Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 264 Fighting Wits (3 more)

Chapter 264: Battle of wits (third update)
Li Kan looked at Zhang Fei who came out from behind in shock, and then looked at the soldiers in front of him who should have been fleeing in embarrassment and also stopped.

In the valley covered by the wind and snow, a soldier and horse came slowly.


Following an angry roar from someone unknown, black shadows suddenly rose into the sky.

When these black shadows fell again, they had turned into life-threatening spears.

"Pfft~" With a muffled sound, a famous soldier's body was directly penetrated by a spear, he fell from his horse, and then began to lie on the ground and howl happily.

Li Kan, who was still in shock, was also full of shock in the face of such a situation.

"How can these people know Yongliang's style of play? How can they know Yongliang's style of play!"

The moment he saw the spear rising into the air, Li Kan was completely stunned on the spot. Launching a surprise attack in the wind and snow was a consistent method of their Yongliang cavalry.

Because the cold wind will block the sight of the soldiers, it will also affect the power of the arrows, so in the land of Yongliang, it is more likely to use the crossbow to win the battle!
The second is the flying spear method, which is the method of Fufeng Ma family. Li Kan never expected to see this here.

"Retreat quickly!"

The panicked Li Kan could no longer care about anything and just wanted to escape quickly to save his life.

In the wind and snow, Zhang Fei led his troops to fight with him continuously. Unfortunately, most of Zhang Fei's soldiers and horses were infantry, although they were somewhat capable of fighting in the wind and snow.

But if you want to pursue it, you can't do it.

After a brief fight, they could only watch Li Kan rush out of the encirclement and escape. Zhang Fei's vision was also greatly affected in the wind and snow.

"Rat, this rat!"

The angry Zhang Fei could only continue to curse as he watched Li Kan and others flee.

"General Yide doesn't have to be like this. This battle was just a small lesson for Zhong Yao."

Just as Zhang Fei kept roaring, Fazheng's voice appeared beside him, making him calm down slowly.

"It is true that the identity of the School Affairs Bureau cannot be used anymore. Zhong Yuanchang does have some abilities, but he probably never imagined that he is actually a Fufeng person.

I'm afraid he knows the rules of Yongliang better than he does.

Zhong Yao wants to use the Qianghu Di people from Yongliang to find out where we are, so let's take advantage of the situation and cut off those thickened groups one by one! "

After Fazheng finished speaking, he looked directly at Deng Fang behind him.

"What about Feng Xi and Zhang Nan who went to attack Fucheng?"

When Fazheng borrowed the name of the School Affairs Office, he knew that the School Affairs Office's methods could only fool him once, so he never thought about fooling him a second time.

What he knew even more clearly was that as long as the Qiang and Hu Di people had help in the land of Yongliang, they could easily be found.

But this is not their chance.

"Zhong Yao doesn't have many troops in his headquarters, and the troops he uses are all from Yongliang's many forces. Although these people obey Zhong Yao's orders, they are not his subordinates.

Therefore, everyone has their own thoughts, so there is an opportunity to separate them.

We can lay an ambush here, seize some war horses, and at the same time send a group of soldiers and horses to take the opportunity to sneak attack on the unprepared Fucheng!
Thus, a large amount of grain and baggage can be seized to supplement our military supplies."

Fa Zheng's plan went very smoothly. He successfully defeated Li Kan outside the valley and captured hundreds of horses.

A fight caused Li Kan's strength to be greatly damaged. There were more than a thousand defeated soldiers and horses. After Li Kan regrouped the defeated soldiers and horses.

Zhang Fei had already finished everything he needed to do and left far away.

This is Fa Zheng's plan.

At this time, Feng Xi Zhangnan, who was under the city of Fu, also successfully rushed into the gate of the unsuspecting city of Fu.

"Mr. Fazheng is really good at it. He guessed that in order to catch us, Zhong Yuanchang would definitely not let Fucheng show his hands and feet. Hahaha. If we capture Fucheng today, we can replenish our food supplies!"
All soldiers, follow me to kill the enemy! "

Liu Bei's general Zhang Nan, with a big smile on his face, kept commanding his soldiers to occupy the city gate, and then sent people to fight towards the city, preparing to directly seize the treasury of Yancheng!

Just when Feng Xi and Zhang Nan were about to capture the city, a buzzing sound suddenly appeared from the front, followed by an oncoming arrow rain, directly killing the soldiers who had just rushed into the city on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, the city wall defenders who were still in a panic and scurrying around suddenly changed their expressions.



"Rolling Stone Sagi, let go!"

With a loud roar, countless rolling stones and trees were thrown down from the city wall, as well as arrows and boulders.

"Retreat!" When a rolling stone directly hit the bodyguard next to Feng Xi and his brains exploded, Feng Xi immediately let out a loud roar.

Zhang Nan on the other side was also hit by several arrows, and blood slowly flowed down his armor.

"Remove all soldiers, retreat quickly!"

Looking at Fucheng, which was obviously a trap, Zhang Nan was also stunned, but now there was no way.

We can only cut off the rear in person and slowly withdraw from the city with the soldiers.

At this time, on top of the city wall, Zuo Fengyi and Zheng Hun were watching all this with cold eyes, without any change on their faces.

A few days ago, he had received news from Sili Colonel Zhong Yao, asking him to be ready to take over the military affairs of any city at any time.

One day ago, he got the news and rushed to this small city of Yincheng, took over the city defense of Yincheng, and waited for Zhang Fei's arrival.

"I really didn't expect that Zhang Fei didn't come, but these two guys came."

"Fufu Lord" At this time, the magistrate of Fucheng also walked in with a look of horror on his face, "I would like to thank you, Lord Fu, for saving my life!
If it hadn’t been for the arrival of Fu Jun, we would have been afraid.”

"It was Mr. Zhong who saved you, and it had nothing to do with Mr. Zheng!" Zheng Hun's tone was cold, and he did not accept the kindness of the Magistrate of Yincheng.

"The lower official will definitely remember Zhong Shijun's kindness." Fucheng Ling is a sensible person and naturally knows what he should say now. "It's just that the junior official doesn't understand why Zhong Shijun knows."

"You are not a third-level assistant, are you?"

"This official is from Liangzhou Wuwei, and was transferred by the Prime Minister's kindness."

"Since that's the case, you've been here in Sansuke for several years, do you know about Ziwu Valley?"


"Maybe you can walk out of Ziwu Valley?"


Fucheng Ling is not a fool. This Ziwu Valley is not a kind place. It is not a dangerous place, but it is not an easy place to walk.

"Since you can't get out of the city of Fu, how did Zhang Fei, a group of soldiers and generals who had never been to Guan Zong Sanfu, enter the vicinity of Chang'an from Hanzhong?

Did you rely on luck to cross the Ziwu Valley?But isn’t there no defense outside Ziwu Valley?

Since there are people who know this place so well to guide them, how could they not know who has the final say in this Yongliang land?
With this little thought, they still want to plot against Zhong Shijun."

Zheng Hui sneered directly, looking in a certain direction with cold eyes.

"You are smart, but you just like to act smart!"

(End of this chapter)

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