Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 100 Liu Xuande's Award

Chapter 100 Liu Xuande's Award
In the end, Xun Yu failed to persuade his brother. Back then, he had moved the entire Xun family from their ancestral homeland of Yingchuan to Yanzhou.

Almost the entire Xun family joined Cao Mengde's command, except for his strong younger brother Xun Chen who had been in office early. He also wanted the Xun family to have a good future.

And Cao Mengde is the future he values.

"I'm not wrong, my lord is indeed the most outstanding lord in the world, and he can also bring about the rebirth of the great Han Dynasty.

But maybe I was wrong."

Looking at Xun Yue's leaving figure, Xun Wenruo finally sighed helplessly.

Xun Yue is gone today. He is not the first person to go against Xun Yu, and of course he is definitely not the last one. Xun Yu has also understood along the way that some people are destined to be on his opposite side.

Maybe one day, he will also face a choice

Just as Xun Yu stood silently in the courtyard, lost in thought, his only wife Tang walked behind him and put a fur coat on him.

"It's late at night and you are weak. It's time to go back."

After hearing his wife's words, Xun Yu silently pulled his hand into his own and held it tightly.

The two stood side by side, silent.

Years of relationship have allowed them to develop enough tacit understanding.

Just after the third watch, Xun Yu had already dressed up under Tang's service, and then entered the majestic palace city again under the protection of his entourage. They had a lot to do today.

The most important thing is to come up with a result of the discussion, what should Liu Xuande's reward be!
Liu Xie will not be present at the palace city's chancery desk. At this time, there are only Xun Yu, the chancellor, and many ministers under him. Xi Lu, Wang Bi and others have already rushed over.

“My lords, I’m afraid I haven’t forgotten what happened yesterday, so please give me some rules for today.

How should Liu Xuande be rewarded? "

Xun Yu didn't seem to be in a good mood. He didn't have any intention of chatting with them and directly brought the topic to the point. Everyone sat up straight for a while.

"Your Majesty, I still have yesterday's thoughts.

Paying tribute to Your Majesty is a natural thing for a minister. If Your Majesty gives you a reward, it is a gift from Heaven. If His Majesty gives you a verbal commendation, it is also a favor from the Emperor. We do not need to give Liu Xuande any specific reward.

Just let His Majesty give you verbal praise."

Before Wang Bi finished speaking, Sikongcang Cao Yu and Liu Ye on the side could no longer listen.

"What are you saying, Master Wang? It is indeed the duty of a minister to pay tribute to His Majesty, but in this situation, how can we lose a big thing for a small amount?
The lord is currently pacifying the north, and countless pairs of eyes are watching here. If you do this, how will the lord behave in the north?

Ye Duan cannot agree to this matter! "

At this time, the admonishing doctor, Wang Lang, the military officer of the Sikong Army, also nodded and said, "What Ziyang said is not unreasonable. Liu Xuande is indeed a thing in the pond and must be guarded against.

But if he is not rewarded for this reason, how will the people of the world view their lord and the imperial court?

This matter can no longer be discussed. "

With Liu Ye and Wang Lang taking the lead to speak, other ministers and officials who came to consult also nodded in agreement. They knew Wang Bi's position in Cao Mengde's heart and knew his loyalty.

So they didn't dare to say anything until they knew his plan was wrong. At this time, if someone was willing to take the lead, they would naturally not let go of this opportunity to express their opinions.

Seeing a group of people opposing him, Wang Bi's face darkened, but fortunately he knew where this place was and didn't get angry and do anything irrational.

Instead, he looked directly at Xi Liu and asked this guy who had lost face yesterday to give an explanation.Xi Lu saw the eyes on him, and then looked at the look Xun Yu looked at him, and knew that he had to say something.

"Ahem, cough, cough." After Xi Liu coughed lightly for a while, he said bravely, "Actually, this matter is not difficult at all. What Liu Bei wants is nothing more than a just and right righteousness.

Although he has the reputation of Lai Gong and Wu Chen to help him, he has no foundation in Jiaozhou after all. Liu Jingsheng is very afraid of him and will definitely not do anything to him.

In fact, we can definitely use this matter to our advantage! "

"Please Hongyu make it clear"

"Not only Liu Xuande is paying tribute this time, but Wu Chen is also paying tribute. We can officially give Wu Chen the governor of Cangwu County and lead the bandit generals to supervise the military affairs of the four counties of Cangwu, Yulin, Guiyang, and Lingling."

When Xi Liu said this, some of the people present could not help but raise their eyebrows.

"Hongyu is putting Wu Chen and Liu Biao on the fire. It was because of this that Zhang Jin fought with Liu Jingsheng for many years. Now he is doing the same trick again."

"Although Ji is a little old, it is good if it is useful." Xi Liu replied and then continued, "Yesterday, Xianguan did speak impulsively and recklessly without thinking properly. This is Xianguan's crime.

However, after a night of thinking, the official felt that not only Xi Xi should be rewarded heavily, but also Liu Xuande should be rewarded heavily if he had this intention.

Regardless of promoting his position as General of the Left to General of the Southern Expedition, he restored his ancestor's position as Marquis of Linyi and resumed handing over to Zhou Mu! "

"This" time, the people who were surprised were the same people just now. They didn't expect Wang Bi and Xi Lulai to be so capable.

Either don't give it at all, or you can't let them get it all. I really don't know what to tell them.

"Hongyu, don't be ridiculous. Let's not mention that we have slowly abolished the state pastoral system. There is still a governor in Jiaozhou."

"Lai Gong has been driven out. How can he be the governor of Jiaozhou? He should be dismissed.

As for the current situation in Jiaozhou, naturally there is no need for any changes.

Shi Xie is still Suinan Zhonglang general, governor of the seven counties of Jiaozhou, and concurrently the prefect of Jiaozhi as before.

Wu Chen also governor-generaled four counties. Didn't Liu Xuande want to establish a foothold in Jingnan and Jiaozhou?

I will give him this opportunity today, but if I want to Jiaozhou, the mountains are high and the road is far away, and the road is difficult to travel.

That force is even more intricate, and if he wants to govern Jiaozhou, it cannot be accomplished in three to five years."

"You want to use Jiaozhou to tie up Liu Xuande?" Xun Yu also figured out his idea at this time, and looked at Xi Xi with an even weirder look, "From now on, Liu Xuande and Wu Chen will inevitably have many problems. contradiction.

As for Shi Xie"

"Shi Xie is a man without great ambitions. All he wants is Jiaozhou. As Liu Xuande is the shepherd of Jiaozhou, Shi Xie will definitely not give up with him in the future.

Moreover, Liu Jingsheng also has greedy intentions towards Jiaozhou, not to mention that Zhengnan and Zhennan’s plan will cause Liu Xuande to completely lose all support around him.”

When Xi Lu spoke, his eyes flickered, as if he himself was shocked by his strategy.

In this way, he didn't even notice the doubt and strangeness on Xun Yu's face.
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(End of this chapter)

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