Douluo started by adopting Gu Yuena

Chapter 359 Sheep entering the tiger's mouth

"it is good!"

Liu Qingxuan smiled and nodded, thinking about how to deal with this guy.

The four of them were walking together on the streets of Xingluo City. Na'er held Liu Qingxuan's arm and didn't understand his thoughts, so she whispered: "Brother, this Lan Fuzi seems to hate you."

Liu Qingxuan glanced at Na'er, his spirit flashed, and he said via voice: "I know!"

Hearing this, Na'er glanced at Liu Qingxuan speechlessly and said through a message: "Then if you still let her stay, you don't have a crush on her, right?"

She spoke in a questioning tone, but she was already sure of her thoughts. In her opinion, everything about Liu Qingxuan was good but he was too affectionate.

Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan smiled, and Na'er immediately stretched out her bare hand and pinched Liu Qingxuan.

Gu Yue's expression was also not pretty. Although she was holding Liu Qingxuan's arm, she was squeezing him secretly.

In this regard, Liu Qingxuan felt very helpless. This Lan Fuzi came at the wrong time!

"Lan Fuzi, has your mother, the Demon Emperor, come to Star Luo City?"

Lan Fuzi walked at the back, keeping her head lowered, and occasionally looking at Na'er and Gu Yue in front. When she heard Liu Qingxuan's words, she subconsciously raised her head, waved her hands hurriedly and said, "No!"

"So you are really the Demon Emperor's daughter?"

Liu Qingxuan looked at Lan Fozi with a half-smile, his eyes flashed, and he instantly saw through Lan Fozi's inner thoughts!

How did he know that my mother had come to Star Luo Continent?

No, is he trying to trick me?
  Lan Fuzi's eyes widened and he looked at Liu Qingxuan in surprise and confusion. He really didn't expect that the other party would be so cunning!

And she answered the other party stupidly!
  Isn't this self-inflicted?

"Are you taking my word for it?"

Lan Fuzi's pretty face turned red with embarrassment, and he looked at Liu Qingxuan angrily.

Liu Qingxuan's eyes regained their composure, and he looked at Lan Fozi with an indifferent expression, and said: "Lan Fozi, don't you think you are afraid that I will do justice for heaven just by appearing in front of me as a saint of the Holy Spirit? "

Hearing this, Lan Fuzi was frightened in his heart, and subconsciously discharged his palm. A light blue vortex flew towards Liu Qingxuan, and at the same time, it continued to absorb the water element in the air and expand.

She turned into a stream of light and swept back, trying to escape.

Seeing this, Liu Qingxuan smiled slightly, and a pressure suddenly appeared on his body, spreading like a mountain and sea. The light blue vortex disappeared instantly, and the pressure enveloped Lan Fozi.

Feeling this momentum, Lan Fuzi's body became weak, his soul power became chaotic, and he instantly fell from the air, losing all his strength.

Qinglong's suppression of the Shui Tribe is all-round!
  Lan Fuzi felt unparalleled fear in his blood, and suddenly regretted coming to contact Liu Qingxuan.

She really didn't expect Liu Qingxuan to be like this. He was worthy of being a person that her mother was afraid of. That kind of bloodline was simply too terrifying.

Liu Qingxuan took one step forward and came to Lan Fozi. The crowds around him were coming and going, but they didn't notice their existence at all, as if they were in a different world.

Lan Fuzi put his hands on the ground and looked at the majestic Liu Qingxuan in front of him with fear on his face, "What do you want to do?"

Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan squatted down gently, pinched Lan Fozi's chin, looked at the other party's pitiful and beautiful face, and said with a smile: "Lan Fozi, now you have fallen into my hands? What do you think I am? What should I do to you?"

Lan Fuzi said somewhat innocently: "Let me go!"

Liu Qingxuan was speechless: "Do you think it's possible?"

Lan Fuzi said weakly: "Then what do you want?"

Liu Qingxuan looked at Lan Fuzi's beautiful face and decided to tease him, saying: "I heard that whale meat tastes very good, so I decided to cut you into four parts, one steamed, one fried, and one braised. The last portion is made into sashimi and eaten with vinegar!”


Hearing this, Lan Fuzi instantly paled. Because Liu Qingxuan's tone was serious, Lan Fuzi believed it without hesitation.

She was so scared that her eyes were filled with tears, her whole body was shaking, and she desperately wanted to pull away Liu Qingxuan's hand and escape, but Liu Qingxuan's hand remained motionless as if it was stuck to her chin. What made her even more desperate was that Liu Qingxuan's soul power poured into her body and sealed it. Her soul power and bloodline.

"Okay, brother, stop scaring her!"

At this time, Na'er came over, pulled Lan Fuzi up, and looked at Liu Qingxuan speechlessly. She could naturally tell that her brother was joking.

Lan Fuzi is so beautiful, how could Liu Qingxuan eat her?
  "Na'er, will you protect me?"

Lan Fuzi hugged Na'er, shrank in her arms in fear, and said with an aggrieved look.


Na'er nodded and glanced at Liu Qingxuan angrily: "Brother, you are so bad, scaring people like this!"

Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan spread his hands helplessly: "I didn't know Lan Fuzi was so naive!"

Gu Yue said goodbye to Liu Qingxuan and said, "It's getting late, let's go back!"

"it is good!"

Liu Qingxuan and Na'er replied, and then returned to the Xingluo Hotel with the frightened Lan Fuzi.

Back in his bedroom, after Liu Qingxuan took a shower, he found Lan Fuzi sitting on his bed, wearing a cool suspender nightgown, with a bit of blush on his beautiful face, and his skin was white and red, and he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. Doubtful: "Lan Fozi, what are you doing in my room?" Hearing this, Lan Fozi immediately lowered his head, his pretty face turned redder, but he still said softly: "I want to be with Na'er, But Naer told me that if I want to be with her, I have to be your woman."

"So I came here!"

Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan was dumbfounded for a moment.

He really didn't expect Na'er to grasp Lan Fuzi's weakness so quickly, and her pimping skills were simply amazing.

She is indeed his good sister!

Seeing Lan Fozi wearing a light pink suspender skirt with a charming look, Liu Qingxuan's heart moved, and he immediately walked over, hugged the beauty's snow-white and soft body, and said curiously while moving up and down: "Lan Fozi, What do you think?"

A light musk flowed into the tip of his nose, and Liu Qingxuan felt even more comfortable. He had never been able to resist beautiful women, so he simply didn't bother to resist, and was ready to eat Lan Fuzi, a little white sheep who was ignorant of the world.

Hearing Liu Qingxuan's words, Lan Fuzi snorted, hugged Liu Qingxuan's neck, felt the other party's big hands, glanced at Liu Qingxuan with a blushing face, and said: "I think your breath smells very good, not like That’s disgusting as mom said.”

"Not disgusting?"

Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan felt quite depressed. He didn't expect that despite his talent, he would have such an image in the eyes of Lan Fuzi. It seems that the Demon King really hates men! This must be because her husband was killed by Tang San. Twenty thousand years of desolation is too lonely!
  In front of the beauty, Liu Qingxuan didn't think much, and quickly suppressed his thoughts. While squeezing Lan Fuzi's grapefruit, he said with a bad smile: "You Lan Fuzi, how dare you say that to me, let's see how I teach you a lesson." ."

"bring it on!"

Lan Fuzi stared closely at Liu Qingxuan's handsome and extraordinary face, feeling anxious. But thinking of Na'er, she gritted her teeth, hugged Liu Qingxuan's neck tightly, and kissed her.


With a crisp sound, the pink nightgown was shattered by the soul power, and a flawless white body was exposed under the soft soul light. For a moment, the beauty was revealed, extremely alluring.

Feeling the softness on his lips, Liu Qingxuan's eyes widened in surprise. He didn't expect that he would be overwhelmed by Lan Fuzi.

He felt a little unhappy, so he immediately turned over and started to fight back.

The beautiful chanting sounded again, and as the wind and rain fell, a bright red plum blossom soon bloomed in the room.

After getting tired of it, Lan Fuzi lay quietly in Liu Qingxuan's arms, like a pool of spring water, with a few painful tears on her delicate and pretty face, and her red mouth was slightly curved, as if she was very happy.

After several struggles, Lan Fuzi experienced unprecedented happiness. He immediately put Na'er and Gu Yue out of his mind, fell in love with the feeling of being with Liu Qingxuan, and his heart slowly moved to Liu Qingxuan.

Liu Qingxuan kissed Lan Fozi's little mouth lovingly, then hugged the beautiful lady's soft and delicate body and fell asleep.

The poor Demon King was discussing with the two heavenly kings to collect negative energy in the Star Luo Empire. He didn't know that his little cabbage had been captured by Liu Qingxuan!
  Next, Liu Qingxuan and Lan Fozi discussed the philosophy of life. After countless needles, Lan Fozi learned a lot of new knowledge and opened his eyes. At the same time, he was impressed by Liu Qingxuan and realized that the unity of yin and yang is the right principle. He often pesters Liu Qingxuan for essence.

As for the Continental Young Senior Soul Master Elite Competition, he no longer pays attention.

There were no surprises in the following competition. Na'er and the other girls all advanced to the top [-] and received good rewards. In addition, Xie Xie also entered the top [-]. These people occupied [-] places, and the other three They are from Star Luo Royal Academy, and the people from Monster Academy have long been eliminated.

There were still many people watching the following games. People no longer paid attention to Monster Academy, but began to care about who among the twelve goddesses would take first place.

The top eight, the top four, the top two, in their opinion, these are the promotion members that have been predetermined for a long time, and will inevitably be occupied by the twelve goddesses. The only debate now is who will win the first place. Among them, the strong winner will win. The contestants are naturally Na'er, Liu Qingyao, Gu Yue, and Xu Xiaoyan, the four seven-ring soul saints with fighting armors.

After the competition between the top [-] and the top eight, all the places were occupied by the twelve goddesses. The remaining eight contestants are Na'er, Liu Qingyao, Gu Yue, Xu Xiaoyan, Wu Siduo, Mu Xi, Meng Qianxue, and so on. Ye Xinglan from Shrek Academy was eliminated because she was only a two-word battle armor master with Soul King cultivation. The weakest among the others were all three-word battle armor masters with soul emperor cultivation. Their overall strength was comparable to that of a title-holder. Douluo.

At this time, everyone was shocked by the strength displayed by the twelve goddesses. Can the Soul King possess a two-word battle armor? Can the Soul Emperor own a three-word battle armor?
  The entire Xingluo soul master world was refreshed by the women.

Liu Qingyao has a strong body, noble blood, and extraordinary talents. She has a four-character battle armor, but she has never shown it, while Na'er has a true set of five-character god-level battle armor. Because of her strong strength, she does not need to use it.

The next game didn't start at all. The levels of battle armor were different, and the strength gap was huge. The weaker goddess simply gave up. All the finals went very quickly.

It was over in less than a day!
  The top four are Na'er, Liu Qingyao, Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan.

The top two are Naer Liu Qingyao.

The final champion was Na'er, the runner-up was Liu Qingyao, and the third runner-up was Gu Yue.

The entire competition directly became a personal show for Naer and other girls.

Their beauty and talents spread throughout the Star Luo Continent at the same time, and they became goddesses in the hearts of countless people. Their fame and popularity far surpassed the best in other walks of life, whether they were film and television stars or business tycoons such as Na'er. Even the proud daughter of heaven pales in comparison.

The entire soul master world was also shocked and unbelievable by the talents of the women, and then set their achievements as the goals they pursued.

After the one-on-one individual match, the two-on-two team match and the seven-on-seven team match also started one after another.

In the end, the two-on-two championship naturally fell to the team of Yuan En Yehui and Ye Xinglan, while the seven-on-seven team competition fell to Monster Academy. Although Long Yue was injured, Monster Academy's strength was still unparalleled. Underestimation, especially after Ye Zhi reached the sixth ring and acquired the three-word battle armor, the strength of this team has far exceeded other teams. With the help of Ye Zhi, Tiger King Dai Yueyan and Fox King Su Mu struck hard, and their strength was greatly improved. With an increase of [-]%, he easily defeated all opponents and finally won the championship, which could be regarded as saving some face and reputation for Monster Academy. Tiger King Dai Yueyan and Fox King Su Mu also won second place in the two-on-two competition.

The reason why these competitions have such results is naturally because Naer and other girls did not participate, otherwise there would be no suspense at all.

In the final award ceremony, Dai Tianling personally awarded the titles of Star Luo Empire to Na'er, Liu Qingyao, and Gu Yue. Na'er was a viscount, while Liu Qingyao and Gu Yue were barons. It was considered a huge investment. Originally, they were from the Star Luo Empire. It is impossible for the title to be awarded to foreigners, but this time Dai Tianling broke the tradition, fought against all opinions, and awarded the title in order to win over such proud women as Na'er.

Although it is impossible for the current Star Luo Empire knighthood to obtain a fiefdom, it still has a very high value. First of all, the status will be greatly improved, and it will also have certain legal protection and immunity. Any nobleman who has obtained the title is not a local Those who can be tried can only be arrested with the central government's order, and can only be shot with the emperor's order. This means that you must have sufficient status to influence those nobles. Secondly, the Star Luo Empire's finances will regularly allocate funds and issue awards to those nobles. Various condolences can also be given to meet with local officials, or provide certain policy opinions to the central government.

All in all, the titles in the Star Luo Empire are very precious and are not accessible to ordinary people. Only those who have made great military exploits or made great contributions may be rewarded by the emperor and receive titles.

In addition to the title, Na'er also received a ten-thousand-year soul bone, and Liu Qingyao and Gu Yue also received many rare resources. These were very precious to ordinary soul saints, but of little use to them.


……… (End of this chapter)

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