Chapter 539 Guan Yun Changye County Destroys the Enemy, Tiger and Leopard Riders Return to the Battlefield—Part [-] (fourth update)

Accompanied by Guan Ping's shout, the army rushed towards Cao Ren's army again.

The cavalrymen who rushed into their own camp were first ambushed by crossbowmen, and then were blocked by horse ropes and other objects.

In the end, Wang Tu, as the commander-in-chief, was timid at first, then escaped, and was finally killed on the spot by Guan Ping, the son of Guan Yu.

The morale was so low that they had no intention of continuing the war.

On the other hand, after Guan Yu's army dealt with this cavalry, their momentum suddenly increased again, especially when Guan Ping held Wang Tu's head and shouted all the way as he charged towards Cao Ren's middle army.

Guan Yu even personally led the five hundred school swordsmen to become truly sharp spearheads and directly broke through Cao Ren's camp.

This is a real duel on the battlefield. Cao Ren, who was called the bravery of heaven and man back then, has now become a world-famous iron wall general.

And this iron wall was also pierced by Guan Yu from the front today, telling Cao Ren that the iron wall should hide behind the city wall!

Accompanied by the sound of killing, Guan Yu was getting closer and closer to Cao Ren, and the anger and murderous intent in Guan Yu's eyes made Cao Ren uncontrollably cold and shivering

In the end, Cao Ren failed to maintain his last dignity and refused to retreat.

After looking at Guan Yu's frantic charge, he decisively chose to evacuate, and then personally ordered his general Zhang Shun to lead the troops to break up the rear.

As a result, he led the main force to escape, while Zhang Shun, who was responsible for breaking up the rear, died among the rebels.

After beheading this person, Guan Yu did not stop. After a loud roar, the army rushed towards Xuchang again.

"Back then, my eldest brother, Bowang Po, caught fire in front of him and wanted to raid Xudu to welcome His Majesty back. Unexpectedly, there were obstacles before and after him, so he had no choice but to move to Wancheng.

How can I turn a blind eye when I come here again today?
All soldiers, follow me and kill! "

Under Guan Yu's roars and roars, the army rushed eastward along the road where Liu Bei failed.

In this way, he majesticly entered Yingchuan County in Yuzhou.

In the next moment, we must first defeat Yangzhai, then fight Xuchang, capture Pei State, and finally encircle Runan, attack from front to back, and advance into the Central Plains.
If everything goes so smoothly, then Guan Yu will really become the number one general in the world in the next moment, and his status will catch up with Wei and Huo.

It's a pity that God does not follow people's wishes after all.

Just when Guan Yu's army advanced directly into Yingchuan County, preparing to march straight into Xuchang and occupy a foothold, a group of soldiers and horses appeared in front of him.

The horses of Yi Shui'er in Northern Xinjiang are covered with the finest armor, and the war horses also have their own horses, as well as sharp and strong horses.

The crossbows and Ganshou swords on their waists prove that their close combat capabilities cannot be underestimated by anyone.

And on the periphery of this army of soldiers and horses, there were no less numerous cavalrymen than them, who were equally well-armored but lighter.

It's just that compared to the calmness of those heavily armored knights, they hold longbows, have at least three pots of arrows behind them, and wear hideous visors on their faces.

He looks like he is quite good at riding and shooting.

The two cavalry have me in you and you in me, but they will not affect each other, but will cooperate with each other.

The light cavalry attacked to cover, and the heavy cavalry attacked to crush them. In front of them, a large flag with the word "Tiger and Leopard" was fluttering in the wind.

And Cao Chun, the general of the Cao clan who has lived to this day, also despises the invading enemies in front of him.

"Cao Chun."

"Attack!" Compared to Guan Yu and others, their eyes were deep and their tone was solemn.

Cao Chun, on the other hand, was very direct. He immediately rushed out with the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry after giving the order.

The Leopard Cavalry advanced first and blocked the attack of Guan Yu's army with mounted fire. The Tiger Cavalry then directly attacked Guan Yu's central army.

They are also cavalry, but the tiger and leopard cavalry's fighting style is more upright, and it also gives Guan Yu more headache. Faced with such a situation, what he can do is really very little.

"Crossbowman, hurry!"

"Stop, stop them!"

Amid Guan Yu's orders, Guan Yu's army and the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry clashed again, but in the face of such elites, Guan Yu could only do nothing.

Don't say that Guan Yu is getting older now. Even if his physical strength has returned to that of the White Horse Battle, facing this situation now, he can only retreat temporarily to avoid its sharp edge.
"Behead Guan Yu, kill!"

"Take off that bearded man's head, and I will lead you to promotion and fortune!"

"Rush over, kill Guan Yu and you will be famous all over the world!"

With shouts and shouts, the tiger and leopard cavalry's charge became more and more fierce. After a brief confrontation and stalemate, Guan Yu's soldiers felt obviously depressed.

The most powerful armored soldier in the world, Cao's Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is still as prestigious as it was in the past.


When Guan Yu found that his soldiers were beginning to be unable to resist, he immediately ordered a slow retreat, and then personally led his elite soldiers to break up the rear with his own troops.

Fighting and leaving allowed the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry to win a great victory but could not immediately expand their results.

At the same time, during the retreat, Guan Yu constantly directed his soldiers to change directions, making full use of the geographical location to delay time and reduce the power of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry.

With the help of various methods, Guan Yu was finally able to slowly evacuate and leave the Yuzhou battlefield.

But this time, even though he evacuated, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry and Cao Ren, who had made a comeback, seemed not to let him go.

Not only did they continue to look for opportunities behind him, but they were also constantly mobilizing troops from all walks of life.

Constantly mobilize the rear generals, such as Le Lin, Xu Fang, Li Long, Li Bao, Zhou Dang and other rising stars to lead troops.

At the same time, Gallop ordered Xu Huang from Luoyang to continue to advance troops and directly led the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses that had just been trained towards Nanyang.

Faced with this situation, Guan Yu could only retreat again and again, constantly retreating to return to Wancheng.

And at this moment, the most fatal thing happened, that is, something happened to the guard stationed in Wancheng.
In mobilizing the army this time, Guan Yu can be said to have gone out in full force. Except for Wenpin and others who went out to Jiangxia, they could not act rashly. Others have been mobilized to Guan Yu and other three armies.

This also resulted in the emptiness of many city guards, and Wancheng was naturally the first to bear the brunt.

Guan Yu now ordered Hou Yin, the former Wancheng school captain, to garrison Wancheng, and at the same time ordered Niu Jin, the surrendered general, to supervise the grain and grass in the rear.

With various arrangements, there was no problem.

But I don't know if Guan Yu is too arrogant, or because of other reasons.

Niu Jin, who had always been afraid of Guan Yu, suddenly took action at this time. He pretended to open the gate of Nawan City and then directly attacked and killed the guard Hou Yin.

Then shut out Guan Yu.
Zhao Lei on the other side also had an accident almost at the same time.
(End of this chapter)

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