Chapter 45 Battle of Wuling
When Wei Yan appeared outside Guangxin City, the capital of Cangwu County, it was already the evening of the fourth day after the banquet.

There was no evil look on Wu Chen's face after he was pulled out of his sleep. He personally delivered the supplies of food and grass to Wei Yan, giving Liu Bei the dignity of writing a personal letter.

However, during the delivery process, the way he greeted Wei Yan made Xizhen record him in her "name book" again.

When he returned to Liu Bei, he had to talk to Liu Bei about the matter one by one.

Wei Yan and Kong Ming didn't say much. His mission was to enter Wuling County as quickly as possible, and Kong Ming had more things to do here.

"Xi Hong is resourceful and can accompany you to Wuling to serve as military counselor.

Liu Xian, the governor of Wuling, once advised Liu Biao to rely on Cao Cao, but he was actually a loyal and courageous man.

At that time, Xu Du, the envoy on his mission, once angrily rebuked Cao Mengde in the street because the thief Cao had criticized Liu Jingsheng.

After you go to Wuling, don't be disdainful of him because of your arrogance, this person may be a helper."

Until Wei Yan took Xi Hong away for a long time, Kong Ming was still looking at the direction of his departure from the top of the city, and he still couldn't let it go.

"Are the military advisors worried that General Wei Yan will not be able to take on the important role?"

At this time, Xi Zhen also walked up to the top of the city, and couldn't help asking after seeing Zhuge Liang's appearance, but Kong Ming shook his head slightly.

"Although Wen Chang has shortcomings in character, there is no problem with his ability. He can easily deal with those Wuling barbarians."

Zhuge Liang didn't mean to speak for anyone. In terms of talent, Zhuge Liang even felt that Wei Yan's talent was higher than that of Guan Zhang. Guan Zhang had the ability to fight with Liu Bei for many years.

From the very beginning when he was beaten by the Yellow Turban thieves to the dilemma of life and death, to the final achievement, these were all skills learned through killings one after another.

But Wei Yan seemed to be born with this. He defended Hanzhong with impregnable strength, and made many achievements during the Northern Expedition. He could independently lead troops in battles and was the commander of a partial division. He was good at surprise attacks and well-planned.
The only thing that made Kong Ming feel a problem was his poor personality and his inability to settle accounts.

In his previous life, he had often helped him resolve conflicts, either by advising him not to care or by advising him to let go of his grudges and start over. Now, Kong Ming also had other ideas about Wei Yan.

"If the military advisor is so confident, why are you still so hesitant?"

"I'm just worried that Wen Chang is too arrogant. Although Liu Xian from Wuling loves Cao Cao, he is also quite capable.

And this time, in the final analysis, Liang did something wrong to the people of Wuling, and now he feels uneasy. "

After Kong Ming finished speaking, he didn't want to waste any more time here. He turned around and walked towards the city. He still had a lot to do before the news from Wuling came back.

For example, win over Wu Chen and explore the premise of an alliance
At the head of Hanshou County in Wuling, Liu Xian, the governor of Wuling County, led his elite soldiers to be stationed here, and the entire Wuling County also built a line of defense with Hanshou County as the center to guard against the Wuling barbarians.

Not only that, tens of thousands of households in Hanshou County and its surroundings began to evacuate in an orderly manner, heading towards Linyuan, the county seat.

Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of many people, such as the Wuling barbarians in the mountains.
"Yuan Zhi, now that we are well prepared, will the Wuling barbarians really come to rob us?

Don't they usually go out to plunder after autumn? It's early spring. If they don't move, I'm afraid we will really delay the people's spring plowing.

That's not an easy thing to do. "

At this time, on top of the city wall of Hanshou County, Liu Xian looked at the young man beside him with a sad expression.

The young man looked only twelve or thirteen years old, but he had a calm face and was even three points stronger than Liu Xian in terms of demeanor.

The soldiers and even the generals on the city wall not only didn't feel anything wrong with such a young man, but also showed great respect for him.

Just because he is the number one genius in Jingnan and even Jingzhou, Zhou Buyi.

"Don't worry, uncle, even if the Wuling barbarians hesitated before, they will definitely come out to plunder immediately. Last year, their life was not easy. Now that we have moved a large number of people around Hanshou County, they will not Know what we are waiting for.

But they knew that if the people of Hanshou County were gone in the future, even if they wanted to rob, they would have no choice.

Therefore, they will definitely come out to attack our Wuling County first."

"In this case, isn't it because we forced the Wuling barbarians to attack?"

"It is indeed a temptation, but I am not waiting to tempt you." Zhou Buyi smiled softly, "Uncle, don't ask any more questions. Buyi will never harm your uncle."

Seeing Zhou Bujie start to keep half of his words again, his face froze involuntarily, and in the end he felt helpless.

"You are born wise, but with this personality, it's a pity that Mr. Liu Ba has a great talent but refuses to teach you, and you are not so lucky.

After this matter is over, even if your uncle is willing to go all out, he will definitely seek guidance from a famous teacher for you.

I must not delay you."

Seeing Liu Xian's sad face, Zhou Buyi couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, and then silently stepped aside without replying.

Regarding his uncle's kindness, he couldn't say anything, but he was not arrogant to Mr. Zhou Buyi, he just didn't want to tell this uncle.

The reason why Mr. Liu Ba did not teach him was not because he was not blessed, but because Liu Ba felt that he could not teach him with his ability.
Zhou Buyi's guess soon became a reality, and the Wuxi barbarians in the mountains of Wuling County quickly began to take action in order for more of them to survive this winter.

Led by Samoko, the new Wuxi Barbarian King of Wuling, and the leaders of several other large tribes, nearly [-] Wuxi barbarians rushed out of the mountains and forests towards Wuling County.

Liu Xian reacted immediately after receiving the news. He had stockpiled a large amount of food, grass and baggage in the city, and now he ordered all the troops to withdraw to the city.

Relying on the city and many camps, they fought desperately against the Wuxi barbarians.

The Wuxi barbarians, led by many leaders, attacked very wildly. Even if Liu Xian and others had been prepared for a long time, they were inevitably a little stretched when facing this kind of attack.

Many generals under his command suffered heavy casualties. If Zhou Buji had not stopped him, Liu Xian might have already thought of evacuating.

"If I had known this, my uncle should not have listened to you that day and sent the news back to Xiangyang and asked the envoy to send reinforcements."

"Uncle, there is no need to say this. We had no evidence at the beginning, so what if we sent a message to Xiangyang?

Is it possible that because of such a rumor, Commander Liu will really mobilize a large number of soldiers and horses into Jingnan?
Besides, when the reinforcements arrive, how dare the Wuling barbarians come out? They are not fools, and they will not waste money and food in vain. "

"What should you and us do now?"

Liu Xian looked at the Wuxi barbarians who were constantly charging up from the city, with an extremely ugly expression on his face, "If things are not in danger, I will have people protect you and escape. You must not mess around at that time, do you hear me!"

Even at this moment, the first thing Liu Xian thought of was the safety of his nephew.

This actually moved Zhou Buyi very much.

"Don't worry, uncle, since the boy dares to let his uncle do such a dangerous thing, he will not be unprepared.

Don’t worry, the offense and defense will be out of position soon.”

 Chapter 2 here.

(End of this chapter)

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