Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 283 Something More Important than Dominating the World (1 more)

Chapter 283 Something More Important than Dominating the World (Part [-])

"Xun Lingjun, the city of Xudu is in turmoil right now. The general has the important task of guarding the safety of Xudu and naturally he cannot just sit idly by."


"I also ask you to tell the prime minister to reopen the school affairs office to ensure the safety of Xu Du!"


"Your Majesty!" Wang Bi was extremely angry when he saw Xun Yu who refused to say a word or even raise his head.

But no matter how angry he was, he didn't dare to really do anything to Xun Yu, even when he turned his head to look at the attendant Xi Ji.

All he got was a shake of the head.
Xi Xi had already told his lord all these things, but it seemed that he had not received any useful reply.

Wang Bi really couldn't understand why this great situation was reached to this point.

Is it possible that the huge power of Xudu can overthrow the little emperor?

What is he!
The angry Wang Bi wanted to continue to persuade, but he waited for Xun Yu's words.

"Hey, guarding Xudu is your duty, and this school office has nothing to do with you!"

"Mr. Ling!"

"Leave, guard Xu Du, don't let up for a moment."


The angry Wang Bi shook off his shirt and strode out. Even after leaving the mansion, he couldn't help but look back angrily.


"Such words should not come from your mouth." A somewhat cold and old voice appeared from Wang Bi's ear, followed by an old man over fifty years old who walked up to him.

"Next time, if I hear such words again, I will definitely report it to the Prime Minister and punish him severely!"

"Military sacrificial wine." Wang Bi looked at the same veteran Dong Zhao who suddenly appeared beside him, and couldn't help showing surprise on his face, "Military sacrificial wine is not suitable for looking for the prime minister. But the prime minister has an order?"

"The prime minister's order is that everyone in this place obeys Lord Xun Ling, and you must not interfere!"

Dong Zhao's words immediately stunned Wang Bi. He didn't react for a long time, as if he couldn't believe it was true.

"Really. This."

"Please do what you should do. This place has nothing to do with you." After Dong Zhao finished speaking, he strode directly into the mansion of Shangshu Ling.

Although it was just a military sacrifice and he was not an old minister of Cao Mengde, the many servants and guards in the Shangshuling's mansion did not dare to stop Dong Zhao.

Let him walk all the way in front of Xun Yu.

"Gongren is back?" Xun Yu finally showed a smile after seeing Dong Zhao, "It seems that Cao Gong has made a decision."

"The Prime Minister has an order to withdraw the army and return to Yuzhou in the near future. Before the arrival of the army, everyone in Xudu City will obey Xun Lingjun."


"Including the Bafu and the School Affairs Office, all operations have been suspended. In Xudu City, Xun Lingjun is the leader."


Dong Zhao's words made many officials and even servants around Xun Yu couldn't help but smile, thinking that this was the prime minister's trust in the minister.

But only Xun Yu chose to remain silent after hearing these words.

In the silence, there was even a bit of helplessness.

"In that case, Xun Yu just accepts the order." After a while, Xun Yu took a deep breath and bowed slightly in the direction of Nanyang, which was regarded as receiving Cao Mengde's order.

After that, Dong Zhao bowed and said goodbye directly, and Xun Yu did not stop him. "Brother Gongren, can you wait a moment?"

Outside Xun Yu's house, Xi Lu, who was following behind him, also rushed out, and then bowed directly to Dong Zhao.

"What does Hongyu mean by this? There is no need to salute like this between you and me. This old man is just a mere official in the prime minister's residence."

"Brother Gongren's words make you afraid to talk. It's not convenient to speak here, so I don't know if it's possible."

"I'm about to go back to my house. If Hongyu doesn't mind the simplicity of the house, let's come together."

"Then I'll bother you, Mr. Gong."

Xi Lu naturally had a happy face at this time and followed Dong Zhao towards his mansion.
"Brother Gongren, there are no outsiders here. Can you tell me the truth?"

"Truth?" Dong Zhao frowned, "I wonder what kind of truth Hongyu wants? Could it be that Hongyu thought I was lying before?"

"Of course I don't dare, but will the Prime Minister really hand over all the affairs of Xudu to Xun Yu?
Then Xun Yu is now."

"Wen Ruonai is my great Han minister and a confidant of the Prime Minister, the person who helped the Prime Minister get to where he is now.

Don’t say what you just said again! "

"Brother Gongren, you understand what you mean. Now that Xu Du is in such a situation, then Xun Wenruo
Of course, we also know that if the Prime Minister can have such power now, then Xun Wen must have contributed a lot.

But for the prime minister and the person in that position, he
If such a thing had not happened to Xu Du at this time, the prime minister might have captured Jingzhou, so why would he need to withdraw his troops? "

"This matter is not as simple as you think." Dong Zhao suddenly sighed, making Xi Xi at the side stunned.

"What's the meaning of this, Mr. Gong?"

“Withdrawing troops was originally the Prime Minister’s choice, but Wen Ruo helped the Prime Minister make up his mind.

Moreover, I also agree with the withdrawal of troops from Jingzhou."

"Why? As long as we continue to fight, we will definitely be able to occupy Jingzhou."

"Since when did we change our belief from unifying the world and rebuilding the world to occupying only the land of Jingzhou?"

Dong Zhao's words made Xi Liu on the side stunned again, and for a moment he didn't realize what it meant.

"My dear friend means"

"What's the point of occupying Jingzhou? Jingzhou has been depleted of grain and its people are exhausted.

In the end, what would happen even if Liu Xuande was killed?
With our current soldiers and horses and momentum, can we still cross the Yangtze River and go south to Jiangdong?
So what if I still have this spare energy?

We are not the only enemy in Jingzhou. "


"Of course I understand what you are thinking. Not only do I understand, but Na Wenruo and Gongda also understand.

But we have to figure out what our purpose is, and it's not just something as simple as that.

Today, there are not only Jingzhou in this world, but also Jiangdongbu, the Sun family of Yangzhou, Liu Zhang of Xichuan, and Ma Chao and Han Sui of Yongliang.

There is also the alien race in northern Xinjiang who I can't figure out how powerful they are.

Maybe we can ignore these people, but we cannot turn a blind eye to them.

If we really put the rear area into crisis in this battle, we will destroy all the food, fodder and baggage, and make everything full of smoke.

Is it possible that you want the Prime Minister, who is over fifty years old, to start over?
And the Prime Minister has already reached this point, and he even has something more important than unifying the world."

"That is, who is going to unify this world!"

(End of this chapter)

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