Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 503 Eternal life, no betrayal (5 updates)

Chapter 503 Eternal Life, Never Deviation (Fifth Watch)

"Liang will put the leader back today, but Liang hopes that the leader can help Liang with one thing.

That is to gather as many barbarian tribes as possible in the dense forests of Nanzhong and let them attack at once to fight Liang's army.

Of course, fighting was not Liang's original intention. Liang hoped to use this to enter the land of Nanzhong.

Advance step by step to completely capture Nanzhong.

As for the barbarians and many tribes in Nanzhong, Liang would naturally give them a good arrangement.

If they are willing, they can follow Liang out of the dense forest, but if they are not willing, Liang will never embarrass them.

how is it? "

"Do you really mean what you said?" Meng Huo confirmed again for the last time, "If we don't want to migrate."

"Liang will never be embarrassed!"

After Zhuge Liang finished speaking, he immediately had Meng Huo's bonds removed, and then he high-fived Meng Huo and swore an oath.

After settling this matter, Zhuge Liang looked at Yong Kai again.

This purebred Han Chinese is considered a celebrity.

Back then, his ancestor Yong Chi was famous for being capricious, but that was only for Emperor Taizu Gao.

The Yong family was also one of the families that was excluded from the center of the Han Dynasty early.

But as the saying goes, misfortune and blessing depend on misfortune. The Yong clan was cleared out, but because of this, they lived peacefully in this southern land.

In the past hundreds of years, there have been many years of strife in the world. Although the Yong family has not had an easy time, it can be said that they have escaped.

At the very least, how many wealthy families in the past have dissipated now, but the Yong family is living a more prosperous life in Nanzhong.

Yong Kai, who now fell into the hands of the enemy again, looked at Zhuge Kongming in front of him, but didn't say much.

"I, Yong Kai, am not as good as others, so I have nothing to say.

But as Na Cuan Xi said, after so many years, we have really had enough of staying in Nanzhong.

Now that Liu Bei is in charge of Yizhou, his supervision of Nanzhong has become more and more serious. If we continue, we will have no other choice but internal friction.

If you want to break the situation, you have to fight!
However, if you lose, you lose. "

Looking at Yong Kai with a determined look on his face, Zhuge Liang didn't say anything else and waved his palms casually.

Several soldiers immediately rushed over and pushed Yong Kai down.

Soon, a bloody head was brought in.

Looking at the head of the dead, Zhuge Liang just waved his hand slightly, and then gave the order immediately.

"Go and wipe out the Yong clan. If anyone refuses to surrender, kill them all!"


In May of the 22nd year of Jian'an, Zhuge Liang's three-way army successfully conquered Gaoding and other barbarian forces, and at the same time wiped out Zhu Bao, Yong Kai and other local tycoons.

Zhuge Liang immediately ordered the three armies to advance together and enter the hinterland of Nanzhong.

At the same time, he personally summoned Azhe and named him Jihuo.

Ji Huo is a man with deep eyes and long body, a swarthy face and white teeth. He has a green cloth bag and a hair in the shape of a horn.

After Zhuge Liang had an in-depth conversation with him, he found that this man was good at fighting, upheld faith and righteousness, and was good at caring for his family members. He was respected and loved by all the barbarians.

So quite fond of it.

And Na Jihuo also admired Zhuge Liang very much during the conversation. In addition to admiring Zhuge Liang's ability, he also admired Zhuge Liang's way of governing.Zhuge Liang put forward many suggestions, which were really useful suggestions for their Zanggao County.

He also discussed a lot with Yan Zhi to help Ji Huo better appease his subordinates, and promised Ji Huo that if there was a chance in the future, he would definitely give him a real name.

Ji Huo was greatly moved by Zhuge Liang's suggestion and knelt down in front of Zhuge Liang on the spot, promising that Zhuge Liang would be optimistic about this southern land.

At the very least, he will help Zhuge Liang take good care of the land of Zangda County.

"Don't worry, sir, as long as I can breathe, I will definitely not let any thief compete with the Celestial Empire in the land under my rule!"

Later, Zhuge Liang asked people to find another large tribe in Zanggao County, the barbarian leader Ana who lived in Nanguangzhilu.

After comforting him personally, he learned that he and Na Ji Huo had the same ancestor, so he decided to let him form an alliance with Na Ji Huo.

In this way, the forces of the Yi people in Zangda County will be combined into one, and they no longer have to worry about being bullied by others.

Zhuge Liang also personally taught them how to farm, and set up an official market to purchase their cattle, sheep and other items at the best price.

The two sides hit it off immediately, and from then on, the county gradually became stable.

After solving the Yi people in Zangqi County, Zhuge Liang also began to formally march into Nanzhong. At this time, Meng Huo had also begun to charge out with his troops.

The most worrisome thing about this southern land are a few things.

The road is difficult to travel, barbarians are everywhere, and the miasma is pervasive.

Now Zhuge Liang has repaired roads along the way, and there are wooden oxen and stray horses to help transport grain and grass, and the miasma is also helped by barbarians such as Meng Huo and Ji Huo Gaoding to help them solve the problem.

Then it will be even easier to spread the barbarians in the end.

Because of Meng Huo, they began to gather and then walked out of the dense forest. Even if they retreated in the end, they could no longer stop Zhuge Liang from continuing deeper.

Zhuge Liang fought successively in Nanzhong and defeated Meng Huo's barbarian coalition several times.

But in addition to killing, he also succeeded in convincing many barbarians completely.

Long Youna, the leader of the Baiyabo people, lived in the area from Erhai Lake to Dianchi Lake for generations. After Long Youna was captured alive by Zhuge Liang, he was given the Han Chinese surname Zhang by Zhuge Liang.

After that, he made them chiefs, took possession of their land from generation to generation, taught them farming methods, and established laws for them.

After Long Youna was impressed by Zhuge Liang, he not only changed his name to Zhang Long Youna, but also promoted his virtues. At Zhuge Liang's suggestion, he moved directly out of the mountains and forests and entered the plains.

Even with Zhuge Liang's suggestion and help, he built a city and erected iron pillars for punishment. It is even rumored that he later built a merit stone in Nanzhong for Zhuge Liang to write a memorial to Zhuge Liang's virtues.

Later, he surrendered the Youle tribe and asked the entire clan to follow them. However, because they did not want to leave, Zhuge Liang also complied with their wishes.

Teach them how to grow tea and grain, and tell them how to build houses using their unique hats as a template.

Let them live in the area of ​​Mount Youle, and live on tea and rice ever since.

And they also remembered Zhuge Liang's kindness and worshiped him throughout their lives, even worshiping him as a ghost.

In addition to these, the most important thing is that there are people from the Kanamanjuan tribe in the most borderland area in the south. This ethnic group is huge and has a leader who is known as the Calabash King.

Zhuge Liang did not move or kill him after defeating him.

Instead, he was willing to form a permanent alliance with him. The Gourd King recognized the land of the Kanamanjuan tribe as the territory of the Han Dynasty, and Zhuge Liang promised that someone would attack their territory in the future.

They will definitely send troops to help.

The two sides formed an alliance and exchanged what they needed. From then on, this place became the southwest border of the Han Dynasty!
For nearly 2000 years, the descendants of Gourd King Kanamanjuan still called Zhuge Liang their ancestor. Whenever there was an invasion of foreign tribes, they would always rise up to resist in the name of their ancestor.

His covenant lasts forever and ever and will never be broken.

(End of this chapter)

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