Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 576 Taoyuan 1 Dream (5 more)

Chapter 576: A Dream in Taoyuan ([-]th update)

In the first year of Zhongping, the world was turbulent, and an invisible pressure seemed to be pressing on the hearts of people in the world.

At this time, in a peach orchard in the back mountain of Zhuo County, the county seat of Youzhou County, four young people of different shapes were having a good time drinking.

One person had his arms crossed over his knees and was sitting upright, with a kind smile on his face that made people want to get close to him.

The other man had a dark complexion, a majestic figure, and a loud and heroic voice. From time to time he burst into hearty laughter and invited drinks!
There was another man who was tall and majestic, with a long beard that had just begun to appear. His expression was indifferent but also a bit cold. He was obviously white but quite confident. It seemed that he could sense an arrogance that was not weaker than anyone else in the world.

As for the last one, he was half-lying on the cushion, with his elbows on the ground and his head supported by his palms. He had no manners to say, but he was content.

The four people had different shapes but were unprepared for each other. They were extremely harmonious, and they burst into hearty laughter while chatting and laughing.

Halfway through the "wine banquet", a problem suddenly arose among them.

"If we really have this opportunity in the future, what dreams do you have to fulfill?"

The question came so suddenly that even the person who asked the question fell into silence. The atmosphere among the four people fell into a stalemate at this moment.

I don’t know how much time passed, or how much he drank, but Liu Bei suddenly spoke leisurely.

"If I had ever thought about having a canopy above my head when I was young, and becoming a powerful person in the world, I would be able to wake up and hold the power of the world while lying drunk on the knees of a beautiful woman.
But after so many years, I realize how ridiculous children's words are.

How difficult it is to support a family.
Over the years, life has gradually gotten better, and I have gained many more hobbies.

But if you really want me to do something, I hope to be able to stand out in the future and do something for the world."

"Xuande, what do you want to do for the world?"

"What to do?" Liu Bei looked at Fa Xiao Jian Yong opposite him, and finally couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Bei doesn't know, just do what you can.

Let them live and let more people live, that's all. "

"Well, then you have to learn something!" Jian Yong suddenly screamed strangely and showed his yellow teeth towards Liu Bei, "Why don't Jian give you his ability to get close to others?"

"Nonsense, you'd better keep your ability to pretend to be dead to yourself, I don't even bother to do such stupid things!"

"Hey, you and I are close friends, but I can still trick you. If you want to go further, you have to live longer.

He will pretend to be dead at the critical moment but he won't die."

"I have a lot of virtues, why do you need you to teach me such things!"

Liu Bei's words did not arouse any competition, and no one bowed to him. On the contrary, they aroused the interest of several other people.

After Liu Bei, everyone also turned their attention to Guan Yu.

The gazes of everyone made Guan Yu, a young man who exuded confidence, couldn't help but blush. Fortunately, his face was rosy, so no one thought much about it.

"Yu" Guan Yu pondered for a moment, suddenly thinking of his wife and children far away in his hometown, his father and mother who didn't know if they could help take care of him, and the corrupt officials and evil gentry who forced him to kill people and escape.
"If one day, Yu wants to go all over the world's cities, counties, and kill all the corrupt officials in the world, as well as those powerful and evil gentry who don't do anything to others."

"Hahahahaha, second brother, that's right!" Zhang Fei, who was already drunk, shouted, "But you must stay away from Jian Xian and this kid.

Among our group, this guy is the only one who does nothing all day long! "

"Zhang Yide, if you drink, just drink. What if I can't stop your mouth?" Jian Yong's face darkened at these words, "Didn't I just drink a few jars of your wine?"

"You stole half of my Lao Zhang's wine cellar, and you have the nerve to say so!"

"That's because your father said that at your age, you drink all day long and don't marry a wife, which doubles your family's head tax. Let me help you quit drinking."


"That's all, where are you Yide!" Liu Bei quickly grabbed the two of them, and then turned his attention to Zhang Fei, "If you achieve something in the future, what are your plans?"

"In the future." Zhang Fei scratched his hair vigorously, and then he waved his hands in a very heroic manner, "If that day really comes in the future, I, Lao Zhang, will lead another army to go out to conquer Wuhuan Xianbei and Naoshizi outside the Great Wall. The Qiang and Di Xiongnu.

Those foreign races have become more and more outrageous in recent years. Several relatives of my father-in-law's family lived in Yuyang, and they were all killed by that bastard slut!
If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely let them see how good I am! "

After Zhang Fei finished speaking, he seemed to get excited. He waved the wine jar in his hand as if he was waving some magic weapon, and his roars and roars were accompanied by bursts of whistling sounds.

"This barbarian really has a lot of strength."

When Jian Yong and others saw Zhang Fei's tossing back and forth, they couldn't help but shake their heads and sigh with emotions in their hearts.

The three of them had finished speaking, and their eyes naturally fell on Jian Yong. The half-smiling expression made Jian Yong feel a little embarrassed for the first time.

"Hey, why are you all looking at me like this?
Xuande, you know me, but you are either disciples of Confucianism, extraordinary bravery, or imposing manners
Look at me, I'm just a lazy rogue from the county. If I have no family background and no ability, I will joke with you and talk nonsense.

You let me. I can't do anything! "

After Jian Yong finished speaking, he seemed to be very satisfied with his state of being incapable of doing anything, being unable to do anything, and having nothing left to eat.

There really is no shame at all.

It's a pity that with his lazy temper, it's fine if he just deceives others, but those here... especially Liu Bei, who grew up with him almost naked.

Just looking at him with eyes full of smiles was enough to make him slowly lower his head.

"Xuande, don't look at me like this, I'm not the one"

"You just got married. Don't do anything to make her feel sorry for her. I won't do that."


"That's all!" In the end, Jian Yong couldn't stand it anymore and waved his arms repeatedly, "I am really incompetent. The only thing that is useful is being shameless and good at talking.

If there is such a day, I would like to take a look outside my big man.

Follow the example of Ban Dingyuan in those days, go out of Yangguan, enter the Western Regions, and then lead the way to the Western Regions, so that countless foreign countries can come to my Han Dynasty and see the majesty of our Han Dynasty! "

That year, the four young people had a long, long dream in this small Taoyuan.

In the dream, they became kings respected by all people, good ministers feared by corrupt officials, generals who made foreigners surrender, and visitors to a country who attracted congratulations from all over.
That year, one of them was a descendant of the imperial family who had just needed to sell straw sandals to survive and was no longer recognized.

One is a fugitive who committed murder and almost ended up hiding outside the Great Wall with nowhere to go.

One is a rough guy from the county who has been harassed and worried by his family all day long and can't even find a wife.

One is a rogue who wants to do nothing but only make jokes.
 The memories stop here, after all, the curtain of the older generation is about to end.

  Don’t worry, there will be extra extras in the evening!

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(End of this chapter)

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