Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 156 Ponzi and Kuai (2 more)

Chapter 156 Ponzi and Kuai (second update)

Looking at the dozen or so talented people who came to him, one can imagine Liu Bei's surprise.

Having lived in Jingzhou for many years, and being assisted by people from Jingzhou, he was naturally no stranger to the young talents in Jingzhou. He would write to these people almost every month, hoping that they would agree to his conquest.

It didn't matter even if almost all of his letters were lost, he persisted in this matter for three years.
But now, just as he was preparing to counterattack, these people who had turned a blind eye to him actually came to him.

Bow down to him and say hello
"Everyone, this is."

"Earlier, Lord Xuande praised us a lot, and we often exchanged letters, but we never replied, but now we are ashamed of Lord Xuande.

But the situation was different back then, so I hope Mr. Xuande won't be offended. "

Pang Tong stood up again. His words brought a chuckle to Liu Bei's face, and he said "It doesn't matter" and the past was revealed.

Then Pang Tong continued.

"Mr. Xuande still remembers that Pang and Kuai's family went to Jiaozhou before and had a private meeting with Kong Ming."

"At this time, Bei naturally knew that Kong Ming had said that he would promise the two families specialties and strange things from Jiaozhou in exchange for the two families taking care of the subordinates recommended by Bei.

I’d like to thank both families for their kindness over the years.”

"Mr. Xuande must not say that. We are just pretending to entrust each other, but we are actually loyal to Mr. Xuande."

What Pang Tong said made Liu Bei almost laugh. After all, it was a bit unpleasant for Liu Bei to talk about it, but after Pang Tong changed the situation, both sides became more majestic.

Regarding this kind of thing, although Liu Bei wanted to laugh a little in his heart, he would not fail to give them this face.

"In this case, it's hard work for Shiyuan and the Pang family."

"I don't deserve such praise from my lord." Pang Tong bowed and saluted again, "We had a private meeting with Kong Ming before. It seemed that we were exchanging the things from Jiaozhou for the care of Duke Xuande, but in fact we were exchanging the futures of both parties."

"Oh?" Liu Bei frowned and said nothing more, but waited for Pang Tong to give him an explanation.

"My Pang family and Yicheng Kuai family are not people who like wealth. Although they are a little surprised by the strange things in Jiaozhou, they have no intention of doing business.

The reason why they are needed is just to gain access to the world's famous families.

At the beginning, the situation in Jingzhou was strange. No one among us knew what would happen to Jingzhou in the future.

Therefore, when we used Xuande Gong to pay tribute to His Majesty, we also followed the trend, but our choices were still different. "

Pang Tong also had a wry smile on his face when he said this, and Liu Bei was also quite surprised.

"The choice is different, does it mean that Kuai still chooses the thief Cao now?"

"At the beginning, the Pang family was led by the mountain people's brothers. Xu Du contacted many aristocratic families in the Central Plains, hoping to get some help.

But the Central Plains, or Yingchuan family, is quite exclusive, and we have not been able to integrate into it. Therefore, after the return of the mountain people brother, we felt that if we left Jingzhou, there would be no good results.

And if I continue to stay in Jingzhou, I am afraid that Duke Cao will not agree. "

"Indeed, Cao Cao has been suppressing wealthy families in recent years and wants to gather power." After Liu Bei finished speaking, he also said sincerely, "Although Bei did not intend to do this, he felt that Cao Cao was not responsible for this. Miscalculate."

This sentence shocked everyone present, and also made many people's eyes suddenly light up.Liu Bei didn't care about the changes in everyone's faces, but continued to look at Pang Tong and asked him to continue speaking.

"My Pang family chose to stay in Jingzhou. The Kuai family was indeed different at that time. Kuai Yue was very smart. Instead of pinning their hopes on the Central Plains, they ventured to Hebei.

When the Yuan brothers were fighting each other endlessly, the Hebei family knew that the Yuan family could no longer rely on them. ,

Therefore, worry is still unavoidable. In this case, the Aikui family appeared with those strange objects, giving them the opportunity to take out this object when Cao Gong did something. Enter Cao Gong's eyes.

At the same time, with the help of the Hebei Family, the Kuai family can quickly establish itself."

"Wait a minute!" Liu Bei finally interrupted Pang Tong, "The Kuai family is leaving Jingzhou?"

"Whether Duke Xuande comes and takes Jingzhou, or Cao Mengde takes Jingzhou, there is no reason for the Kuai family to continue in Jingzhou.

So they choose to break out of their cocoons and be reborn.”

"Where do they plan to settle down after leaving Jingzhou?"

"Xu Du, or Yecheng." Pang Tong chuckled directly, "Use the Hebei family as the alliance, and at the same time regard yourself as the governor of Xiangyang and Kuai Qi as the captain of Shangyong.

Now the Kuai family has found a retreat that allows them to safely evacuate from Xiangyang, bypassing Shangyong and entering the road near Wancheng.

If Tong's guess is correct, they should have handed Xiangyang over to Cai Mao.

But Cai Mao probably couldn't have imagined that at this time, Xiangyang no longer had Kuai Yue and others. Kuai Yue would bring more than half of Xiangyang's food and grass, as well as Liu Cong and many celebrities in Xiangyang City.

Of course, there is also the extra accumulation of their Kuai family, all of which entered Nanyang County from Shangyong.

Then they can use these as their stepping stone to gain a foothold next to Cao Mengde again.

Kong Ming took away the people of Nanyang and used strong walls to clear the country to stretch Cao Mengde's supplies. Kuai Yue would use this method to greatly make up for Cao Mengde's current vacancy.

With Liu Cong and famous scholars from Jing and Xiang, Cao Mengde's trip was worthwhile.

The so-called "step by step" strategy and the so-called "Shangyong reinforcements" are just deceiving Cai Mao.

At this time, Lord Xuande of Xiangyang City can attack as much as he likes, so he doesn't have to worry about whether Liu Cong's life will be injured in Xiangyang City."

Pang Tong's words shocked everyone present. While they were planning the war and preparing for all this, such a series of calculations actually happened in Xiangyang and even in Jingzhou.

"The Kuai family's plan, doesn't Pangzi have his own plan?"

"Pang didn't have such a desperate idea. Following Xuande Gong was for his own future, and he felt that it would be better than going under Cao Mengde.

It is better to follow Xuande Gong. Although Cao Mengde seems to be deeply rooted and powerful now.

But Mr. Xuande’s real potential is endless. The world can fight with all the people around him. In the future, Mr. Xuande will be like a dragon hiding in the abyss.

It is most appropriate to follow Mr. Xuande at this time! "

Looking at Pang Tong who was so straightforward, Liu Bei couldn't figure out one thing.

When I first heard this guy's name, everyone said that he was an honest gentleman, but why... I always felt that Pang Tong at this time and the rumors were not the same person at all.
(End of this chapter)

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