Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 201 School affairs enter Xuzhou (Chapter 5)

Chapter 201: School affairs enter Xuzhou (Chapter [-])

"Yang Yi is indeed young and frivolous, arrogant and even arrogant.

He spoke fiercely and did not give anyone face. From this march, Wei Shi also saw that he and Wen Chang were even incompatible with each other.

If one day neither the lord nor the master dies, they may do something terrible.

My teacher has seen all this. "

"Since Sir, you have seen it, why do you still use him like this? Will this disappoint General Wenchang?"

"Yuanzhi, did anyone have any doubts when you first proposed Yongwen Chang?"

"Of course it does!" Zhou Buyi showed a wry smile, "Don't talk about others, even Brother Wen himself said at the beginning that he was worried in his heart at that time.

At the same time, he also rushed to the master and husband. If the master and husband had not overcame all opinions and used him more, I am afraid that he would still be just a nobody now."

"That's it. Wen Chang had a bad character back then, but the master is not stingy with his abilities, and the same is true for his teacher.

Over the years, people have often secretly said that Wen Chang has shortcomings in his character, or made some unpleasant remarks, and you have heard quite a few of them.

In this regard, both the lord and the teacher tried their best to ease the relationship and prevent Wen Chang from being wronged.

The article is so long, and so is Wei Gong. The lord once had a long chat with him and spoke highly of him.

The teacher once talked to him that the army's food and grass dispatching and even march planning did not require too much consideration. It almost came naturally. This was his ability and talent.

Maybe it's not mature at this time, but it's not unusable.

This time, he could be used for some good training. In addition, his late brother was a virtuous Yang Li. Even though he was a teacher, he didn't know why the brothers had such a big difference in personality.

But his brother's reputation is still somewhat good now, whether he is from Nanjun or Jingnan, or he is an old veteran of his lord.

There will be some dignity, so there is no need to worry about anything else. "

"Yang Yi." Zhou Buyi looked at his gentleman, and finally shook his head with a wry smile, "Yang Yi should be the first person that the gentleman is reluctant to scold.

If someone else had a conflict with the editor, the teacher would definitely make him bow his head and admit his mistake.

This Yang Yi seems to be really capable. "

"Since you have a good relationship with Chang Wen, you must help your master to mediate between them. Don't let them continue to be so incompatible." After Zhuge Liang finished speaking, he nodded at Zhou Buyi, "Even if you don't want to take care of it, you can't interfere with it. , what ideas can you give Wen Chang!"

"Ahem, cough, yes, yes, students understand." Zhou Bujiu chuckled and quickly changed the subject, "I guess the same goes for Pan Chengming."

"He is upright and yet also arrogant. This person should be used to great effect. But he cannot be used with people of the same character.

But in today's world, except for famous generals like Xu Huang who are like Zhou Yafu in ancient times, most of them are paranoid and arrogant.

Therefore, if Cheng Ming were to use it, it would not be appropriate to assassinate the captain. He was not good at doing this.

In the future, he can be used as a court captain, that is"

"I'm just afraid that there will be a river of blood in front of the hall." Zhou Buyi also smiled slightly, "Sir, did you use him to stab him because of his vicious eyes?"

"He has a knack for seeing the subtleties and making big changes."

"If this is the case, why not use it as a school matter?"

"Do you think Pan Jun doesn't dare to kill his own people?" Zhuge Liang's words made Zhou Busu laugh awkwardly, and then asked his last question.

"Then what happened in Xuzhou, sir, do you really not care?"

"What can I do if I care? We are beyond our reach.

And Liang always felt that it was not that simple for Xianhe to go to Xuzhou this time. "Zhuge Liang couldn't say something clearly, although Jian Yong has slowly retreated behind the army.

But after all, he had followed his master in the north and south, and his skills were certainly not bad.

Even if he wants to mobilize Jian Yong, he needs the approval of the lord. Shi Yuan and Gong Yuan alone are not qualified to mobilize Xian He.

But since the Lord didn't want to talk about this kind of thing, he naturally wouldn't ask any more questions.Do your own thing well, stabilize the situation in Nanyang, look for opportunities to defeat the enemy, and protect Jingzhou.
The situation in Jingzhou slowly calmed down, and both sides entered a truce period, each seizing all the time to deal with their own troubles.

Xuzhou on the other side is extremely lively.

"Lu Hong, the School Affairs Office, pays homage to General Zang Ba!"

"Historian of the School Affairs Office, pay homage to General Zang Ba!"

In the government office of Guangling City in Xuzhou, Zang Ba looked at the two familiar yet unfamiliar guys in front of him, and a drop of cold sweat slowly flowed down his forehead.

"Two school officials are here. What do you mean?"

Lu Hong, Shi A, and Zang Ba started to twitch when they saw the invitations from these two people. The two close friends Sun Kang and Sun Guan were even ready to copy them.

One is the deputy director of marriage affairs of the school affairs office, who followed Guo Jia to supervise the officials. The other is the latest assassin to join the prime minister's office. According to rumors, he is a disciple of Wang Yue, the best assassin in the world.

It doesn't seem like a good thing for these two people to come to Xuzhou.

"General, don't worry. The two of us coming to Xuzhou today are not looking for trouble for the general."

This was true, but if another person had finished saying it, Zang Ba would have chopped off his head with one knife.

But if it was said by Lu Hong and other people from the school affairs office, he not only felt disrespected, but even felt reassured!

"In that case, I wonder what the purpose of your coming is?"

“First, the Prime Minister ordered us to cancel all the rights of the Bafu from today onwards, and everyone in Xuzhou does not need to obey the orders of the Bafu.

If an order comes, it will be sent to the Chancellor's Desk or the Prime Minister's Mansion! "

"This?" Zang Ba was shocked by the first order, "What does this mean? This Ba Mansion is not."

"It's a long story at this point. The general can go inquire about Runan County on his own. We don't need to say more. The general only needs to follow orders."

"Okay." Zang Ba didn't want to say more when he saw the other party, so naturally he didn't ask more, "Is there a second thing?"

"Yes!" Lu Hong's face darkened at this time, "There is a person under Liu Bei who entered Xuzhou with the intention of disturbing things in Xuzhou. We need to capture this person!

However, the people in Xuzhou are mixed, and now it is war time. We are short of manpower, and hope that the general can lend a helping hand. "


"We won't recruit too many troops, just a few of the garrison troops from various counties and counties and their armies."

Hearing what Lu Hong said, Zang Ba breathed a sigh of relief. When he heard the arrival of the school affairs office, he was most worried about two things.

He was taken away by the school affairs office, but the school affairs office did not leave.
It is still very easy to accept some people who need to be transferred to find someone.

"Don't know who you are looking for?"

"Liu Bei's confidant advocate, Jian Yong!
We don't have much information, we can only know that he was a group of seven people, riding a black horse. When Jian Yong left Jingzhou, he was wearing a blue scribe's gown, holding a sword at his waist, and the scabbard was missing.

The jade should be hung in the shape of a bright moon. One of the attendants was slightly lame in his left foot, and one had a burn on his right hand."

"." At this time, Zang Ba looked at Lu Hong in front of him with a shocked expression.

This is the school affairs office, and he still doesn’t know much about it. If he knew more, he might even know what underwear Liu Bei wore yesterday!
 The total number of subscriptions for the five chapters yesterday was 389, which is very good, very good, thank you all.

  Today I would like to thank the book friend "The Black Cat of 17th" for his three monthly passes.

  Thanks to book friend "Daskus" for two monthly passes!

  Thanks to the book friend "Call Me Zhen Ge" for your monthly vote.

  Thanks to the book friends "Ting Chinese People" for their monthly votes.

(End of this chapter)

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