Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 217 Zhang Lu comes out of Hanzhong (1 update)

Chapter 217 Zhang Lu comes out of Hanzhong (first update)
"How are you, Master?"

The Hanning County Governor's Mansion in Hanzhong does not have the dignity and solemnity of the Han Dynasty government office. Instead, it is filled with an indescribable feeling.

Every time Yan Pu entered the governor's mansion, he would feel a nondescript feeling.

As the inheritor of the Taoism of the Heavenly Master who "educated" Yizhou back then, the Taoism of the Heavenly Master handed down by Zhang Daoling can be regarded as the orthodox Taoism, whether it is quiet and inaction, or the Tao follows nature, or pursues the way of heaven.

In short, although Tianshi Dao has many mysterious magical legends in Xichuan and even Hanning and other places, there is nothing weird about it.

But when Taoism, which emphasizes nature and inaction, and the imperial government, which emphasizes Confucianism and law, Yan Pu always feels that Zhang Lu and Zhang Fu are good at everything, but a little messy
"Oh, Yan Jijiu is also here. It seems that he has got the news." Zhang Lu was not surprised when he saw Yan Pu appear. It could even be said that he had expected it.

"Xiaguan. Jijiu Nursery first congratulates you, Master, and then you will be favored by God. This is a sign from God that we, Hanning County, will have a happy event."

"Okay, Yan Jijiu doesn't have to say these insincere words, but my master is no longer the Zhang Fujun that he was before, who only cared about his career and the world.

Now it's good to be a master in Hanning County. "

After Zhang Lu finished speaking, he put the small tripod he dug out out of his hand aside directly in front of everyone, although it could be seen that there was still some eagerness in his eyes.

But there is still no greed as before.

"Master, you are so righteous!" After seeing this, Yan Pu couldn't help but sincerely congratulate him, and then started to talk about today's business, "Master, please forgive me, Yan Pu came here today not just for this mere auspiciousness.

There is one more thing that requires Master to make the final decision! "

"Go ahead."

"Master, do you know about the superior?"

"Are you talking about Shen Dan and Liu Xuande? You know it but you can't do anything about it." Zhang Lu just shook his head lightly at this time, "Back then, Hanning County controlled the land of nine counties.

Nanzheng, Chenggu, Xicheng, Baozhong, Mianyang, Anyang, Xixian, Shangyong, Fangling
But those people have been edicts to deprive Shangyong County from my Hanning, and finally get it around Liu Xuande.

Although I don't want to, Liu Xuande is so powerful that he has almost swallowed up the entire Jingzhou, so we cannot act rashly."

"What the Master said is absolutely true. As the saying goes, a small impatience will mess up a big plan. Therefore, the Master's inaction at the beginning was our common wish.

But things are different now. Although Liu Xuande still occupies Jingzhou today.

However, Cao Gong has already gone south, and a hundred thousand troops are approaching Nanyang, Liu Xuande is in a precarious situation.

Please tell me, Master, if we can take any action? "

"Action?" Zhang Lu was slightly startled, "What kind of action do you want?"

"Master, as the saying goes, if you don't have long-term worries, you will have immediate worries. If we sit back and watch Liu Xuande fight to the death with Cao Gong, then no matter who wins or loses in the future, I am afraid that Hanning County will be attacked first.

When the time comes, it will be difficult for us to resist, and if we surrender, we will be forced to do nothing.

What should we do in this situation? "

"This" Zhang Lu fell into thought for a moment, then looked at Yan Pu with a calm face, and finally understood what he meant.

"You want me to send troops to participate in the war." After Zhang Lu finished speaking, he couldn't help shaking his head, "It's still the same sentence, the old man is old, it's not the time of the year.

At this time, the old man is sitting in Hanning County, relying on the danger of mountains and rivers is enough."

"Master, do you really think it's enough?" Yan Pu suddenly interrupted Zhang Lu's words, as if he was also breaking Zhang Lu's dream, "Master, please step aside, Pu has something that cannot be said."

Zhang Lu looked at Yan Pu in front of him. After pondering for a long time, he finally chose to wave his hands. Everyone in the hall immediately bowed slowly, said goodbye and left.

The servants and guards also went away. When the door was finally closed, no one knew what was going on inside. "Okay, now I can tell you the truth about Jijiu. What on earth could be so secretive?"

"Master, do you think Hanning County really has steep mountains and rivers to defend today?"

"Uh hahahaha" Zhang Lu suddenly couldn't help laughing loudly, "What does Yan Jijiu mean? This Yizhou is mostly full of mountains and rivers.

Yizhou is famous all over the world for its dangers. Although Hanning County is not comparable to Xichuan, it is also the gateway to Yizhou.

There are many mountain roads in the north. Although there are advantages in the east, there are also natural obstacles. As long as an elite team and a confidant can completely cut off the road! "

When Zhang Lu said this, he looked very proud. It was only with his keen eyes that he snatched such a treasured land back then.

Of course, the second thing he was proud of was that he captured Bajun and got the support of the people of Bajun.

As for the third matter, he wanted to establish the Heavenly Master Dao in Hanning County, which made his position in Hanning County really as stable as Mount Tai!
But today, all his dreams were broken by Yan Pu's words.

"Since the whole world knows the dangers of Xichuan, why has there never been a powerful person in Xichuan?"

Just one sentence made the smile on Zhang Lu's face freeze immediately, and his gaze towards Yan Pu also changed for a while.

"What does offering wine mean?"

"Master Shi also knows very well that no matter how dangerous the dangers in Yizhou are, they cannot be more dangerous than the people's hearts.

When we were fighting with Xichuan before, we helped our master because compared to Liu Zhang, who was weak, our master was the wise master.

But now, Cao Mengde and Liu Xuande are fighting for Jingzhou and seizing Nanyang.

No matter who wins or loses, the next moment they will inevitably turn their attention to Hanning County.

At that time, even if the teacher is accompanied by the congregation, the religious state wine will really be held. Whether the pass along the way will have the effect of prayer is still unknown! "


"Master, Pu has no intention of rebelling, nor does he have the intention of leaving, but when Hanning County has no choice, it is a situation, and if there is a choice, it may be another situation.

Now that there is chaos in Jingzhou, it is time for us to make a decision: to send troops to rescue Liu Bei in exchange for stability.

Or send troops to attack Liu Bei and surrender to Cao Cao? "

At this time, Yan Pu directly threw away the option of defending the pass, and suddenly changed from the two-choice question of surrender to the two-choice question of surrendering to Liu Bei or Cao Cao.
At this moment, Zhang Lu hesitated.

"Liu Bei.Cao Cao"

"Master, please think carefully, this is related to the safety and future of my people in Hanning, and it is also related to your safety and future, master."

".If you really want to surrender"

"Na Lu Ning is a servant of Cao Cao and will not be Liu Bei's guest!"

"In this case, I would like to ask Master Pu to worry about our Heavenly Master's followers and join forces with the soldiers and horses of Ba to attack Shangyong!"

At the end of February of the 14th year of Jian'an, just as the weather was getting warmer, Zhang Lu of Hanzhong, who had been silent for a long time, officially declared war on Liu Xuande.

Among them, the vanguard was commanded by his general Yang Ang and directly attacked Shangyong.

Suddenly, Liu Bei's situation took a turn for the worse
(End of this chapter)

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