Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 314: Liu Ba’s Escape (Part 3)

Chapter 314 Liu Ba’s Escape—Part [-] (Third update)
Speaking of Liu Ba, Zhuge Liang was also surprised and happy.

After all, he liked this person but was helpless at the same time.

I like him because Liu Ba is really good, so good that he can even be said to be their well-deserved cornerstone.

After all, the previous life was able to restore the concept of money to the people without vigorously cultivating the fields.

That's all Liu Ba's money.

There are many key points in this, and there are many things that even Zhuge Kongming may not be able to completely handle.

And these are all in Liu Ba's hands with ease.
And for Zhibaiqian, Zhuge Liang himself doesn't think this is good governance until now, but he must admit that it was something that even he couldn't think of and couldn't accomplish at the beginning.

Since the beginning of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, prices in the world have slowly collapsed. After that, Dong Zhuo minted small coins, and there were also disputes among the princes in the world.

Money in this world has long been worthless, and almost all people have retreated to the point of exchanging things for things.

This kind of thing is so ridiculous.
And the princes of the world were helpless about this, and the money given to the soldiers and the people could not even be spent in the end.

In order for the common people to survive, a large amount of land was slowly taken into their own pockets by wealthy families and powerful people from all over the world. The common people's lives were getting worse day by day.

In this case, the three parties naturally have their own ways to deal with it.

Among them, the Cao family seems to be the best. They reconstructed the five baht coins of the year and continued to restore the five baht coins of the year.

But in addition to the support of almost half of the world's material background, the most important thing is that their garrison supported their military rations.

According to the laws of the Han Dynasty, the common people's farming land tax was one thirty tax or even one fifteen tax. When it reached fifteen tax one, there would already be censors ready to scold them.

And Cao Mengde once opened up the matter of farming to ten tax five or even ten tax seven
Although the land belongs to them and the farming tools also belong to them, this is still not a reason for the people to directly tax [-]% of the [-]% tax.

After all, before the migration, these common people also had land!
So much so that Sun Zhongmou easily evacuated almost half of the people in Huaisi just because they wanted to cross the river and not farm.

Let Jiangdong gain more than [-] people.
Under such circumstances, Cao's five-baht coin still did not change the exchange of goods among the people, but Liu Ba's straight hundred-baht coin directly changed this.

At least in Shu, although the people's lives were hard, at least they would not be in vain.

Whether it was farming or mulberry planting, after all, there was a regulation, the people had hundreds of dollars in their hands, and the official market under Liu Ba's personal control also suppressed the counterattack of the Xichuan wealthy family.

This may be the reason why he has always been unpopular with the wealthy families in Shu.

After all, direct money prevented them from taking a large amount of the people's property and land into their own pockets.

And they almost emptied their belongings.
To be honest, Zhuge Liang still doesn't quite understand how he did it.

I can only say that Liu Ba is a strange person!
But to his joy, he found Liu Ba's trace again, and to his surprise, he seemed to have run further than in his previous life.
Back in the 13th year of Jian'an, Liu Ba, who was living in seclusion in his hometown of Haoyang, Lingling, finally heard the news that his Prime Minister Cao was leading troops to conquer Jingzhou.

He knew that those in Xiangyang would definitely surrender to Prime Minister Cao, and of course he thought so too.

Over the years, he has tried countless times to drag him away from Jingnan and into Nanyang and other places, waiting for Prime Minister Cao to conquer him.

But because of Liu Bei's appearance, he was repeatedly frustrated.Therefore, he changed from looking down on Liu Xuande to hating Liu Xuande
It was not until the 13th year of Jian'an that when war began to break out in Jingzhou, Liu Ba finally found an opportunity to escape and escaped directly from Lingling, and then headed all the way to Xiangyang.

He has already seen that Kuai Yue of Xiangyang will definitely leave with those celebrities who are devoted to the Cao family.

Only by following them could he have a chance to escape from Jingzhou and see the long-lost Prime Minister Cao.
At that moment, he was so excited that it was unspeakable!

"Xiangyang, Ba is here. Prime Minister, Ba is here!"

In Xiangyang City, Liu Ba looked at the blazing fire in the direction of the Cai family. Liu Ba, who finally entered Xiangyang City, felt a little heavy for the first time.

"You're late, what a ruthless Kuai Yidu, what a ruthless Liu Xuande."

Liu Ba, who was worried that he would be affected by the war, could only take shelter in the homes of ordinary people in Xiangyang City. He knew clearly that Liu Bei would not stay in Xiangyang.

Then the best way is to stay in Xiangyang temporarily, and when the war is intense, Liu Bei can escape smoothly after entering Nanyang.

This time, he was still right.

But when Liu Ba successfully left Xiangyang, he suddenly discovered that Nanyang had completely become a place where war spread.

The chaotic battlefield was completely chaotic. Liu Ba tried to cross the battlefield several times but failed in the end.

After some final thought, Liu Ba decided to bypass Nanyang and enter directly from Shangyong!
Shangyong, that was what Liu Bei had just conquered, and it was Liu Bei's escape route, so there would definitely be no problems.

When Liu Bei was defeated, or looking for an opportunity to leave from the mountains and rivers, Liu Ba felt that he could get out of Shangyong no matter what.

That year was the 14th year of Jian'an
Shangyong's trip was very smooth. He entered Shangyong from Yiling Mountain Road smoothly, bypassing all Liu Bei's guards and not letting anyone discover his identity.

He knew that he was getting closer to the Prime Minister Cao whom he longed for!

"Shangyong. Prime Minister Cao, wait for Ba to surrender!"

At this moment, Liu Ba had already prepared how to become famous in front of Cao Mengde and figured out what strategies he would use to prove his ability!
He is destined to be Prime Minister Cao's noble man!

Liu Ba has never denied this.
In Shangyong City, Liu Ba needs to replenish his dry food here and at the same time inquire about the news ahead. After all, the next step is to cross the battlefield and directly enter the command of Prime Minister Cao.

This cannot be rushed.

But at this time, Liu Ba, who went out to inquire about news and purchase supplies, unexpectedly saw an extremely familiar figure.

That seemed to be Jian Yong, a counselor under Liu Xuande.
But why is his whereabouts so strange now?

Liu Ba looked at the sneaky Jian Yong. Although he was extremely confused, he wanted to prevent himself from getting into unnecessary trouble.

In the end, he chose not to say anything.

Until that day, after making all preparations, he saw the city gate opened again.
I saw the flying flag with the word "Yang"
(End of this chapter)

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