess. If the enemy secretly attacks the academy, it will be a devastating blow.Without Yun Ming's most high-end combat capabilities, the current Shrek Academy is like a toothless tiger. Its strength has declined to the extreme. The enemy will probably not give the academy a chance to grow.

And this is why Cao Dezhi chose to return to Shrek City.

He wants to use his own strength to intimidate those young people.

His thoughts were racing, and Tang Wulin felt a headache, but there was nothing he could do to help the academy, so he could only put everything down and go to the training room to practice.

There were many people in the academy's training room today. Tang Wulin couldn't find a place, so he had to go back to his dormitory to practice.

But not long after practicing, he felt a call and unconsciously walked towards Poseidon Island in the center of Poseidon Lake.


Sea God Island!
Huge golden ancient trees stand tall, and the leaves exude a faint golden brilliance like gold. Surrounded by the sparkling Poseidon Lake, the scenery is beautiful, the air is fresh, and naughty fish jump out of the water from time to time.

Looking from top to bottom, the entire Poseidon Lake seems like a piece of blue jade inlaid on the earth, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds. Huge golden ancient trees are entrenched on Poseidon Island in the center of Poseidon Lake, with huge and dense branches spreading out. Covering most of the island, the ancient trees are green and swaying, exuding waves of vitality, and the swaying branches and leaves are breathing in the incomparably huge vitality of heaven and earth.

Of course, this was a scene from the past. The ancient golden tree now is far less powerful than before. It still stands in the center of Poseidon Island, and the bark is covered with cracks and scars, like traces of wear and tear over time.The once lush golden leaves have now withered away, leaving only pieces of dry leaves, which have long lost their former glory.The branches were thin and fragile, as if they would break if touched.The dense branches and leaves in the past are now only sparsely hanging on the branches, with almost no life.

Tang Wulin landed on Poseidon Island again and was very shocked when he saw the golden ancient tree. It was hard to imagine what this giant tree had gone through to decay into this horrible state in a very short period of time.

The golden ancient tree once saved Shrek Academy and was of extraordinary significance to Shrek Academy. Tang Wulin believed that the elders must have tried their best to save this giant tree, but the result was obviously a failure.


Tang Wulin sighed inexplicably, feeling that Shrek Academy is now like this golden ancient tree, slowly beginning to decline and decline, and is experiencing an unprecedented crisis!
Unfortunately, he can't do anything now.

Thinking of this, Tang Wulin shook his head, walked directly around the golden ancient tree, and followed the call in his heart to a wooden house on Poseidon Island.

There is an antique wooden table with a strange crystal on it!

It was a completely transparent diamond-shaped crystal, blue in color, and there seemed to be water waves rippling inside.



(End of this chapter)

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