Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 383 Peace Talks (Additional update)

Chapter 383 Peace Talks (Additional update)
"General Guan is really brave. Are you really afraid that Yu will leave the general behind if you come here alone?"

The moment Zhou Yu and Guan Yu first met, Zhou Yu directly raised this question, and Guan Yu raised his brows with such sharpness.

However, what surprised everyone was that Guan Yu, who was known for his arrogance, did not show any anger at all. Instead, he handed the Qinglong Yanyue Sword to his attendants with a smile on his face.

"Even with a single sword, Guan is not afraid of anyone in the world!"

After finishing speaking, he took a step forward and said softly to Zhou Yu and Lu Su, "Besides, we are meeting alone. Even if it is dangerous, it is possible that the two of them should not be afraid of Guan, who has been fighting for most of their lives. General?"

"." Zhou Yu looked at Guan Yu in front of him, and finally couldn't help laughing loudly, "General Guan is indeed brave and courageous, please!"

"General Zhou, please."

Guan Yu and Zhou Yu entered the hall and sat opposite each other. Apart from the two of them, only Lu Su was with them. As for the other Jiangdong generals and Guan Yu's personal entourage, they were excluded.

This scene actually made Guan Yu have a good impression of Lu Su and Zhou Yu in front of him.

"You two are quite brave!"

"Ha" Zhou Yu just chuckled at this so-called "praise", and then brought a map in front of Guan Yu, "General Guan, now you and I don't want to say these useless words.

Can we talk about something that concerns our lives and ours? "

"What? Zhou Gongjin, who was famous in Jiangdong back then, also wants to surrender to my eldest brother? If so, Guan is willing to recommend something to my eldest brother!"

"General Guan said so, then there is really no point for us to continue talking." Zhou Yu was not angry, but lightly opened the map in his hand and sent it to Guan Yu, "How much food and grass is there for the general?" To support your war?"


"We were defeated in this battle. General Taishi died on the battlefield. The stalemate in the battle in Jiaozhou put us in a dilemma. After this battle, we even helped the general stabilize the public sentiment in Jiaozhou.

But since the general oversees Jingzhou and Jiaozhou, he should also know how much grain is available in Jingzhou and Jiaozhou!

The land of Jiaozhou is vast and sparsely populated, the mountain people are in rebellion, and the people are ignorant. If Jiaozhou is to be developed, it will take more than ten or twenty years, ranging from a few years to more.

In addition, at least another hundred thousand households need to be relocated to Jiaozhou to cultivate mulberry trees, or the people in the mountains need to be relocated. This makes it very difficult for our Jiangdong generals to go.

And I'm afraid General Guan won't have a hard time here either.

Otherwise, General Guan, who is so arrogant, would not have changed his personality so much because of his years in Jiaozhou.

The fighting during this period of time is either because you are wasting Jingzhou's wealth, or because Pan Chengming is constantly exploiting some wealthy families in Jingzhou.

But now in this time of internal and external troubles, you can just bully some wealthy families. I am afraid that the few big families in Jingnan and Jingbei who can really save the situation dare not touch them.

I'm afraid the general himself knows how long he can continue to support. "

After listening to Zhou Yu's words, Guan Yu just smiled slightly, but did not get angry like before.

On the contrary, after taking a look at the map in front of him, he sneered and pushed the map back, "So what do you, Zhou Gongjin, want to do to Guan when you bring my map of Jiaozhou?
Will Jiaozhou be sent to you?That's a fool's errand.

Even if we are short of food and armor, we can still keep our territory intact! "

"What the general said is true, and Yu will never deny it!" Zhou Yu immediately agreed, and then continued toward Guan Yu, "But the general also needs to know that although we cannot break through the defense lines of Jiaozhou and Jingzhou.

But if you and I continue to waste our money, then I am afraid that the one who ultimately loses out will be the traitor Cao." "When you jointly attacked us, you called him the Prime Minister, and we called him the traitor of the country.

Now that the plan has failed and you are at a loss, you actually changed your name and called him a thief, intending to reunite with us.

Zhou Gongjin, being arrogant at first and respectful later, could it be that this is your Jiangdong's usual trick? "

"For the sake of the safety of the people in Jiangdong, why didn't my lord suffer all the humiliation?

My Lord has a saying that has been spread in Jiangdong, there is a way to check and balance vertically and horizontally!
My Lord’s heart is only for all the people in Jiangdong! "

".Cough cough cough cough." Guan Yu, who had just taken a sip of tea soup, opened his eyes wide at these words. Looking at Zhou Yu in front of him, he couldn't stop coughing.

Jiangdong rats are so shameless!
This sentence appeared in Guan Yu's mind, but in the end he was not allowed to say it directly, which saved Zhou Yu's face.

"General Guan, today Yu wants to join forces with the general. Our army is willing to evacuate Hepu and Gaoliang counties in Jiaozhou. At the same time, the army is also willing to evacuate Jiangxia. At the same time, we will send [-] dendrobium of grain and grass to Jingzhou to relieve its difficulties!

From then on, you and I made a covenant not to invade each other so as to fight that Cao thief.

I should urge my lord to attack Huaisi, and we should also harass Xuzhou.

From now on, we will send troops to the east, and you will attack the Central Plains together. How about you and I working together to support this grand event? "

At this time, Zhou Yu also knew that he would lose face if he continued to talk, so he directly set out his own conditions at once, withdrawing troops, providing food, and sending troops to suppress them.
But there is no mention of Nanhai County in Jiaozhou and the people of Jiangxia who were moved away.

Guan Yu understood what Zhou Yu meant. This was a condition for withdrawing troops from Jiangdong and suppressing the Cao thieves. Of course he didn't want to agree to this, but the battle report from Hanzhong left him no more time to think about it.

"Guan has agreed to this matter!" After Guan Yu finished speaking, he cut off the map in front of him with his knife, and sent the map of Nanhai County, Jiaozhou directly to Zhou Yu, "Within half a month, no one from Jiangdong's soldiers and horses must be at Guan. Appear in front of someone.

Within one month, you must attack the Huaisi area and pin down the main force of Cao's army in the Huaisi area. "

"it is good!"

Zhou Yu also stood up and stretched out his palms directly, "You and I high-five and swear that if we violate this agreement, I, Zhou Gongjin, will die from random arrows!"

"If you violate this oath, I, Guan Yunchang, will live in a different place!"

After saying that, the two high-fived three times in succession, completely confirming the Jiangxia covenant.

Under the command of Zhou Gongjin, the Jiangdong army began to retreat quickly, and a large amount of grain and grass was sent to Jiangxia County, which began to make up for Jingzhou's vitality and heritage.

Guan Yu didn't say anything to Gan Ning after leaving. After dispatching the supplies, he continued to rush to another battlefield without stopping.

"Send troops to Yuzhou immediately, join the heroes from all walks of life, and force Cao Mengde to return to the army!"

 Yesterday, I subscribed 557 times in a single day, and I will add another chapter as promised.

  At the same time, if the subscription can exceed 600 today, two more chapters will be added. And so on, you will never regret it.

  Professional code words, within [-] words per day, still have the confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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