Chapter 228 The momentum is like a rainbow (second update)
"Soldiers, although we are more than ten days late, don't worry, we will speed up the delivery of food.

Anything, naturally has nothing to do with you! "

Fazheng's words made the soldiers who had just felt a little panic feel better, but Dubo Wang Chong looked at Fazheng beside him with a helpless expression on his face.

As a native of Yizhou, his senses for this group of Dongzhou scholars were not good, but unfortunately he did not have that much ability.

He couldn't change Fazheng's decision, so he could only secretly tell the direction of Chengdu about Fazheng's every move while following Fazheng's "nonsense" in Jiangzhou.

But obviously. The result is bad!
Seeing that they were approaching Wuling, Wang Chong's worry became more and more serious.

"Captain, I'll wait if you want it."

"What do you want?" Fazheng looked at the troubled uncle who kept nagging beside him, "You are just a little uncle, how can you be so troubled?"

Fazheng's words made Wang Chong's heart tremble, and his face couldn't help but turn red.

He wanted to retaliate, "You, Fazheng, are just a depressed person. How can you be so arrogant?"
But even though the words were on his lips, he still didn't dare to say them out in the end, but the hatred in his heart deepened even more, and he secretly swore that he would definitely come back with revenge if he had the chance in the future.

Let Fazheng also have a good taste of how he feels now.

"Quick, keep running away."

"Run away~"

Just as Fazheng and others were marching, a panicked voice appeared directly in front of them. Wang Chong's ears immediately stood up and he directly raised his weapon.

"Array, alert!"

With a roar, Wang Chong immediately led his soldiers into formation, looking cautiously at the direction from which the sound came. Fazheng, who was behind him, also straightened up, and there seemed to be light shining in his eyes.

"Colonel." A soldier slowly walked to Fazheng's side, only to see Fazheng nod slightly, and then nod in return.

"Evacuate!" Under the low-pitched command of the soldier, more than ten people immediately escorted Fazheng to slowly evacuate. At the same time, a large amount of food and grass began to pile up, not only blocking the road behind, but even directly blocking Wang The way back
At this time, Wang Chong, who was full of longing for the future, didn't know anything. He was even staring ahead cautiously, and at the same time, he told Fazheng to mobilize the crossbowmen.
"Colonel, crossbowman. Where is the crossbowman?"

After calling many times in succession, Wang Chong finally discovered the problem. The arrogant Fazheng made no movement at all.

When he turned his head, what he saw was Fazheng's retreating figure, and his own retreat was blocked.
"Oops!" At the same time as this thought arose, Wu Yi, Li Yan and others who were defeated in the front also followed. The panicked army did not want to attack him.

It's just that the mountain road is narrow and there is no way to deviate from the road. The most important thing is that the tiger-wolf-like Guan Yu is still chasing him all the way with a knife.

Who dares to stop at this time?
"Rush over!"

Wu Yi and Li Yan, who were the first to flee, looked at the grain transport team arrayed in front, and they didn't know whether they should be angry or helpless.

When I begged them to show up, there was no movement, and even the soldiers sent to investigate disappeared without a trace.

But now when he was running away, these guys just appeared in front of him. Not only did they appear, they also blocked his only way out.
"You can't attack."


Wang Chong knew that if he was attacked by the defeated army at this time, it would definitely be a rout, so he immediately stopped the opponent with words.But before he could finish his words, he saw Li Yan leaping towards him and slashing his head with the saber in his hand.

Wang Chong was kicked out by Li Yan after the word "go". The defeated army unceremoniously threw the military formation he had managed to arrange into a mess. At the same time, it also caused the soldiers under his command to be in a similar mess. stand up.

"It's over. I'm done waiting." Looking at the completely chaotic team, and then at the mountain road that was also blocked by countless grains and grass, Wang Chong let out a sad smile.

"What did you say?"

A somewhat cold voice came from behind Wang Chong, making Wang Chong couldn't help but shiver. He suddenly turned around and saw a war horse with a coat of fire-like fur breathing hot breath behind him.

At the same time, there was a cold light accompanied by a long knife slashing towards him.
"The descendants do not kill!"

As Wang Chong's headless body fell to the ground, the roars of Guan Yu and Guan Ping also appeared. Jiang Xia soldiers surrounded these Xichuan soldiers and horses who had no way to retreat. After several days of pursuit, their Physical strength reached its extreme.

Guan Yu didn't fight them to the end like before, but gave them a little life when they were most desperate.

The sound of "No one who surrenders will be killed" completely shattered their determination and persistence in fighting to the end. Wu Yi, Li Yan and others, who were ready to fight to the death, looked at the soldiers around them who went from frightened to panic, and finally slowly put down their weapons. .

They wanted to shout loudly several times to boost their morale, but in the end they chose the same behavior after looking at each other.

"Put down the weapons in your hands and surrender to the earth. The name of my lord Xuande Gong's benevolence is spread throughout the world, and I will definitely not trap you and kill you!"

"Put down your weapons, quickly, everyone, put down your weapons!"

Amid the shouts and fighting of General Guan Ping, more and more Xichuan soldiers and horses chose to surrender, and Guan Yu not only got a rare chance to breathe, but also received sufficient food and grass.

The most important thing is that Fazheng's tactic of utter desperation directly brought the battle to an end here, and no soldier could escape from this battlefield.

This means that Liu Quan and others today know nothing about the war here. They are still risking their lives to attack Zigui City, the last barrier in Nanjun.
Three days later, Guan Yu's army, which had been repaired, was on the road again. This time his troops exceeded tens of thousands.

"Guan Ping, you immediately enter Yong'an from Yiling. Now Yong'an's defenses are empty. You use your troops to open the way, occupy Yong'an and seize Baidi City, thereby guarding the road to Sichuan!
Tian Yu will come with his troops in a few days. When the time comes, you will cover his entry into Bajun.

Now that Zhang Lu and Liu Zhang's troops and horses have been transferred by military advisors, you two will seize Bajun and approach Hanzhong! "


"The rest of you, follow me to Zigui and kill the evil thief Liu Sui!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Three roars shocked the world, and Guan Yu's battle completely ignited the morale of his young men, thus perfectly replicating the Battle of Yuzhou fought by Jiangdong Tiger Sun Wentai.

"Back then, Sun Wentai was able to conquer from Yuzhou to Hangu. Today, I, Guan Yunchang, can conquer the world from Jingzhou!"

"Attack, kill the enemy!"

At this moment, the red rabbits and horses neighed, and the moon-shaped sword shattered the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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