Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 344: There are rules for massacre (2 updates)

Chapter 344: There are rules for massacre (second update)
"The day the city will be destroyed is today, kill!"

"All the soldiers will charge with me. After breaking the city, we will slaughter for three days and set up troops for three days!"

"The trebuchet is going uphill, get up!"

"Jinglan, push!"

"Kill, kill!"

Cao Jun kept rushing towards the Chenggu Pass amid roars of fury, but seeing the momentum, some Hanzhong soldiers in the city were already a little frightened.

"At first I thought Liu Bei's troops were magnificent, but now looking at Cao's army, they are even more magnificent and powerful."

"So what if you are more powerful, let's fight!

The Cao thieves have come to destroy the city and slaughter them."

Since Zhang Lu surrendered, although the Five Pecks of Rice religion has still survived, Zhuge Liang even replaced Zhang Lu.

But in silence, the ghost soldiers in Hanzhong gradually became no longer the same as before.

Looking at Cao Jun's charging troops and horses, these people were inevitably frightened.

On the other hand, the soldiers and horses under Feng Xi and Zhang Nan showed no fear at all.

"Have the soldiers ever been afraid of facing old rivals?"

Zhang Nan wielded his Chang Ge and constantly boosted the morale of the army.


"We drove them away in Nanyang back then, and we will definitely defeat them again in Hanzhong today!"


Looking at the soldiers whose morale was beginning to rise, Zhang Nan waved the Chang Ge again.

"Defend the city and kill the enemy!"

Arrows and boulders continued to fly, and the ladder led Cao's army to charge. The soldiers and horses guarding the city also began to resist with all their might.

Cao Mengde's massacre made Chenggu completely unable to retreat. No matter whether it was fear or fierceness, everyone could only fight with all their strength.

On the first day, the city wall was in ruins, and soldiers on both sides suffered heavy casualties.

The next day, the Tiger Guards rushed away again. Zhang Nan fought to the death and forced Xu Chu to retreat at the cost of his life in exchange for injuries.

On the third day, all the elite troops of Cao's army came out. Some people in the city could not bear the pressure and wanted to surrender, but Feng Xi directly ordered them all to be strangled.

The fourth day. The fifth day. Until the seventh day.
"All the young men and women trained in the city have been killed or injured. The old and the weak have climbed onto the city. The city is about to be destroyed. Kill them!"

After seven days of offensive, Cao's army also lost many generals such as Liu Zhu, Jia Xin, Shi Jian and Gao Qian.

And this Chengguguan is completely hopeless.

Zhang Nan was killed in the battle, Feng Xi was seriously injured, and all other generals were killed or injured. The person in charge of defending the city now is Zhuge Liang's sister Pang Shanmin.

But it is also scarred and hard to persevere.

All the young men and women in the city were killed and injured, and the old, weak, women and children climbed to the city to fight, but they were unable to withstand Cao's army's fierce attack.

Before noon on the seventh day, the city wall that secured the city wall finally failed completely. Pang Shanmin used his last strength to ignite the kerosene that had long been covered with the city wall.

As a last resort.

However, the city's solid barrier was declared completely broken after two hours.
Countless Cao soldiers who were red-eyed with blood rushed in directly, and under the leadership of the generals, they held their butcher knives high and slaughtered wantonly in Chenggu Pass.

Wealth was robbed, women were carried away, children were beaten to death in front of their parents, and old people were cut into pieces for temporary relief.

It doesn't matter if Chenggu's treasury is set on fire. There are enough people here and there is enough wealth.

A massacre was enough to give them some relief.

On the hillside outside the city gate, Jia Xu and others couldn't help but sigh as they looked at the miserable images in the city.

In the end, a guy who was either stupid or inexperienced asked the last thing he should have asked at this time.

"Such a massacre. What if all the people in Hanzhong fight to the death to resist?"

When this question came up, not only Jia Xu and Xun You couldn't help curling their lips, but Yang Xiu on the side couldn't help laughing.

"What Ying Kao said is so stupid. You are also a hero of our generation, how come you don't know about this?"

"This" He Kui's son couldn't help but look embarrassed, and there was even a bit of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

It's just that he doesn't have an official position, he's just one of the many young talents Cao Mengde found, but it's not easy to argue with Yang Xiu.

I can only retreat silently and say no more.

But he had never closed his mouth, but Yang Xiu was not a forgiving person.

"Yingkao, from ancient times to the present, there have been people who were forced by officials to rebel, some who rebelled because the corvee was too heavy, and some who rebelled because they had no choice but to run out of food.

But have you ever seen anyone gathering a crowd to resist out of fear of massacre? ""." He Zeng was a little silent when he heard this. He really didn't know, but he didn't want to ask because he was from a famous family and had a good face, so he could only continue to remain silent.

This appearance fell into the eyes of Cao's heavy plan, and in the end they each silently shook their heads and crossed He Zeng's name from their hearts.

But Yang Xiu sneered directly at this time.

"Because they still have a chance to live, because even if they die, they don't want to die so painfully, because there are rules for massacre in this city!"

At this time, while Yang Xiu was explaining to He Zeng, problems occurred one after another in the massacre in Chenggu Pass.

"Thieves, you evil thieves will kill my whole family and fight with them!"

A man in the city watched his parents being killed and his wife being humiliated. He finally couldn't suppress his anger and rushed over.

But facing his charge, the captain of Cao Jun burst out laughing.

After a cup of tea, several soldiers tied him up and pressed him down on his bed, allowing him to watch with his own eyes how his wife was humiliated.

Finally, he was dragged on the war horse, and his flesh and blood were wiped away by the living horse.

Screams resounded throughout the city.

"Remember, the first thing to massacre the city is to vent and plunder.

Venting can be through women or through killing, but no one has to torture those people wantonly.

Is it possible that you have never killed a few people for fun when you have nothing to do?
Or is it necessary to torture people until life is worse than death?
But if there is resistance, they will be tortured wantonly to vent their anger!

This is one of them. "

In the middle of Chenggu Pass, a man stood surrounded by Cao Cao's soldiers. Behind him were thousands of innocent people who had finally gathered together.

Among them was the old servant of the Pang family who was holding a baby in his arms.

"I am Fan Min, a famous scholar in Yizhou, and I have always supported the local people. I cannot sit back and watch you slaughter the people wantonly today!
Get back! "

The old man showed no fear in the face of the rebels. The soldiers of Cao Cao were about to make a move but were directly suppressed by his own general.

"In addition, there are many famous people in the world, they are usually supported by the people, they can neither govern the country nor fight on the battlefield.

But there are still more and more people in this category.

Just because if something happens, these pedantic hard-nosed people will actually do it.

The second rule of the massacre is that those who are protected by such people cannot be killed!

The massacre of the city can be said to be a shock. Killing the local celebrities will probably bring a bad reputation.

The most important thing is that only if these people really protect some people, the others will try their best to escape instead of resisting to the end.

This is the second one! "

 I saw someone say before that during the massacre of a certain person, several enemies lined up to kill more than 200 civilians without anyone resisting.

  Others say that during the so-and-so massacre, it was cowardly for hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians to sit back and wait to be killed.

  Of course, I can't refute these words, after all, he is right.

  If people unite, no one in this world will commit massacre since ancient times.

  So today I will give you some information specifically about the human calculations during the massacre.

  It is what has been called a refuge from massacres since ancient times.

  Recent examples include the 25 shelters of German businessman John Rabe and Dane Sindberg.

  Far more distant things include, for example, during Yuan Shu's massacre, the famous scholar Zhang Fan appeared to protect the people of Shucheng with food rations, etc.

  Of course, this does not mean that the massacre is legal, but that no one is a fool from ancient times to the present.

  Everyone knows that if everyone is forced to a dead end, then the end will be waiting for them.

  Therefore, there has been a saying of surrounding three palaces since ancient times, and in the troubled times like the late Han Dynasty, there were still celebrities emerging in endlessly.

  It was also because there was a certain tacit understanding at that time.

  It was a tacit agreement that even the Skeleton King Yuan Shu had to abide by. Massacre was massacre, but a place protected by celebrities could not be touched.

  This place does not refer to the city, but within his scope.

  To put it bluntly, that's how many people it can hold and how many people it can feed.

  Of course, this does not mean that those princes followed the rules when they slaughtered. As mentioned in the article, they slaughtered not just for the sake of slaughtering.

  Shock, food, and venting cannot make things worse.

  And people just want to survive.

  Even if it's a glimmer of hope

(End of this chapter)

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