Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 569 Killing Ling Tong, Defeating Lu Su (4 more)

Chapter 569: Kill Ling Tong and defeat Lu Su (fourth update)
"General, it's getting late, why don't you go to bed earlier."

In Jiangdong Lingtong's military tent, a personal guard looked at Ling Tong who was still reading with a lamp on, and couldn't help but stepped forward and said softly.

In the eyes of the general, General Ling Tong was more than just a general. As a young man, he went on an expedition with great bravery.

After his father died on the battlefield, he took over the military power in his father's hands, and then followed Wu Hou to fight in the north and south, and never retreated in the battlefield.

When attacking, he must be the vanguard in every battle, and when retreating, he will save the Marquis of Wu from difficulties.

Facing Zhang Liao, who was called Jiangdong's nightmare, he dared to step forward without hesitation and leap on his horse to meet the enemy.

He has made numerous military exploits over the years and has reached the position of general at a young age. No one in Jiangdong can object to him.
This year, he is only 31 years old!
Young, brave, and loyal, there is no doubt about Ling Tong's ability, and his prestige in the military is needless to say.

The only thing that makes people feel uneasy is that since the year before last, Ling Tong's body has become weaker and weaker. It is said that it is because of the recurrence of old injuries from these years of fighting.

Fortunately, in the past few years, the Marquis of Wu no longer sent troops rashly and began to govern within Jiangdong, which allowed Ling Tong to relax.

At this moment, Ling Tong just smiled slightly as he looked at the guard beside him with a bit of reverence and worry in his eyes.

“My health has become worse and worse over the years, and I always feel that time is running fast and there is never enough.

Now, while you are still young and strong, you should study the art of war.

Not only do I want to set an example, but I also want to write down these skills and leave them to future generations as a legacy."

Ling Tongyi finished speaking with a smile on his face, then picked up the military book again and looked at the contents on it, feeling more and more satisfied in his heart.

Over the years, he has done everything he should and can do. Marquis Wu values ​​and respects his colleagues, and he has two sons who are well-behaved and obedient.
It can be said that Ling Tong felt that although his life looked quite miserable to outsiders, he was already very satisfied.

If you have to say that there is still some dissatisfaction, it should be that your father's hatred has not been avenged!

"Gan Xingba, General Zhou once said that if you show up, you will definitely pass through this place and cut off Lu Su's retreat.
I've been waiting for you for so long, why don't you show up, but I'm afraid"

The book of war was in hand, but Ling Tong's thoughts were somewhere else, and his eyes became darker.

But Ling Tong didn't know that the enemy who killed his father and was waiting for him had already opened the gate of his water village with seven feather arrows.

Gan Ning is a master of shooting, walking freely on the boat like a dragon in the night. He has excellent water skills and has a group of water soldiers who can definitely be regarded as elite.

Jiao Zhouji first shot and killed the spies and scouts outside, then lurked into the outskirts of the camp. While shooting the guards, he swam into the camp as a water ghost and easily opened the gate of the water village.

At the moment when the sound of shouting and killing appeared, Ling Tong, who was reading a book, stood up abruptly.

Ships surged in the water village, and a large number of ships began to move. Ling Tong immediately dressed neatly and walked to the deck.


The moment Sha Lingtong just appeared, his ears moved slightly and he heard a familiar voice, his face changed and he immediately stepped aside.


A feather arrow pierced directly into the heart of the guard behind Ling Tong. If he had not dodged just now, he would have been seriously injured after this arrow.

"Ling Tong, today your Grandpa Gan is sending you to see that damn father. Come here and die!"

Accompanied by the appearance of Yu Jian, a roar of arrogant laughter also appeared, and Gan Ning, who was attacking the camp at night with soldiers and horses, also appeared in front of Ling Tong at the same time. "Gan Ning." Ling Tong, who was quite calm at first, immediately turned red when he saw Gan Ning's appearance, "Kill him!"

The revenge of killing the father is not shared by the sky!

No matter how amazingly Ling Tong has grown over the years, the moment he saw Gan Ning, he was still that desperate young man.

It was him who allowed himself to bear all the pain alone for so many years.

kill him!It is my lifelong long-cherished wish!

Ling Tong's desperate charge naturally fell into Gan Ning's calculations. After a brief confrontation, he evacuated without hesitation, then he launched a crazy pursuit, and finally...
"Surround and kill Ling Tong!"

In the chaotic water village, Ling Tong could not imagine that Gan Ning would dare to set up an ambush in such an environment.

The warships rushing from all directions, the arrows flying over one by one, the Zhuge Liannu and the Jinfanying, this kind of power directly turned the guards around Ling Tong into hedgehogs.

Soon, he himself was hit by several arrows and blocked the deck. Using his last strength, Ling Tong wanted to jump into the river in search of the slim chance of survival.

"Jingle bell~"

The copper bell sounded like a gorgeous piece of music, and the sound of chains came from behind him.

At this moment, Ling Tong smiled wryly, and closed his eyes in pain amidst the howling wind.
In the autumn of the 24th year of Jian'an, Xiakou fought against Gan Ning and attacked Jiangdong general Ling Tong who was ambushing him. He killed more than a thousand enemies in one battle and killed Jiangdong general Ling Tong in formation.

After that, the army continued to charge forward without hesitation.

Lu Su, another general in Jiangdong, reacted immediately after hearing this, preparing to lead his troops to withdraw from the battlefield and find a new foothold.

But before he could react, a series of smoke rose slowly behind him, and Wen Pin and Liu Zan no longer hesitated when they saw the smoke.


Amidst the roars of the two men, the army pounced directly on Lu Su, biting him tightly and preventing him from any possibility of escape.
The smoke from behind was getting closer and closer, and the scouts came to report that Gan Ning was close at hand. In order to save hope, Lu Su had to cut off his wrist.

First, General Dai Lie commanded more than half of the army to block the charge of Wenpin and Liuzan, and he personally led other troops to prepare to evacuate first.

Go to Nanjun to meet Zhou Yu, and then plan the future.

But Lu Su had just arranged his troops and horses, and he was directly attacked by Gan Ning on the way.

Gan Ning let the main force light up the beacon fire all the way, creating the illusion that he was pressing forward step by step, and joined Wenpin to attack together.

However, he led the five hundred warriors to take the first step directly on the stern and other fast ships, and stopped on the final road of Lu Su's retreat to Nanjun.

Sure enough, Lu Su was ambushed in this battle.

As a meeting gift, Gan Ning shot Lu Su in the back with a cold arrow, causing Lu Su, who was full of horror and disbelief, to fall into the rolling river.

Wenpin and Liuzan on the other side were under fierce attack. Liuzan personally boarded the enemy ship and killed the Jiangdong general Dai Lie.

Great victory in this battle!
(End of this chapter)

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