Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 386: Brutal Ambush (3 updates)

Chapter 386 A brutal ambush (third update)
"Tonight is when we are waiting to defeat the enemy. Once we attack, you will follow Guan Mou and not stop for even a moment along the way!"

It was another late night and windy night. Guan Yu looked at his soldiers who had been prepared and gave them instructions again. This was also the last instruction before the war.

Looking at the silently nodding figure, Guan Yu took a deep breath, flew directly onto his horse, and slowly raised the Qinglong Yanyue Sword in his hand.

"All soldiers, follow me to kill!"

A dull roar erupted outside Cao Jun's camp. When Su You, who was left behind in the camp, heard the noise, he immediately ordered people to start beating drums, and notified Guo Zhao, who was stationed in the rear camp, to light up the smoke and notify Guo Zhao to come for support.

At the same time, Cheng Yu, who was ambushing on both sides of the mountain road, also saw the signal and asked his soldiers to start making preparations.

The fighting was more intense than Guan Yu imagined. Although Cao Jun transferred most of his troops to Nanyang to relocate the people, those who stayed behind still had twice as many troops as his own.

Moreover, the defense was not as slack as imagined. Just when they started charging, they encountered Cao Jun's desperate resistance.

Seeing that the war had reached a stalemate, Guan Yu no longer had any scruples, and roared directly. The prancing horse held a knife and wanted to use his extraordinary bravery to force his troops to charge out.

"Be careful with Guan Yunchang, crossbowmen, quick-adjustable crossbowmen!"

"Shoot, don't let them enter the camp, shoot!"

Su You and Guo Zhao were both descended generals under Yuan Shao's command. Su You followed Yuan Shang after Yuan Shao died of illness, and finally helped Cao Cao defeat Ye City.

And Guo Zhao was the Captain Shesheng who surrendered before the battle.

The two men immediately began to retreat after seeing Guan Yu take action. They were extremely impressed by this bearded man who had killed their number one general in Hebei among thousands of troops.

But their retreat also gave Guan Yu a chance.


There was another roar. Seeing that he was out of pursuit, Guan Yu immediately gave up on entangled with them and led his men directly towards the rear camp to kill them.

Along the way, Guan Yu personally spearheaded the front arrows. While constantly charging, he had to keep reducing his speed to ensure that the soldiers under his command would not be trapped by Cao Jun.

Under this kind of charge, Guan Yu only broke through the obstruction of Cao Jun after losing more than [-] people, and rushed towards the mountain road behind Nanxiang.

He had already walked this road a few years ago. At that time, he wanted to rush out from Shangyong to rescue his elder brother.

But now, he actually wants to rush back here, and the purpose is to rescue his elder brother.
"Hurry, after entering Shangyong, there will be soldiers and horses waiting for me, hurry!"

"Charge over, don't stop, keep charging, follow behind Guan!"

In the dark mountain road, in order to let his soldiers follow him, Guan Yu held a knife in one hand and a torch in the other hand, leading the way and charging forward.

And the side general behind him was Xia Houlan, who had also dealt with the Jingzhou matter. Looking at the shining torch, Xia Houlan suddenly felt something was wrong.

"General, wait a minute!" Xia Houlan suddenly galloped in front of Guan Yu, and then snatched the torch from Guan Yu's hand, "General, please step back, I'll just leave it to the last general to lead the way."


"The general is the commander-in-chief of the three armies. There is an order in our army. The general must not put himself under the dangerous wall. General, please abide by the military order!" Isn't it a prancing horse charging into battle with a sword to kill the enemy?
But looking at Xia Houlan with a serious face, Guan Yu still didn't say what he wanted to reprimand and refute angrily, "Be careful."

"Please don't worry, general!" After Xia Houlan finished speaking, he immediately galloped forward, holding the torch in his hand high and shouting loudly behind him, "Follow me and charge into Shangyong!"

Following Xia Houlan's voice, the speed of the army increased again, and the new school swordsmen, who had been secretly reminded by Xia Houlan, also followed Guan Yu closely, protecting him closely.

Just when Guan Yu thought this was making a fuss, the sound of bangs suddenly came out from the dark night, followed by arrows that turned into a rain of arrows and immediately shot towards Guan Yu's army.

And Xia Houlan, the one at the front holding a torch high, became the focus of the arrow rain.

"Shoot Guan Yu and make him a general! Reward the fertile fields!"

Cheng Yu's voice appeared from the darkness at the same time, and Cao Cao's generals Gongsun Ji and Gongsun Du rushed out directly, shouting that Guan Yu was dead.


In the mountain road where shouts of killing were everywhere, Guan Yu looked at the ambush soldiers that suddenly appeared on both sides. His face was ashen and ugly. Just when he was about to rush to kill, a school swordsman directly grabbed the reins of his horse.

"General, there are Cao thieves chasing us in the rear, and there are ambushes on both sides. Please forgive me for not being able to follow the general today. General, please leave quickly!"

Following the words of the school swordsman captain, the five hundred swordsmen who had just been selected and trained by Guan Yu rushed directly to the rear, and at the same time let out their own roars.

"School swordsman, cut off the queen!"

"Please go, general!"

Along with this voice, Guan Yu murmured on his lips, and finally looked at the chaos in the dark night, widened his already red eyes, and rushed towards General Cao's army who was still massacring his lieutenants.

"Dog thief, die!"

Gongsun Du, the general of Cao's army who was killing wantonly, never dreamed that he would receive the same treatment as Yan Liang. Guan Yu suddenly appeared behind him like a ghost, then raised his sword and let out a roar.

The long knife was swung, and when he reacted, the head had already left his neck.

This ruthless gangster who brought trouble to one side has completely reached the end of his life.
"And you!" After beheading Gongsun Du, Guan Yu made another surprise attack and rushed directly towards Gongsun Ji, another Cao general who was riding a horse to show off his power.

It's just that Gongsun Ji is different from Gongsun Du, who was born as a bandit. He was the brave general of Youzhou back then. According to rumors, he still has some clan blood ties with the white horse general Gongsun Zan.

When he heard Gongsun Du's screams, he immediately started to turn his horse's head. So when Guan Yu came charging, he did not hesitate to throw off his saddle and dismount, and ran out with a roll.

"Guan Yu is here, shoot Guan Yu!"

Following Gongsun Ji's roar, the crossbowmen who were ambushing on both sides shot the arrows in their hands directly in the direction of Guan Yu.

Seeing that the army was about to encircle him again, Guan Yu's face turned pale and he could only order the army to evacuate.

"Commanders, rush over with me, rush over!"

(End of this chapter)

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