Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 208 School Affairs Office (2 updates)

Chapter 208: School Affairs Office (Second Update)

"The school office is doing business. Anyone else waiting here should get out of the way!"

When these words appeared again in Langya County, the captain of Langya County, who had not slept well for several days, collapsed from the bed.

Then he dressed up as quickly as possible and surrounded the Zhuge family in Langya Yangdu.

"In the name of Geng's school affairs, take away all the Langya Zhuge clan!"

Following the order, a large number of soldiers rushed directly into the Zhuge clan. Amid bursts of exclamations and screams, the entire Zhuge clan was completely thrown into the dust.

The Zhuge family, which was not very prosperous to begin with, has experienced several major changes in succession. Now it can only survive because of the smoke rising from the tomb of their ancestor Zhuge Feng.

In the current situation, even if they wanted to resist, there was nothing they could do. If no tragedy occurred, Chen Hao had specifically ordered them to survive.
As for the Zhuge Clan of Langya Commandery, this is just a small beginning.

Xiaopei, Jian Yong personally visited his hometown again.

He did not show up, leaving all matters in the hands of Xiaopei's guard.

"Where is Zheng Zhou?"

Xiaopei City is not a good place, but there are many talents here.

In front of the Zheng family's door, the head of the family, Zheng Li, looked helplessly at the soldiers in front of him and Chen Hao behind them, who was wearing a school uniform. He was angry but did not dare to show the slightest expression.

"Please forgive me, my son Zheng Zhou is out on a study trip."

"The last person who said such words has been captured and imprisoned by us." Zheng Li was interrupted before he could finish his words.

One sentence made Zheng Li feel numb all over.

"Please don't misunderstand me. My son is really going on a study tour."

"Then he will always have to attend his biological father's funeral. If he really goes out, I can invite him back."

"." Zheng Li didn't know what to say now. He had long heard that the people in the school affairs office were arrogant and rude, but he really didn't expect these people to be so unreasonable.

Just when he didn't know what to do and the soldiers were planning to arrest him directly, the door of the Zheng family opened again.

Zheng Zhou, who was about to turn [-], walked out and bowed to everyone.

"Boy Zheng Zhou, I just returned home today, please forgive me."

"Let's go. I have something to ask from the school affairs office."

"Please also tell me what Zheng committed."

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. The school administration does not need to explain to you when doing things!"

"Isn't the school administration unreasonable?"

"." Chen He slowly walked forward, looked at the angry-looking Zheng Zhou in front of him, and said softly, "When have you ever seen our school affairs office explain?"


"take away!"

"Where is Pei Xuan in Xiapi!"

"I am Pei Xuan, you can't wait"

"Gag your mouth and take it away!"

"Wait a minute. Uh-huh.&**..."

"Is Linyi Wang Xiang here?"

"Back to the envoy, this Wang Xiang took his mother and younger brother to Lujiang a few years ago for some reason."

"Lujiang...just Lujiang.

Is there anyone in the Wang family still alive? "

"This" "Take this away with the whole family!"


"Licheng Tang Zi is here!"

In just ten months, the so-called Liu Bei's son Jian Yong was not seen at all, but the huge Xuzhou made him really make a fuss.

Jian Yong also followed Liu Bei's consistent policy of "never returning something empty", whether he was in Xudu or Yecheng, whether it was Cao Mengde or Yuan Benchu.

If they don't take something with them when they leave, they always feel like something is wrong with their life.

Today, Xuzhou still has huge loopholes.

After they left, the first governor Che Zhou died in their hands, the second governor Ma Chao refused to take office, the successor Xuzhou Mu Dong Zhao was transferred due to merit, and the successor Zang Ba is now far away in Guangling and cannot be cared about. here.

This left a huge loophole for Jian Yong. With Lu Hong's acquiescence, Jian Yong went around in the name of searching for talents for the prime minister.

He couldn't help but take down two families and evacuate the Langya County Prince's Mansion. In the process, he also gave a large amount of money and other items to the people of the school affairs office, which was regarded as blocking the mouths of other school officials.

Even Lu Hong said behind his back, "Although Geng He is reckless, he is also a talent that can be made."

For this comment, Jian Yong gave away all Liu Xi's wealth.
A month and a half later, Jian Yong looked at the already majestic team behind him and was already standing behind Lu Hong.

This time, Jian Yong's status in the school affairs office was quite high.

At least here in Lu Hong, it is already quite high.

"Sir, why don't we... Xuzhou is so smooth, we can go to Peijun or Yanqing?"

In just over a month, Chen Hao, who was running around, realized what it means to be a master, and he also understood the feeling that Jian Yong told him before.

He is now somewhat obsessed with the idea of ​​leading his soldiers, in the name of the prime minister and the school government, to take down those wealthy families who once didn't even want to take a second look at him.

Watching them kowtow to him, giving him a lot of money in exchange for peace, and even watching those arrogant family members become prisoners of his subordinates
But just when he was enjoying this feeling, Jiang Yong stopped the matter directly, and then asked Lu Hong and everyone to prepare to return to Xudu.

Looking at Chen Hao, who had an unfinished expression on his face, Jian Yong just chuckled.

"Don't go too far. I have followed my lord on many expeditions for so many years. I may not have learned any other skills, but I still understand the word contentment.

Xuzhou is like this now because Xuzhou is special. Zang Ba is a bit special. Most of his subordinates are his own troops. Among the Xuzhou county guards, there are also many rebel generals like Xu Xi and Mao Hui who were under Cao Mengde.

These people are now afraid that Cao Mengde will turn over old scores, so they turn a blind eye to what we do.

Zang Ba, who is in charge of Xuzhou, is now held back by the war. He turned a blind eye to us and so on, so you can be so presumptuous.

If you really dare to go to Yuzhou, do you believe that if you settle in Peijun tonight, the envoy sent by Xun Yu will dare to behead you tomorrow?
Do you really think that the governors, governors, governors and ministers of these various states and counties are all useless? "

After hearing what Jian Yong said, Chen Hao nodded slowly.

"Sir, now I will follow you to Xudu."

"You want to go, but I won't go anyway!" Jian Yong couldn't help but tremble when he heard the name Xu Du, "I will enter Nanyang via Runan later, and then look for Prime Minister Cao."

"To Nanyang?"


"Does Mr. Lu, the school official, agree?"

"I told him that if he goes to Xudu, I'm afraid Xun Lingjun will make more accusations about this matter. It's better to bypass Xudu and go to Nanyang County to hand these people over to the prime minister directly.

Let the Prime Minister see what we have accomplished! "

"Mr. That"

“To go to Nanyang, you have to go through Runan.

Runan has arrived. Can Jiangxia be far away? "

(End of this chapter)

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