Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 291 Breaking the Game with Zhang Lu in Hanzhong (5 updates)

Chapter 291 Breaking the Game with Zhang Lu in Hanzhong (fifth update)
"Xianhe, we still have some things to discuss. I'm afraid it will take a long time.
Why don't you go take a rest first? "

Liu Zhang's reason was good. After all, he, Jian Yong, was the envoy on behalf of Liu Bei. There were some things that he couldn't continue to participate in.

But what Liu Zhang didn't expect was that after he called Jian Yong for a long time, Jian Yong didn't respond at all to him.

"Xianhe. Xianhe?" Liu Zhang looked at Jian Yong who was in a sluggish state and couldn't help but was stunned for a moment, and then slowly increased his tone, "Xianhe!"

"Ah?" Jian Yong suddenly screamed, as if he was startled by Liu Zhang, and then bowed to Liu Zhang with an embarrassed look on his face, "Please forgive Liu Yizhou, Yong was distracted just now."

"Hey, Xianhe, what are you doing!" Liu Zhang couldn't help but laugh, and then looked at Jian Yong's serious look, feeling really unnatural in his heart.

"Get up quickly, get up quickly. Hahahaha!"

"Please forgive me!" After Jian Yong saluted again, he slowly stood up and silently stepped aside. The gloom on his face seemed to be like water dripping from his face.

As for just now, this guy really didn't seem to hear anything.

"Uh." Liu Zhang looked at Jian Yong who looked like this, and seemed to be wondering whether he should say what he just said again?
"I wonder what Mr. Xianhe was thinking of to be so entranced?"

Just when Liu Zhang was hesitating whether to interrupt Jian Yong's contemplation again, Zhang Song, who had been lowering his head to help him handle government affairs, suddenly spoke.

At the same time, he also said something that made Liu Zhang quite satisfied.

"I just happened to have a busy day, and I am indeed exhausted physically and mentally. I can take this opportunity to have a good rest."

"Ah, that's right!" After hearing the word "rest", Liu Zhang also echoed, "Why was Xianhe so depressed just now?

Feel free to speak up and see if we can be of some help. "

After Jian Yong saw this, he looked around at everyone, and then showed the bitter smile on his face.

"It's not a big deal to say the least. It's just a bit embarrassing anyway.

In this Nanyang battle, we can just fight with the Cao thief. After all, this battle will have to be fought sooner or later.

But what I didn't expect was that at the critical moment, Xiao Xiao was attacked from behind. Not only did I suffer a lot of losses, but most importantly, I lost my troops and generals.

He was also in danger of death. My Lord kept this matter in mind and kept warning me that this matter must not end here."

"This" After Liu Zhang heard Jian Yong's words, his mind that had just relaxed immediately became tense again, and he was speechless when he looked at Jian Yong.

It's getting late and everyone hasn't eaten yet. Do we have to talk about such a "big deal" at this time?

Isn't it a bit too much?
What embarrassed Liu Zhang the most was that Zhang Song, who was usually the most discerning, asked directly at this time!
"I wonder who the young man Xianhe is talking about is?"

"." Liu Zhang's face twitched. Do you even need to ask, why are they so nervous?Don’t they themselves know?

However, Jian Yong's answer surprised Liu Zhang.

"Who else could that young man be? Isn't it Zhang Lu of Hanzhong who encouraged Liu Yizhou to attack Yiling Road?"


"Didn't Fazheng, the so-called Yijun Lieutenant under Brother Ji Yu, pay a special visit to my lord's camp to report the situation?

It was the Hanzhong Zhang Lu who encouraged and bewitched the brothers that caused the master and Liu Yizhou to fight each other, and this human tragedy almost happened. "After Jian Yong finished speaking, he directly boasted about the Fa Zheng, saying that if he hadn't persuaded him more, I'm afraid both parties would have already agreed with Zhang Lu.
These words made Liu Zhang, Huang Quan and others look at each other, and they did not react for a while.

However, when they thought about Jian Yong's very strange reaction after his arrival, they seemed to feel that this statement was not so unacceptable.
At this time, it was Zhang Song who sang directly with Jian Yong.

In just a few words, all the blame was placed on the Hanzhong Zhang Lu.

And Zhang Lu is the old enemy of Xichuan Liu Zhang, which means that now because of Zhang Lu's existence, the two of them have become allies for some reason.
Not only that, Jian Yong even expressed a very "obscure" meaning.

They wanted to attack Zhang Lu, and they would attack as soon as possible.

"Because in order to force Cao Mengde to withdraw his troops, my general Yide is now trapped in Wudu County, although there is no danger for the time being.

But if rescue cannot be done for a long time, disaster will inevitably occur.

For the sake of the alliance between you and me, our Lord has strictly ordered General Yide not to go to Yinping, causing panic in Xichuan.

At the same time, my lord also ordered Tian Yu and Guan Ping of Bajun not to get into trouble with the two generals Yan Yan and Pang Xi.

However, this Hanzhong Zhang Lu definitely cannot be allowed to survive for a long time! "

When Liu Zhang and others heard the news, they couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Especially Liu Zhang himself. As the shepherd of Yizhou, Hanzhong could also be called Hanning County.

That Zhang Lu has always been a serious problem for him and a sore spot in his heart.

It can be said that whether it is a major event in Yizhou or a private matter of the Liu family, he wants to get rid of Zhang Lu quickly!

But he just can't do it yet.

The Five Pecks of Rice religion is deeply rooted in Yizhou. Hanzhong also has a difficult terrain, and Zhang Lu also has some skills.

In recent years, instead of conquering Hanzhong, Zhang Lu directly grabbed a lot of places.

Therefore, when Liu Zhang heard Jian Yong's words and knew that Liu Bei wanted to deal with Zhang Lu first, he was very happy.

Zhang Song on the side also came over and directly expressed the idea that the two sides could unite to encircle and suppress Zhang Lu.

A specific and feasible method was even proposed, with Liu Xuande sending troops and they sending food, grass and baggage to attack Hanzhong together.

In the end, the people of Hanzhong returned to Jingzhou, and the land of Hanzhong returned to Xichuan, or Hanzhong was divided into two.
This idea also made Liu Zhang very excited.

But at this time, Wang Lei, Huang Quan and others couldn't help frowning, and Wang Lei's temper was so hot that he directly raised objections.

They even desperately demanded that Bajun's soldiers and horses be evacuated immediately and not allowed to stay in Yizhou for a while.

As Liu Zhang's mastermind, Zeng Leng looked at the smiling Zhang Song and narrowed his eyes slightly.

After staring at Zhang Song for a long time, Zheng Du slowly turned his gaze to Jian Yong on the other side again, and at the same time he had some thoughts in his mind.

"Zhang Lu, Hanzhong, is this your purpose to join forces to encircle and suppress him?"

(End of this chapter)

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