Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 586 Lu Xun, who is at the peak of his debut (2 more)

Chapter 586 Lu Xun is at the peak of his debut—Part [-] (second update)
The war in Yuzhang County directly caused great turmoil within Jiangdong.

As Jiang Ji said before, Cao's army swept through the two counties of Yuzhang, and the direct impact was to make the people's hearts that had just been stabilized by Ruxuwu become unstable again.

Especially those local aristocratic families in Jiangdong sent secret letters one after another, as if they wanted to open the gate of Jiangdong in person.

Jiang Ji and Zang Ba both looked excited.

"Xuan Gao, take a look at this!"

One day, Jiang Ji couldn't help laughing out loud when he looked at the secret message in his hand, and even invited Zang Ba over to watch the joyful thing that was hard to find in this world.

"Well" Zang Ba, who was still a little confused at first, took the letter from Jiang Ji and his eyes widened as soon as he took a look at it, "Is this Lu Xun's?"

The two armies were fighting. Lu Xun, the governor of Jiangdong who was personally appointed by Sun Quan in Jiangdong and commanded almost all the available troops under Sun Quan, wrote a secret letter to Cao Jun.

Moreover, his words were full of flattery, and it was clear that he wanted to surrender.
"Hahahaha." Zang Ba couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh after seeing the letter, "This Lu Xun...haha, if this letter had been delivered to Sun Quan's hands, I don't know what Sun Quan would have guessed!"

After a burst of laughter, Zang Ba suddenly came back to his senses, looked at it again, and finally asked Jiang Ji softly.

Is this letter trustworthy?

After all, this fraudulent surrender is not a rare thing.
But after Jiang Ji saw this letter, he already believed [-]% of it.

"Ji doesn't think this is a plan to fake surrender. Although Lu Xun has some reputation, he is nothing more than a member of the Shanyue Conquest in Jiangdong.

As for those under his command, Bu Zhao, the only one with some fame, was just a person with a false reputation, who was defeated by Guan Yu in a battle.

The rest is nothing more than some achievements in suppressing bandits, but they have never gained much publicity.

And he, Lu Xuna, was from Wu County and was also known as one of the four powerful families in Wu County. Although the letter did not say anything explicitly, it also mentioned the battle of the Lujiang River that year.

Although Sun Ce came here under orders, most of the Lu family was lost in this battle.

It would be a helpless move for both parties to judge the situation based on reason, but it would also be reasonable if the two sides judge it based on emotion.

Secondly, we are waiting for the army to suppress the border, and all the people in Jiangdong are looking forward to surrendering as soon as possible, so as to avoid the danger of being destroyed.

Others surrendered, but he, Lu Xun, did the same! "

Jiang Ji looked at the sincere and humble letter. After reading it several times, he couldn't find any omissions. Moreover, Lu Xun's reasons were also very reasonable.
Most importantly, since they entered Jiangdong, they have always taken the initiative.

Even though there were some problems in Ruxuwu, they still took the initiative when they entered Yuzhang County.

In this series of pursuits and battles, they have won consecutive battles, and their morale is so high that it is staggering.
On the other hand, the Jiangdong side is retreating step by step, which is so desolate.
They also saw through Yuzhang's strategies such as digging for water. Jiang Ji really couldn't find any reason to doubt Lu Xun's thoughts.

Of course, he didn't completely believe the other party.

"General Zang Ba, since Lu Xun is willing to surrender, why not let him show his sincerity first.

As long as we can destroy the Jiangdong army, so what if he pretends to surrender? "

Jiang Ji's words made Zang Ba nod again and again, this is indeed the best way.The ensuing battle also made Jiang Ji and Zang Ba believe Lu Xun's words even more.

Under the leadership of Lu Xun, the Jiangdong army retreated continuously for more than a hundred miles, and it was not until they finally stopped their decline in the Shiting area.

But at this time, Jiangdong's troops and horses had been reduced by nearly [-]%, and the reason why the decline was stopped was not because Lu Xun fell out.

But Lu Xun was ignored.

The commanding flag of the army changed from the word "Lu" to the word "Zhu". According to reports from Cao Jun's scouts, there had been a mutiny among the soldiers and horses in the east of the Yangtze River.

Sun Quan's confidant Zhu Zhi's adopted son Zhu Ran brazenly took away Lu Xun's military power and turned him over to Sun Quan, asking Sun Quan to punish him.
Before leaving, Lu Xun secretly sent people to tell Jiang Ji these things, and asked them to quickly break through Zhu Ran's troops and go to rescue him.

With the cooperation of Lu Xun, Jiang Ji and Zang Ba led Cao's army with high morale and went straight to the stone pavilion.

The two sides began to fight day and night in Shiting. Zhu Ran set up camp, built a heavy defensive Malu stronghold, and set up many defensive zones.

But because of Lu Xun's betrayal, the outer defenses were completely defeated without even holding on for three days.

This time, all worries of Zang Ba and Jiang Ji were dispelled.


With a roar, the two sides began the final fight around Zhu Ran's last line of defense, the camp.

After breaking through this place, Jiangdong's army was completely destroyed, the interior was empty, and Jiangdong had no place to turn.

If it can't be broken, Jiang Ji can't find a reason why he will lose.

The fighting began, and this time Jiang Ji and Zang Ba once again felt the feeling of being in Ruxuwu. The impenetrable tightness made them always be repelled when they had the most hope.

once. twice
It was not until more than ten days later that the casualties on both sides had reached a very miserable level. Jiang Ji also mobilized all the troops and horses he could mobilize here.

And Lu Xun finally came to his ambush.
In May of the 25th year of Jian'an, it took two months for the Jiangdong War to break out. Jiang Ji and Zang Ba swept across Yuzhang and other places, and Lu Xun retreated into Shiting in succession.

After the handover of military power, Zhu Ran used [-] elite troops to disguise himself as Jiangdong's army, and defended the key points of Shiting to fight with Cao's army to the death.

The other soldiers and horses stayed in hiding during the day and went out at night. Under the leadership of Lu Xun, they left the camp and laid several ambushes in the Shiting area.

When the battle between the two sides was in full swing, Cao Jun retreated and attacked boldly at dusk.

Hundreds of warriors who dared to die, wearing raincoats and carrying dry firewood on their backs, set themselves on fire and burned themselves into the camp of Cao's army.

Forcibly burning Cao Jun's camp, several armies rushed towards Cao Jun's position from all directions, and surrounded Jiang Ji and Zang Ba, who were completely relieved.

Cao Jun tried to break out of the siege, but Lu Xun let them go while surrounding them again.

Using a command method that is almost incomprehensible to ordinary people, the [-] elite Cao soldiers were continuously divided and stripped, and finally captured in one fell swoop.
At the same time, Xiahou Dun in Ruxukou did not know that such a big change had occurred in Yuzhang.

But he received a secret message from Ru Xu. Zhu Huan's deputy general, Lang General Yin Yi, secretly told Xiahou Dun that he wanted to surrender in order to gain wealth.
(End of this chapter)

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