Douluo started by adopting Gu Yuena

Chapter 326: Laying Thunder for Tang Hao

Chapter 326: Laying Thunder for Tang Hao

Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan thought: No wonder you are in danger. It turns out that you scolded Yun Ming and ran away. However, this guy Yun Ming reacted really quickly. It seems that even if he didn't show up, with the speed at which Yun Ming came, Nothing will necessarily happen to Yali.

"Let's talk somewhere else!"

With that said, Liu Qingxuan naturally took Yali's soft and smooth hand and walked out of the alley.

Yali struggled slightly and then gave up.

In the next few days, Liu Qingxuan took Yali to various amusement parks and snack streets, and their relationship quickly heated up.

Yali no longer resists Liu Qingxuan's hand holding and kissing.

Liu Qingxuan has a handsome appearance, outstanding temperament, strong strength, gentleness and considerateness. Yali has to admit that he is the most perfect opposite sex he has ever seen. She feels that there is a kind of magic in him, which is deeply attracted to her.

Soon, people from the Federation came over. Liu Qingxuan talked with the Lord of the Temple of War and the Chief of Military Affairs for a while, and quickly solved Yali's organizational problem. He didn't do much else. He just showed a little strength and defeated Zhan. The master of the temple and the commander-in-chief of the military commanded the respect of both of them, and almost anything they asked for was fulfilled.

After taking care of the military chief and the master of the War Temple, Liu Qingxuan can walk sideways in this time and space.

Although there is now a Speaker who is in charge of federal government affairs, the other party is not strong and does not have much say in the entire Douluo Federation. It is more like a rubber stamp.

Liu Qingxuan continued to take Yali around and helped some people in need. The relationship between the two quickly heated up and soon reached the point where they were inseparable.

Yun Ming, on the other hand, watched this scene helplessly, helpless. He challenged Liu Qingxuan several times, but was beaten and disabled. If Yali hadn't been kind and rescued him in time, this guy would have been disabled.

The contemporary head of the Tang Sect came to Liu Qingxuan for a discussion, but Liu Qingxuan killed him instantly with one move.

The master of the Poseidon Pavilion learned of Liu Qingxuan's existence and came to exchange ideas, but he also failed to survive a single move.

Heavenly Douluo Bei Lao looked at Liu Qingxuan with a wry smile: "How did you practice? Can you actually become a god in this era?"

He is now the master of the Poseidon Pavilion, and his strength has reached the pinnacle of quasi-gods. Unexpectedly, he could not make a move in Liu Qingxuan's hands. It was obvious that Liu Qingxuan's cultivation had reached another level, which shocked him deeply.

"You want to know?"


"Okay, I can tell you, but I need you to agree to a condition!"

Mr. Bei narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "What are the conditions? As long as it hurts Shrek Academy and does not violate my principles, I can agree to it."

Liu Qingxuan said: "I want to leave this world, please help me take care of Yali!"

After hearing this, Mr. Bei readily agreed: "Okay!"

"This girl is very talented. I can enter the Poseidon Pavilion as the deputy pavilion master in the future."

Mr. Bei admired Yali, a kind and beautiful girl, so he did not refuse Liu Qingxuan's proposal.

Later, Liu Qingxuan told Mr. Bei that the way for him to break through to the god level was to withstand the pressure of the plane, survive the catastrophe, and become a god.

After hearing what the other party said, Mr. Bei sighed and thought to himself: "It's not the same as if I didn't say anything. If I had this ability, I would have become a god."

Even though he thought so, he was not prepared to go back on his words.Because these are still somewhat useful, but if he can't do it, it doesn't mean that his disciple Yun Ming and the juniors of Shrek Academy can't do it.

"Where are you going?"

Liu Qingxuan panicked: "Xingkong, Douluo Continent is not suitable for a life of a god-level existence like me. I am going to go to the stars to find the God Realm!"

Mr. Bei looked at Liu Qingxuan in surprise. Although he was not optimistic about it, he still said: "Okay then! I wish you success. If you can find the God Realm, the soul masters in the entire continent will be grateful to you."

Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan smiled and said nothing more.

"Mr. Bei, I have one last question. Why do you still want to be the receiver when you know that Lianglong Yeyue is pregnant? Do you have any special hobbies?"

Hearing this, Mr. Bei's face turned green and white, and he wanted to beat Liu Qingxuan, but Liu Qingxuan laughed and left before the other party took action.Of course, he would not completely believe in Mr. Bei. In order to ensure that there would be no problems in the established future, Liu Qingxuan used a lot of the power of destiny to integrate into Douluo Continent and people like Mr. Bei to provide subtle guidance.

At this time, the will of the plane was still suppressed by Tang Hao and A Yin, unable to resist. Tang San followed the God Realm and was blown away by the turbulent flow of time and space.

Liu Qingxuan left some power of destiny for the will of the plane, and it will explode when the time is right. When Tang Hao and A Yin, who control the power of the plane, receive this Surprise, they will definitely be very surprised!

Thinking of this, Liu Qingxuan smiled playfully.

He is very powerful now. Even if he keeps causing trouble in Douluo Continent, Tang Hao and A Yin haven't noticed anything unusual. By the time they find out, they will probably die.

At this time, Liu Qingxuan also understood why Tang Hao and A Yin suppressed the will of the plane so well, but why they were suddenly counterattacked by the will of the plane. All of this was the mine he had planted now.

If it weren't for the fear of causing space-time backlash, Liu Qingxuan would have chopped Tang Hao and A Yin into pieces now. This could be considered their luck!

On a moonlit night, Liu Qingxuan sat on the rooftop with Yali in his arms, quietly admiring the bright moon like a silver plate.

After this period of time together, the two have become a true couple, and no one in the entire continent dares to object, because those who objected were beaten and disabled by Liu Qingxuan.Yali's strength was also raised to level [-] or above by Liu Qingxuan. Liu Qingxuan also forged a set of four-character battle armor that was close to the god level. Therefore, Yali is very powerful now, unlike before when she had no fighting ability.

After taking one look at the beauty's beautiful face, Liu Qingxuan made up his mind and said with some reluctance: "Yali, I'm leaving."

Yali looked at Liu Qingxuan in shock, her delicate and pretty face filled with sadness: "Why are you leaving? Don't you like me?"

During this period of time together, Yali has fallen deeply in love with Liu Qingxuan. She can't imagine life without him!
Seeing this, Liu Qingxuan was also very heartbroken, but he still gritted his teeth and said: "I like it, but I don't belong to this time and space. In fact, I am a time and space traveler from the future, and I cannot stay in this time and space for a long time. "

Yali hugged Liu Qingxuan, kissed her, and then said in disbelief: "You can't tell such a ridiculous lie because you want to avoid me!"

Liu Qingxuan immediately swore a poisonous oath: "I can swear a poisonous oath..."

"Don't say it, I believe you."

Hearing this, Yali covered Liu Qingxuan's mouth and then pressed against it.

Liu Qingxuan kissed the beauty's lips, cooperated vigorously, and kept stroking her slim curves with his hands.

After a long time, Liu Qingxuan reluctantly let go of Yali, took out the pendant Heart of Life, and said: "This is for you. It is the life artifact I refined. You must take it with you when you encounter danger. It can save your life, and if something happens, don't go up there stupidly, it can easily kill someone."

"Understood, when can I see you again?"

"Our destiny has been connected. Within 70 years, I will come back to you. When we see each other again, we can be together forever!"

"What? You actually made me wait for so long? That's too much!"

"I'm sorry, Li'er, the time of meeting is beyond my control. I haven't fully comprehended the power of time yet..."

Finally, the two kissed for a long time before Liu Qingxuan took Yali back to the room to sleep.

It wasn't until the other party fell asleep that Liu Qingxuan took out the time travel card to break time and space and leave this world.

Lying on the bed, Yali suddenly got up and opened her eyes. Two lines of clear tears slowly fell from her delicate eyes, and a look of sadness appeared on her beautiful face.

She was very sad about Liu Qingxuan's departure, but she had no choice but to silently accept and wait.

"You must come back to me! No matter how long it takes, I will wait for you!"

Yali hugged the quilt where Liu Qingxuan slept, sniffing the other person's breath, and thought silently in her heart.



(End of this chapter)

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