Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 555 What is counted and what is not counted (2 more)

Chapter 555 Counted and Uncounted—Part [-] (Part [-])
"What Guan Yu is doing now is nothing more than luring the enemy deeper.

I want to wander around in Nanyang, and while constantly dragging the battlefield, I also buy more time for my rear to stock up on food, grass and supplies.

In the end, we must wait for the opportunity to set up such a strong camp at Queweipo."

At this time in Xuchang City, Jia Xu was pointing at the map in front of him and analyzing the current war situation to everyone.

"If you want to lure the enemy deep, you want to gather them together and annihilate them, but Guan Yu does not have enough troops under his command, and no general can do this.

Zhang Ren is a famous general in Xichuan, but when it comes to the world, he may not have any effect even if he suddenly emerges.

We have also found traces of Liu Bei's remaining generals.

Just relying on Zhang Ren and Gan Ning is not enough, so what Guan Yu wants to win this time is not relying on surprise troops, but relying on good timing."

When Jia Xu said this, everyone understood his thoughts.

It rains a lot in Jingzhou, especially when Jingzhou enters the plum rain season, it will rain continuously. Although it is not heavy, it is definitely a trouble.

They had suffered this kind of pain before, and now they nodded slightly when they heard what Jia Xu said.

"When the rainy season comes, if someone destroys the dam, it will definitely cause the Han River to collapse. When that time comes, General Cao Ren and others stationed at the foot of Quewei Slope may really be plotted by Guan Yu.


At this time, Jiang Ji's face was a little gloomy, and he was a little embarrassed as to whether he should say it out loud.

"Whatever Zitong wants to say can be said over there. Why is it necessary?"

When Cao Mengde saw Jiang Ji's appearance, how could he not know what he was thinking? It's just that these words were more appropriate for him to say than to say them himself.

After Jiang Ji heard Cao Cao's words, he stopped talking. Seeing that he was surrounded by his confidants, he stepped forward and nodded slightly to Jia Xu, while bowing to Cao Mengde.

"King Wei, Ji doesn't have any doubts about what Duke Jia said, but what Ji doesn't understand is why the Zhu Ling must be used?"

Jiang Ji's words made it very clear. Zhu Ling was a famous general and a very capable general, but he was not a suitable general to be released.

After the war stopped that year, Cao Mengde looked for an opportunity to relinquish Zhu Ling's military power, and then handed all his subordinates into Yu Jin's hands.

What is the reason for this? Although it is not very clear now, it is undeniable that although Zhu Ling has the title of Hou General and Gaotang Marquis.

But there is also a past of being released by Guan Yu, and if there is no one available for this kind of people, why must he be used!

Jiang Ji didn't understand this, and when Jia Xu looked at the faces of the others, he knew that many of them didn't understand either.

However, when Jia Xu looked at Sima Yi, who was thoughtful but restrained all his emotions, his brows raised slightly.

An inexplicable smile appeared in his heart.

"It is said that Sima Yi is a figure like Yang Xiu next to the prince. Now it seems that how can Yang Xiu compare with him?"

Although he could see a lot of things, Jia Xu didn't show it at all. He just smiled in silence and waited for Cao Mengde's call before he stood up and continued to explain. "Of course Zhu Ling is not worthy of appointment!" Jia Xu said without hesitation, which made everyone a little uproar, "But he does have to be used.

Because we don’t know whether it was Zhang Ren or Gan Ning who attacked this time, or even whether it was one person or more people.

Zhu Ling should not lead troops in that place, whether for public or private purposes.

But only when he appears can he try out what Guan Yu's next method will be. "

"What does this have to do with Zhu Ling?"

"Because Zhu Ling may be dissatisfied, but his son is still in Yecheng after all, so he probably won't surrender in this battle.

And neither Zhang Ren nor Gan Ning can defeat him head-on at this time.
If we spend time and time plotting, then the other person is probably plotting Jiangdong, and we can rest assured. "

"Then if Zhu Ling did it on purpose?" Jiang Ji was not a fool, and he knew Zhu Ling very well.

son?When his whole family was chopped into pieces, did he frown?

This person's virtue is indeed good, but his character is much stronger than Ma Chao.

"What he wants is that he failed on purpose!" Jia Xu suddenly chuckled at the doctor, and then continued to speak to the crowd, "Didn't you realize that there are a few fewer people under King Wei's command?"

"Huh?" After Jiang Ji heard these words, he recalled that during the past few days of discussions, several juniors he was very optimistic about did not seem to be present.

At first, because they were concerned about the war and the King of Wei didn't say anything, that was all. Now that I think about it,
"Promote the younger generation?" Jiang Ji seemed to understand something in his heart, but he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "It's a pity that Zhu Ling is also a famous general.

I don’t know how many people envied me back then, but now I have ended up like this.
It’s time and destiny! "

Naturally, the emotions in his heart could not be expressed, or Jiang Ji himself understood that if he were asked to do this, he might do the same thing.

After Hebei surrendered, Zhu Ling's prestige was still too high after all!
After understanding this, Jiang Ji and others finally stopped saying anything and concentrated on inquiring about the wars in various places, and then looked to see if there were any omissions.
In April of the 24th year of Jian'an, Zhang Ren sent troops to Shangyong with the intention of directly destroying the dams on the upper reaches of the Han River, thereby flooding Jingzhou and relieving Guan Yu.

Encountering Zhu Ling's obstruction in the middle, a big battle broke out. Unfortunately, although Zhang Ren was quite famous in Xichuan, after entering the battlefield in the world, he really couldn't perform well.

Zhang Ren failed to break through Zhu Ling's defense in a battle, and naturally he was unable to complete his mission.

Fortunately, he had quite a bit of strategy. After finding it difficult to break through, he immediately pretended to be defeated and seemed to want to lure Zhu Ling into being chased.

But the fact is that Zhu Ling remained motionless and did not give him this chance at all.

After discovering that his strategy failed, Zhang Ren used his tactics again. On the one hand, he asked his soldiers and horses to put up more flags and pretended to be defeated to continue tempting Zhu Ling. On the other hand, he directly led some of his soldiers and horses to bypass Zhu Ling. Jump over from the other direction.

This was also discovered by Zhu Ling, and this time he directly used an ambush to drive Zhang Ren back personally.

And he followed and chased Zhang Ren all the way, as if he wanted to kill him.

Until he saw Zhang Ren's ambush at Liangshan Road!
Arrows were flying and ambushes were everywhere, finally giving Zhu Ling a "surprise".

(End of this chapter)

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