Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 11 Layout and Departure

Chapter 11 Layout and Departure

Seeing Liu Bei leave, Kong Ming naturally didn't say anything and immediately got up and followed Liu Bei.

Xi Zhen and others who had already taken refuge with Liu Bei also stood up and left, but the purpose of their trip had been achieved.

"Kong Ming, is it a bit awkward for me to leave like this?"

Xi Zhen, who was walking next to Kong Ming, still felt a little uneasy as he looked at the distant grand gathering platform.

Compared with Guan Yu, Chen Dao and others who would follow Liu Bei without hesitation, Xi Zhen turned around and left the banquet without hesitation.

But after all, I was still a little worried.

"Wen Xiang can rest assured that it is just the right time for my lord to leave."

"Just right?" Xi Zhen frowned and was confused, "This banquet is just in the middle. Later, many scholars will show off their skills, and then there will be comments from famous teachers."

"What does that have to do with the lord?" Kong Ming chuckled, "The purpose of the lord's coming here is very simple, that is to let the people of Jingzhou really see the lord.

As for this scholar’s ​​talent and learning, what is his ability?”

Kong Ming glanced directly at Xi Zhen meaningfully at this time, "Do you think we still need to go through this grand event to see it?"

After hearing Kong Ming's words, Xi Zhen finally reacted, then nodded with a wry smile.

"I heard before that Kong Ming was very talented and was called Wolong by that Sima Gong. I didn't believe it before, but now Xi is a bit of a villain."

"Brother Wenxiang's ridiculous praise"

After talking to Xi Zhen, Kong Ming also quickened his pace and came to Liu Bei's side, bowing slightly towards him.

"My lord has done a very good job this time. Later Liang will go with my lord to visit the Yang family in Xiangyang and the Ma family in Yicheng.

In addition, this grand event has made the lord fall into the eyes of many Jingzhou scholars.

I think the Lord will be quite busy in the next few days. "

After hearing Kong Ming's words, Liu Bei's face also showed a hint of joy.

"I have to thank Kong Ming for your traveling back and forth. If it weren't for Kong Ming, I don't know how long it would take for Bei to be seen by the people in Jingzhou."

"My lord, don't belittle yourself. My lord's ability is no longer inferior to anyone else. Now it's just a tiger falling in the sun. In time, the dragon will return to the deep sea and the tiger will roar in the mountains and forests."

"Then I still need more support from you, Kong Ming."

After exchanging pleasantries, Liu Bei also directly talked about the topic he was most concerned about.

"Nowadays, the situation in Wancheng is getting worse and worse. Cai Mao is already doing things without prioritization, and even dares to openly deduct money, food and supplies from me.

He even blocked us from recruiting troops, and we really weren't afraid that Xiahou Dun would take the opportunity to seize Wancheng."

"Cai Hao is really not afraid of this." Kong Ming couldn't help but shake his head and sighed, "This guy really has a close relationship with Cao Mengde.

Although the men of the Cai family are hard to describe, the women have done an excellent job.

For example, Liang's mother-in-law is Cai Mao's eldest sister.

Cai Mao's aunt was Zhang Wen's first wife. As we all know, although Zhang Wen eventually became a Taiwei, he was promoted by Cao Teng.

So Cai Mao and Cao Mengde can be said to come from the same school. "

"Then he does this."

"My lord, you can rest assured. Liang just said that Cai Mao also has a deep relationship with Cao Mengde, but he is from the Jingzhou family after all, and will not leave Jingzhou unless absolutely necessary.

Otherwise, Liu Jingzhou would not be so indulgent to him, because he knew very well that as long as Liu Jingzhou was still alive, Cai Mao's loyalty could be guaranteed. "

"Well, I'm afraid Wancheng is not a place to stay for a long time."

"Don't worry, my lord, this time my lord has shown his abilities, then some of the scholars in Jingzhou will definitely take the initiative to show their favor to the lord. When the time comes, let Wen Xiang and others return to the family to help the lord build a little momentum, and then Liu Jingsheng can Restless.

He did not dare to attack his lord, fearing that Cao Mengde would seize the opportunity, but he did not dare to let his lord continue to stay in the important town of Wancheng.

When the time comes, there is no need for the lord to do anything, he will find a way to discuss the matter with the lord himself. "

"Then is there anything else that needs to be paid attention to?"

"Just adapt to circumstances, but before that, I have to do everything that needs to be done."

With a smile on his face, Kong Ming led Liu Bei to the land of the Yang family in Xiangyang.
In the next few days, Liu Bei, accompanied by Kong Ming and others, continued to visit the Jingzhou family. At the same time, many scholars took the initiative to show their favor to Liu Bei.

For example, Ma Liang, who was only 16 years old and still studying, expressed a great affection for Liu Bei.

The same is true for Yang Yong of Tonghui Yang Family.

In addition, Huo Jun, who is now a general under Liu Biao, is also very kind to Liu Bei.

Dong He from Jiangzhi, Nanjun even expressed his admiration.

It's just that these people either used the excuse that they were studying, were too young, or were still serving Liu Biao and refused to give up.

In short, Liu Bei was not given an accurate answer.

As for Dong He, Liu Bei was helpless the most. He and Dong He hit it off immediately, and he respected Dong He for his integrity.

Dong He also felt that Liu Bei was a hero with a benevolent heart, just when they were about to talk about defecting.

The Dong family in Jiangzhi moved. Liu Bei just saw them off.

Zhuge Kongming, who was behind, looked at Liu Bei's extremely reluctant eyes and didn't know what to say to persuade him.

"Hey, what a pity"

"My lord, do you feel disappointed?"

"I'm not disappointed at all!" Liu Bei shook his head and sighed helplessly as he looked at Dong He's retreating figure, "I just feel that although many families have shown goodwill in the past half month, no one has defected.

At the same time, he lamented that he was not destined to be with Youzai, and he only wished he could get to know Youzai earlier, so that he would not have this pain of missing each other. "

"." Kong Ming wanted to say that he would join you in the future, but in the end he changed his words, "It's not all bad things for Youzai to go to Yizhou.

In the future, if the lord’s soldiers enter the southwest,”

"If Youzai had already become Jiyu at that time, no matter what he thought in his heart, he would definitely not have any contact with Bei.

This is Youzai. But no matter what happens in the future, we will never harm Youzai's life. "

"No!" The two generals Guan Yu and Chen Dao on the side immediately bowed to accept the order.

Kong Ming behind him was silent and helpless.

"Dong Youzai will be thrown to Nanzhong in the future, you should not be able to touch him"

However, Liu Bei's loneliness and sadness did not last long, because the business finally came.

"Mr. Xuande, my envoy invites the general to hold a banquet in the mansion tomorrow."

Seeing the figure of the boy from the Prefectural Mufu going away, Liu Bei and Kong Ming looked at each other and smiled. They knew that Liu Jingzhou finally couldn't sit still.

At the same time, another person followed.

"Lord, there is a man named Yi Ji outside the door asking to see you."

"Uncle Ji is a great talent, ready to welcome him personally!"

(End of this chapter)

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