Douluo started by adopting Gu Yuena

Chapter 357 Dai Tianling’s Thoughts

After checking, Enci found that his apprentice was not seriously injured, but there was a slight problem with his bloodline, and he felt relieved.

Afterwards, a group of medical staff came on stage and carried Long Yue off.

"and many more!"

Na'er ignored Long Yue's situation and was about to leave, but was stopped by Enci.

With a flash of his body, he stopped Na'er and asked with a surprised look on his face: "Miss Na'er, I am Enci, the dean of Monster Academy. I would like to ask you some questions. Is your martial spirit the Dragon God?"

Hearing this, Na'er glanced at him indifferently, a colorful light flashed across her eyes, and an invisible pressure instantly enveloped Enci, making him breathless.

He wanted to release his martial soul, but found that there was a fear in his martial soul, his blood began to boil, and he felt like it was out of his own control.

"So what if it is? So what if it's not? What does it have to do with you?"

Na'er said coldly, then crossed Enci and got off the competition stage.

"It is indeed the blood of the Dragon God!"

Feeling Na'er's blood aura, Enci finally confirmed his guess, but he was still very shocked.

How could such a powerful bloodline appear in humans?
  The surrounding audience was in an uproar. They really didn't expect that Long Yue, who they had high hopes for, would be defeated like this.

Fang'er's delicate and beautiful face also showed a bit of disappointment. As a Xingluo person, she also had a strong patriotism, but Long Yue and the others really didn't live up to expectations.

"Na'er, congratulations on winning!"

Seeing Na'er coming, Liu Qingxuan walked over with a smile and hugged the beauty's soft body.


Hearing this, Na'er nodded, nuzzled into Liu Qingxuan's arms with an affectionate look on her face, and greedily inhaled Liu Qingxuan's breath.

She kissed Liu Qingxuan and said, "Brother, after Gu Yue's game is over, let's go shopping together!"

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan smiled and agreed. Gu Yue, Liu Qingyao and other women also had beautiful smiles on their faces. For a moment, it was as if flowers were in full bloom. The entire world in the waiting area lost color. All the men looked enviously at being surrounded by all the stunning beauties. Liu Qingxuan, while women secretly envy and hate him in their hearts!

"how can that be?"

"How come she has the blood of the Dragon God?"

"Isn't the Dragon God dead long ago?"

"Did she get it from the dragon tomb? It's a pity that she has never been to the Star Luo Empire before!"

"Why can her bloodline aura cause such terrifying suppression to me? Even the Dragon God shouldn't do this. She is just a seven-ring soul saint!"

Returning to the rostrum, Enci's old face was still full of shock, and he kept mumbling to himself, with a look of deep shock in his eyes.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?"

Dai Tianling looked at his teacher with curiosity. This was the first time he saw him like this!
  As an extreme Douluo, Enci always maintains a calm and calm appearance no matter what the occasion. This is the confidence brought by strength. "nothing!"

Hearing this, Enci came back to his senses, shook his head, and said with a disappointed look on his face: "I suddenly feel that I am getting old, and I can't keep up with the pace of young people."

Dai Tianling immediately comforted him: "Teacher, don't say that, you have just turned one hundred years old and you are still young!"

Enci sighed and said nothing more.

Seeing this, Dai Tianling's eyes flashed, and he remembered the terrifying dragon roar before, and asked softly: "Teacher, is there anything wrong with the girl named Na'er? Her bloodline and martial spirit seem to be very scary, even for me I feel palpitations!"

Hearing this, Enci took a deep breath and said in an incredible tone: "Her martial spirit is the Dragon God. This girl should still have the blood of the Dragon God."

"Dragon God bloodline? How could it appear in humans?"

Upon hearing this, Dai Tianling's eyes widened instantly, and he was extremely surprised.

He also heard the legend of the Dragon God mentioned by Enci. It was the true ancestor of the Dragon Clan, an extremely powerful god who once created the extremely glorious and powerful Dragon Clan. Later, he left the Douluo Continent and became the God King of the God Realm. The Dragon Clan he left behind also It slowly developed and expanded, occupying the entire Douluo and becoming the master of all living things.

Unfortunately, something went wrong later and the Dragon God fell, and the dragon clan it created also perished with the fall of the Dragon God.

Enci told him this, and Enci learned it from the mouth of a bright holy dragon, Dragon Soul. He once visited the Dragon Tomb and obtained the skeleton of a Holy Dragon of Light and a Dragon Crystal of Holy Dragon of Light...

Seeing Dai Tianling's shocked expression, Enci smiled bitterly and said, "I'm not surprised, but things like this happen."

Dai Tianling opened his mouth and said, "Isn't Na'er's talent very terrifying? She has the blood of the Dragon God. If nothing happens, will she be able to become a god in the future?"

"Yes!" Enci said with certainty. If the Dragon God's bloodline cannot become a god, then who else can become a god?

In fact, they don't know that Na'er has become a god now.

Hearing this, Dai Tianling instantly felt threatened, but thinking of Liu Qingxuan's strength, he couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't expect that so many geniuses would appear in Douluo Continent in a short period of time. It's really unexpected!"

Enci said: "Liu Qingxuan and Na'er, as the peerless geniuses of the Spirit Pagoda, may not be willing to obey the orders of the Douluo Federation. Your Majesty can try your best to win over them. In any case, it is always right to make friends with Na'er."

To be honest, Enci was the one who was least willing to hurt Na'er, because his martial spirit and bloodline were that of the Holy Dragon of Light, and he was naturally one of the Dragon God's most loyal subordinates.

Naturally, there were no surprises in the following competition. Gu Yue, Xu Xiaoyan, Wu Siduo, Mu Xi, Ouyang Zixin, Meng Qianxue, Meng Qianying, Yuan En Yehui, Ye Xinglan, and Xu Yingying won easily. Although after entering the finals, their opponents all had the strength of one-word armor masters, they were still far behind the eight kings of Monster Academy, and they did not cause any trouble to the girls at all.

The public opinion of the entire Star Luo Empire has also undergone great changes. The Monster Academy, which once had high hopes from the people, is now criticized. Ye Zhi does not dare to say that she is a student of the Monster Academy when she walks outside, but the official release in time Scandals or other revelations about certain celebrities quickly diverted the public's attention. Many experts also spoke for Monster Academy, analyzed the reasons for its failure, and finally reduced the negative impact to a minimum.

As the competition progressed, many tourists came to Star Luo City, along with many organizations that resisted the empire, such as the Green Skull, Holy Spirit Cult, Apocalypse, and Doomsday. As soon as these terrorist organizations entered Star Luo City, they began to cause destruction everywhere. , created terrorist attacks, and did not take the Star Luo Empire officials seriously at all, causing ordinary people to panic. The official mecha brigade and special service team were overwhelmed by the gangsters, and they went around putting out fires. In the end, they had to ask for help from the Tang Sect and Chuanling. Tower, so Tangmen’s Soul Fighting Hall and Chuanling Tower’s Law Enforcement Hall also joined the ranks of encircling and suppressing terrorist organizations.

In this regard, Liu Qingxuan did not interfere too much. These terrorist organizations are like rats in the gutter. They are not very strong, but they are very troublesome. If you kill one, countless others will pop up. Sometimes you can't tell whether the other party is a civilian. He was still a gangster, which gave the Star Luo Empire a huge headache, but this had nothing to do with Liu Qingxuan.



(End of this chapter)

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