Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 275 Counted and Not Counted (4 more)

Chapter 275 What was counted and what was not counted (fourth update)
"Thief, you still recognize your General Zhang Fei!"

"Withdraw~ withdraw immediately!"

Just as Fazheng was pressing forward step by step, Zhang Fei, who was supposed to attack Tongguan by the Weishui River, suddenly led his troops to return the carbine.

He rushed directly towards the chasing Ma Wan and others.

However, although Ma Wan and others were directed by Zhong Yao to pursue Zhang Fei and prevent him from attacking Tongguan, they also knew that Zhang Fei was brave and had always kept their thoughts in mind.

When you realize something is wrong, stop immediately.

Therefore, although Zhang Fei was brave, this blow failed to kill them. Instead, it seemed to be a warning.

Let Ma Wan and others continue to retreat.

Although Zhang Fei was angry when he saw this, he could only continue towards Tongguan. Fazheng had already sent news for him to threaten Tongguan.

Only in this way can Zhong Yao of Chang'an come out of the turtle shell.

"This old guy is really a good example of staying still!"

At this time, under Chang'an City, Fazheng led an army to block the city gate of Chang'an. The accompanying King Agui of Xingguo Di looked at Chang'an City in front of him and didn't know what to say.

"We have seen it before, but these thousands of people surrounded Chang'an City, which is stationed by tens of thousands of people, this is really the only thing I have seen in my life.

How did Mr. Takanao do this? "

When Fazheng heard this, instead of feeling happy, his face turned dark.

"This is not how we did it. You should ask the old guy in Chang'an City how he managed to remain motionless in such a situation?

Don’t leave Chang’an”

Fazheng looked at Zhong Yao who was huddled in Chang'an and refused to come out. He had no choice but to do anything.

Four of Yongliang's eight generals are now with Zhang Fei, two died in the battle, one is missing, and one is imprisoned in his camp.

Now there are only Zhong Yao's direct soldiers in Chang'an City, so Fazheng has no chance to take advantage of it.

"Before, I wanted to let the Qiang and Hu who were loyal to General Ma Chao enter Chang'an and wait for an opportunity to open the gate of Chang'an and let me in.

But who knew that the old man Zhong Yao put all the gathered Qianghu Di people and other foreign races into the Jingzhao counties around Chang'an.

Chang'an now really doesn't leave us the slightest chance. "

When he said this, Fazheng's eyes became a little deeper.

"Zhong Yuanchang's behavior is a bit abnormal. Doesn't this old guy still want to play tricks in front of Zheng Zheng?

Didn't he know that conspiracy can only work on those who are not as good as himself? "

Fazheng kept hitting the saddle under his crotch with his riding whip, his face was extremely heavy, and he became even more silent when he looked at the Chang'an City with four closed gates in front of him.

"Then why don't I attack first?"

Agui, the king of Xingguo, firmly adheres to his own fighting method, which is to give him a good beating first regardless of whether he has something to do or not.

However, Fazheng was not a reckless person like Agui, so he just looked at him indifferently and stopped talking.

Thousands of people surrounding tens of thousands of people is already the same as nonsense, but now they still want to attack the city, are they afraid that they will have an advantage and live comfortably?

"Go tell General Ma Chao. Since Zhong Yao plans to avoid fighting, we can change our attack method.

Notify Ma Chao to capture the Sanfu area with all his strength, and then cooperate with General Yide to attack Ma Wan and others.

Force them out of Sanfu and back to Hedong! "Fa Zheng's words once again excited Agui behind him.

Although Ma Chao is the main force in capturing the third auxiliary, they will definitely become the main force under Ma Chao. This matter does not pose any problem to them.

And in this way, they can also move their territory from a place like Wudu Yinping, which has been exclaimed to be deserted, to the more "rich" Sanfu.

This is also a great good thing for them.

After receiving the news, Ma Chao felt that something was wrong with the current situation, but when he saw Sanfu Zhenzhen gradually becoming empty under Fazheng's attack.

Ignoring the persuasion of Ma Dai and others, he headed towards Jingzhao Chang'an without hesitation.

At the same time, Pang De was ordered to lead the army to Feng Yi immediately, making a move to join forces with Zhang Fei, forcing Ma Wan and others to withdraw from the third auxiliary directly.
As for Ma Dai, he introduced those Di people who "confronted" them into Jingzhao and Fufeng.

Tens of thousands of troops directly became Ma Chao's support. This speed of retreat was completely invisible even to the local people who were also in the Yongliang land.

Even Han Sui of Jincheng County retracted his troops back to Jincheng County without hesitation after receiving the news.

They acted like they were strictly on guard, and even ordered people to strictly investigate the Di people coming and going from Jincheng.

He was afraid that the Di King Dou Mao, who had been silent all this time, was also one of Ma Chao's men.

In addition, many soldiers and horses have also begun to mobilize, and soldiers and horses from Anding Tianshui and other places have also begun to tighten the city.

While mobilizing each other, they all adopted a defensive posture.

At the foot of Chang'an City, Ma Chao threw the battle report in front of him on his desk, his expression becoming increasingly gloomy and uncertain.

"Brother." The cousin Ma Dai, who had just returned to his side, became a little worried when he saw this scene, "But what did brother find?"

"Discover?" Ma Chao sneered, "I have to say that the reputation of filial piety and uprightness is indeed not a boast made by outsiders.

If that guy hadn't discovered something was wrong this time, I'm afraid we would have suffered a big loss.

Zhong Yao didn't know the prestige I had in the hearts of the Di people, but we didn't notice that he had already stretched out his hand between Yongliang and Yongliang without any sound."

"Between Yongliang and Liang?" Ma Dai couldn't help but be startled when he heard this, "Brother, are you talking about the soldiers and horses in Longyou?"

"The soldiers and horses from the Longyou areas were mobilized back and forth. We always thought they were worried about whether they would be affected by the war.

But now it seems that what if this group of guys appeared directly and attacked our rear while I was waiting to capture Sansuke? "

"Them and Zhong Yao"

"Don't forget, there is someone beside Zhong Yao. Liangzhou Mu Wei Duan!"

As Ma Chao spoke, he couldn't help but look in the direction of Chang'an's city wall, as if he could directly see through the tents the soldiers and horses who were guarding the city.
"Zhong Yuanchang, this time, let's see what else you can do."

In Hanyang County, a troop of soldiers and horses has been dispatched, and Liangzhou Mu Weiduan, who has disappeared for a long time, stands on the city wall of Ji County with his head held high.

"Soldiers, the opportunity to serve the imperial court has come!"

"Invade Sanfu and destroy the traitors!"


With the roar of Liangzhou Mu Wei Duan, Hanyang County, the largest county in the land of Yongliang, finally showed its fangs again.

"Yang Fu is here, all the soldiers will follow me to fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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