Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 359 Jian Yong is on the road again (2 updates)

Chapter 359 Jian Yong is on the road again (second update)

"Kong Ming, Mr. Zhuge Military Advisor!" Jian Yong's tone became more and more excited every time. "I am really old. Following you around all this time, my body is really unbearable."

"Xianhe, please stop joking." Zhuge Liang looked at Jian Yong and smiled, "Although Xianhe seems to have done nothing during this period.

But Liang knew that Xianhe was indispensable to the fact that our Jingzhou soldiers were able to endure the wind and snow of Yongliang for so long."

When he said this, Zhuge Liang was really grateful to Jian Yong.

It's not that he never sent troops to Yongliang in his previous life, and he even marched into Yongliang more than once, but every time it ended in a mess. The food has always been his big problem, and so is the weather.

During the several attacks in the previous life, every time when winter approached, many soldiers from Yizhou and old soldiers from Jingzhou would fall in the wind and snow of Yongliang.

But this time, Jian Yong, who had not been able to play any role in the first place, really made a great effort.

Jian Yong, who has traveled around the world since he was a child and was born in the border area of ​​Youzhou, has adapted better than anyone else to this place.

Whether it's wind and snow or looking for herbs, food and water sources, the credit of his "guide" is indispensable.

Regarding this dispatch of troops, Zhuge Liang did not count many things, especially the countermeasures against the uncle and nephew of the Xun family were thoroughly calculated.

But he also slowly regained the feeling he once had.

During the five Northern Expeditions, each time he understood the battlefield better and became more proficient in using troops. Now he seems to have found the feeling he had back then again.

"Xianhe, don't joke anymore. Although you are old, your body and bones are not bad.

This time, my soldiers and horses suffered numerous injuries and illnesses, but look at yourself, you didn't even get a cold, and you didn't even eat less.

In such a situation, how can you have the nerve to say that you are not well? "

"Old man"

"Xianhe!" Zhuge Liang frowned and his tone became more serious, "My lord is in danger in Hanzhong."

This sentence finally made Jian Yong, who was not doing anything right, become serious, and his eyes when looking at Zhuge Liang also became a little deep.

"Tell me what you want me to do!"

"It's Liang's fault that our lord is in danger this time."

"Okay, let's get down to business!" Jian Yong interrupted Zhuge Liang's words unceremoniously, "Don't talk about such responsibilities, we understand that you will not harm Xuande.

It's just that you are not the only one with far-reaching wisdom in this world.

Xun Wenruo, you did what you are doing now more than ten years ago, and you did it even better than you.

It's not a shame if you lose to him. "


"It's better to win it back next time, you're like a bitch!"

"." Zhuge Liang's face couldn't help turning dark after hearing this sentence, and the surrounding generals couldn't help but retreated a few steps silently, looking at Jian Yong with strange eyes.

Zhou Buyi, who had just returned, even extended a thumbs up to express his admiration for Jian Yong.

And he promised in his heart that after this guy is reincarnated, he will take good care of him.
"Xianhe is right!" After Zhuge Liang was silent for a moment, the smile appeared on his face again. Those bright eyes, illuminated by the moonlight in the dark night, looked particularly deep, and it could be said that they were shining brightly!
"Uh" Jian Yong suddenly hiccupped secretly, and then stuffed the wine gourd around his waist back in embarrassment, "Did the old man say something wrong just now?"

"Nothing, Xianhe's words shocked Liang!" Zhuge Liang continued to smile, and then asked Zhou Bujie to hold the torch and bring the map in front of him, "Xianhe, come here first."

"." Jian Yong finally moved his small steps to Kong Ming's side, and then saw a map that was obviously specially made, with detailed maps of almost half of the Yongliang land marked on it.

Especially the counties and counties they traveled through were recorded in detail. "This map is pretty good. The military advisor actually has this ability."

"Liang doesn't have such a brain, it's all thanks to Yuan Zhi." Zhuge Liang chuckled lightly and pushed out Zhou Buji, a genius who had been dormant for a long time.

"Yuan Zhi." Jian Yong looked up at the young man in surprise and couldn't help but smile, "It seems that Kong Ming is planning to let this disciple become an official?"

"Let's wait until after the war." After Kong Ming finished speaking, he put his finger on the map, "Now, after a lot of fighting in Beidi County, I have barely broken through Zhong Yao's siege. Policy.

But the old Xia Houyuan troops led by Zhang He should not be underestimated, so we still need to continue to travel between Fufeng and Beidi County.

But it may not be possible to win by wandering alone, and the lord must be flanked by Cao Mengde and Liu Jiyu in Hanzhong at this time.

Therefore, we must break the situation in Yongliang, so that Cao Mengde has to find a way to evacuate from Hanzhong, so as to reduce the loss of the lord. "

"Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh." Although Jian Yong didn't understand it, it didn't stop him from thinking that the strategy was good, "Commander Zhuge is right!"

"." Kong Ming glanced at Jian Yong helplessly, and then said more straightforwardly, "What Liang needs Xianhe to do is very simple.

Now Na Wenqin has gone to Wudu County to look for Qiang Duan, who also wants to make meritorious service in front of Cao Cao.

Therefore, troops will definitely be sent out immediately to assist in the encirclement and suppression. After the strong end enters the third auxiliary, Xianhe and you will immediately sneak into the military capital.

There are many Di people in Wudu County, and many of them respect Meng Qi. Please ask Lei Tong to guide you and translate for you.

You go and persuade them to surrender, let them help you, and then take advantage of Qiang Duan's absence to directly cut off the connection between Wudu and Yinping.

Let your strong end have no way to return, and then lead another army to attack Tianshui directly, disrupting the situation in Longyou.

What Liang asked you to do is that simple! "

"Well, Military Advisor Zhuge is indeed wonderful. Zhuge Kongming, are you talking humanly?" Jian Yong understood this time, so he immediately got angry, "You asked me to tell the people who surrendered to Wudu?"


"Or all?"

"More than half is fine, and others will naturally follow suit!"

"Just rely on me?"

"Meng Qi has a great reputation in the hearts of the Di people. Using Meng Qi's reputation to do this will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!"

"I don't care about the art of war, and I don't have the ability to govern a place. This kind of thing."

"There is no constitutional peace!" The sincerity on Kong Ming's face made Jian Yong's face tremble.

In February of the 18th year of Jian'an, Zhuge Liang appeared in Fufeng again and killed Cao Jun's veteran general Wen Ji in one fell swoop. He surrendered more than a thousand cavalry and gathered more than two thousand horses.

Bodies piled up outside Wugong City, and the fire that burned the city shocked Beijing.

For a time, Zhong Yao had no choice but to mobilize his troops again for the safety of Beijing. Zhang He and Liang Xi, who had just settled down, set off again to Fufeng.

When Zhang He came to the martial arts, there was no trace of them within a hundred miles.

But Liang Xi, who was about to leave the Northland at this time, was directly ambushed by Ma Chao.

Seeing the enemy troops that suddenly appeared in Beidi County, Liang Xi, who had traveled a long distance, couldn't help but start cursing in his heart.

"Zhong Yuanchang, you are an old thief who has brought disaster to the country!"

(End of this chapter)

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