Douluo started by adopting Gu Yuena

Chapter 355 Dai Yueyan VS Liu Qingyao

It can be seen from this that Liu Qingyao's mental power must be very terrifying. Dai Yueyan was afraid of losing too badly, so he prepared many mental defense soul tools for himself. He did not want to be controlled and gave up directly. If this happened, the face of the Star Luo Empire would be ruined. He was really going to be humiliated, and the negative impact would be much more serious than the last time Dai Yun'er kissed Liu Qingxuan in public.

On the rostrum, Dai Tianling clenched his fists and looked unhappy, because he had informed the competition officials that they would put Long Yue and Dai Yueyan in the back to collide with Na'er and the other girls, so that their rankings could be better, but he didn't expect Those officials didn't bother him at all, and directly let Dai Yueyan and Long Yue be ranked in the first and second games in the [-]-[-] game, and the opponents were absolutely invincible to them.

"These guys who eat corpses are really damned!"

Dai Tianling cursed in his heart and was determined to relegate those disobedient people to remote areas.

In fact, the officials in charge of the competition were also confused because they had clearly arranged the event, but they did not expect that the final result had changed. Upon investigation, it was found that the staff made a mistake, which led to the current situation.

This will cause them great harm!

But is the current situation really a mistake?

Liu Qingxuan said that the power of destiny is really easy to use. Under the cover of the domain, he didn't even see the people in charge, and everything went as he thought.

Seeing that Dai Tianling was in a bad mood, Enci thought that he was worried about Dai Yueyan, so he comforted him: "Your Majesty, don't be nervous. Yueyan still has strength. As long as he exerts his full strength, the opponent will still have to work hard to win."

Hearing this, Dai Tianling sighed and said: "Although Yueyan is a one-word armor master, his overall strength has reached the seventh ring. But compared to Liu Qingyao, the real seventh-ring soul saint, he is still far behind, regardless of age. , or in terms of talent, he is far inferior to the opponent. I am worried that he will lose too badly and will not be able to withstand the blow."

Enci smiled and said: "If that's the case, then there's no need to worry anymore. Not only is this child Yueyan bad, but he also has a calm and wise personality. Generally, soul masters will have a somewhat impetuous mentality after reaching a certain level, but Such a situation has never happened to him, which shows that his character is very tough. Even if he loses, he will not be too hard hit. And Yueyan, the kid, may not lose. He has the purest white tiger in him. The bloodline, physical fitness and fighting ability are all very strong. Liu Qingyao is obviously a spiritual soul master, but his mental power is just a little stronger. As long as Dai Yueyan can get close, the outcome is still uncertain."

Upon hearing this, Dai Tianling relaxed his brows slightly and said, "I hope so!"

He was very hopeful and hoped to win the game. Because I have two things to deal with after this competition. One is to choose a consort for Princess Dai Yuner. The other is to announce the crown prince.

Dai Yun'er likes Liu Qingxuan, and although Liu Qingxuan has a high status and talent, he is a playboy. Dai Tianling feels that he can't influence the other person at all, which is a headache. The position of crown prince has been chosen by Dai Yueyan before, but if the opponent loses this game, his reputation will obviously take a big hit. Everyone will admit it by then, but they will definitely have some thoughts in their hearts.

The Star Luo Empire did not have the eldest son inheritance system. Generally, whoever was more outstanding would be chosen as the crown prince. Unfortunately, his other sons were far inferior to Dai Yueyan. Even if Dai Yueyan said he was not that outstanding, he could only choose the other son.


"come on."

Listening to the encouragement from his partners, Dai Yueyan nodded and quickly stepped onto the competition stage. His confidence was not very high, but his face was very calm. He had been in a high position for many years, and aside from other things, his Qi-nurturing skills were still very good. Even if the odds of winning were low, he still showed great courage and confidence.

"Hello everyone, I am the commentator Fang'er. I am very happy to explain today's game. The first game will be between Dai Yueyan, the fourth prince of our Star Luo Empire, and Liu Qingyao from the Spirit Transferring Pagoda."

"Contestant Dai Yueyan, I believe everyone knows that he is a very outstanding prince in our Star Luo Empire. He has the purest blood of the Tiger King and is very powerful. He is already a one-word armor master at the age of twenty. Ranked second among the Eight Heavenly Kings of Monster Academy. Another contestant, Liu Qingyao, is from the Spirit Transferring Pagoda. He has a seventh-ring cultivation level and an unknown level of battle armor. He is fifteen years old this year. He is beautiful in appearance and powerful in martial arts ninth. Wei Tianhu, known as the goddess of Tianhu, after several previous competitions, she has become one of the most powerful candidates to win the championship in this competition."

"The collision between the two will inevitably be very fierce. Although His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince has a low chance of winning, I still hope that he will win the final victory."

Fang'er was sitting on the edge of the rostrum, wearing a white dress, with a beautiful face and skin as good as snow. She introduced the situation of both parties participating in the competition in a leisurely manner. Her posture was noble and elegant, with an indescribable grace. It's frequently eye-catching.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, Your Highness!"

The audience suddenly remembered the shouts like a mountain roar and a tsunami. Almost all the audience stood up and cheered for Dai Yueyan.

Hearing these voices, Dai Yueyan couldn't help but feel a little excited.

He waved to the crowd around him, and then walked onto the competition stage with high spirits, suddenly feeling a sense of faith and responsibility in his heart.

"Brother, I'm going to compete."

Liu Qingyao ignored the shouts around her and just hugged Liu Qingxuan and kissed him. Her face relaxed slightly and she revealed a smile that could confuse all living beings.

"Sister, come on!"

Liu Qingxuan kissed Liu Qingyao back, clenched his fist and shook it to cheer him up.

Liu Qingyao smiled and nodded, then slowly left the waiting area and went to the competition stage.

At this time, Pan Wen and other senior officials of the Douluo Continent Mission had already entered the second box on the second floor. Because of the good results achieved by Na'er and other women, they also began to pay attention to this competition. Many council members were very happy because Na'er and other women had achieved good results. The better the results of Na'er, Yuan En Yehui and others, the more advantages they will gain in future negotiations in Douluo Continent. Some members are worried because the talents of Na'er and other women are too exaggerated, but they all gather Once these geniuses grow up around Liu Qingxuan, they will inevitably have a terrible impact on the current political situation of the Federation. By then, Liu Qingxuan's power will expand to a very terrifying level, and he may become the uncrowned emperor of their Douluo Federation. , who controls the fate of everyone on the continent, is more powerful than the former Emperor of the Sun and Moon Empire.

"Three two one, start!"

On the competition stage, when the referee saw that both sides were well prepared, he immediately announced the start of the battle and then stepped aside.

After entering the finals, the referees were also replaced by the more powerful royal family of the Star Luo Empire. Each of them was a three-word battle armor master who had reached the level of a titled Douluo. Their strength was enough to ensure that no accidents would happen.

As the referee finished speaking, Liu Qingyao immediately released her martial spirit.

With a flash of pink light, a pair of fluffy fox ears appeared between Liu Qingyao's hair, and at the same time, nine white fox tails emerged from behind her, rising into the sky and swaying like willows.

Liu Qingyao has long pink hair, an exquisite face, gem-like eyes shining with purple light, her skin is as flawless as mutton-fat jade, with a trace of alluring luster, and a flat belly under her towering breasts. A pair of slender jade legs and snow-white crystal feet. The girl's temperament is originally noble and beautiful. She is pure and moving at first glance, and charming and charming at second glance. The two completely opposite temperaments are perfectly integrated in Liu Qingyao, making her whole body sparkle with seductive charm. . With the release of martial arts, this charm has reached its peak, making people feel trance-like and lost even at a glance.

Seven circles of golden soul rings appeared on Liu Qingyao's tail, moving up and down rhythmically, emitting an extremely dazzling light. They complemented each other with the light on Liu Qingyao's body, making the girl even more beautiful and charming.

Looking at the charming and beautiful girl in front of him, Dai Yueyan's heart immediately wavered, as if he saw the white moonlight in his mind, and he unconsciously wanted to kneel down and surrender, but soon there was a buzzing sound like a Hong Zhong Dalu. Sounded, under the influence of the spiritual defense pendant, necklace and bracelet, Dai Yueyan woke up instantly, feeling frightened in his heart, and immediately released his martial soul and battle armor.

This stunning girl was indeed terrifying. Her mental power and charm were much more terrifying than he imagined. Even if she did nothing, he almost fell.

However, she is really beautiful! His fourth prince, Dai Yueyan, had seen countless people, and he had never seen such a gorgeous girl.

As his thoughts raced, Dai Yueyan even had the idea of ​​actively pursuing the other party and asking Liu Qingyao to be his wife, but he quickly suppressed it. Now was the critical moment of the game, and he couldn't be distracted.

No, I was affected again.

Several spiritual defense necklaces protruding from Dai Yueyan's neck emitted circles of light blue light, making Dai Yueyan wake up again.

White hairs grew out one after another, and five soul rings rose under Dai Yueyan's feet. Three purple and two black surpassed the optimal soul ring ratio. Although he was very outstanding among his peers, he was not worth mentioning compared to Liu Qingyao. .

Pieces of white battle armor flew out from Dai Yueyan's hand, turning into streams of light and falling back on his body, forming a gorgeous battle armor.

Facing the terrifyingly powerful Liu Qingyao, Dai Yueyan did not dare to hold back and immediately released his battle armor.

With the completion of the possession of the Doukai, Dai Yueyan's momentum rose rapidly, and soon reached the level of the Seven-ringed Soul Saint. At this time, he could finally face the naturally charming power of Liu Qingyao.

Seeing Dai Yueyan who was waking up quickly, Liu Qingyao raised her eyebrows and felt a little surprised. However, she soon discovered that the other party had used the power of a high-level spiritual soul guide to resist his own charm, so she didn't care anymore. .

After competing so many times, she has yet to use her soul skills. Every time, after releasing her martial soul, the opponent voluntarily admits defeat.

However, her seven soul skills have all reached the god level and are very powerful. Each of them has the power to threaten Titled Douluo. Even Super Douluo may be affected by her soul skills, let alone Dai Yueyan. Such a weak one-word battle armor master.

The first soul ring flickered, and a white light shield appeared on Dai Yueyan. His dazzling blond hair immediately turned white, his muscles bulged, and his body expanded. In the blink of an eye, Dai Yueyan's size expanded.

After releasing the first soul skill, White Tiger Protective Barrier, Dai Yueyan felt that it was not safe, so he released the third soul skill - White Tiger Vajra Transformation.

A golden light flashed, Dai Yueyan's body suddenly lifted up, and the black and white hair all over his body turned golden. His eyes were even more golden, and on his forehead, a king character was looming.

Immediately after the third soul ring flashed, the fifth soul ring on Dai Yueyan's body lit up. A black and white light rose from his feet and instantly covered his body. At the same time, behind him, the light and shadow of a giant tiger emerged. His hair changed back to black and white, but this time, his whole body swelled again, reaching a height of three meters, with a pair of giant claws up to six feet long, and his whole body was filled with a terrifying horror like an abyss. The breath and the hairs are like crystal clear crystals.

With the three major soul skills and the increase of the battle armor, Dai Yueyan's aura reached its peak, and his whole body shone with a sharp and powerful aura. With a roar, Dai Yueyan turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Liu Qingyao. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Liu Qingyao, stretched out his sharp claws and grabbed the stunning girl in front of him.

Seeing this, Liu Qingyao's face was calm, and she just glanced at Dai Yueyan. Her jewel-like eyes flashed purple, and her mind was disturbed. The spiritual soul guide on Dai Yueyan's body emitted light, but his spirit still appeared in a trance for a moment, and his movements were also blurred. Then it slowed down a bit.

At this time, Liu Qingyao's face calmly flashed to the side, and she was ten meters away in an instant. Dai Yueyan's giant claw fell, rocks flew, and ten deep scratches appeared on the ground, but Liu Qingyao was not hurt at all.

Looking at this scene, Fang'er's explanation voice couldn't help but become surprised: "Everyone, look, player Dai Yueyan has already used all his amplified soul skills at this time."

"Generally speaking, a soul master will not have more than two body-enhancing soul skills, but the White Tiger Martial Spirit is an exception. Because of the royal family, I cannot introduce it too much."

"But what everyone needs to know is that with the increase in the three major soul skills, the strength, speed, and destructive power of the White Tiger Spirit have reached extremely terrifying levels. With the addition of the battle armor, Dai Yueyan's strength at this time will never be the same. He is inferior to any Soul Saint, and Soul Douluo with some weaknesses will not be his opponent."

"Look, everyone, player Dai Yueyan launched an attack, and it was very fast! Liu Qingyao glanced at Dai Yueyan and confused the opponent's spirit, and easily avoided the attack. What a terrifying mental power, what a speed. Pay attention to this moment. Player Dai Yueyan has an advanced spiritual defense soul tool, but he was still attacked, which shows that Liu Qingyao's mental power has at least reached the spiritual realm, and may even be stronger."

"Contestant Dai Yueyan realized that the attack failed, quickly adjusted his state, launched another attack, and also took the opportunity to activate his second soul skill - White Tiger Fierce Light Wave."

With a roar, Dai Yueyan rushed towards Liu Qingyao again. This time he still did not touch Liu Qingyao, but he gathered his soul power in advance, guarded part of the sea of ​​consciousness, woke up quickly, and then immediately raised his head and activated his second soul skill.


The second soul ring under his feet flashed, Dai Yueyan reminded him, and then spit out a dazzling white light towards Liu Qingyao.

Liu Qingyao's mental power enveloped the entire competition stage, and she naturally discovered Dai Yueyan's movements. Even if the opponent did not remind her, it was impossible to hurt her at all.

With a thought in her mind, Liu Qingyao's spirit rippled slightly, instantly distorting the attack direction of the white tiger's fierce light wave.


There was a loud noise, and the white tiger's fierce light wave hit the soul guidance barrier and suddenly exploded, with ripples of soul power appearing on it.

The spectators around were shocked and stood up subconsciously, but soon felt relieved when they saw that there was no problem with the protective shield.

Fang Er's beautiful eyes flashed and she explained in surprise: "Look, everyone, facing the attack of player Dai Yueyan, Liu Qingyao used a special method to forcibly control player Dai Yueyan's soul skill and change the direction of the soul skill. How did she do it? Is it really incredible that you did it?”

Fang Er and the audience were surprised, and Dai Yueyan was even more surprised. He just didn't expect that his soul skills could be controlled by his opponents. What kind of method was this? How do you want him to play?

Although he was a little angry, Dai Yueyan reacted quickly and pounced on Liu Qingyao again.

But at this time, Liu Qingyao lost her patience in teasing the big cat and was not ready to continue playing. The first soul ring under her feet lit up.


The dazzling golden soul ring bloomed with light, her eyes flashed, and a lilac light burst out instantly.

Facing Liu Qingyao's attack, Dai Yueyan was extremely vigilant and immediately concentrated on gathering his soul power to defend his brain.

In the blink of an eye, purple light hit Dai Yueyan, and the spiritual defense soul guide on his body flickered and returned to calm.

"Look, player Liu Qingyao activated his first soul skill, and then player Dai Yueyan stopped, then changed his direction and attacked the air crazily? What is he doing? Is it because he was affected by Liu Qingyao's first soul skill?"

At this time, Fang'er and the audience stared at the scene in the competition stage with their eyes wide open in surprise. Dai Yueyan launched his fourth soul skill, fiercely attacked the air in front of him, then waved his six-meter-long giant claw and grabbed Something, a proud look on his face.

On the other side, what Dai Yueyan saw was completely different from what Fang Er and others saw. He was in a trance, and was surprised to find that nothing had changed on his body, while Liu Qingyao was still standing in front of him without any movement.

Her soul skills were blocked by my spiritual defense soul guide?
  She didn't run away?

Did she misjudge the effect of her own soul skills?
  good chance!
  Seeing Liu Qingyao running away with her beauty turned pale, Dai Yueyan's thoughts changed. He turned around and jumped towards Liu Qingyao. At the same time, he activated his fourth soul skill White Tiger to Break Demon Kill. The fourth black soul ring shined brightly, and his body suddenly After curling up for a moment, streaks of dazzling black and white light burst out from his body. Those rays of light flickered in the air, carrying unparalleled destructive power. With the improvement of the three auxiliary soul skills, the power of the fourth soul skill White Tiger to break demons and kill has also been increased to the extreme.

Caught off guard, Liu Qingyao did not dodge the black and white rays of light. Although she released her soul power to protect her body, she was still knocked away.

Seeing this, Dai Yueyan's eyes flashed, he seized the opportunity, stepped forward, a pair of tiger claws stretched out like lightning, and immediately grabbed Liu Qingyao in mid-air, and then showed a proud look.

"I surrender!"

After hearing Liu Qingyao's words, Dai Yueyan immediately let go of him and took back his martial spirit and battle armor. The audience around him cheered like a mountain and a tsunami.

Dai Yueyan jumped twice happily on the competition stage, and heard Liu Qingyao say: "You are very powerful, and you are worthy of being the fourth prince of the Star Luo Empire."

"You are also very powerful, and you still have many soul skills that you haven't used yet, otherwise I may not win."

After chatting for a while, Dai Yueyan saw Liu Qingyao leaving and immediately prepared to leave the competition stage. He said to the referee: "Referee, open the shield quickly, I'm going down."

"What's going on with the staff at the competition organizer? The competition is over, why haven't you opened the soul shield yet?"

Hearing this, the referee suddenly had a dark look on his face and immediately announced: "This competition, player Liu Qingyao wins!"

"Hey, referee, what did you do? I obviously won, why did you declare Liu Qingyao the winner?"

"Are you blind?"

Hearing this, Dai Yueyan was so angry that he immediately jumped up and rushed over to settle the score with the blind referee.

On the rostrum, Dai Tianling and others saw that Dai Yueyan was still immersed in the illusion and couldn't extricate himself, so they couldn't help but cover their foreheads.

Fang'er shook his head and said: "It seems that our Fourth Prince is still inferior in skills and failed to break free from Liu Qingyao's controlling soul skills. The result of this competition is already obvious. Liu Qingyao won. The strength gap between the two sides is too big." Well, Liu Qingyao may not be serious at all. She is indeed one of the most powerful people to win the championship in this competition. She is a stunning girl with equal emphasis on talent and beauty. I hope that player Dai Yueyan can learn from the lessons of failure, continue to work hard, and achieve better results in the future."

Liu Qingyao smiled slightly, put away her martial spirit, and left slowly.

"His Royal Highness Fourth Prince!"

When the referee saw Dai Yueyan rushing towards him, he immediately shouted loudly, his energy spread, and the opponent's eyes instantly regained clarity.

Thinking of his previous actions, Dai Yueyan's old face turned red and he wished he could find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

The surrounding audience was in an uproar, many people laughed, and some people talked about it, making Dai Yueyan's face become even more ugly.


He snorted coldly and walked off the stage angrily.

He had already expected this defeat, so he was not too disappointed. After all, the strength gap between the two sides was too big. One had five rings and the other had seven rings. There was no comparison at all.

He has used his battle armor and exerted the power of all his soul skills, but he still can't do anything. It can be seen that Liu Qingyao's strength is very terrifying. The opponent's soul skills are too strong. Even if he uses so many mental defense soul tools, he still can't block it. The opponent's mind control soul skill did such a shameful thing and his image was greatly damaged. Dai Yueyan couldn't help but regret participating in this continent-wide youth soul master competition.


……… (End of this chapter)

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