Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 145 Zhong Miao said, he can!

Chapter 145 Zhong Miao said, he can!
After Huang Zu and his soldiers were settled, Liu Qi couldn't help but ask again.

"Uncle, when will we counterattack Xiangyang?"

"No rush!" Liu Bei was not in a hurry to agree to this. Instead, he took Liu Qi and continued towards Jiangxia. "We must take back Xiangyang, but not now!"

"Uncle." Liu Qi wanted to say something else, but he thought of Liu Biao's explanation to him, "My nephew will obey orders."

"You and I don't need to be so polite, and you don't need to obey orders." Liu Bei looked at his reserved nephew and knew that he was not very calm now, so he finally took his arm and said softly.

"It's not that my uncle doesn't want to go to Xiangyang, it's just that now is not the time.

First of all, Brother Jing Sheng's bones are still not cold, and the imperial court has not given any appointments. At this time, we are waiting for soldiers to come to Xiangyang, how do you let the people of the world think of you and me?
How do you want the people of Jingzhou to view this matter?
Could it be that Brother Jing Sheng's death has become a joke? "

"That's what my uncle taught me."

"Not only that!" Liu Bei continued, "Before taking back Xiangyang, we need to solve our own troubles first.

First of all, Jiangdong's army is still stationed in Shaxian, and reinforcements from the rear are constantly coming. My uncle has asked Yide to go to support, but Jiangdong is not a good person.

If I wait in front and fight with Xiangyang, what should I do if Jiangdong launches troops to harass Jiangxia and Jingnan again?
Second, although Najiaozhou was under the rule of his uncle, Lingnan Shixie also had the right to supervise the land of the seven counties.

If he took advantage of me waiting for the fierce battle in Jingzhou, and suddenly sent troops to attack our land in the north of Ling, and even crossed the north of Ling to attack Jingnan, wouldn't it be in vain to cheapen Cao Mengde in the end?

In addition, there is another important point, that is Yizhou."

"Yizhou?" Liu Qi already somewhat agreed with Liu Bei's words, but he couldn't help being surprised when he heard the word Yizhou.

"Yes, I'm afraid Yizhou may not be so stable."

"Uncle, don't joke, Liu Zhang in Yizhou has always been weak." Liu Qi just wanted to sneer, but thinking that his reputation might not be as good as that of Liu Zhang, he couldn't help but blush before continuing.

"Uncle understands what my nephew means." Liu Bei chuckled and did not continue to embarrass Liu Qi, "But no matter how unbearable Liu Jiyu's character is, he can't stop the hatred between the two parties.

You have been in Jiangxia for many years before, so I’m afraid Gan Xingba is no stranger to you. "

"General Gan Ning is so brave and brave that my nephew is naturally envious of him."

"Do you know how Xingba came to Jingzhou?"

"It is said that he defected from Bajun on his own initiative." Liu Qi didn't know whether he really didn't know or was trying to save some face for his own father.

"Brother Jing Sheng had the responsibility of supervising the three states back then, and there seemed to be rumors that uncle Liu Yan had done something evil, so brother Jing Sheng specially asked Xingba and the others to act in Yizhou in order to investigate the matter.

As a result, many misunderstandings arose, which led to Zhao Wei, a famous general in Yizhou, leading his troops to encircle and suppress the enemy. In the end, Xingba and others had no choice but to leave their homes and come to Jingzhou.

In addition, there was still a lot of friction around Berkshire back then, although everyone has calmed down in recent years.

But if there is chaos in Jingzhou and internal turmoil, can you guarantee that this Jingzhou will not be missed by your uncle Ji Yu? "

These words were spoken in a very low voice, and only Liu Qi heard them, but Liu Qi's face became very ugly.

At the same time, he also understood why his father didn't let him take charge of Jingzhou, otherwise it would be such a situation. Liu Qi didn't know what he should do.

"My nephew is stupid and didn't think well. I hope my uncle won't be offended. In the future, big and small things in Jingzhou..."

"It's natural for you to handle all the big and small matters in Jingzhou. As an uncle, I'm just here to help you." Liu Bei once again reiterated their relationship and even explained it specifically. "Don't think this is just a pretense on the part of your uncle. This is also your father's good intention.

Maybe you haven't understood what your father really meant. He asked you to serve as Jingzhou Shepherd not only for your future, but also to prevent Bei from becoming an uncle.

If you have such an attitude, how can everyone in the world explain it clearly? "

Liu Bei reminded Liu Qi everywhere, which made Liu Qi understand a lot of things, and his attitude towards Liu Bei became more and more humble, but his appearance was much normal.

At this time, the group of people headed towards Jiangxia. The next thing in Xiangyang City was being arranged intensively. Pang Shanmin was appointed by Liu Cong as the governor of Zhangling County.

Kuai Qi became the captain of Shangyong County and went to Shangyong to take up his post.

At the same time, in the name of Jingzhou Mu, Huang Zhong was ordered to withdraw from Jiangxia and go to Fancheng to take over the defense of Fancheng, so that Wenpin of Wancheng immediately took back the land of Xinye.
At the same time, a large number of members of the Cai family, Kuai family and Pang family were appointed as officials, and Han Song, Deng Xi and others were also entrusted with important tasks by Liu Cong.

Even Wang Weidu served as the garrison general of Xiangyang City before Zhang Yun came back.
The news of Liu Jingsheng's death also spread quickly to all parts of Jingzhou, even to Jiaozhou, Yizhou and even Yangzhou and Yuzhou.
At the same time, Le Jin and Xiahou Dun, who had been waiting for the opportunity, responded immediately and pressed their army towards Jingzhou.

Xiahou Dun took Gao Lan as the vanguard and Chen Jiao as military counselor, and directly attacked Wancheng.

Le Jin had already led his troops to attack Jiangxia County again. After Liu Bei and others entered the boundary of Jiangxia County, news came from Huo Jun.

He and Le Jin have already fought each other.

"Tell Zhong Miao that the war will be entirely handled by him. Send Jian Yong here to be responsible for the dispatch of food and grass. Don't let Zhong Miao lose food and grass!"


When Liu Qi saw that his uncle reacted so quickly, and then handed over the military and horse war so quickly to Huo Jun, whom he had hardly heard of, he couldn't help being surprised again.

"Uncle, Huo Jun was also a general in Jingzhou before, and my father also had some comments about him."

He is a good general, but Le Jin is a good general.”

"Le Wenqian may be able to fight with Yun Chang, but he is no match for Zhong Miao!"

"Uncle, do you think so highly of Huo Jun?"

"It's just that I know who Zhong Miao is. In terms of bravery, Zhong Miao is not as good as Yun Chang, and in terms of resourcefulness, perhaps Zhong Miao is not as good as Zi Long and Yuan Zhi under his uncle's command.

But Zhong Miao was calm in his work. Once he defended seriously, ordinary people would not be able to break through his fortress.

Uncle is relieved in this battle! "

"Uncle, are you really not worried at all?" Liu Qi looked at the army and ran straight to Xiling without any fuss about Xiyang City.

I couldn't help but remind him again.

"Worried?" Liu Bei couldn't help but chuckle, "Zhong Miao said he can!"

 Chapter 1 here

(End of this chapter)

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