Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 239 Liu Bei’s current situation (3 updates)

Chapter 239 Liu Bei’s current situation (third update)

"Wenpin, thank you Mr. Zhuge for saving your life."

Just a few years ago, when Wenpin saw Zhuge Liang, he still called out "Kong Ming" one after another, and everyone didn't think it was wrong.

And now no one thinks it's inappropriate to say "Mr. Zhuge".

"General Zhongye has held on to Wancheng for more than half a year, and it is a great achievement to keep Wancheng alive.

If the late Liu Jingzhou had a soul in heaven, he would definitely be pleased with the general's actions. "

Zhuge Liang did not show any arrogance and still faced Wenpin, a veteran general of Jingzhou, as a general of Jingzhou.

It was somewhat comforting to Wenpin.

After that, Wenpin invited Zhuge Liang and others into Wancheng. Of course, the army was still stationed outside the city, and a large amount of food and grass were also transferred into Wancheng.

This can be regarded as letting the remaining soldiers in Wancheng breathe a sigh of relief. For more than half a year, they have lived almost by calculation, and they have to carefully calculate how much they eat and drink every day.

When they heard that they could have a full meal today, they didn't even react for a while.

After a moment of silence, huge cheers and long-suppressed cries broke out.

"I wonder what Mr. Zhuge is going to do next?" Although Wenpin felt uncomfortable hearing the laughter and tears bursting out from the soldiers in the city, he still asked about what happened next.

As a general, you should know how you should behave.

"General, we will continue to garrison Wancheng. This place is the strategic point of Nanyang. As long as Wancheng is still in our hands, Cao Mengde will not be able to gain a foothold in Nanyang.

As for the next battle, Liang will hand over some of the soldiers and horses to the general, and will also ask Gong Yan to dispatch food and grass from the rear to Wancheng.

But it’s not necessary for generals.”

"This" Wenpin didn't expect Zhuge Liang to do this, "Mr. Kong Ming really doesn't send generals to garrison Wancheng?"

"The city of Wancheng is tall, and the general is a veteran general of Jingzhou and a famous general. There is no problem in garrisoning Wancheng. We still have to fight with Cao's thieves outside.

If there are not enough generals under his command, we may not be able to assign them to generals at will. "

Zhuge Liang's reason is very good, but this is not what should appear in this place.

Wenpin looked at Kong Ming, and Zhuge Liang also looked at Wenpin with a calm smile on his face. Wenpin, who had understood for a while, walked directly in front of Zhuge Liang, and bowed directly to him.

"Thank you, Mr. Xuande, for your success!"

From then on, Wenpin was just a general in Jingzhou and had nothing to do with Liu Xuande, the pastor of Jiaozhou.

This can be regarded as Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang's last respect for Wenpin.

"I will wait for three days to repair in Wancheng, help the general repair the city, and stabilize the current situation before we can continue to march.

Cao Mengde of Nanxiang has been fighting with his lord for more than a month, and no news of his lord has been heard during this time.

I don't know what's going on now. "

Zhuge Liang's words made Zhou Buyi on the side couldn't help but turn his head away. He really didn't want to say anything more.

Who gave the Lord what he is like now? Don’t you have an idea in your own mind?

There are mountains outside Nanyang County and Liu Bei's camp.

"Ugh!" A painful muffled sound came from Liu Bei's mouth, and the doctor on the side could not help but tremble in his hands.

Although he didn't look back, he already felt a strong murderous intention behind him.

Zhang Fei's fierce eyes stared directly at the doctor's back, as if he was going to pierce him directly with the Zhangba snake spear in his hand at the next moment.

The ferocious look made the medical officer almost cry. "Yide!" Liu Bei looked at the arrow cluster that had just been pulled out by the doctor, and shouted directly at Zhang Fei who was standing aside, "Go and watch outside, don't let Cao's army take advantage of it."

"Then here"

"This is the main tent of the Chinese army. Is there anyone here who can do anything to us?" Liu Bei shouted angrily and shouted Zhang Fei out, then he smiled slightly at the doctor on the side.

"Don't worry, although Yide is a bit reckless, he is not rude. He is just a little worried today and will not do anything to you."

"Yes." The doctor couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, and then tried his best to show Liu Bei a smile that showed he was relieved.

It’s just that smile, no matter how you look at it, it feels ugly
"Lord!" Just when Liu Bei had just bandaged his shoulder, the military advisor Pang Tong also walked in directly from outside the tent, his face a little heavy.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"The war I'm waiting for is pretty stable, that is."

"Could it be that there is something wrong with the military division's plan?" Liu Bei looked at Pang Tong's gloomy face and knew that things were getting worse. "But there is almost a mistake in your plan?"

"Return to my lord!" Pang Tong took a deep breath and then said with great sadness, "Zhuge Qian's body and head have been buried.

And Xi Chengye and others were supposed to build embankments to block the water."

"Is there an accident too?"

"Yes!" Pang Tong nodded helplessly, "Xi Chengye and other four generals were all killed, and their bodies were sent to our camp.

In addition, during this period of time, our army's sergeants suffered serious losses, so when their bodies were sent back to the camp, the morale was affected."

"Even so, we can't treat them badly." Liu Bei couldn't help but sigh, and his eyes couldn't help but become a little lonely, "They died because of us, and we can't treat them casually.

Now that the weather is getting hotter and the rainy season is coming, we must be careful. "


"Let them be resettled first, and after the war, we will personally send them back home."


"In addition, do the army still have enough food, grass and other supplies?"

"Don't worry, my lord, we have prepared enough food, grass and baggage, including equipment, to cope with it.

It’s the thunder chariot among Cao’s army.”

"Who made that thing? It really gives me a headache!" Liu Bei couldn't help but get a headache after hearing the three characters "Thunderbolt Car".

He also knew about this thing from Zhuge Liang before, and knew that Wei Yan had captured a lot of it and placed it in Xinye.

But he never took it seriously. After all, he and Cao Mengde were wandering Pili Chai at that time and failed to show the power they should have.

But after he stationed himself at Fangwai Mountain, Cao Mengde immediately mobilized hundreds of thunderbolt vehicles.

The sound of thunder and thunder continued, and huge rocks flew in. His camp on the middle of the mountain was completely destroyed in three days. In the end, he had no choice but to re-station at the top of the mountain, and then personally led his people to defend the foot of the mountain.

Only in this way can the situation be stabilized, but it still can't take advantage of Cao Mengde's hands.
"In that case, Yun Chang should know how to act, right?

Zhong Yuanchang in Guanzhong is not easy to deal with, so where is Yun Chang?"

"Don't worry, my lord, Kong Ming has found a military advisor for Yun Chang." Pang Tong said with a smile, "Kong Ming's strategy is still a bit too risky.

After this battle is over, we must have a good talk with him.”

(End of this chapter)

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