Douluo started by adopting Gu Yuena

Chapter 341 Super Power Spirit Transferring Tower

"Is there really a stronger being out there?"

"Of course, Ultimate Douluo is also divided into levels, quasi-demigod, demigod, quasi-god, one level and one world. I am only in the demigod stage now!"


Hearing this, Dai Tianling nodded and suppressed his emotions.

He suddenly remembered that Liu Qingxuan's strength seemed to have reached the quasi-god level, and he was still No. 1 on the Douluo Continent's most popular list. Isn't this kind of strength already invincible in the world!

And since he is still so young, it is not impossible for him to become a god like his ancestor Huo Yuhao in the future.

Thinking of this, Dai Tianling said to Enci: "Teacher, if you want to challenge a stronger existence, you don't have to go to Douluo Continent. We have a powerful quasi-god here?"

Hearing this, Enci was slightly startled: "Who is it?"

He was very surprised. Is there anyone stronger than him in the Star Luo Empire?

"Liu Qingxuan!"

Dai Tianling smiled slightly and said: "The leader of the mission to Douluo Continent this time is also the special envoy of Spirit Transferring Pagoda."

"According to the information I have received, this young powerful soul master defeated Chen Xinjie, who is at the quasi-god level, and became No. 1 on the Douluo Continent's most popular list. Yun Ming, the master of the Poseidon Pavilion, was not as ranked as him before his death. The most important thing is Yes, he is only 15 years old, very young..."

Hearing this, Enci was shocked: "There is such a monster!"

"How did he do that?"

"do not know."

Dai Tianling shook his head and said: "To be honest, when I first learned about Liu Qingxuan's information, I couldn't believe it, but these information have been verified by many parties and cannot be false!"

Hearing this, Enci couldn't help but exclaimed: "If what your Majesty said is true, then this little guy is really a peerless genius that transcends ancient and modern times!"

To be honest, he was extremely shocked, because Quasi-God was the level he had been pursuing. He didn't expect that Liu Qingxuan, a 15-year-old young man, had defeated a Quasi-God. This made him feel that he had been practicing to the point of incompetence even at his age. Got it on him.

"If I have the chance, I really want to meet this little monster who creates miracles!"


On the other side of the viewing area, Long Yue looked at Yuan En Yehui, who was surrounded by a dark aura on the competition stage, and was very surprised: "There is actually a Soul Emperor? Is that really interesting?"

Tiger King Dai Yueyan looked in disbelief: "What happened to her 10-year-old soul ring?"

"Can the Soul Emperor withstand a 10-year soul ring?"

Fox King Su Mu looked at Long Yue with a smile on his face and said: "Brother Long, it seems you are going to be in trouble!"

Hua Lantang said in a deep voice: "When soldiers come, we will block it, and when water comes, we will cover it with soil! What is there to be afraid of? Brother Long is a two-word battle armor master. How can she possess a two-word battle armor?"

Shadow King Tengteng said: "Even if he has a two-word battle armor, what does it matter? Brother Long's martial spirit is so abnormal, who is his opponent at the same level?"

Tower King Ye Zhi is the only two women among the eight kings of Monster Academy. She is extremely beautiful, slim and mature, like a blooming rose. She is much more mature than the equally beautiful Dai Yun'er, standing there very It's eye-catching.

Hearing everyone's words, she smiled and looked at Long Yue, who had a calm expression on her side: "Brother Long, what do you think of this Yuanen Yehui?"

"A very good opponent!"

When Long Yue heard this, he smiled slightly and said, "I hope I can use my true strength this time."


On the competition stage, Ling Wuxie was startled when he saw Yuan En Ye Hui's soul ring. Then he reacted, gritted his teeth, released his soul skill with a determined expression, slashed out a sword light, and then quickly rushed towards Yuan En Ye Hui. .

On the other side, Yuanen Yehui stretched her purple-black wings, and six dazzling soul rings on her body flashed alternately. A dark purple halo swirled around her body, and a faint golden color flowed in it. Purple gold is the devil. The royal blood of a clan, the purest power of corruption.After Yuanen Yehui became a fallen angel, his aura also changed accordingly. In addition to his eyes remaining clear, his whole body exuded a strong evil aura.With her stunning face, long purple hair, snow-white delicate skin, and fiery and voluptuous figure, she is extremely eye-catching. Her bright eyes twinkle slightly, exuding a bit of seductiveness.

Seeing Ling Wuxie's sword light approaching, the first and second soul rings on Yuan En Ye Hui's body flashed one after another, and the fallen angel descended. The next moment, a layer of black mist as black as ink spread from Yuan En Ye Hui's body, A purple-black sword appeared in her hand.


As soon as Ling Wuxie's sword light touched the black mist, it was swallowed up by the strange mist. It only made a soft sound and then disappeared. The next moment, the black mist continued to spread, like a giant beast that chooses people to eat, towards Ling Wuxie. Come.

Seeing this, Ling Wuxie released his third soul ring, and silver sword lights flew out, turning into a giant silver net, slashing towards the black in front of him.


A crisp sound erupted, and the silver sword light was like a flame falling into the water, and was instantly annihilated by the power of darkness.

The next moment, extremely dense black mist enveloped Ling Wuxie.

For a moment, he felt that the surroundings were dark, he could not see anything, and even when he released his mental power, he could not sense anything. At the same time, his soul power was being corroded by the power of darkness and was slowly disappearing.

"Damn, what is this? Why is it so weird?"

Seeing this situation, Ling Wuxie couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

Without any hesitation, he released the fifth soul ring and flickered. The nine-ring silver knife shook, and a bright sword light flew out, turning into a shocking sharp blade and splitting the surrounding black mist. The long-lost light poured in from the gap in the black mist. Wu Xie felt happy and immediately started running in that direction.

But the next moment, he felt a chill in his body, and a purple-black long sword pierced the armor and pierced his shoulder.

I don't know when, Yuan En Yehui flew behind Ling Wuxie and gave him a sword. Because the attack speed was so fast, Ling Wuxie didn't even react until the cold dark breath hit him from all parts of his body. Only innocent people feel pain.


The soul power in his body passed quickly, he screamed, his vision went dark, and he fainted.

Yuanen Yehui withdrew her martial spirit, the black mist dissipated, and she once again transformed into the beautiful and radiant girl in black dress before, but now no one dared to look down upon him.

Seeing Ling Wuxie's tragic situation, almost all the audience opened their mouths in surprise.

Because the time of this competition was so fast, less than half a minute passed from the time Ling Wuxie launched the attack to the end.

Obviously, this is not a close match at all, but a crushing one!
Many spectators didn't even understand what happened, and the game was over.

"Yuanen Yehui wins!"

A mechanical electronic sound sounded, announcing the results of the competition, and several medical staff ran onto the stage and took away the seriously injured Ling Wuxie.

Yuanen Yehui quietly left the competition stage and returned to the private room where Liu Qingxuan was.

Liu Qingxuan smiled and kissed Yuan En Ye Hui, then while stroking the full curves, he said: "Congratulations, you won!"

Yuanen Yehui blushed and looked away from Liu Qingxuan, then hugged Liu Qingxuan, kissed him, and said lightly: "The opponent is too weak, there is nothing to be proud of!"

Liu Qingyao was wearing a cool short skirt, her delicate face, and her snow-white skin were extremely dazzling under the soul light.

She came to Liu Qingxuan's side, hugged his waist with her hands, put her delicate chin on Liu Qingxuan's shoulder, smiled at Yuanen Yehui and said: "Yehui, we seem to be in the same group. When we meet, you must not Keep it!"

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Yuan En Yehui nodded and said with a bitter smile: "Sister Qingyao, you are a soul saint and you also have a three-word battle armor. Even if I want to keep it, there is nothing I can do!"

"But I won't admit defeat. I want to see the gap between us!" "Have ambition!"

Hearing this, Xu Xiaoyan gave Yuanen Yehui a thumbs up.

Gu Yue showed an expression of admiration, then looked at Liu Qingxuan, and said with disdain: "It's not like some people who think about improper things all day long and never practice, just to take advantage of their talents."

Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan smiled slightly and said proudly: "Talent is also part of strength!"

As he spoke, he hugged Gu Yue and kissed her hard. The beauty's lips and delicate body were very soft, with a faint sweetness, like cotton candy, which Liu Qingxuan liked very much.


He patted Gu Yue's butt and said, "His Royal Highness Silver Dragon King, are you itchy?"


Hearing this, Gu Yue's pretty face turned red and she looked very delicate. She looked at Liu Qingxuan with her watery eyes angrily and said coquettishly, "I know how to bully others."

Seeing this, Liu Qingxuan's heart moved. He immediately put Gu Yue on the bed and kissed the beauty's red lips.

The time realm is opened, and the passage of time immediately slows down a lot.

A new fierce battle also started. Na'er and the other girls watched this scene and quickly joined in to help Gu Yue deal with Liu Qingxuan.

Although Xu Yingying and Bai Xiuxiu have become Liu Qingxuan's women, this is the first time they see such a scene, and they act very shy. Their attitude of refusing to welcome made Liu Qingxuan like them very much, and he loved them many times.


Time flies like an arrow, time flies, and the day passes in the blink of an eye.

Liu Qingxuan stayed in the time realm for 30 days and fed every woman.

During this period, Na'er, Gu Yue, Xu Xiaoyan, Mu Xi, Wu Siduo, Liu Qingyao, Ouyang Zixin, Meng Qianxue, Meng Qianying, and Xu Yingying also went out to complete today's competition.

The opponents were not very strong, and even if a few one-word armor masters appeared, they were easily dealt with, because even the weakest Xu Yingying was promoted to the fifth-ring soul king level by the soul ring and soul bone presented by Liu Qingxuan, and she also had A set of two-word battle armor.

The soul rings of the girls were also revealed during the competition, which directly shocked the soul masters in the entire Star Luo Continent.

They did not expect that in addition to Shrek Academy, Douluo Continent also has such extremely talented and beautiful girls, most of whom came from the Spirit Transferring Pagoda. This gave Dai Tianling and others a new understanding of Liu Qingxuan and the Spirit Transferring Pagoda.

The Eight Heavenly Kings of Monster Academy were shocked when they saw the 10-year-old spirit rings and ferocious beast spirit rings on Na'er and other girls. They really didn't expect that they would have such a terrifying ratio of spirit rings.Especially Na'er and Liu Qingyao are even more outrageous. All the soul rings are golden. They can't all be god-level soul rings or million-year soul rings, right?
The titled Douluo in the Star Luo Empire's Enshrinement Hall were also shocked by the colors of the girls' soul rings.You must know that even if their cultivation has reached level 10, few of them have [-]-year-old soul rings, let alone ferocious beast soul rings!

The soul rings revealed by Na'er and the other girls spread throughout the soul master world of the Star Luo Empire like an earthquake. All the Star Luo people felt unbelievable and sad at the same time. If the soul rings and cultivation level shown by the other party were real, Wasn't their Star Luo Empire crushed by the Spirit Transferring Pagoda and Shrek Academy? None of the younger generation of the Star Luo Empire has a 10-year-old existence. Even Long Yue's soul ring is only purple, purple, black, and black. The blackness and the huge gap made all the soul masters feel despair.

Dai Tianling was shocked to the point of numbness.

He really didn't understand how the Spirit Transferring Tower found so many 10-year-old soul rings, and also allowed Gu Yue and other soul emperors and soul saints to fuse with them!
While being curious, Dai Tianling was not too worried, because he had already decided to win over Liu Qingxuan. Seeing the current situation, he decided to increase his efforts to win over Liu Qingxuan. Na'er and other girls obviously have a close relationship with Liu Qingxuan. As long as he wins over Liu Qingxuan, it is said that The Spirit Tower will not become the enemy of their Star Luo Empire, and these geniuses will not help the Federation deal with their Star Luo Empire!

Of course, Dai Tianling had no choice but to make this choice. It was very difficult to get rid of these proud women. It could be said that it was impossible to succeed because they had been with Liu Qingxuan, a "quasi-god-level" powerhouse.Even if they succeed by luck, their Star Luo Empire cannot afford the revenge of Liu Qingxuan and the Spirit Transferring Pagoda.You must know that Zhang Geyang is not a super Douluo now, but has reached the limit of achievement. This means that the Xingluo branch of the Spirit Pagoda also has strategic-level power, and he, the emperor, has to treat it with caution.

The other forces were surprised and took action immediately. They sent people to the Spiritual Pagoda to inquire about the news, but they were blocked by Liu Qingxuan and Zhang Geyang. Because the two were powerful, these forces and families did not dare to show any dissatisfaction. Instead, he began to show his favor to Liu Qingxuan and Zhang Geyang, sending resources, beauties, and various treasures as if they were free of charge.

Seeing super geniuses like Na'er, many families have realized that the future will belong to the era of Spirit Transferring Pagoda. As long as Na'er, Gu Yue, Xu Xiaoyan, Mu Xi, Wu Siduo, Liu Qingyao, Yuanen Yehui, Ouyang Zixin , Meng Qianxue, Meng Qianying and other geniuses of the Spirit Transferring Tower have grown up, and the Spirit Transferring Tower will have double-digit Ultimate Douluo.

Of course, the current Spirit Transferring Pagoda is also very powerful. It has eight Ultimate Douluo including Qiangu Dieting, Qiangu Dongfeng, Qiangu Qingfeng, Leng Yaozhu, Leng Yulai, Lan Ruoxi, Liu Qingxuan, and Zhang Geyang, and three of them are still standing. The top quasi-gods in the mainland, and the four inferior demigods, are very terrifying. People still don’t know that Zhang Geyang relied on drug abuse to advance through the ranks, and has already surpassed the quasi-demigod limit Douluo and reached the level of demigod. At the level of a Super Ultimate Douluo, otherwise I'm afraid I would be even more surprised.

It was precisely because he understood the strength and potential of the Spirit Pagoda that Dai Tianling spared no effort to win over Liu Qingxuan, even pushing his precious daughter out.

Today's Spirit Transferring Pagoda already has the prototype of a super force. Once the ten super powers Na'er, Gu Yue, Xu Xiaoyan, Yuan En Yehui, Mu Xi, Wu Siduo, Liu Qingyao, Ouyang Zixin, Meng Qianxue, and Meng Qianying Once the genius grows up and reaches the Ultimate Douluo level, the Spirit Transferring Tower will have at least 18 Extreme Douluo experts, which is more than the Ultimate Douluo in Douluo Continent plus Star Luo Continent.

Although the former Shrek Academy had two quasi-gods, they were far inferior to the current Spirit Transferring Pagoda.

Liu Qingxuan is the No. 1 of the younger generation of Chuanling Pagoda, and is also the top powerhouse in Chuanling Pagoda. He is also supported by three Ultimate Douluo, Lan Ruoxi, Leng Yaozhu, and Leng Yulai. The most powerful successor to the future Master of the Spiritual Pagoda.

The most important thing is that the most powerful and talented girls in the current Spirit Transferring Pagoda all like Liu Qingxuan. It can be seen that the future Spirit Transferring Pagoda will inevitably fall into the hands of Liu Qingxuan, and will become more powerful and terrifying. .

Of course, he himself is also a peerless genius with terrifying talents, and has the qualifications to become a god. The Douluo Continent soul master world even gave Liu Qingxuan the title of a young god. He is sought after by many beautiful female soul masters, and he has the qualifications to become a god. Yun Ming wants to exaggerate even more.


Xingluo Hotel.

Diners from all over the world, dressed in luxurious clothes, were eating delicious food in the restaurant on the first floor and chatting happily.

"I didn't expect that there would be so many extremely talented and beautiful girls in this continent-wide young soul master elite competition! It's really a worthwhile trip!"

"I heard that they are all from Douluo Continent, from a force called Spirit Transferring Pagoda."

"We also have a Spirit Transferring Pagoda here. It seems to be a branch of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda in Douluo Continent. They are not that powerful?"

"Who knows?"

"Those beautiful girls are so beautiful. They are all beautiful and charming. They are just like goddesses. I really don't know who they will take advantage of!"

"Haha, you don't have to think about it when you look like this. Even if people are blind, they won't like you."

"A 10-year-old spirit ring! Titled Douluo all have different ones. How did you get it in the Spirit Transferring Pagoda? And gave it to these beautiful girls."

"Who knows? The Spirit Transferring Pagoda is so arrogant now that they won't pay attention to us."

"What's a 10-year-old soul ring? I saw several ferocious beast soul rings. It's simply outrageous. I really don't know why they have so many ferocious beast soul rings in their Spirit Transferring Tower. Could it be that there has been a breakthrough in artificial soul technology? The Spirit Transferring Tower Can you already wholesale the ferocious beast soul rings?"

"Impossible, such important news will definitely come out. There is no news now, so their soul rings must not be produced by artificial souls, but by real 10-year-old soul beasts or ferocious beasts."


Listening to the words of these diners, Xie Xie's mood instantly dropped.

He felt that he was also a genius with twin martial arts, but compared to Na'er and the others, he seemed insignificant.

Those guys are so perverted!

Xie Xie really didn't understand how those girls could withstand the impact of spirit rings that were more than 10 years old. Could it be that they all had an indestructible body like the boss Liu Qingxuan.

"I didn't expect Na'er and the others to be so strong!"

"Who said no!"

Le Zhengyu sighed and said, "The captain is also very powerful!"

He felt that he was getting further and further away from Yuanen Yehui, even though he had worked hard.

"When I go back, I must perform a second holy baptism."



(End of this chapter)

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