Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 173 Famous General of the Han Dynasty, Zhang Fei 4 more

Chapter 173 The Famous General of the Han Dynasty, Zhang Fei's Fourth Watch
"send troops!"

Following Zhang He's order, Cao Jun immediately took action, and thousands of soldiers and horses filed out of the camp.

The leader, Zhang He, rode his horse and walked in front of the army with a gun, accompanied by several captains and captains Sima.

Although he disagreed with the march and joined the army, he couldn't resist Zhang He's order and could only follow the army reluctantly.

As for Zong Yu and the similarly scarred soldiers around him, they were all under control.

"I will personally lead the way, and you will wait behind you. Don't interfere with General Zhang He's business here!"

Zong Xu knew what was going to happen next, so he just shouted angrily and made the ignorant soldiers run to the back to keep company with He Xia and others.

Of course, that doesn't mean they're safe.

It's just that in this way, they may have a greater chance of surviving the chaos later.
Outside Zhang Fei's camp, Zhang He could still see the shadowy patrolling troops and horses, and he could feel the oppressive feeling in the camp even from such a distance.

"Hmph, as a general, you don't know the importance of morale.

The soldiers were whipped to vent their anger, but in this way, resentment arose in the soldiers' hearts and their morale was greatly reduced.

How can these soldiers die for him on the battlefield?

Are these people worthy of being called generals? "

Zong Yu's evaluation completely fell into Zong Yu's ears. Although he knew that the famous general in the back might suffer, he still wanted to record those words just now.

After meeting Zhang Fei, let this guy say it again!
Why don't you say it yourself?Zong Yu said he was afraid of being whipped!

Time has slowly come to the fourth watch. At this time, the darkest moment of the night has passed, but it is also the time when a person is most sleepy.

"Commanders, obey the order!" Zhang He slowly raised the spear in his hand, and the war horse began to use its hooves uneasily to dig at the soil under its feet.

At Zhang He's signal, Zong Yu led his men forward and used his identity to "successfully" open the door to the flying camp.


With a loud shout, Zhang He took the lead and rushed over. The open door, the panicked soldiers, and the ferocious smile on Zhang He's heart were very excited.

"Kill Zhang Fei and become famous all over the world today!"

With his excited roar, a patrol soldier was killed on the spot by her, and the light cavalry guards behind him also rushed in.

Thousands of troops swarmed into the camp and started killing and setting fires everywhere. Flames suddenly burned the sky above the camp.

At this moment, Zhang He led his guards directly towards the Chinese army's tent.

The lights were brightly lit inside, and a guy in armor was lying on the table. There were more than ten empty wine jars rolling down beside him. Zhang He could smell the strong smell of wine from the smell of blood as he followed the battlefield.

"A mere drunkard is also worthy of being a general?" With another cry of contempt, Zhang Yun rode his horse and rushed in, bowed his waist, and thrust his spear forward directly through the armor in front of him.

But at this moment, Zhang He froze on the spot.

Although the candlelight in the scene made it difficult for him to see clearly, he still knew very well what it felt like to kill someone after years of fighting.

The spear pierced the armor, but the feeling that it was almost unobstructed after that made him know that it was definitely not piercing a person's body, especially the way that he didn't even see any blood, which made him determined. idea.

"Ha!" Zhang He roared angrily and picked the man up vigorously. When he saw the straw under the armor, Zhang He's face was as ugly as it was.

"Retreat, retreat immediately!" "Find that damn Zong Yu and kill them all!"

Zhang Xi's voice sounded directly from the large tent of the Chinese army, and he immediately rushed out with his personal guards, trying to escape towards the camp gate as soon as possible.

But at the moment he left the tent of the Chinese army, a thunderous roar reached his ears.

"Thieves, please leave, Zhang Yide is here!"

At this moment, Zhang He felt his head was dizzy, and the huge sound made him suffer from tinnitus at this moment.

"Death!" Zhang He is a famous general in the world, but he, Zhang Fei, has also been fighting for more than twenty years. In this blink of an eye, he has killed several personal guards and directly stabbed Zhang He with a spear.

If Zhang He hadn't been able to roll off his horse at the critical moment due to the same skills honed through years of fighting, this spear would have definitely killed him.

But even so, Zhang He's shoulder was pierced by a spear at this time, and his shoulder blade was almost broken.

The severe pain made Zhang He's eyes red. Looking at Zhang Fei who was waving a spear in front of him like a madman, he could only run away.

"Cover the general to leave!"

Although the guards felt a little disappointed when they saw Zhang He's escaping figure, they still chose to fulfill their responsibilities at this moment.

With a cry of killing, Zhang Fei was once again surrounded by everyone. Although Cao Jun continued to fall to the ground, Zhang He was indeed running further and further away.

Zong Yu, who was previously responsible for luring the enemy, also gathered a group of soldiers and horses and directly cut off Zhang He's soldiers and horses, directly dividing the group of leaderless soldiers and horses.

As for the soldiers at the end of the team, when the chaos arose, they felt guilty in their pain.

When Zhang He shouted angrily and wanted to evacuate, the pain in their eyes turned into confusion.

The moment Zhang Fei's roar and news of the ambush ahead came, their eyes had become firm.

"Capture this guy alive and save my life!"

Although they didn't know what was going on, these veterans knew very well that they would inevitably be charged with fleeing.

The easiest way to solve this problem is to reconcile the thing at hand and take credit for it.

"Kill!" Following the "awakening" of this group of people, He Qia, who was about to escape just now, was directly surrounded by groups, and the guards around him and those guarding soldiers were fighting with them non-stop.

"Capture this thief and give it to the general first, so that we can be relieved of our danger!"

"Don't hold back, brothers kill!"

He Xia looked at the soldiers who had shown great respect to him just now, but now they were showing their ferocious looks. He looked like he wanted to kill him here, and he couldn't help but turn dark.

"Why didn't that damn Zhang Fei beat these beasts to death!"

As He Xia cursed angrily, the third breakout failed. More and more soldiers and horses directly surrounded the place. He Xia's last hope of escape was completely ruined!

"Damn it. Damn it!"

Looking at himself, who was tied up, and at the soldiers whose faces were fierce and somewhat flattering, he couldn't help but spit directly on the ground.


(End of this chapter)

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