Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 299 Badi 3 points (3 updates)

Chapter 299 Badi’s three points (third update)
After Zhuge Liang explained this matter, everyone finally understood it.

Even Jian Yong, who had always been lazy, became unusually serious after hearing this.

It was not because he did not see the true nature of the matter. After all, he had not been plotted once or twice.

Jian Yong just saw again the slim hope they had been pursuing from Zhuge Kongming's words.

"If there were more people like Dong Youzai and Yuan Yaoqing in the world, maybe I wouldn't be able to wait, and maybe the world wouldn't be like this."

After leaving these words, Liu Bei, who had no idea what his mood was, stood up directly.

"You guys should rest early today. Chief Wen will arrange for soldiers to patrol the camp, and Ziyuan will assist them.

I'll be making food at five o'clock tomorrow and getting ready to go to Jiameng Pass! "


"Yang Yi!"

"The little guy is here."

"You are responsible for staying in Jiangzhou to hand over the subsequent supplies of food and grass to Yan Yan and others, and then transfer to Jingzhou in batches to appease the people.

At the same time, some grain and grass were left to be transported to Jiameng Pass and our army. "


"Kong Ming."

"The light is here."

"Assist Xianhe and find a way to get the remaining food and grass in Yizhou before we can get it out."


Liu Bei finally slowly looked at everyone and took a deep breath.

"Bei has only one request today, that is, we can conquer Hanzhong as soon as possible and then move to Xichuan.

There were not many people Bei relied on, but ever since he first saw Youzai, he knew that he must be Bei, and he was also a rare talent for this big man.

Be prepared. I don’t want him to suffer such an unreasonable disaster! "

This should be the first time Liu Bei has made his request in a private name. Over the years, Liu Bei has been running away and fighting.

I have understood what the overall situation is most important, and I can even give up part of my bottom line for this in exchange for victory.

But from the bottom of his heart, Liu Xuande is still the knight-errant of Youzhou.

He is still a man who gave up his existing life when he saw the chaos in the world, raised an army in anger, and was indomitable.

This is the only bottom line he will not change.

"We will obey the Lord's orders!"

And at this moment, he finally gathered around him a team of people who shared the same goal with him.

Maybe not all of these people are like this, but they will definitely stand under the same goal as themselves.

Early the next morning, Liu Bei didn't even intend to say goodbye to Liu Zhang, so he left Jian Yong and Yang Yi behind again, and the army set off directly towards Jiameng Pass.

At the same time, a secret letter was also sent in the direction of Yongliang in the name of Liu Bei. Ma Chao, who occupied the land of Yongzhou in Sanfu, would also worry about food in the future.

If possible, they can try to enter Hanzhong
That's what the secret letter said, but Zhuge Liang's meaning was completely different.

"There is no hope of uniting with Ma Chao. He can't take care of Hanzhong now. Cao Mengde will soon launch a counterattack against France.

Liang's intention was to first help him stabilize the current situation and at the same time connect the feelings of both parties.

If Ma Mengqi really failed in the future, perhaps retreating to Hanzhong would be a solution.

At that time, we may be able to open the road to Hanzhong through Ma Mengqi, or it may be possible to completely destroy the rice thief Zhang Lu. "We haven't met yet, but you are thinking about the defeat of your allies. Kong Ming, your temperament is becoming more and more similar to Shi Yuan's."

But this matter can be tried, but did Ma Mengqi really not consider his father's situation in Yecheng when he acted like this? "

"." Kong Ming was helpless for a while. Although he wanted to say that this guy really didn't think about it, it was better not to say this.

At the same time, during the march, with the addition of Guan Ping and Tian Yu, Liu Bei's power further grew.

Of course, it also allowed Liu Bei and Zhang Lu to initially gain control of their forces.

"I never thought that the first people to fight with us would be the people from Badi."

In Ba County, Liu Bei gradually became serious as he watched and listened to what Tian Yu said about the situation in Ba County and the enemies they were about to face.

"In the first year of Xingping, Zhengdong Zhonglang asked Zhao Wei to divide Ba Di into two parts, with the area above Dianjiang River as Ba County, and Henan Pang Xi as the prefect.

Later, the area from Jiangzhou to Linjiang was called Yongning County, and the area from Quren to Yu was renamed as Guling County.

From then on, Badi was divided into two, but later due to various things, the name of Bajun was fought over by them.

In the end, due to the efforts of the Bajun nobles, Liu Zhang changed Yongning to Bajun, Guling to Badong, and Bajun where Pang Xi was located became Brazil County.

This is the so-called Badi three points... Later, a wealthy family named Xie Ben approached Liu Zhang and insisted on dividing Fuling County again.

From then on, Badi not only fell into pieces, but was almost dragged out of Liu Zhang's control.

The major wealthy families are vying to seize power, and the people of Bami in the mountains are already enemies and friends with them, so they are suffering even more.

Finally, under Zhang Lu's persuasion, the three kings of Bazhi, Du Yi, Pu Hu, and Yuan Yue, completely rebelled against Liu Zhang and joined Zhang Lu's army.

Zhang Lu also successfully used them as internal agents and directly occupied the land of Bajun in Xichuan.

That is, Yongning County was once located from Jiangzhou to Linjiang.

After the two of us entered Badi, we were hampered at every turn by the people of Badi. In the end, we relied on luring the enemy into a surprise attack and killed Yuan Yue, one of the three kings of Badi.

But there is really nothing we can do about Du Yi and Pu Hu. "

When they said this, Tian Yu and Guan Ping both knelt down and prayed to the ground.

"That's all!" Liu Bei didn't blame the two of them very much, "Is Basi the magic soldier Banzhenman back then?"


Banzhenman, it doesn't matter how far back they can be traced, they are just famous in this dynasty.

Not only did he help Emperor Taizu Gao pacify the world back then, he also helped the court put down many rebellions in recent years.

Banzhen Man has a long sword in one hand and a wooden shield in the other. He is brave and good at fighting, and is known as a magic weapon.

"Who does Banzhenman take as his general at this time?"

"Du Yi, the king of Ba'an, wandered around Jiangzhou, while Pu Hu, the other man, guarded the land near the river.

If we were to fight that Du Yi, we would have to go deep into the mountains and forests. Not only would it be difficult to find his traces, but we would also be attacked by him repeatedly.

But if we attack Linjiang directly, then Du Yi will appear from behind and harass us.
The two of them are familiar with the terrain of Badi, and I can only barely defend myself here, and there is no way to completely invade Hanzhong. "

After hearing this, Liu Bei also looked directly at the military advisor Zhuge Liang.

"Kong Ming, what do you think?"

"If you want to break Ba County, you must break its power. If you want to break its power, you must first break its roots."


"That group of wealthy people in Badi will only cause chaos!"

(End of this chapter)

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