Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 304 He Ping and Deng Zhi (3 updates)

Chapter 304 He Ping and Deng Zhi (third update)

In the spring of the 16th year of Jian'an, Pang Xi, the governor of Baxi County, and Yan Yan, the general of Badi, officially led their troops into Bajun.

At the same time, Liu Bei's soldiers and horses slowly evacuated many cities in Bajun under the instructions of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang, and officially handed over the cities to Xichuan soldiers and horses representing Liu Zhang.

Of course, before they left, they "visited" the local wealthy people again and took away all the money, food and luggage they could.

Those who can be sent back to Jingzhou will also be sent back to Jingzhou.

With these two large sums of grain, fodder and luggage sent to Jingzhou, it can be regarded as helping Jingzhou to completely pass the most dangerous stage.

After easing the crisis in Jingzhou, Liu Bei felt completely relieved.

While continuing to search for powerful people in Bajun, he did not worry about whether he might offend these people, which would be detrimental to the future attack on Xichuan.

On the other hand, he continued to open his treasury and comfort the people in his own name so that they could survive this cold winter safely.

Or maybe it would allow most of them to survive that cold winter.

With the arrival of spring, the people of Bajun began a rare normal life under Liu Bei's arrangement.

Cultivate the land and prepare for sowing and other farming activities.

As for the remaining drainage, it is still too late. I am afraid that Berkshire's harvest this year will still be difficult.

But this is also a matter between Pang Xi and Yan Yan. This year's Xichuan has nothing to do with Liu Bei.

While slowly withdrawing from Bajun, Liu Bei did not give up immediately. There were still several Hu kings here looking for trouble for them.

Du Yi, the leader of the Yi people, Pu Hu, Li Hei, Li Hu and others among the seven Yi kings.

In addition, Zhang Lu from Hanzhong seems to have sent reinforcements to prepare to enter Bajun.

The time given to Liu Bei is getting less and less.

"Xiao Qi, go look for Pang Xi again and ask him to mobilize some troops from among his generals."

Liu Bei's troops were very sufficient, and even when faced with the joint resistance of Naba and Hanzhong soldiers and horses, there was still no problem.

But even so, Chen Zhen still had no doubts and immediately took the order to find Pang Xi.

And within a few days, Liu Bei was brought to Liu Bei a force of more than a thousand soldiers from Brazil County.

"Deng Zhi, the captain of Lord Pang Mansion, was ordered to come and pay homage to Duke Xuande!"

The visitor was Deng Zhi, a member of the Deng clan who was attached to Pang Xi in Nanyang. He thought that entering Xichuan could bring him a better future.

Forget it, Deng Zhi doesn’t want to mention his sad past.
At this time, facing the unknown Deng Zhi, Liu Bei fully expressed his goodwill and was very polite to him.

Even after chatting with Deng Zhi for a while and discovering that he was quite talented, she fell in love with him very much.

Let Deng Zhi get the respect and respect he always wanted.

But after that, although Liu Bei gave Deng Zhi a very important task, he asked him to follow Huo Jun to Jiameng Pass, the gateway to Hanzhong, to block the reinforcements from Hanzhong.

But this responsibility is not that important in the end.

However, in the eyes of veterans who have experienced the Jingzhou incident, this idea seems somewhat familiar.

After stabilizing the situation here, Liu Bei finally took action.

In March of the 16th year of Jian'an, Liu Bei's army forced directly into the mountain roads of Ba County, as if he wanted to force the group of Ba people out directly.

Just when Pang Xi and Yan Yan thought this matter was completely impossible, Liu Bei once again did two things unexpectedly. “Beacon towers were set up along the way, and a simple beacon tower was set up every ten miles, with four people stationed there.

If someone from Baz appears, light the smoke immediately.

In addition, Wei Yan, the general in charge, set up camps and fortresses in the many mountains of Bajun. If there was smoke rising, troops would be sent to rescue immediately.

Finally, we built a dam with the upper reaches of Bashui River to prepare to intercept Bashui River! "

"At the same time, strict inspections will be carried out throughout Ba County, and no one will be allowed to have any transactions with the people of Ba'an.

And set up an official market in Nanjiang, Berkshire, the only place where people from Bacon can trade, and rice, grain, salt, tea and other things are all at market prices! "

After finishing this matter, Liu Bei did not do anything more, and the successful siege into the mountains seemed to have become a joke.

At this moment, everyone was completely confused.

Pang Xi and Yan Yan didn't know what Liu Bei was doing. Even Nanjiang couldn't let his troops gain a foothold in Bajun.

And the most important thing is that even so, he didn't leave many manpower.
Liu Bei here began to continue to approach Hanzhong, and Liu Zhang was also killing in full swing in Chengdu. Liu Zhang, who had pacified Yizhou back then, seemed to be back again.

He has been called "dark and weak" for so many years, and it seems that everyone has forgotten about him.

The two fathers and sons, Liu Yan and Liu Zhang, relied on bloody fighting to truly gain a foothold in Xichuan.

But now, they could not estimate the situation of Bajun at all, even after Liu Zhang heard that Bajun had been gradually handed over to Pang Xi and Yan Yan.

He directly ignored the secret letters and advice Wang Lei and Zheng Du gave them, and was more sincere about Liu Bei's thoughts.
On the other side, the Naba army was also confused by Liu Bei's series of actions.

But they know that as long as they are in the mountains, they have nothing to fear.

So I didn't care too much about it.

But this leisurely state did not last long before it was broken by a young general named He Ping.

He Ping's parents died when he was young. He grew up with his grandfather, and lived by his grandfather's surname. He had both Han and Hu bloodlines.

At the same time, because his maternal grandfather was also from a wealthy family among the Jin people, He Ping was somewhat familiar to these kings of Hu and the leaders of the Jin people.

"Isn't this boy He Ping? What are you doing here?"

"But your grandfather is drunk again and wants to beat you?"

"Hahaha, you kid, tell me, what else do you want from us?"

Looking at the gathered leaders of King Hu, the honest-looking He Ping scratched his head in embarrassment.

Then said softly.

"My nephew just doesn't understand something."

"You are not a nephew, you are too much like your father, and you always want to learn something from the Han people.

You are so old and you are not living a free and easy life at all!
If anything happens, just tell it. Is it possible that we can't tell it? "

After hearing the scoldings from several "uncles", He Ping just laughed and said softly.

"My little nephew just doesn't understand why people from the clan keep sneaking down the mountain recently?"

"What did you say?" This sentence shocked Du Yi, who had always been smiling calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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