Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 535 Jiageng Hao Zhao's Last Afterglow (2 more)

Chapter 535: Hao Zhao’s last afterglow (second update)
"Kill the enemy!"

With roars one after another, Hao Zhao began the last performance in his life.

This time, he will try his best!

Not long ago, after Jiang Jiong persuaded Wuwang to leave voluntarily, Lu Pan had already found Hao Zhao.

But this time, facing this old friend who had been with him through life and death for many years, Hao Zhao didn't hide anything and just asked him a very indifferent question.

"Do you want to fight to the death? Do you want to surrender?"

Simple and straightforward!

Lu Pan also looked at him for a long time, and then showed a meaningful smile.

"You are my brother, I can be your enemy!"

An extremely simple conversation, but also extremely sincere.

It was also a simple conversation that formulated Hao Zhao's current plan.

"If we are in Sanguan, although a certain family dare not say whether Zhuge Kongming will come back or not, as long as a certain family is still there, I am afraid that no one will be able to conquer Sanguan in a short time.

If you want to break the barrier, you have to pay ten times or even dozens of times the price!

But, I don’t know who it was that actually refused to fight with us in Sanguan. Instead, he used this method to make us have to leave the Sanguan place.

In this case, I will use offense instead of defense!

Regardless of whether this plan was planned by Zhuge Villager, he did it based on the importance of our military system.

In this case, he must also be someone who understands military affairs extremely well.

As the saying goes, know yourself and know the enemy.
They must have been prepared for such an ambush.

But no matter how they prepare, they still have to face the counterattack of King Wei's army!
Liang Xi, the governor of Bingzhou, was a famous general, and he was assisted by Liu Bao, the Xiongnu Zuoxian King, and others.

Once they react, or get orders from Yecheng, they will immediately send troops to Beidi County to fight for Beidi.

At that time, Zhuge Liang's army will no longer care about continuing to attack Chang'an.

As for the other groups of troops.
Huang Zhong is old. Even if he is brave, is it possible that he can really lead troops to attack cities and seize territory?
It is rare in the world for the ancients to fight on the battlefield. If he really has the ability to lead the army to attack the city and be the first to ascend.

Then God helps Liu Bei!
As for the other generals the news spread about, Wei Yan, Tian Yu, and Wu Lanpang
Not to mention that Wei Yan still had to stabilize the Longyou counties and was unable to mobilize many soldiers and horses, but the few generals from Xichuan.

How capable are they to bring in Xichuan's soldiers and horses?

It's just a bluff, and it won't bring many people with it. "

"Since you know this, why didn't you say it!" Lu Pan couldn't help but change his face after hearing Hao Zhao's words, "If you had said it?"

"I said that you are really willing to continue guarding in that Sanguan?

Even if we stay in Sanguan, how long can we hold on?
I was waiting in Sanguan because of the chaos in Liangzhou and the soldiers and horses in Chang'an.

At this time, problems have arisen on both sides. Even if we don't show our military morale, we can't keep it.

The generals under his command will also be worried about their families in Chang'an.

Instead of using these words to make the morale of the military even more unstable when the time comes, it is better to just give it a final try."

"A last ditch effort?"

“Since we have said that we know ourselves and our enemies, they certainly don’t have many soldiers and horses to call upon now, but do they really know something about us?

Over the years, Yongliang has been in such chaos. Qiang and Hu are everywhere and they live in groups. But why do we still have so few cavalry in our Han army?
At that time, Emperor Xiaowu devoted his entire country to raising 15 cavalry to conquer the Huns!
This sounds magnificent, but it is very difficult to do again.

That is, the war horses need water and grass to feed them, and the reason why they dared to let me wait out is because they have calculated that even though we still have cavalry under our command, there are not many cavalry left.

After all, there is no land of water and grass in Sanguan, let alone fertile land.

This is indeed the case. Hundreds of cavalry and more than a thousand war horses are already our limit.

But if this soldier and horse is used properly, it may not be impossible to achieve extraordinary feats." Under Hao Zhao's explanation and analysis, he and Lu Pan formulated such a surprising and even frightening plan.

His camp, his inspections, everything about him all fell into Zhuge Liang's plan.

Of course, he couldn't see where Zhuge Liang was now, and he didn't even know if the guy opposite him was Zhuge Liang.

But he knew that since he was able to force himself to this point, it must be a serious conspiracy under Liu Bei.

Even the real up-and-comers.

He was willing to cooperate with the other party, stepping into the other party's trap step by step, and then took the initiative to ignite the flame at the last moment.

Burn down the camp, frighten the horses, and use the last cavalry to rush out.
Behead in one battle!

Crazy Hao Zhao held a spear and immediately killed several Wudangfei soldiers who were charging towards them, and then rushed directly behind the frightened horse.

Yongliang's war horses have always been famous for their strength and endurance, and now they are even more frightened and charging all the way.

No matter that the useless flying army had great abilities and high morale, in this case, Hao Zhao directly rushed out a path stained red with their blood.

As the commander-in-chief, Wang Ping responded immediately.

Wang Ping, who was half-Bai, quickly stabilized the situation, then got out of the way and intercepted Hao Zhao.

But first of all, their stature is far less tall and powerful than the Yongliang knights beside Hao Zhao.

Secondly, they wanted to charge and kill them, and Hao Zhao was already prepared.

"Deer Pan!"

Following Hao Zhao's loud roar, Lieutenant General Lu Pan immediately led his troops and rushed towards the Wudang Feijun who dispersed and then encircled them.

Relying on the advantage of being taller and larger, they directly blocked these invading enemies, which were ten times their size.

Although he saw his soldiers falling beside him one by one, Lu Pan still did not flinch or be afraid at all.

"Lu Pan is here, who dares to take my head!"

As Lu Pan roared, Wang Ping, who had touched him at some point, leaped onto his horse.

Then the long knife slashed across it, and the head fell to the ground without even closing its mouth.
"Kill the thief!"

The fighting in the camp became even more chaotic, and Hao Zhao finally broke out of the chaotic camp that was burning with raging fire.

Looking at the pitch-black night and the rain of arrows falling on them and behind them, he immediately chose his direction based on years of experience.

"Follow me and kill!"

With this roar, Hao Zhao rushed towards the place where Zhuge Liang was. The direction was right, and the plan was even more correct.

What's wrong is that someone always calculates one step further than him.


With this muffled sound, Hao Zhao, who finally saw the light of day, fell directly into the pit with his men and horses before he could fight in front of Zhuge Liang.

And more than a hundred ambushed company soldiers fired ruthless arrows directly at the panicked soldiers under his command.

Death and injury suddenly appeared again.

At the same time, Hao Zhao, who finally recovered from the trap, also secretly took out a bow and arrow, intending to use his good shooting ability to take away one more person before his death.

But when he started shouting loudly.

What answered him was not Zhuge Kongming's appearance, but a cold order.

"Shoot him!"

Immediately, more than a hundred soldiers raised their crossbows and fired their weapons directly at him.

Hundreds of arrows turned him into a hedgehog in a deep pit in just a moment.
(End of this chapter)

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