Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 215: Plans and Candidates (4 updates)

Chapter 215: Plan and candidates (fourth update)

Xiangyang government office, in the hall.

Liu Bei sat on the main seat, while Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong stood in front of him on one side and the other on the left. The three of them fell into a dead silence that only the three of them could understand.

"Yes." In the end, Liu Bei spoke first, and Pang Tong and Zhuge Liang immediately bowed, waiting for Liu Bei's order.


"Also ask the lord to order!"

"You are indeed a close friend." Liu Bei looked at Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong, whose actions and words were surprisingly consistent, and finally just smiled reluctantly, "Both of them said the same thing to Bei in private.

You said that you two have different personalities and always have different opinions, but you never mean to harm each other.

I believe that there is absolutely no intention to harm each other, but how do your personalities and opinions conflict with each other? "



Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong were silent, and both took a step back. After taking this step, they both looked at each other at the same time.

"Zhuge Kongming, you're doing this again!" Pang Yi looked at Zhuge Liang beside him in disbelief.

"Shiyuan, you can't talk nonsense in front of my lord!

It is obvious that every time you give lectures, you use this method to trick Yuan Zhi without wanting to answer. Why are you so weird now? "

"Zhuge Kongming, what you say is unreasonable!

It’s not every time you pretend to doze off, the gentlemen call you Crouching Dragon, you just lie down at home every day,

Yuan Zhi always said that you behave like a gentleman, but Pang thought that you were just being lazy!
You are the most cunning in Lumen Mountain! "

"Shiyuan's words made Liang heartbroken. Liang originally thought that you and I would be sympathetic to each other, but now we are arguing like this over such a trivial matter."

"It's not because you came to cause trouble that the lord refused to agree to Pang's plan."

"Pang Shiyuan, my lord is right if he doesn't agree. What do you mean?
Is it possible that you still think that the Lord is timid and fearful? "

"When did Pang say that my lord is afraid of war?
Furthermore, now that Cao Mengde is powerful, even if the lord is afraid, it is reasonable and reasonable. What's wrong with that? "

"That's enough!" Liu Bei looked at the two people who were talking more and more and slapped the table in front of him angrily, "How could Bei be afraid of the enemy and not fight?
After years of fighting and fighting, why have you ever been afraid?
How can these two gentlemen think, think, think like this?"

Halfway through Liu Bei's words, he looked at the faces of Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong who had regained their composure and smiles and suddenly couldn't speak anymore.

"Now that my lord has made his decision, Liang has something to say." Kong Ming struck while the iron was hot and did not give Liu Bei a chance to regret, "If this battle is successful, we must first Hanzhong and then Xichuan!"

"Kong Ming's words coincide with Tong's, Liu Zhang is weak and indecisive, and there are frequent internal struggles in Xichuan.

If we pin our hopes on Xichuan, not only will we spend a long time, but we will even be in vain. On the contrary, if we can persuade Hanzhong to send troops to attack our army's flanks first.

This will allow Liu Zhang to feel that the situation is urgent, and at the same time allow us to reasonably mobilize the troops from Jingnan and Nanjun.

At that time, we can lead the Xichuan soldiers and horses into Jingzhou."

"The seven-hundred-mile Yiling Road has narrow mountain roads and dangerous terrain. The dense forest is an excellent place to defeat the enemy."

"After that, a strong general can send out cavalry to conquer Jiangzhou and enter Bajun, so as to gain a foothold in Xichuan and plan for the future."

Liu Bei looked at Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong and said, "I settled the matter in one word. For a moment, he didn't even know what to say."

He was indeed a little impulsive just now, but now that he has said it, there is no need to say any more words of regret.

Just looking at Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong singing in harmony in front of me
"Okay, okay, okay." After Liu Bei sighed, he interrupted the debate between Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong three times in a row. "Now that it has been decided, how can we get Zhang Lu to send troops?" This time Liu Bei looked at Pang Tong. .

"Kong Ming can't think of such a risky strategy, it must be your method, Shiyuan.

Now that you have talked about this plan, let's talk about it in detail. How did we get Zhang Lu to send troops and convince his subordinates? Which one did we convince? "

"Zhang Lu used five measures of rice to govern the people in Hanzhong. Although this approach made his soldiers fearless of death, it also laid huge hidden dangers for him.

First, as long as we add some auspicious things to Hanzhong, we can win Zhang Lu's heart again.

Secondly, Shen Yi forged a secret letter of approval from the school affairs office and entered Hanzhong on a small road to find Zhang Lu’s counselor, who was also the Yanpu of the Five Pecks of Rice Sect’s sacrificial wine!
At that time, some people in Hanzhong obtained a jade seal in the fields. Zhang Lu wanted to use it to declare himself King Ning of Han Dynasty, but was blocked by Yan Pu.

Now as long as we do this, Yan Pu will definitely find a way to dissuade Zhang Lu from sending troops in order to prevent Zhang Lu's ambition from affecting him."

"Who can be the envoy?" Liu Bei heard this and knew that this idea must not have occurred for a day or two.



At this moment, Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong were silent for a while again, and then they said a person's name at the same time.

"Mr. Jian Yong can do it!"

"Xianhe is worthy of such a great responsibility!"

When the two said Jian Yong's name in unison, Liu Bei was a little surprised.

"Mr. Xianhe. Now he is so valued by two military advisors. It really surprises me."

"I always thought Xianhe was witty before, but now I find that he is also clever and unusually clever.

Moreover, this time we need to use the name of the school affairs office. Only Mr. Xianhe under the Lord can hold this important position.

President, I believe that Mr. Jian Yong can always bring some surprises to the Lord."

After Pang Tong finished speaking, Liu Bei also fell into deep thought.
At this time, Jian Yong, an old minister of Liu Bei in Xinye City, suddenly sneezed very loudly and felt the constant chill on his back. Jian Yong couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Is it too cold in Xinye?

It seems that I have to find an opportunity to go to Jingnan. I am really old. What did my aloofness mean in Youzhou back then? "

At this time, Jian Yong kept sniffing, lying half on his seat with one hand holding his head, and the other hand gently patting his knees.

The gentle and moving sound of music came from Chen Hao's mouth.

"What a good seedling." After the song played, Jian Yong couldn't help but slap his knees hard, "It's true that I asked you to follow Du Kui.

You should learn the rituals and music from Du Kui and play such beautiful music for me in the future. "

"Sir, you are joking. With your status as a gentleman, I think you will definitely be reused by Mr. Xuande in the future.

This ritual music is nothing more than trivial, I’m afraid even if I want to play for my husband in the future, I won’t have a chance.”

"Hey, you're thinking too much!" Jian Yong waved his hand and looked at Chen Hao with a contented look.

"You don't understand. There are so many talented people under my lord's command now. I'm getting older, so the best choice is to retire as soon as possible.

In the future, I can finally enjoy it! "

After Jian Yong finished speaking, he directly touched his bare chin, seeming to have begun to dream about a better life in the future where he would eat enough and sleep.
(End of this chapter)

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