Chapter 53 Death Battle
On the upper reaches of Yuanshui River, in a somewhat damaged camp, Wei Yan slashed to death a barbarian who was charging towards him.

At the same time, a short arrow flew directly past his ear, killing another Wuxi barbarian who wanted to attack in a sneak attack.

Zhou Buji, who was behind Wei Yan, quickly pulled the crossbow, filled it with another arrow, and continued to look for the enemy.
"Kill~" The sound of drum beating sounded again. Xi Hong, whose arms were completely red and swollen, endured the severe pain and started a new round of drum beating and cheering.

The battle can no longer be described as "tragic".

Wei Yan predicted Sha Moke's thoughts, but he underestimated Sha Moke's reaction. Sha Moke completed the encirclement of him at least two days earlier than he predicted.

This suddenly increased his pressure.

In order to be able to hold on longer and to wait smoothly for Liu Bei's arrival, he had to use some means.

On the first day when the Wuxi barbarians appeared in the rear, Wei Yan handed over the battlefield in front to his lieutenants, and then launched a surprise attack while the opponent was not yet firmly established.

Although the gains were not much, they bought themselves enough time.

At the same time, Zhou Buyi and Xi Hong also began to show their abilities.

First, Zhou Buyi immediately approached Wei Yan after he returned with his troops and asked him to change a group of troops and come again. Those barbarians had just experienced a surprise attack, and they must not have expected that they would do it again so soon.

And they were retreating to camp, at which point a surprise attack would be most effective.

Sure enough, during the second raid on Wei Yan, one of their leaders was almost beheaded on the spot, but it was a pity that he failed to do his best in the end.

But it still caused a lot of losses to the Wuxi barbarians in the rear. At the same time, they retreated for more than thirty miles, which made Wei Yan feel much more relaxed.

The second time it was Xi Hong who took action. When Wei Yan came back, he asked Wei Yan to release the camp in front and took the initiative to let Nashamoko and others in.

"We just need to pretend that there is a problem in the rear, and the front battalion can't be stationed, and lure the enemy in again.

Nashamoko didn't know that more soldiers and horses who came back had been repulsed. When they rushed in, they were covered with crossbows on both sides, and the general rushed away directly.

If you are lucky, you can kill Nasamoko on the spot! "

This strategy was also very successful, but again it was bad luck.

Nashamoko was filled with joy when he saw that the Han army's camp was breached, but he did not enter immediately. Instead, he let his soldiers rush forward.

As one can imagine, only one out of ten soldiers who rushed in escaped, but Shamoko was still intact.

Even a few days later, they regrouped and gathered another group of soldiers to join the battle.

In the days that followed, although Zhou Buyi and Xi Hong would come up with some strategies from time to time, they were nothing more than night attacks or preventing Wei Yan from committing danger.

Although there were some results, it was unable to establish a victory.

On the contrary, Nashamoke and other Wuxi barbarians were completely defeated and their attacks were now much more cautious, relying only on the advantage of large numbers to continuously attack the camp.

It was extremely uncomfortable for them to guard.

"Ha!" With another loud roar, Wei Yan smashed the simple shield in a barbarian's hand with his sword, and then chopped off his head with his backhand.

But this guy fell, and immediately two or three barbarians rushed up again and fought to the death with Wei Yan.

Even though Wei Yan was quite brave, he felt very tired after so many days of continuous fighting.

Wei Yan felt tired, and the other soldiers were even more unbearable. In the past two days, Wei Yan could clearly feel that the casualties were gradually increasing.

This made his face look even more ugly.

"Damn it, he should have come. According to the agreement, the Lord should have arrived in Wuling the day before yesterday.

I have been waiting here for so long to be besieged, so it's fine if Liu Xian doesn't come, the lord should have already arrived, what's going on! "

Wei Yan once again killed the barbarian in front of him with one knife, and at the same time couldn't help but curse. The anger in his heart was the biggest motivation to support him.At the same time, he looked at the boy behind him who was holding a crossbow and shooting enemies again and again, with a different meaning in his eyes.

"Hey, kid, be careful!" Seeing a flash of cold light from the corner of his eye, Wei Yan roared and kicked Zhou Buyi out. At the same time, a cold arrow also appeared in front of Zhou Buyi.

Looking at that posture, if Wei Yan hadn't kicked him just now, he might have confessed directly. Moreover, looking at the black color on the arrow cluster, Zhou Buji's face was also a little ugly.

"These barbarians are not very good at shooting, but there are quite a few ghosts here!"

"Be careful. Although the poison in Samoko's hand is not fatal, it is enough to make you uncomfortable for a while. Get back."

Wei Yan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Zhou Buyi was fine. He didn't care who Zhou Buyi's nephew was. He just thought that this kid was interesting. It would be a pity to die in the hands of these barbarians.

As a result, as soon as Wei Yan finished speaking, Zhou Buyi raised the crossbow again and fired the tooth blade towards him. An arrow pierced his face and brought out a line of blood.

However, there was a muffled sound behind him, and a barbarian fell to the ground.

Wei Yan, who turned around to continue fighting, also heard Zhou Buyi's cold voice.

"General Wei, just take care of yourself. If you die here, where will you get the credit for my work?"

"Hey, damn boy"

After hearing this, Wei Yan couldn't help but sneered, then continued to roar out and rushed out, fighting with the Wuxi barbarians who rushed over.

"Sirs, I am Zhou Buyi, and my uncle is Liu Xian, the prefect of Wuling.

He has now gathered troops and horses in Wuling County and will arrive soon. Don't worry!
kill! "

"Reinforcements are coming, fight to the end~"

"Kill the thief. If we win this battle, I will take out the Wuling treasury and reward the soldiers with great rewards!"

On this battlefield, Zhou Buyi shouted again and again with a hoarse voice, constantly using his special identity to boost morale.

As for whether these things are lies or not, who cares now? You can't surrender. If you don't want to die, you have to rush. It's something to encourage yourself, and it will make people more murderous.


Wei Yan's desperate counterattack made Shamoko outside also feel very bad.

He had already received the news, and now a troop of soldiers and horses appeared behind him under the banner of "Liu". He did not know that Liu Bei had arrived.

But even Liu Xian, the governor of Wuling, was a threat to him.

Although he has been temporarily delayed, no one knows how long it can be delayed. If Liu Xian breaks through the obstruction and rushes here to rescue the Han army in the camp opposite.

He will be really embarrassed by that time, and even his identity as the Barbarian King of Wuxi may not be preserved.

Thinking of this, Shamoko could only increase his bet again.

"Come here, go to the clan and ask the leaders of Lou Zhong Man, Lizhong Man and Ling Yang Man to also lead their troops.

Tell them that after the camp is broken, I am willing to share the mountains of food and supplies with them! "

At this moment, Shamoko looked at the countless grain and baggage trucks that were firmly protected in the camp, with deep greed in his eyes.

It even overwhelmed his sanity.

"I must get these things. If I get these, I can completely strengthen the tribe. At that time, I can even capture Wuling County."

 Chapter 5, thank you readers for your support this month.

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(End of this chapter)

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