Chapter 24 Jiangdong Yonglie
Sun Quan's order soon reached the ears of forward Ling Cao.

Ling Cao, who had just defeated Su Fei and others, was actually a little tired and exhausted, but looking at the soldiers whose morale was so high, he did not feel any dissatisfaction with this order.

"Soldiers, follow me to kill the enemy!"

Pulling out the sword from his waist, Ling Cao pointed hard at the Shaxian water battle. The soldiers on the watchtower of the warship behind him even waved their flags. Suddenly, dozens of fighting ships, as well as walking boats and red horse boats rushed to kill them. come out.

Among them, Ling Cao did not stand on the biggest battleship, but boarded a red horse boat with his only son Ling Tong and his personal guards.

As red horse boats used for close combat, they are called land and amphibious suicide squads together with land warfare.

As Sun Quan's vanguard general, Ling Tong actually acted as a death warrior.
After Gan Ning discovered this, he couldn't help but praise, "With this death-seeking attitude, he really deserves to be Sun Ce's favorite general.

This death-seeking character is exactly the same. "

After all, Gan Ning not only didn't let people charge up directly, but ordered the army to retreat slowly, pretending to be panicked.

After finally closing the distance, he made such a fuss, and the two sides once again widened the distance.

Ling Cao, who was about to fight the enemy to the death, was stunned at first when he saw the enemy general fleeing without fighting, and then his face was full of ecstasy.

"The enemy general is timid, it is a good opportunity for us to take advantage of the situation and attack, all soldiers kill!"

After saying that, without thinking, he directly took more than thirty red horse boats and walking boats and accelerated again, hoping to catch Gan Ning's army before they retreated to the water stronghold.

In this way, the subsequent army can take advantage of the situation and attack the camp.

Naturally, Ling Cao's actions could not only represent him. After he launched the charge, the fighting ships and vanguard army behind him also accelerated their speed.

As for Sun Quan who is behind him
"General Ling Cao has found an opportunity. Soldiers, rush over!"

Sun Quan issued the second order of the battle without hesitation, and this time Gan Ning's goal was achieved.

"Ling Cao advanced rashly, his troops were unprepared, and his rash charge would surely lead the army to move impulsively.

Nowadays, the formation is in chaos. Once the forward is frustrated, it only takes a little coercion to break it! "

Gan Ning waved his arms again at this time, and the fleet immediately stopped evacuating after the flag was released. Then, with Ling Cao's shocked eyes, he quickly changed his formation and charged directly towards them.

"Elite." At this moment, Ling Cao finally saw the difference between Gan Ning and the previous Jiangxia naval forces. They had fewer troops but elite troops.

This is the real rival.

"Father." What Ling Cao discovered was naturally discovered by his son Ling Tong, "I don't have enough troops around me now, so I might as well retreat temporarily."

"Continue to charge!" Ling Cao did not listen to his son's persuasion and directly ordered again, "The brave will win when we meet on a narrow road. Now that we have begun to charge, how can we retreat!"


"If we retreat, there will be chaos in the rear!" Ling Cao looked at Liu Bei's naval forces who were also making moves behind Gan Ning, "I really underestimated Liu Bei this time, but what can I do even so?
Then Liu Xuande is new here, can he still get some advantage from us? "

After Ling Cao finished speaking, he threw away Ling Tong's arm and once again urged Cao Zhou's soldiers to speed up, actually wanting to confront Gan Ning first.

"I don't know whether to live or die." Gan Ning sneered when he saw Ling Cao speeding up again, then took out the bow and arrow from behind, bent the bow and aimed the arrow at Ling Cao, who was still dozens of steps away.

"Go!" With a loud shout, the arrow shot into the meteor and immediately traveled through the space, as if it appeared directly in front of Ling Cao's eyes.

"Ha!" Seeing the arrow suddenly rushing from a few dozen steps away, Ling Cao, who was always known for his bravery, was also startled. He also ducked to avoid it.

But just as the first arrow passed by him, another arrow followed suit.This time, Ling Cao, who had just turned around, had no chance to hide anymore.
"Pfft~" The arrow penetrated directly under Ling Cao's heart. At this moment, a sharp pain mixed with dizziness and weakness appeared on his body.

"Father!" Ling Tongyi screamed before Ling Cao slapped him out.

"You bastard, what are you yelling about!" Ling Cao's face was pale at this time, and some blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, but he still endured the pain and directly cut off the arrow inserted under his heart.

Feeling the waves of dizziness, he looked at Gan Ning's army that had already rushed in front of him.
"Send orders to all ministries to meet the enemy!"


"Shut up!" Ling Cao glared back at everything Ling Tong wanted to say, "Now you immediately take the boat and report back to the lord, saying that Ling Cao is incompetent.
Go tell the lord what is going on here and ask him to gather his troops and move forward slowly! "

"Father is going to report, the child will only fight to the death here to block the enemy." Ling Tong, who was only in his twenties, didn't care much when he saw his father like this.

If he just wants him to evacuate, he will fight to the death to protect his father from evacuating.

But his answer was met with another loud slap in the face.

"My father can't hold on anymore. I'm afraid that the moment the two sides fight, my father will die in battle.

The forward general underestimated the enemy and rushed in and was killed by the enemy on the spot. Our forward army was finished. At this time, the entire fleet was in chaos. Once the forward army retreated.

Then the entire fleet will be in chaos, and even Liu Xuande, who is not good at water combat, will know how to cover up and kill him.

At that time, we will be unable to escape defeat.”

After finishing speaking, Ling Cao used his last strength to touch Ling Tong's heroic face, "As a father, I don't have the ability to see you become a famous general, so don't waste your time at this time.

Get out now, get out! "

After Ling Cao finished speaking, he kicked Ling Tong out, and then directly stepped on the deck of the red horse boat, enduring the cramping pain in his heart, brandishing the saber in his hand and charging towards Gan Ning.

"Kill the enemy, follow me to kill the enemy!"

Ling Cao used the last moment to keep the Jiangdong navy from fighting with the opponent, dragging the entire vanguard army into the battlefield.

After confirming that Ling Tong was gone, and that his forward army had been captured by Gan Ning, Ling Cao, who persisted so hard, finally lowered his raised arms.

In his last glance, Ling Cao saw a strong man waving an iron chain and whipping away his soldiers. With a grin on his face, he raised the sword in his other hand high and waved it directly towards his neck. come over.

"Heh Jiangdong Jiangdong's disciples killed the enemy."

"Plop~" The head flew high and blood sprayed out. Gan Ning killed Sun Quan's vanguard general Ling Cao with one blow, causing his soldiers to burst into cheers.

On the other hand, after the Jiangdong soldiers saw Ling Cao's headless body falling into the river, they heard the voice of "the enemy general is dead".

He was completely panicked.

In less than a stick of incense, Gan Ning rushed up to the battleship with the banner with the word "Ling" on it, slashed it with his sword, and the banner fell directly into the water.

The Jiangdong Pioneer Army was completely defeated
"All officers and men obey orders and kill the enemy!"

At this time, Guan Yu and his naval forces finally surrounded him from both sides.

(End of this chapter)

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