Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 106 The Boy Genius and Zhuge Kongming

Chapter 106 The Boy Genius and Zhuge Kongming

Zhuge Liang glanced at the young man Zhou Buyi and smiled.

"You kid, you are indeed smart. How did you tell that?"

"I have been really bored these days, so I checked all the past records of these three generals, and I found out a lot.

The two generals Zhang Da and Fan Qiang are both under the command of General Zhang Yide, and they usually seem to be fine.

But thinking of General Zhang’s harsh temper
As for General Shiren, I'm afraid the problem is even bigger. He has not been criticized harshly by anyone, but he himself is the biggest problem.

He was born in Guangyang County, Youzhou. It is said that he followed Xuande Gong when he started the army, and he was the youngest at the time.

According to seniority, let alone you, sir, I'm afraid it would be General Chen Dao or General Zhao Yun.
No, it should be said that except for the two generals Guan and Zhang and Mr. Jian Yong, no one can be above him.

But this status”

Zhou Buji couldn't help but shook his head, looking at the three generals behind him with strange eyes.

"What do you think of them?"

"The two generals Fan Qiang and Zhang Da can still be saved. After all, they have been fighting with General Zhang for many years. As long as we don't criticize them harshly and let them make some contributions, it is not a bad idea to sit in the clinic.

After all, although they are not capable enough, they are not unavailable, and they are now considered loyal to Duke Xuande.

But if Mr. Shiren doesn't want to do that kind of thing, I don't mind doing it for him. "

"Does this have to be the case?" Kong Ming looked at Zhou Buyi, wanting to know how many surprises this young man could give him.

"It must be so!" Zhou Buyi said firmly, "Sir is also very clear that with his ability, making him the leader of a party is simply harming others and himself.

But if he is allowed to be inferior, no one can use him except Guan Zhang and Xuande Gong himself.

It was fine that he had been under the lord's command before, but he was barely able to hold back.

But now the master obviously wants to keep the lord firmly in the center and train other generals to fight on his behalf. In this case, General Shiren is a hidden danger.

He is not capable enough and is too senior, and the only two people who can suppress him are Guan and Zhang.

But among these two men, one valued the scholar more than the soldier. If he followed General Zhang, he might have murderous intentions towards General Zhang before he could kill the enemy.

If he follows General Guan, does he have any ability that can impress General Guan? Over time, if he makes even the slightest oversight and indulges, he will be punished.

If such a veteran becomes the laughing stock of newcomers, how can he bear it in his heart?"

"What if Liang enshrines him? Let him stay away from the battlefield in the future."

“No!” Zhou Buyi still shook his head, “Mr.

Mr. Gongyou is a disciple of a famous teacher. He once governed Xuzhou and now helps his lord educate the land of Jingnan.

Mr. Zizhong not only had connections with his wife, but he also once lost his entire family to help Duke Xuande.

Moreover, Mr. Zizhong and Mr. Gongyou have been on many missions to others over the years, and their merits are sufficient. Therefore, even if Xuande Gongzhen becomes powerful in the future, they will be firmly on the high platform with these merits.

No one would say that the first half of the sentence was bad, but Shiren was different.

Although he followed his lord and fought many times, his lack of reputation was not enough for people to respect him, and his lack of great achievements was not enough for people to respect him.

Let him be in a high position for no reason, and it will cause resentment in other people's hearts.If he is an idle official with insufficient status, once he does something, the reputation of Duke Xuande will be
Once this is done, it will really be worth the loss. "

"Hahahaha." Zhuge Liang looked at Zhou Buyi next to him, looking at this young but high-spirited face, and couldn't help but burst out laughing, "You boy, you're good!"

Zhou Bujie looked at Mr. Kong Ming on the side and just smiled without saying a word. At this moment, some kind of impulse arose in the hearts of both of them, but they didn't speak out for various reasons.

Kong Ming began to lay out Yulin County. In his previous life, he had experience in handling Nanzhong, but now it is extremely easy to deal with Yulin County.

Remeasure the land and distribute it fairly to the foreigners in Yulin County. At the same time, he tells them that he will ask the court to exempt them from part of their taxes so that they can start living a good life.

Of course, they had never interacted before, so this was just a transition.

But this alone is not enough. If you want them to pay the taxes willingly, other means are needed.

"This Jiaozhou is far away from the Central Plains. Except for the lack of worldly rituals and music, their lives are also very backward.

When we govern the people, we must not only focus on education and neglect their survival.

From today on, with Liang as the leader, he will personally work in the fields, improve farm tools and utensils for the people of Yulin, teach them how to survive, and improve their utensils.

Even when all the soldiers and horses are not training in farming, they must go into people's homes to carry water and cut firewood for the widowed and lonely people. "

"Boxiang, you and Liang spend an hour every day giving lectures on the streets of Buxia County. All people in Yulin County, regardless of their status, can listen.

There is no need to teach any moral books, these things will be taught by others in the future.

You and Liang can just teach them reading, literacy and basic arithmetic so that they can live. "

"I am ordering General Wei Yan to appoint swordsmen and axemen permanently in the army from today on. Soldiers are strictly prohibited from harassing the people, and anyone who does such evil things is strictly prohibited.

Regardless of status, they will be severely punished! "

"Zhou Buji, you personally lead people to explore the terrain and rivers of Yulin County, lead the soldiers, guide the people to cultivate the land, and guide the rivers to irrigate the fields and ridges.

At the same time, the mountains and forests were cleared, wild animals were driven away, and trees were cut down to strengthen city walls and even people's houses.

We must make Ulim County prosperous again within a few years. "

Kong Ming started a series of big plans as soon as he came up, which made everyone look at each other with awe and tremble in their hearts. During this time, they had seen Kong Ming's political ability, so they naturally did not resist at all, and they quickly got busy one by one.

While Kong Ming was busy here, Liu Bei finally saw Yuan Huan, whom he had longed for and who also longed for him.

"Yao Qing!" When Liu Bei saw the pale and bloodless Yuan Huan, he didn't give him a chance to speak at all. He pulled him into his chariot, and then immediately "begged" to come with great difficulty. Zhang Zhongjing, a famous doctor from Jingzhou who had just returned to his hometown to write a book, was invited to come over.

"Please sir, please save Yao Qing, I will be very grateful!"

In the official line of Nanyang County, Liu Bei bowed to Zhang Zhongjing in front of everyone.

The look on his face praying for Yuan Huan made many people's hearts sway, especially the Jingzhou generals who followed him looked at Liu Bei, and then looked at Yuan Huan who was moved and speechless.

I was filled with emotions in my heart.

Especially now that Huang Zhong, who was stationed in Wancheng with Kuai Yue and followed him, couldn't help but say something in his heart.

"What Mr. Kuai said before makes sense, but why do I feel that sometimes the future may not be that important?"

 Chapter 2 is presented here. By the way, do you guys have any monthly tickets?
(End of this chapter)

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