Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 17 The first meeting between Gan Ning and Guan Yu

Chapter 17 The first meeting between Gan Ning and Guan Yu
In a remote small village in Shaxian Water Village, hundreds of soldiers dressed in brocade clothes and looking very lazy were lying around and basking in the sun.

There were even many people holding weeds in their mouths and tapping their comfortable legs, trembling and looking leisurely and contented.

With such a moral character, if they meet a general like Xu Huang who is known for his rigorous military management, I am afraid that one and all of these people will have their heads chopped off.

Even Liu Bei, who is famous for being a kind-hearted elder, couldn't help but change his face when he saw this look.

As for Guan Yu, who has always loved soldiers as much as his sons,
"Hmph, these generals who are too lazy to run the army are probably just people who don't live up to their name and have no real ability!"

Although he hadn't seen Gan Ning yet, Guan Yu was already a little angry.

"Hey, this Xingba is still very capable. It's just that he had some quarrels with Fujun recently, so..." Su Fei explained awkwardly on the side, but he himself also knew how feeble this explanation was.

"That's all. I will tell Xingba this and ask him to come and greet Duke Xuande."

After Su Fei finished speaking, he was about to go, but at this time, Guan Yu, who was so angry with these lazy soldiers, no longer wanted to wait any longer.

"How dare such an arrogant person let my eldest brother wait for him outside?

Commander Su, please get out of the way and see how this dilapidated camp can stop Guan! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Guan Yu had already rushed towards Gan Ning's camp. As for Liu Bei behind him, although he had a smile on his face, he had no intention of stopping him.

Instead, he came to Su Fei's side and whispered to him.

"Hey, Yun Chang is reckless, but he has absolutely no ill intentions. I hope General Su won't blame him!"

After finishing speaking, he added to Zhou Cang who was standing aside, "Go and tell your general that this is the Jiangxia navy camp and no weapons are allowed!"

"No!" After Zhou Cang heard this, he stepped away directly and caught up with Guan Yu in three to five steps with a pair of flying legs.

But before he could open his mouth to speak, a cold arrow flew directly towards them.

"Be careful, general!" Zhou Cang saw it clearly, and hurriedly stepped in front of Guan Yu, intending to block the arrow with his body.

But fortunately, the person who shot the cold arrow didn't seem to want to kill them. The arrow was directly inserted into the ground less than ten steps in front of them.

Looking at the arrow feathers that were still shaking, Guan Yu and Zhou Cang both knew that this was not exhaustion, but a warning.
"It's interesting." Guan Yu looked at the arrows in front of him, and then looked up at the soldiers who had stood up and looked at him wildly with cold expressions. His eyes slowly opened, "It is indeed interesting."

"General!" Zhou Cang had followed Guan Yu for a long time and knew that Guan Yu was angry. "My lord has an order. This is Jiangxia Water Village. It is best not to use weapons."

"Take it!" Guan Yu directly threw the Qinglong Yanyue Sword and the sword at his waist to Zhou Cang, then came to the camp with bare hands and shouted coldly at the soldiers.

"Guan just wanted to see how capable Gan Ning is, and now he just wants to try you guys!"

After speaking, he kicked the camp gate open, and then rushed in with big strides.

When the soldiers in the camp saw this, they raised their brows and didn't even ask who the visitor was.

"Someone is destroying the place, brothers, come shoulder to shoulder!"

"If this bearded man doesn't use the knife, we won't use the knife either!"

"beat him!"

A group of soldiers roared and charged towards Guan Yu to kill Guoran, and then three of them were kicked over and two were beaten.

He even directly picked up a thin soldier and threw him out with his backhand, crushing several others.

Guan Yu, who is more than nine feet tall and has a hulking waist, is like a little giant running amok among this group of Xichuan heroes who are generally more than six feet long and can support him to death by seven feet.Even if there are hundreds of people on the opponent, if they don't use swords and form an formation, they may not be the opponent of Guan Yu, the world-famous bear and tiger general.

Soon, when Guan Yu had beaten more than thirty people, a drunken man finally came out of the main camp.

"Who is this ignorant person making noise here in Gan? You don't know how to write the word "death" in a hurry!"

When Guan Yu heard the noise, he kicked over the soldiers in front of him, then stretched out his hands to push the others away and looked at the person who spoke.

I saw that the man was wearing more luxurious brocade clothes than the soldiers, with three colorful feathers missing from his head, and a small golden bell hanging around his waist.

At the same time, his left arm was wrapped with a chain, while his right hand was carrying a jar of fine wine, and a unique and ferocious sword hung around his waist.

Seeing this rare appearance, Guan Yu also guessed who it was.

"Are you Gan Ning?"

"It's Lao Tzu!" Gan Ning threw the wine jar in his hand on the ground and smashed it to pieces, then looked at Guan Yu, who was half a head taller than him, and sneered, "You are so brave!" ! Now that we are here today, don’t even think about leaving alive!”

After Guan Yu, who wanted to be named by his name, heard this, his red face suddenly turned dark.

"He is indeed a rude fellow!"

"Stop talking nonsense, come and die!" After being disturbed by alcohol and seeing his own soldiers being beaten up by Guan Yu, Gan Ning didn't even want to know the name of the other party. He wanted to teach Guan Yu a lesson and let him know that the sky is high and the earth is high.

Guan Yu was brave, and Gan Ning was equally good. The two of them started fighting right at the gate of the camp.

However, although Gan Ning was angry, he did not lose his mind. Before taking action, he threw the sword on his waist and the iron chain on his arm to his guards.

He also fought against Guan Yu with bare hands, but...
"You have some skills as a man. I wonder if you can get on the boat and fight!"

Gan Ning, who had never experienced being pressed down and beaten before, was also horrified at this moment. He didn't know where this fierce man came from and was holding him down in his camp.

Seeing that he would make a fool of himself if he continued to fight, Gan Ning rolled his eyes and was about to fight Guan Yu in water.

However, Gan Ning was already showing weakness when he said this, but Guan Yu didn't hear it and hesitated a little.

At this time, although Guan Yu was one of the bravest men in the world and was not ignorant of water skills, he was really not good at water fighting.
But if he refused directly, wouldn't it be a loss of face for him, so he began to hesitate, how to answer?
"Big Beard, are you scared?"

When Gan Ning saw Guan Yu's hesitant expression, he guessed what Guan Yu was thinking, and he directly ridiculed Guan Yu. As expected, Guan Yu fell into his trap.

"What do you say, you thief, water battles are water battles!" Guan Yu roared at Zhou Cang behind him after finishing speaking.

"Zhou Cang, bring my sword here!"

 Explain Zhang Hu and Chen Sheng.

  We don’t know whether they are the prototypes of the Jiangxia Ershui pirates in the novel, but we do know that they were not killed by Sun Jian.

  Because according to historical records, they were originally (Jiangxia bandits) and later occupied Xiangyang. After Liu Biao came, they sent Kuai Yue and Pang Ji to surrender, and accompanied Liu Biao's general Huang Zu to guard Jiangxia.

  When Huang Zu officially invaded Jiangxia, Sun Jian was already gone.
  As for Luma, it was given to Liu Bei by Cao Cao and has nothing to do with these two thieves.

  So I didn’t write Luma’s scene.

  In addition, don’t worry about such innocuous things as Guan Yu’s image and weapons. I won’t add skills to their weapons!
(End of this chapter)

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