Chapter 315 Ding Haizhu

At sea, even if he only has one distraction and only his spiritual consciousness, he can still mobilize a huge amount of power, and dealing with Liu Qingxuan is not a problem at all.

On the other side, Liu Qingxuan stood empty, with the endless sea at his feet, a few white clouds floating under the blue sky, and the gentle sea breeze bringing a hint of coolness.

Looking at the blue sea in front of him, the blue dragon bloodline on his body immediately became active. With a flash of light, pieces of light blue scales emerged, crystal-clear jade dragon horns emerged, and towering dragon wings stretched out behind him. There were majestic and loud dragon roars, and a majestic dragon-shaped shadow appeared behind him.


The dragon's roar resounded throughout the world, and circles of light cyan light emerged from his body. Wherever the light passed, the sea also turned into light cyan, and the rough sea calmed down instantly.

At this moment, Liu Qingxuan deeply felt the power and emotions of the sea.

"The Dragon Clan is worthy of being the Lord of Ten Thousand Waters. Even if I just release my martial soul, I will gain part of the authority over the ocean and can mobilize the power of the ocean..."

Looking at the calm sea below, Liu Qingxuan's mind was racing, and a sudden realization arose in his heart.

Although he did nothing for the sea, with the dragon bloodline, he was born with strong control over the sea. This is the power brought by the bloodline.

As the Lord of the Water Tribe and the Lord of Ten Thousand Waters, Long was born to be able to ride the wind and waves and control the Ten Thousand Waters, not to mention a blue dragon like him with a strong bloodline among the Dragon Tribe.

Controlling sea water is instinctive and effortless for him.

Thinking of this, Liu Qingxuan thought, and the soul power with the aura of the dragon spread out. The sea water below suddenly set off thousands of waves. The wind and clouds in the sky began to gather. White lightning streaked across the sky, making a deafening roar. In the blink of an eye, Suddenly, the clear sky above the sea disappeared, and the sky was covered with dark clouds, giving the appearance of an approaching storm.

Waterspouts rose from the ground and surrounded Liu Qingxuan's body. The storm raged, the waves rolled, and lightning cut through the sky like silver snakes. Liu Qingxuan looked like a heroic living god.

At the same time, countless sea soul beasts below were passive. Hearing the majestic dragon roar, the powerful sea soul beasts felt the throbbing of their blood and rushed over, including some at the ferocious beast level.

The soul beasts that arrived, no matter what race, no matter they were thousands of years old, ten thousand years old, or 10 years old, faced Liu Qingxuan's bloodline aura, they immediately expressed their intention to surrender without even the slightest thought of resistance.

Looking at this scene, Liu Qingxuan felt calm in his heart.

The bloodline and strength of these sea soul beasts are not strong, and they have no ability to resist when encountering higher bloodline.

"Great existence, welcome to the sea. I am the King of Demonic Great White Sharks, and I am willing to lead my entire clan to serve you..."

Along with this thought, a huge sea soul beast surfaced from the water. Its silver back pointed straight into the sky, like a hill. Strong soul power fluctuations flashed all over its body. It was a 10-year-old beast. Demonic Great White Shark, with this kind of cultivation, Demonic Great White Shark can definitely be called the King of Soul Beasts, King of Demonic Great White Shark!
The Demon Soul Great White Sharks nearby are probably its subordinates or blood relatives!
"I am the Deep Sea Demon Whale King of the Dark Demon Sea. I welcome you to come to the Dark Demon Sea. We, the Deep Sea Demon Whale clan, are also willing to do our best for you..."

A dark purple figure that was hundreds of meters long and looked like a small island appeared next to the Demonic Great White Shark King, and spoke to Liu Qingxuan in an extremely respectful tone.

This soul beast is also a 10-year-old soul beast, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King!The deep-sea demon whales in the nearby waters are all his subordinates and tribesmen.

It and the Demonic Soul Great White Shark King are both very powerful. They are both the overlords of this sea area and existences standing at the top of the food chain. However, facing Liu Qingxuan’s terrifying bloodline and powerful aura, the two 10-year-old soul beasts cannot Without the slightest thought of confrontation, I immediately chose to surrender.

Because Liu Qingxuan's aura was too terrifying, no matter what they had thought before, they couldn't realize it now. They might as well express their surrender to Liu Qingxuan to avoid being killed by the other party.

"very good!"

Seeing these two 10-year-old soul beasts recognize each other like this, Liu Qingxuan smiled and nodded.

Who doesn’t like a free tool beast?

"Demon Soul Great White Shark King, Deep Sea Demon Whale King, I need some ocean metal. Do you know there are metal mines there? It is best to use the very strong and hard ocean metal."

After hearing Liu Qingxuan's words, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King thought for a while and said: "Hard and powerful metal? I know a blue crystal mine, I don't know if it meets your requirements!"

"Blue crystal ore? Could it be deep sea blue gold?"

Thinking of this, Liu Qingxuan felt happy. He just wanted to find some sea soul beasts to ask casually, but he didn't expect to get something like this. Deep sea blue gold is a very powerful metal with water attributes, and it also has some space attributes. It is the top rare metal. It is usually found in the deep sea below [-] meters and is extremely difficult to mine.

"Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, where is the blue metal you found?"

"Under a [-]-meter-deep trench!"

Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan immediately confirmed his guess, and happily said to the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King: "Go and get those blue metals for me!"

Hearing this, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King suddenly showed a troubled expression: "Sir, that piece of metal is a small mine, thousands of meters long, and connected to the earth's veins. I can't move it at all."

Liu Qingxuan said: "Then you lead the way and I will get it myself!"

Deep-sea blue gold has a characteristic, that is, it will be connected with the surrounding undersea mountains and seawater, constantly extracting the power from it and turning it into powerful nutrients, and it will continue to grow. It can be regarded as a special life metal, the essence of the sea, and has very Terrifying water attribute affinity.

When it absorbs the power of undersea mountains and seawater, it will also connect itself to everything around it. This makes it difficult for any living thing to obtain this metal, because when digging deep-sea blue gold, you will encounter very large resistance and Pressure, if there is not enough power, cannot shake the huge undersea mountains and billions of seawater.

Liu Qingxuan also understood the problems encountered by the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, so he didn't say much.

He had anticipated this situation, and not only was he not disappointed, but he was very happy, because the bigger the deep-sea blue gold mine was, the harder it was to dig, and it was also rarer and more powerful.

Some quasi-god-level four-character combat armor masters among humans have gone deep into the sea to explore treasures and obtained some deep-sea blue gold, but the largest piece is only one meter long. Even such a small piece of deep-sea blue gold has a very terrifying weight. , compared with Chen Yin of the same volume, it is like an egg and will break when touched.

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King said that the mine is thousands of meters long. If he is not lying, that piece of deep sea blue gold is definitely a treasure of the sea. It is a super metal bred by the condensation of countless sea water essences and is the best material for refining weapons!

Liu Qingxuan felt that he might be able to use it to refine a powerful water-attribute artifact!
"Okay, my lord!"

Hearing Liu Qingxuan's words, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King did not hesitate. He flicked his huge tail and immediately swam towards the depths of the ocean.

Their speed was very fast, and soon they came to a huge blue crystal mine. They saw a huge undersea mountain range rising from the ground. There was a huge blue crystal above the mountain range, like a gem inlaid in it. On the mountain, the surrounding seawater continues to flow, forming terrifying undercurrents that protect the blue crystal. A ten thousand-year-old deep-sea fish was immediately torn into pieces by the undercurrents as it swam by. It looked extremely dangerous, but when these undercurrents encountered Liu Qingxuan's The blood power, however, immediately calmed down.

"What a big piece of deep sea blue gold!"

Looking at the fluorescent deep sea blue gold in front of him, Liu Qingxuan had a look of surprise in his eyes.

He didn't expect that there was such a big deep-sea blue gold. How many thousands of years would it take for it to grow to this extent?

Liu Qingxuan remembered that the diameter of this metal seemed to increase by one millimeter every ten years. The diameter of this piece of metal exceeds 3000 meters. It would take at least tens of millions of years of gestation to reach such a terrifying size!

Thinking of this, Liu Qingxuan felt happy and a little embarrassed at the same time.Can he move such a large piece of metal?
Because dark blue gold has some spatial attributes, its density is much scarier than that of heavy silver.

Moreover, the opponent can also connect to the surrounding mountains and sea water, which is really not easy to dig!

However, he has no intention of giving up.

Because such a large piece of deep sea blue gold is so rare.

Thinking of this, Liu Qingxuan immediately took action.

His eyes flashed, and he immediately stretched out his hand to grab the deep sea blue gold in front of him.

The green light spread from his body, and the endless sea water instantly formed a huge palm. Following Liu Qingxuan's movements, it grabbed the deep sea blue gold below.

The next moment, Liu Qingxuan felt a strong resistance. He felt that what he was grabbing was not a 3000-meter crystal mine, but the sum of hundreds of millions of nearby seawater and tens of thousands of meters of earth veins below. He released his energy and blood, and the giant cyan hand With an extra hint of gold, the strength instantly increased a lot, but it still didn't help. The blue crystal ore only shook slightly, and then continued to lie there without any movement. Even as Liu Qingxuan's strength increased, it was still sinking. It seemed as if it was sinking into the mountain below.

Seeing this situation, Liu Qingxuan was very surprised: "This deep sea blue gold is too difficult to dig, even my strength cannot shake it!"

When the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King saw this scene, he shook his head secretly.

The Demon Soul Great White Shark King said: "Sir, I know a black iron mine is also very good, why not replace it with black iron mine!"

"Need not!"

Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan shook his head. He looked at the blue gold mine and immediately thought of a way. He couldn't shake the opponent because the deep sea blue gold could connect with nearby mountains and seawater to increase its own weight.Is it okay if he cuts off this connection.

Thinking of this, Liu Qingxuan felt happy and started to take action immediately.

He looked at the blue crystal in front of him, his eyes flickering slightly, blooming with a trace of golden light.

The Delusion-Destroying Eyes are activated!

The next moment, Liu Qingxuan saw strange threads emerging from Deep Sea Blue Gold. Some white threads plunged into the earth below, and more blue threads exploded into the sea water. Obviously, this was Deep Sea Blue Gold's ability to take root. The support of the seabed!

Liu Qingxuan took out the God-Destroying Sword and swung it with all his strength. The sword light was like rain, and the sword light that cut through everything instantly cut these threads.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Qingxuan gathered his giant cyan hand again and grabbed it downwards. This time, the deep-sea blue gold was still very heavy, but he finally succeeded in grabbing the giant piece of metal.

Afterwards, Liu Qingxuan waved to the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King and Demonic Soul Great White Shark King, casually dismissed the two soul beasts, returned to the sea alone, burned the deep sea blue gold with his true fire, and at the same time entered runes to print, By injecting the unique creative energy of this universe through tapping, the refining of the artifact began directly.

At this point, Liu Qingxuan no longer needs a forging hammer, because his forging level surpasses that of a divine craftsman, and he can even refine real artifacts.

This time, Liu Qingxuan is preparing to refine a magic weapon that can control or restrict the enemy-Dinghaizhu!

Soon, Tang Wulin and Tang San rushed over. Because the distance was too far, it took them a while to find Liu Qingxuan.

Seeing Liu Qingxuan burning a blue crystal, Tang Wulin was very surprised: "What is he doing?"

Tang San's distraction appeared beside him, he glanced at it, and said solemnly: "Is this guy supposed to be refining a super divine weapon?"

"Super artifact?"

Hearing this, Tang Wulin looked surprised and said, "Can humans refine this thing?"

Hearing this, Tang San's eyes flashed and he said: "I'm not sure, that piece of metal is Deep Sea Blue Gold. Such a large Deep Sea Blue Gold is very suitable for refining artifacts, but this is my first time with such a large Deep Sea Blue Gold." See."

Tang Wulin said: "So it is really possible for him to successfully refine it?"

Tang San nodded: "Yes!"

Tang Wulin said: "Then what should we do now?"

Hearing this, Tang San smiled and said: "We can wait for him to finish refining and snatch the divine weapon over!"

He looked relaxed, as if everything was under control, but Tang San was actually a little strange in his heart, because after Liu Qingxuan released his martial spirit, he actually felt a bit of pressure and threat.

This guy seemed to be a little stronger than he thought and was really difficult to deal with.

Tang San felt that the opponent might run away, so it would be better to wait for the opponent to finish refining and consume his strength before taking action. By then, he would be sure to be foolproof.

On the other side, Liu Qingxuan suddenly frowned. He felt two unusual auras from the sea. One of them was very familiar to him, and it was Tang Wulin's. The other one had the power of the water attribute law, and seemed to be the sea god Tang San. Yes, it was probably the other party's distraction.

"Why are these two guys here?"

Liu Qingxuan felt very strange and didn't understand what Tang Wulin and Tang San were doing.

They don't want to take action against me, do they?

As his thoughts raced, Liu Qingxuan thought of a possibility, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

The next moment, he confirmed his guess, and a trace of sullenness flashed in his heart.

Liu Qingxuan really didn't expect that these guys would actually start to plot against him before he took action against them. Are they eager to seek death?

Thinking of this, Liu Qingxuan slowed down the refining speed.

He suspected that these two guys not only wanted to deal with them, but also wanted the artifact he was about to refine, otherwise they wouldn't be lurking in the dark waiting for the opportunity.



(End of this chapter)

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