Chapter 190
Routine launch remarks.

As a "history novice" author, this book does still have various problems, but I will continue to improve on the long road of writing books.

As an author who is about to be published, I have no bottom line for authors. No matter what the results are, once the book is published, I will finish it.

As for adding updates after it is put on the shelves, I will work hard to add updates.

If the first order is over [-], I will add more updates. If the order is less than [-], I will count it as [-]!

From now on, we will order an additional chapter every [-] years. Do I dare to say this because I am a professional writer?
No, it’s because the editor told me that it would be good if my current scores were over [-].
Chapter 1 will be officially released after twelve o'clock. Here, I would like to thank all readers for their support, and also thank all the book lovers who have contributed to this book.

thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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